Please provide a screenshot of the key being sent?
You should cover up part or all of the key in the screenshot. I think they want the screenshot in the ticket history in case of any dispute in the future, in the case of winner being unresponsive. If he comes back later and says "He never sent me the key, he's a liar!"
It is probably easier to ask us to make our own screenshots instead of having support to go in and make screenshots of every single request.
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Ah right, I'm so used to support (not SG, just in general) asking "please do not under any circumstance tamper with the screenshot" that it didn't come to my mind. I'll have to learn how to take a screenshot on a damned Mac first though :x
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5 worked, ty ^^ Windows literally has a "print screen" key, and yet people say macOS is more user-friendly, go figure :D
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Aye, but the mac shift-Cmd-4 works just like the snipping tool. You just drag it over the part you want to copy rather than the entire screen like "print screen" does. =) I honestly prefer that. ^^
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ALT+PRNTSCR captures only the active window instead of the whole desktop, by the way (but yeah, most of the time I prefer Snipping Tool as well).
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I had same situation and I was wondered as well.
Cause, in fact, if system is developed properly, every move of user could be tracked by system (that's why gifter see eye icon that's point that winner saw gift key). So I still don't understand why any proves are requested, since ALL user actions are tracked and recorded?
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Yeah I realize I forgot to mention that in my OP, but in this case the key was sent via the standard system on SG, where you enter the key right when you create the GA and click on "send" when the GA ends.
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This is a normal/ reasonable ask. Just take a screenshot, obscure part of the key, and send it to support. Make sure to leave the front unobstructed so it’s clear to support whether the winner has viewed the key.
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Thanks. I still find it surprising that support doesn't have proper tools to track things such as "time key was sent, time (if any) key was revealed". Because asking for screenshots is nice, but they're so easy to fake they just don't prove anything... and are certainly less efficient than a simple timestamp logged along the giveaway data
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ow, Idk but since I subscribed here and had these problems I've always been asked to provide a screenshot with part of the key blackened out.. so I do this every time, both for request received feedback and reroll for a new winner.. I never actually delved so deep in this =P I just take the screenshot with the send button, my name on the upper right part of the screen, 1 week + passed and so on.. and the key blackened out just with MS Paint.. so I don't know the deep reasons but for sure it's been around for 2 years at least, my time here =P can't talk about 3+ years ago!
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Wow, that's so surprising that we've had such a different experience in all that time! I've have a bunch of rerolls, and that's the first time I'm asked for this, and you've had your bunch of rerolls and you've been asked for it every time... It's like, we've both had our own half of support so far, and I just got switched to your half :D
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ahahah I think the same!! in my first year here I was answered just by two moderators if I remember well and I just went back to my closed support tickets, the first one (from a mod no longer active here for many months) had among the other requests these lines:
"You could upload it on imgur and post the link here. If a key is visible, be sure to hide part of the key before you do so.
Standard procedure in case they contact us about it."
so I kind of thought it was something every moderator requested and I just opened another support ticket today (winner after 7+ days viewed the key and didn't answer nor gave feedback but he has the key seen and activated on his Steam profile) and I went directly to MS Paint and the "standard" pic.. ahah =P so different, really!! I got this one asked many times before I started to include the screenshots directly myself in the request =P
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"You could upload it on imgur and post the link here. If a key is visible, be sure to hide part of the key before you do so.
Standard procedure in case they contact us about it"
Ah that's nice, I would have liked that level of details in my current ticket, would have saved me a thread :D (although the very balanced poll results suggest maybe that's something worth talking about, to get some more consistent support experience ^^)
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All your other recent reroll requests (recent meaning during the last year) had a different reason (usually that the winner already has the game). In that case nobody will ask for any proof, because it is not needed and the situation is very clear anyway (game on winner's account, perhaps message from the winner asking for a reroll).
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Indeed, but right before that I got a couple for the same reason ^^ But yeah that was old, so I was wondering if maybe things had changed since then.
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Edit: Because of the response I got on my reroll request and what I read in the FAQ, I thought you were required to try and contact the winner through Steam or email before rerolling, but that is not needed if you sent the key directly through SG. They just need a screenshot of the SG page showing that a key was sent.
I really don't understand why this is a rule. If the user doesn't activate the key within 7 days after we send it, we should be able to get a reroll. If the the winner doesn't care about their wins enough to bother checking them in a week, I would rather give the key to someone who would appreciate it more.
I recently had a giveaway end and I sent the key through SG. The winner didn't activate it, mark it as received, or view the key even through I saw them online on SG almost every day multiple times. I sent them a message on one of their old giveaways 11 days after I sent the key, but I got no response. I sent them another message a few days later and still didn't get a response. I requested a reroll 16 days after I sent the key and added links to my messages to the winner on SG, but didn't get a reroll because I didn't try and contact the winner on Steam or through an email. The winner finally activated the key a day later so I closed the reroll request.
I really don't think it is my job to try and track down the winner and get in contact with them outside of this site. I am giving a game here and I sent the key here. If the winner doesn't care about their wins enough that they ignore the flashing icon at the top of the page telling them that they have a win and ignore my messages, let me reroll for a new winner.
How can someone ignore their wins and messages for so long anyway? Are they using a bot with no notifications and just not checking the site for a month at a time?
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hey alltracturbo, we ask for a screenshot to make sure a key was actually sent OR proof of another way a creator tried to contact him/her to send a gift. If you've provided a key and the winner didnt activate it for 7 days we always allow a reroll.
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I am confused. When someone requests a reroll because the winner did not activate the game, what are you asking for a screenshot of? If I created the giveaway with a key and sent it directly through SG when the giveaway ends, can you not see that I sent the key?
Edit: This is from the FAQ. It specifically says to contact the winner through email or Steam and when requesting a reroll provide screenshots of emails or friend requests. This is saying that we need to try and contact the winner outside of this site to get a reroll.
What should I do if the winner of my giveaway has not redeemed their gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using email and Steam after one week of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of emails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
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I am pretty sure that they need to make sure the key was actually sent before rerolling. Otherwise if someone does claim the key later, it will be their word against yours. The rules clearly state that you need to give them up to 7 days to claim the key. After that time, just send a ticket with proof the key has been sent and they will usually grant the reroll. Just take a screenshot with part/most of the key hidden, make sure they can see the key has been sent and that is enough evidence for them whenever I've tried to reroll. I tend to avoid using the e-mail/contacting winner through steam issue.
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I sent the key directly through SG, so I figured support would be able to see the date that I sent the key. There is nothing that shows a date of when I sent the key when I take a screenshot, so you could just wait 7 days and the send the key right when you take the screenshot to request a reroll. Also, why do they want to see the key if I can put any random letters and number in the key field, it doesn't prove that I sent anything valid. I am just confused about the purpose of the whole process.
Also, the FAQ says that we are supposed to try and contact the winner through email or Steam before requesting a reroll and send proof of that in the reroll request.
What should I do if the winner of my giveaway has not redeemed their gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using email and Steam after one week of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of emails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
I explained in my reroll request that I sent the key directly through SG the day the giveaway ended and tried contacting the winner through SG twice over the 16 days since the giveaway ended and provided links to the messages, but the response from support I got was "Did you send key to their e-mail, or just revealed it here, on SG?". That is when I read the FAQ and saw that part, so I figured they wanted us to contact them outside of SG.
I responded on the reroll request asking if it was required to try and contact the winner outside of SG, but the winner activated the game before support responded to me, so I closed the reroll request and support didn't see my question.
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I am assuming the mods cannot see the page where the keys are exposed as this could lead to keys being used. By you sending a screenshot of the page with the key partially edited out, they have proof from you that you have entered the key and the green tick with sent will be proof that the key was sent. That should give the mods enough info to allow the giveaway being rerolled. If there are any issues, the sg mods now have the proof they need to answer any questions the winner may have if the key was rerolled.
The best proof for the sg mods I am assuming is now the screenshot on sg of the key being sent and the green tick. I also think if its a steam gift or a gift through e-mail, then no key would be entered and therefore the mods cannot prove that you have sent the item in question and in those cases, using the screenshot of emails and gifts pending on steam would be suitable for those situations specifically. I would avoid these routes as you've experienced more headache that way if you are just routinely using keys.
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The 'reach winner by email or steam' is mandatory for gifts; keys can be provided through steamgifts so no further 'chasing winners' is required. Support simply asks for any kind of proof an attempt was made to provide the game to the winner. We do so to prevent discussions about it in a later stage AND to prevent massive ammounts of fake giveaways. Due to this procedure > 99% of the giveaways are delivered to the winners and there are almost no fake giveaways on steamgifts.
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Yeah, I really don't get why GA creators are supposed to chase winners around. There's a strange mindset that givers OWE winners stuff rather than givers GIVE winners stuff, which feels... odd.
Also, if I won stuff and I didn't have any news about it, I would just write a comment in the GA at some point, so if the GA creator had the strange idea to hold on to the key and ask for a reroll without ever talking to me first, support would see immediately, just by reading the GA page, that there's been a communication issue / the key wasn't sent.
I sent them a message on one of their old giveaways 11 days after I sent the key, but I got no response. I sent them another message a few days later and still didn't get a response. I requested a reroll 16 days after I sent the key and sent links to my messages on SG, but still didn't get a reroll because I didn't try and contact the winner on Steam or through an email.
That's really a weird policy too. Contacting via any mean (including an old GA) should be enough IMO, particularly if the user was online on SG (so, totally able to read that on-site message). Additionally, that part about contacting the winner hasn't been changed, I believe, since before the time when we got e-mails notifications of wins... Now, with the e-mail notification, it's as if the GA creator contacted the winner instantly by e-mail.
Last but not least, I really think rerolls could be automated, at least partially. Something like:
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I'm not sure if it is required to try and contact the winner outside of SG, but that is what I thought because that is what it says in the FAQ and when I explained all this in the reroll request and provided proof that I tried to contact the winner on SG, I expected to get an immediate reroll, but the response from support just said "Did you send key to their e-mail, or just revealed it here, on SG?"
I took this as meaning that I had to try and contact the winner outside of Steam, but I'm not sure because the winner activated the game and I closed the support ticket before any further discussion with support.
A support member did reply to me above and it sounds like they don't require us to try and contact the winner outside of SG, they just want a screenshot to show that we sent something. I still don't completely understand what they want a screenshot of because I figured support could see if we sent something directly through SG and the date that we sent it, but maybe they cant. If they can't see the key or the date we sent it, the screenshots is pretty much meaningless because there is no proof of the date the key was sent in the screenshot and the key can be any random letters and numbers that look like a valid key.
Edit: Support responded and it is not required to try and contact the winner outside of SG if the key was sent through SG. They are just requesting a screenshot of the page showing that a key was sent. That part of the FAQ is just talking about "gifts" sent outside of SG.
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I completely agree with what you wrote. The way support works is just one of my many pet peeves regarding SG.
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It's been this way for ages. They always ask for proof of key sent before allowing something to be deleted. DO like the others have mentioned and it should get approved.
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Once the key has been seen, if you reroll, its at your own risk and the giveway creator is liable for any problems with the key.
If the key has been seen, you can request feedback through the sg moderators if they have not provided feedback.
If they don't activate the key on their steam account, when the sync their account, sg will be able to detect if the game is in their account or not. If its not, then will most likely get a suspension.
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Happened to me once, a long time ago (when it was still possible to enter a GA for a previously won game), that the winner had already won the same game, but had not activated it at the time. They asked for a reroll, pretending that they already had the game, while they actually activated my key to erase their previously non-activated win. Really fucked up there. But that's the only time I've had such a scumbag. The other times, I've just had people who slept on their wins, without any malicious behavior (aside from being minor time-wasters)
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it's a stupid request from support because:
support has no way to check if i'm saying the truth so they will reroll based on whatever they want. 🤦♀️
to support: why isn't there a "key sent on X date" tag in the giveaway page? 🤷
this is extremely basic info to approve rerolls. saves time for both support and users and there's no way to cheat it (just like received feedback).
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to support: why isn't there a "key sent on X date" tag in the giveaway page?
This, totally (although I'm sure that's rather "to dev", and a feature support would love to have ^^)
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chill mate.
point is: if there is the eye icon next to the key the winner has seen the key and doing a reroll may lead to even more trouble when the new winner tries using a key that has been seen, copied, used, sold or whatever.
i had to do the screenshot thing once as well. and either that was the explanation i got or i read it somewhere else. can't tell and i'm too lazy to look now.
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i wouldn't reroll a giveaway if the winner saw the key.
that would require a "request received feedback" ticket, which wouldn't need proof from the ga creator either, if support could see that the key was sent on X date, and seen by the winner in Y date. 🤷
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could be.
at the same time adding two extra data fields to every 1 buck trash gib ever created would inflate the database even more.
and there is no real need to do so if the number of actual cases with this problem is like 0.001%.
we must look to space cat for answers!
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Adding a couple of timestamps is really negligible, compared to other fields (like the GA description, which can be about 64KB large, I believe). Plus if space is really an issue, those timestamps could be stored only temporarily, say for about 1 month after the GA ended, and be purged later.
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But how often can you misuse that because you don't like a winner? After the first winner complains at support about being rerolled without a chance to activate support won't approve your reroll-requests that easy in the future anymore.
None the less I would appreciate timestamps and visibility for all support members for sent or not sent state.
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The problem is, from the winner's point of view your options are actually quite limited.
I've had once or twice my wins rerolled without warning or explanation - the key was never sent (or it got lost somewhere, idk) and after some time, out of the blue, the giveaway was just gone from my Won page (either removed or rerolled, idk). Since it's no longer possible to view the giveaway page, what are you going to do? Creating a generic support ticket already takes weeks to months to answer, but when I'm only able to vaguely remember the time and name of the giveaway without being able to provide any information about the creator or the page (because I no longer have access to that information) I doubt support would be willing to investigate, either.
Especially not since I cannot deny that there may have been a completely valid reason for the reroll/deletion - it just seems very strange that I had absolutely no say in it or were even allowed an explanation.
I would have to counter this by manually writing down every single giveaway I won just so I had a chance to dispute it on the off chance that it is suddenly removed. But this wouldn't be worth my time either.
Mods confirmed that they do in fact occasionally allow this practice and wouldn't disclose in which scenarios they would allow this.
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That's strange... how long after your win were those GA rerolled? I've always provided some proof of contact, so support never had to ask me, but I assumed they always check...
I would have to counter this by manually writing down every single giveaway I won just so I had a chance to dispute it on the off chance that it is suddenly removed
I've had a couple of duplicate keys where the GA creator never replied to my attempt at contacting them, but I've never had the case where it took more than a couple of days for me to receive my wins... I guess it wouldn't be that time consuming to keep track of the very rare cases where it takes longer (and to also post something on the GA page). Unless you're being incredibly unlucky and everyone takes ages to send you your wins for some reason :s
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Roughly a week, but it could have been more, I guess? So if I was the victim of some sort of fake proof (or just unlucky) it could have been removed because of that. But it could also have been something completely else since as I said, mods did say that there were very rare cases in which they'd justify removing giveaways without needing to contact the winner at all. I just wish they were way more transparent in their reasoning.
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Oh, that's a very good point. I think that was before they added the mail system but I could be mistaken. Thank you for the tip, I will definitely use that in the future, hopefully I won't have to 😄
I don't blame the mods for the response time on generic tickets, it's just a shame that there isn't really an option to dispute a giveaway action. But using a combination of the mail and a standard ticket should work well for me in the future.
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Hello DingDong2. Asking for a screenshot of proof that you've attempted to contact that winner isn't new to my knowledge. The other options are a screenshot of a pending friend request or that an email was sent.
Normally when we reply asking for a screenshot of the key being sent we also ask that that if the key is visible to please hide part of the key. If that wasn't mentioned it may have been an accident by the team member who handled your ticket.
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Yeah, proof of an attempted contact isn't new and is something that I always do (typically, I give a link to the page where I contacted the winner, be it an old giveaway of theirs, or their Steam profile). Those never contain the key though, obviously ^^.
As I mentioned in my OP, it's all fine now, the first commenters told me I could hide the key in the screenshot, so I did :)
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But ... support should have access to the databases and as such they should be able to see the key and it's "sent" state... so ... why ... XD
Unless if they don't have database access, like hell read-only access and they will still be able to see this at least.
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Each level of support has different levels of things they can do as well as see. For example at my level I can't close threads, but everyone above my "support" rank can. Another is I am unable to see or handle unsuspend tickets. etc. etc.
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Tbh, from the rest of this discussion, I think that information (a timestamp of when the key was sent, seen, and a few things like that) just isn't in the database at all
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My rank can't see if a key is sent but I'm pretty sure that other ranks above mine can. If you want to know why you need to talk to CG or someone else at the top.
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These rules really should be changed to make it the sole responsibility of the winner to use this site and get the games they wanted to win without the creator having to go through tons of useless hassle to chase down the bots/ungrateful leechers anywhere else.
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You know, next time disaster donate over 20 computers & laptops over to the ones who lost everything in the flood, like we did.
Or donate more than 100 years into something useful for research into cures.
& then come to me...otherwise stay out of my sight! 'cause from where I'm standing...I'm pretty higher from you! ;)
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bragging about donations and threatening someone in a forum with your position in society in 1 single post
congratz you´ve won the lowlife medal of internal conflicts o/
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Pretty sure you did, by threatening other people and acting like an asshole on behalf of your self-invented norms. The fact that you're continuing to provoke others with your elitism and clearly sarcastic emotes is a direct sign of being a trolling internet asshole as well.
If you have a problem with the site rules, you are welcome to make a suggestions thread where you propose your idea of banning everyone upon reaching their 100th win as level zero, or whatever random 'ratio' you can come up with. Until then, keep in mind that you're just trashing others randomly without any official support.
Interesting to see that the mods, like usual, do not react at all to 'ratio bashing' other users on behalf of self-entitled elitists.
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I only see you behaving more like an asshole on your other posts.
Using the "blacklist" and feeling the need to announce publicly that you are doing so is another action that just proves the point.
Besides, you are doing me a favour by blacklisting me, since you would probably have put ridiculous ratio restrictions on all of your giveaways anyway, and thankfully it is mutual now.
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1st of all, I mostly don't agree with management & moderation on SG...but that's another topic.
2nd, I was a moderator & admin on some I'm pretty sure they can see that you have sent the key to them!
(if it's a problem in DB, then that's another issue...but so far no large problems have been shown here with DB)
3rd, a guy that you gifted "is a BOT", or "has a BOT" why wouldn't you reroll the key, if the guy is not there to activate it!
4th, which is most disturbing...moderators on SG know about about accounts with BOTs, but they still let them use the site...which is, BTW, against the rules on SG.
So this behavior from the moderators is very suspicious to me. Another down-vote for moderators here! ;)
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2nd, I was a moderator & admin on some I'm pretty sure they can see that you have sent the key to them!
(if it's a problem in DB, then that's another issue...but so far no large problems have been shown here with DB)
I literally addressed this 3 comments above yours.
3rd, a guy that you gifted "is suspected of being a BOT"
I've fixed this for you. They can come on SG multiple times a day, every single day and not activate their key, this does not make them a bot.
so why wouldn't you reroll the key, if the guy is not there to activate it!
As for rerolling for a new winner a person has 7 days to activate their wins as mentioned in our FAQ:
What should I do if the winner of my giveaway has not redeemed their gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using email and Steam after one week of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of emails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
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ad 3rd
Guy or gal that comes here, see that it has a new game won & don't get it...sorry, is there some enthusiasm left?
They are either BOT or they are DEAD INSIDE...don't know which is worse!
But that's just me...I like to win & I love to give back.
& very passionate about some things in life.
I still think that SG should be cleaned out of all "leeches" & BOTs (at least those accounts that have more than 10:1 ratio or more in winnings). ;)
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I still think that SG should be cleaned out of all "leeches"
All this talk of leeches is wearying. One thing people like you seem to (conveniently) forget -- without those "leeches", you wouldn't be able to put yourself on a pedestal (as is your wont) as a "giver." For there to be people with >1 ratios, there have to be those with ratios <1.
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You got me thinking...& great thing you did.
Can SG make a formula to include giveaway ratio into nomination for the games? So that leeches might enter lot of giveaways (with their BOTs), but with giveaway ration >1 normal people would have more chance to get the games they "actually want". ;)
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You are free to use SGTools for those purposes.
I am pretty sure that this is not supported on the normal site for a reason - namely to not encourage further elitism.
Although it does baffle me that they do allow SGT regardless, but it works as a sort of compromise, I suppose.
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Edit: leaving the thread opened because I'm old-school and closing threads just because they're solved isn't how the Internet works IMHO,
Lol, agreed :D
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There is absolutly no discussion necessary.
Screenshots are pretty useless because they can be faked. Takes few seconds work to make it look like original. Especially when it comes to few simple form fields...Not enough to draw any conclusions.
The support in "" or whoever here has the rights also should have a database which is proof enough for every action a user did. If they can't / won't or be able to create a working system. Their problem. Not the user ones.
But better they ask as take data hidden...
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I've got this old GA of mine that ended over a week ago and the winner has been online on Steamgifts literally 24/7 since they won, but they never activated it, despite me contacting them. So as usual in such a case I sent a reroll request, including proof that I contacted the winner a decent amount of time ago.
But for the first time ever, instead of a direct reroll, I got a reply from support saying "Please provide a screenshot of the key being sent" :o Is that some new weird reroll policy? Can't support see that the key has been sent for over a week? Does the support staff member need to see the key (which obviously would be on such a screenshot)? I'm a bit puzzled. I don't really like the idea of a key being seen by anyone else than the winner...
(sorry no thread insertion fee because I'm on vacation so I don't have my emergency stash of keys handy... It's tedious enough having to deal with a reroll from a fallback computer with a screen the size of a moderately large potato lol)
Edit: leaving the thread opened because I'm old-school and closing threads just because they're solved isn't how the Internet works IMHO, but... yeah, it's solved ^^
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