Why Complete-mods suck summary
Why Complete 2009 sucks: it makes vanilla piss easy and changes GAMEPLAY
They advertise Complete as "vanilla experience", as "only bugfixing visual overhaul". In reality they change the gameplay shittons, usually only making the experience EASIER than vanilla game. Their bug-fixing reputation is also overrated compared to ZRP / SRP mods, even their visuals are questionable quality.
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I see all of those as welcomed features. If you read some of his development logs you'll see why he's changed a lot of the AI "awareness". Basically it was to put the AI on the same level as the player and remove a lot of the artificial difficulty, it almost aimed to make stealth a little more viable as it was completely impossible in the base game.
Not being able to have my weapons repaired in the base game was just annoying to me. All these great "unique" named weapons which I can only use for a selected amount of time and have them break and never get them back. That's not a good gameplay mechanic.
What you call EASIER I call removing some bad gameplay mechanics that only made artificial difficulty.
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Artificial difficulty?
You think bandages not auto-applying at 10% health is artificial difficulty?
You think the realistic night vision of that stalkers is artificial difficulty? The perfect night vision removes one of the cool parts of the game it makes the game easier.
You think that adding a repair kit to the game removes artificial difficulty?
As far as the gun play changes go, I don't think the npcs actually being able to see you when you're coming at them with a gun is artificial difficulty at all.
Artificial difficulty doesn't even mean anything. Complete changes game play mechanics in favor of a less realistic and much easier experience. If the game is too hard for you on easy mode I don't know what to say
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I can't comment on the 10% bandage thing since it seems I played the mod when this wasn't in the game, or I had it turned off. Perfect night-vision is a compromise since the AI still have near perfect accuracy in the dead of night, I'm personally still not a massive fan of it however and I believe Complete being "modular" should allow you to fix this to your tastes.
I think adding the repair kit makes sense mechanically, the first game lacking repair was a horrible choice by the developers and adding an item with a very small chance of spawning that can fix up your weapon when you in the middle of the zone with no traders around seems good to me. Rewards a player for killing enemies and then looting them. Sometimes it very rarely prevents the frustration of having to leave your favorite weapon behind which is broken. If you've ever dropped your Val to pick up another weapon and have it fall through the map then you know what I'm talking about.
Just out of curiosity have you played Complete? The changes to the AI aren't as drastic as you state they are. Moving slowly and producing very little noise and keeping in blind spots will be the few times that you can get the jump on an enemy. A lot of the AI has been re-worked instead of just seeing through walls and knowing everything about them like the base game. The AI shows a level of intelligence that only adds to the game.
Artificial difficulty is used to describe a mechanic in a game that adds frustration out of being poorly designed rather than being a true challenge. Things like hidden death traps in platformers or terrible checkpoint locations are examples of this.
STALKER never really stuck me as a realistic game in any respect and for me removing some of the mechanics which just didn't work or changing them so more than one tactic is viable is an example of good gameplay design. Complete isn't perfect and you have to factor in personal taste but I believe it's unfair to dismiss it as "sucking" or "easier".
EDIT: Fixed up some spelling and grammar.
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You're right about the repair kits. Perfect night-vision is really dumb because in real life night vision doesn't let you see in absolute darkness. No weapon repair was a poor design choice, but the night vision takes away from a part of the game that made stalker stand out from other games. The weapon accuracy in soc is not artificial difficulty.
I don't know what version of vanilla soc you played but the enemies didn't see me through walls.
There are much better mods than complete to fix the head bob and add repair kits that don't change the gun play, night vision, and npcs, which are important parts of the game which make stalker unique.
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You angry bro? Cause you seem to take it personally. Did Pavel like kick your dog or something?
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I think I missed something here. ironfart3 doesn't seem to be coming across aggressively in anyway and I don't think you're contributing anything meaningful to the discussion with "You angry bro?".
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I think there's head bob in one of the init files. Not sure which one, I'm sure a quick google will find out for you. However Stalker is best played with mods, the Complete mod is in my opinion the best if you want a "vanilla" feel.
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Google for stalker head bob, you should find out how to disable it.
Despite the argument above, I still recommend Stalker Complete for a more enjoyable experience. The game has a stiff learning curve. After you've played it once you can ramp up the difficulty and disable some of the features in Complete to make it much, much more challenging. I believe disabling headbob is one of the built in options. Not to mention, Complete fixes a number of bugs, a few of which can be game breaking under certain circumstances.
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Dunno what you all are saying, this mod is great, thanks everyone for the help, i think i can close it now! <3 you
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lol, are you recommending that cause it makes no mention of Complete? lol, wow, a so called new user guide that mentions so many mods, except Complete, one of the most popular out there. rawr people should play the game the way I want them to play it! Screw you if you have a family, job, life! You must play your games in hardcore mode!
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If i wanted to give him a list of mods for soc I would, and complete would be on it.
And so what if complete is not on the guide I posted, I don't like complete so why would I post a guide with it on there? It's not like I'm harrasing him into not using complete
Stalker is not hard core, I have a family job and life and I found it to be hard, but not so hard that i had to mod it to make it easier.
"rawr people should play the game the way I want them to play it" Where in my post was I upset or agressive? If you want to use complete fine. I have my oppinion and I post it, you have yours and post it.
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In the game, the character wobbles like someone trying to be a pimp and it gets kind of annoying and dizzying, anyone know of a way to turn it off? can't find anything in the options, a mod perhaps? All help is appreciated, thanks:D
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