If you feel better pretending to be a member of Valve's police force then so be it but reporting them will get you nowhere. People have been doing it for years and will continue to do so unless Valve changes how achievements work. They punish no one for this. All you will gain out of it is the loss of your friends and the satisfaction that no one else will want to be friends with a snitch.
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Also, I'm not sure how it affect the OP. Unless its a pride thing, about who has more achievements, in which case, I sugggest get over your EGO.
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on the other side caring about others achievements in ythis way is also growing own e-penis
nobody was killed or cheated so why bother ?
i cant even play the game with cheats if it makes it fun for me ? do i need to make badges, all level 5 ? its that kind of person imho
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In the words of Eric Cartmen.
"Whats the big fucking deal? It doesnt hurt anybody."
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You can report them to sites like astats.nl (there is a forum thread dedicated to reporting people who use SAM to gain achievements) and they'll be marked as a cheater there (if the evidence is satisfactory, which it will be in this case), at the very least
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Greaf friend you are... anyway wat the dude do with his acount is hes problem, if hes not flying around on some game kiling player from walls, etc, etc, i dont see any problem with that, its a lie, he know it, you know it, and its dont afect anyone game.
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+1. I don't get some people too.It don't affect them so why it is hurt them if they would see someone using SAM?
What's more there are a lots of achievements that you will never get without SAM because they are bugged or they have dead multiplayer .
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Actually Portal 2 had a PS3 port that linked to Steam. If you earned the achievements on the PS3 Steam couldn't record the time it was earned. When you installed the game on Steam later that's when the achievements were marked as earned.
Can't really comment on the others though
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Don't really know about those games on the screenshots, but I believe it's possible to win 50 achievements in 26 hours. Plus, it's possible to win more than 1 achievement at the same time. For example, in Lego Batman 3, there's 2 achievements for completing a race, 1 using a specific character and another 1 using a specific bike. So I did the race using both the character and the bike and got the 2 achievements at the same time when finished the race.
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Yep and some immersion games don't activate the achievements until after you quit the game Circuits being a recent one.
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I have 90 Hours in Borderland and still 66/80 (83%) achievements ;s
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If you play the game in offline mode, the play time isn't logged.
If you earned achievement in offline mode, then go online, all the achievements unlcoked during offline play will sync to Steam and they are instantly unlocked with the same time stamp.
Problem with Steam achievement is that there is no definitive way to prove that they are cheating. And Valve don't care.
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The game of thrones the game one is believeable. 1 playthrough nets you almost all the chieves already. load a few of the chapters
every now and then and you get em all.
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I never understood why people would use something like SAM, i mean achievements aren't that important, they're even useless if you're not the kind of person that likes hunting achievements.
On the contrary if you're an achievement hunter using this program pretty much spoil everything and is frowned upon in the achievement hunter community so it's really useless....
I like hunting achievements (10 purfect games \o/ ) but i don't really care about what others do. As long as i got my achievement the legit way and had fun doing it.
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I have some friends who used Achievement hack for some steam games, so what u think about it. I will report all steam users and my friends too because they using hackes and cheats..
Look i ss some unlocked Achievements and look time played in game and when are unlocked time .
SS1 : http://prntscr.com/6z7btn
SS2 : http://prntscr.com/6z7dp5
SS3 : http://prntscr.com/6z7dz6
Do steam punished this?
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