Assuming I have a brief time to pre-order Arkham Knight Premium Edition for $53.99, should I do it?
You could try getting a copy from someone who bought an Nvidia card but doesn't want the game. I did a search on ebay and already found one with a slightly cheaper buy now price than the GMG deal.
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My point was that was only a quick search. If you put in some effort you could definitely get an even cheaper deal.
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Personally, I would advise against preordering as it's really not healthy for the consumers in general, especially these past few years with half arsed releases that aren't properly fixed till months later. Although almost 50% off is a hell of a good deal in this case, even I would be tempted.
If you want to do it, go for it, as you might not see this kind of sale until next year, but if you have a decent backlog of games already, hold off until it's confirmed not buggy and is on another good sale.
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It really is a tempting situation XD I can't give an opinion the more I think about it, but I know I would totally be torn and going to forums just like you if I had the money to get it.
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I've only done it once before: I got Valkyria Chronicles for a special price. I knew some people enjoyed that game on PS3, and I was curious, and I got a good deal.
Batman is tempting because the Arkham games have a good reputation, I'm curious, and it's a good deal (depending on one's point of view).
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Yeah the Arkham games are good but your still paying for something that isn't even finished yet
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Well its your money not mine so do whatever you want its just that the past two times i pre-orderd games they sucked
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too expensive even with a 40% coupon. I was ok with nuuvem pre-order pricing, but that was going to be region locked to SA so I refunded my order. Too much backlog to shell out $53 on a game that I will only use to benchmark my upcoming graphics card.
Also since it's WB, their games will be on 75% sale in less than a year.
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Are you a fan of Batman?
Have you tried and liked the previous installments?
Do you have spare money to waste?
If you got at least 2 of 3 Yeses, go for it.
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You seem to have the money and the intention to buy it. So the real question is, will you play it right away when it launches or will you leave it waiting in your backlog?
If you're going to play it on day one, then just buy it and enjoy it.
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That's what I was saying, yes.
But then again, it's your money, you should do what you really want to do with it. If you KNOW you'll play it AS SOON as it's released, then you might as well go on ahead; It won't be any cheaper right after release.
However, if you want to play it sometime a few months after release, then wait and snatch it when it's cheaper.
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23rd of June seems like a long time to wait for a code ;)
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You never know if they're dead or alive until you open the box bag.
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I just checked the steamgifts trade forums. Codes from Nvidia are going for around 11 keys (approximately $22).
Don't give in to pre-ordering. It's a bad for our future. (Must not ... give in... )
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I think it's just standard edition. Not entirely sure though
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Oh Batman, the days you would snap your enemies necks, crush their bodies, lynch them from the batplane, and just plain go to crazy town with machine guns. You truly were the god damn batman before you received marvelous magic powers and some wacky code of honor in a city that will always get worse and worse. Holy Batman indeed Robin.
I'll be waiting 2-3 years till GOTY + full dlc is like $25, but hey, if you got the dough pre pay for the show.
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imagine what you can buy with 50 bucks during upcoming steam sale
Damn, give this guy an award. /thread
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i would if it wasent for all that dlc an nonsense already planned, ill grab the inevitable GOTY edition with all that tat for one price.
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well shadow of mordor came out in... September.. and it got its GOTY on May, so 9 months, not only that but it also got bundled.
i dont think it will be 9 months.. surely it will come out for christmans.
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Listen despite what others say (I didn't got the time to check) idk if you have made up your mind but I would really suggest you NOT to pre order (any game in overall), these words coming out from a guy like me who has Batman Arkham Knight, kinda ironic but I have the game from Nvidia. However my point is that it is really not worth the pre order, only cos they stomp some ''bonuses'' to lure us like little kids....NO, trust me. Wait for GOTY where you can play all those ''bonuses'' maybe for a cheaper price.
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A game made by Rocksteady, one of the best and most promised studio that showed what they can do, i see only quality from them, seriously these guys make games with passion.
I can safely preordered but im afraid the shady tactics of the publisher which can destroy a game franchise in no time.
Please... old men in Bethesda, 2K, WB, EA, etc, show respect to your sons/daughters or even your chick and leave this stuff to them to make decisions for a game.
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Original Post:
"I found at GMG there's a coupon code one can use to get Arkham Knight Premium Edition for $53.99.
Trouble is, I assume this opportunity is about to expire, because... GMG.
I'm not sure what to do, and I don't have anyone to talk to about these things.
Considering the regular price is an insane $99.98, $53.99 is, in a way, not a bad price.
Any thoughts?"
I decided NOT to pull the trigger... NOT to take the plunge... etc.
But I thought I'd leave this thread open a little longer in case people wanted to add to the discussion, if that's okay.
Thanks for everyone's input!
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