My birthday is coming up soon so I just wanted to ask what do you usually do for your birthdays?

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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An early happy birthday!

As for what i do, just have a meal with the family,

1 month ago

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Thanks! I guess we are the same huh

1 month ago

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Happy early birthday!

Yes, I am in the "that day was business as usual" team -- worked a little, played some games, stayed in with my wife, had a good time. But I guess I am blessed if I can put ttogether "business as usual" and "good time" in the same day! :D

(Well, ok, my wife bought us some great ice-cream that day, so it was a bit better than most...)

Anyway, you do not have to be an old geezer like me (us?) -- enjoy your birthday, throw a party if you like that, go out if you enjoy so!


1 month ago

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Doing the same as well, going to head to work on my actual birthday, I don't really like parties so think I'll mostly stay in after work...

1 month ago

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Eat cake. Not be contemplative.
And a family meal.

1 month ago

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Nothing like a family meal

1 month ago

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I try not to do anything, but often get a cake, obligatory family gathering and meal, maybe games, and a gift I feel awkward accepting.
My birthday is coming up very soon as well πŸ˜…

1 month ago

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Have a happy one Mayanaise.:)

1 month ago

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Thanks. I guess I’ll have to do an obligatory birthday giveaway πŸ™ƒπŸ€”

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Have a happy birthday! As I grow older, I enjoy just being with my family, my girlfriend and my closest friends honestly.

1 month ago

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Nothing much, dinner with my family and coffee with friends. Have a great birthday hyrokey.:)

1 month ago

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Thanks! I love myself a relaxing birthday

1 month ago

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The best kind.:)

1 month ago

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Usually just a dinner with family/friends, maybe a board game.
the big decade ones something more special might happen, my last big one was a cruise.

1 month ago

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I've been more interested in board games recently, maybe I'll go to a board game cafe to try out some less common ones soon.

1 month ago

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Sometimes my family remember and calls me.

1 month ago

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Maybe an activity near you that makes for a great day out ? A concert, a picnic ?
If friends are not available, sometimes there are people who search to group for ponctual activities.

edit : ah for the best then, but please don't forget to take care of yourself

1 month ago

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I do not really see a point to threat it as different day.

1 month ago

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I'm sure you have your reasons but as I grow older, I find it important to find even the smallest things to celebrate to keep myself sane and somewhat contented. Take care of yourself nonetheless!

1 month ago

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Happy birthday in advance !
A cake, a family meal we've multiple birthdays at same time so we group.

1 month ago

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Wow having multiple birthdays at the same time sounds great

1 month ago

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Happy (soon to be) birthday!

I usually just have a lunch/dinner with my family and some cake, I think the last time I had a party I was like 10 years old (34 now), I just decided that I didn't really liked parties one day and stuck to it because it was the path of least resistance. Although I wouldn't suggest doing what I do, or don't do to be more accurate.

1 month ago

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Same thoughts on parties and I'm not even 30 yet.. I have always enjoyed my peace and quiet too

1 month ago

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Happy birthday πŸŽ‚ I usually just have dinner with the family, nothing special

1 month ago

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Thanks! Having dinner with the family is already special for some I'm sure

1 month ago

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Yeah this is what I do also

1 month ago

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I love wallowing

1 month ago

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nothing for the past 3-4 years and i dont even feel like asking anymore for anything for my next one, for me bd's just suck and nothing but more depression lol my family sucks and it just shows they dont rly care about me. bd's are just another monday

1 month ago

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Hope your next one turns out better even if you have to celebrate it yourself.

1 month ago

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I make a ridiculously decadent chocolate cake, with some fresh orange overtones and doused with basically molten ganache, and some thin sour cream layers for contrast (not hard. Box cake, replace water with fresh OJ, and oil with butter. Pat a bit of fresh OJ between layers. Consider cutting each layer in half for more layers of tasty.). So delicious. Generally I don't get around to doing anything like a party with friends anymore (and Rock Band, those were fun), but my mom likes to make a nice gift, and lately we've been grouping mine with my husband's birthday over Spring break and making it a week of gaming,and tasty treats, usually sushi.

Happy birthday! Hope you find some way you are made to feel special in your own way

1 month ago*

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I'm not a fan of chocolate but that cake sounds delish.

1 month ago

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Spice cake with buttercream frosting is also pretty amazing. And my son usually wants carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Figure is we're going to cake, it should be worth it. And the box cakes are so easy to dress up. (Though for carrot, we do from scratch for better carrotyness.)

1 month ago

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Mmmm carrot cake. We have to do it from scratch here as boxed carrot cakes are a no-go in France.
I used to work with a pastry chef who made the best carrot cake I ever had. Not only was the cake moist and light but she added the freshness of carrots in little touches with little dots of carrot gel made from fresh carrot juice and a little orange juice, or strips of carrots that had been candied with spices, and a littler orange zest in the mascarpone frosting. I mean it was so simple and so amped up, it was brilliant.

1 month ago

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Carrot cake we do from scratch also. It really needs the fresh carrot... It's one of the few that comes out reliably and easily tastier than box cakes.

That carrot cake sounds amazing. Probably wouldn't be making carrot gel, but orange zest would be easy. Hmm ..

1 month ago

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Yeah the problem with gels is that you need a juicer. Otherwise, it's pretty easy. Just some agar is enough. But the carrot juice is the hard part.

The orange zest in the frosting is a killer ;)

1 month ago

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That sounds SO good.... If I group mine with my girlfriend's, we would be making it 2 full months of gaming...

1 month ago

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...that sounds like a good way to celebrate. :D

1 month ago

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I guess its not good luck to celebrate before the actual date, so happy birthday - but accept it only on your actual BD ;)

As for celebration - depends from year to year. Me and my friends love outdoors so for several years, when I lived closer to my parents, I used to invite friends and family over to have sports games and BBQ outside. Played football, volleyball, other activities. Cooked some BBQ and stayed in tents. Not much for actual "celebration" - sometimes prepared some food and set things up, sometimes said to people to just bring their own drinks, food without any gifts.

Last year it fell on a workday, but I had vacation. So me and my brother-in-law had some beers at 10AM while wives were at work, then went to watch world hockey championship and in the evening had dinner with wife and in-laws.

This year was a workday for all of us, so in the evening went to an outside waterpark with wife and in-laws again, had cake and went home. Next year turning 30 so might actually set up something more elaborate by renting a place, ordering food, drinks and actually "celebrating".

1 month ago

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Very happening birthdays you are having, maybe I should go camping in one of my next few birthdays..

1 month ago

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Yes, definitely :) If you like camping, that is definitely a good plan.

I mean seeing other comments this reminds me as well - I have had low points as well and I have wallowed and not celebrated years before. But sometimes you just have to start getting outside and doing something. Even if it is just going out for camping or just taking a bike ride. As I said - even if I don't really celebrate per say, I invite some friends over for a volleyball game anyway.

1 month ago

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If we're talking about actual birthdays, then mine usually plays out like this
1) Go have breakfast at a restaurant with my mom and husband
2) Have a family get together in the evening, buy some cakes, and food for everyone to share
3) Be by myself as much as possible for all the time between, before, and after points 1 and 2. If I could have it my way I'd probably just go have the breakfast, and tell everyone else to just allow me to enjoy doing nothing the rest of the day haha.

And usually a few days before or after I will have a get-together with my closest friends (ranging from friends I've had for 5 years to friends I've basically had since I was one haha). And that get-together is usually a fondue or an indoor grill get-together.

1 month ago

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I think it's great that you still keep in contact with friends that go way back!

1 month ago

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It depends on the mood of the day, but I often experience it like any other day

1 month ago

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I'm heading to work on my actual birthday so I'm hoping for less emails than a typical day..

1 month ago

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i grow older by a year usually.

aaaand, happy birthday in advance πŸ’™πŸ§‘

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I'd like to know, my birthday is also coming up soon.

1 month ago

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Happy advanced birthday to you!

1 month ago

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Thank you! 😊

1 month ago

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My usual is getting a big chicago style stuffed pizza. Pre-kid, I would include with that not working and playing games all day, but life kinda prevents that kind of fun.

1 month ago

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You can always take a day off from responsibilities, I'm sure you deserve at least that on your birthday

1 month ago

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Can't really take a day off from being a parent... family even forgot my birthday this year and I ain't one to point such things out to them.

1 month ago*

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I have a twin so we always spend the day together, no exception, even when we were living on different continents for a while.
We try to spend the whole day outside, when it's not too cold, go skating or play some basketball and plan little excursions to museums, the movies, even theatre or karaoke. There's always some food and laughter and a little gaming as well.
It's easier I guess because I don't really think of it as my birthday. More like an anniversary so I don't get older ;)

What are you planning for yours?

1 month ago

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I'll be getting steaks and oysters, walk around the area since a newly repurposed mall (originally a school) just popped up, and then ending it off with some Korean food!

1 month ago

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Getting older.

That's it.

1 month ago

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Hoping older = wiser

1 month ago

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Go to pub with friends and get drunk

1 month ago

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How drunk

1 month ago

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Enough to get home on foot and wake up without hangover.

1 month ago

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Happy early Birthdayβ™ͺ

My Birthday?πŸ™„
Every year on that day, I call for the abolition of April Fool's Day.
Next thing you know, it's the close of the corporate fiscal year in that region, and the working human race is busy, and instead of celebrating me, more often than not, I find myself looking at a tired and exhausted human race.
πŸ›ΈNoo!((o'Θ'o≑o'Θ'o))No!γ€€πŸ”§γƒ½(ω´; )ノ≑ヽ( ;`Ο‰)οΎ‰πŸ’ΈπŸ§
Well, in the old days, I would book a reservation at a restaurant that would give me a big discount or additional food service on my birthday, or I would use the airline industry service that allowed me to book flights at a discount for a month before and after my birthday, so I could explore the region of humanity.

1 month ago

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Exploration of the world is always a good idea!

1 month ago

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Happy upcoming birthday.

Obligatory cake and meal with family.

I am not a person to go overly extravagant on things like this!

1 month ago

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It's the simple things that matter

1 month ago

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