Unfortunetly you can't withdraw...you can only use that money to buy something within steam now.
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You can sell steam wallet to your friend , by gift steam wallet
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I love Your joke :D
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The best way to lose money through trading is to do it "fast" (i.e. quickly). Take your time to make sure the people with which you are trading are honest and you know exactly what it is you are trading.
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I second what Khalaq said. Don't just look for the fastest way. Since you have no rep, people will ask you to go first (which is absolutely understandable). So be careful, trade only with high-rep people. And also look at the actual feedback they got. If someone got +50/0 in just a few weeks, I would not yet consider him trustworthy. I would suggest look for someone with at least +100/0 who started trading at least a year ago and got positive feedback recently (so no one who was inactive for a long time).
Maybe you will need a little more time that way, but you will also get and keep your money safely.
EDIT: And don't trust links that people post in Steam chat! I can post a link to a Steamtrades profile that is not actually mine. Have the conversation on Steamtrades, then add the trader yourself. Be sure you are talking to the right guy.
This may all sound overly complicated, but it's really not. Just a few basic rules, and you are pretty much safe.
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So be careful, trade only with high-rep people.
Seems you dont know that, but +rep are worthless -.-
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Nope, that's just plain wrong. Of course it is useful information if someone had 300 successful trades and no negative feedback. And of course this means you have like a 99% chance or higher that this guy is an honest trader.
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I never traded here but have +6 rep. +rep dont say anything.
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So you got yourself some fake rep? Is that what you're saying?
I am not talking about +6 rep. I am talking about serious rep, like +100 or +300. If someone has +300/0, you can be pretty sure that he is an honest trader and will not scam you. I don't think you can really be part of this discussion without any trading experience anyway.
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So you got yourself some fake rep?
Seems like. I dont even use steamtrade but I cannot forbid others to give me a +rep for what ever reason.
I am talking about serious rep
And how you know all of them are serious?
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You misunderstood. I meant a serious amount of rep. As I said, more like 100 or more.
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Perhaps interested in the same thing myself.
One method I considered (quite a long time ago) was cashing out paypal via cs:go skins. Would be interested to hear about better options too. Figured I could get around 70% (or slightly more) steam credit to paypal money that way a year or two ago.
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I tryed it, i w8 16 days, i buy a skin for 130, and put them on the market for 170, in the midtime of 7days tradew8.
2 hours before it get tradable someone bought the skin. and im like, should i be happy for make 17€ or sad cause i dont have skin to withdraw.. thats why im trying any other fast ways
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Theres several methods but none that will get you 1:1 consistently.
Methods include buying keys (csgo and similar) and reselling for paypal, buying gifts for people that would pay you or buying and selling on 3rd party sites like you mentionned above (not familiar with this one though). AFAIK all revolve around buying something with it and selling it for real cash.
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You can always try to buy some CS:GO skins and sell them on https://skins.cash. Of course you lose a bit of money, but at least you get paid instantly.
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Fuck off with your referral link
Referral links are not allowed in the community, and if you choose to post a link, please be sure all referral codes have been removed
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Pretty much all the workarounds involve some dose of risk ... and at most you will get like 60-70% of your money at most .
Buying items and selling them at one of the billion CS-Go skins seem like one of the options .... tho it would be better to just sell the knife itself tbh .
Alternativelly , slower way would be to just go to steam trades and see about buying games for people and selling them to them for paypal cash ...
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I sold my items on opskins, got their vip ($6) so instead of taking 10% they took 5%, worth only if you are selling items over $140 (also this didn't work for Dota items), if lower than $140 not worth buying 1 month vip.
So if you didn't sell your knife that would be good place to sell, its know site, ye it takes % but you get safety that you will get your money.
Now you would have to buy some item again (best before buying item, to compare prices on site and on steam, to find what will give most of your money) to sell it there or some other site and then cashout from site to paypal/bitcoin...etc
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Actually, I would now advise you to not go with opskins, at least not right now.
Opskins introduced express trading to get around trade restriction that Valve put in CSGO items and also released api for it so other sites can use, to revive gambling and other sites, while pretty nice thing for them, I was affraid it will put Opskins front on Valves eyes and it did happen, opskins crossed line with express trade...
http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/expresstrade/ so because of this, they got noticed and Valve who was mostly closing eyes on opskins in past, now went after them...
Maybe checkout bitskins if you still intend to sell items, that is other okay site, I didn't use it but I did see lots of people recommending it over opskins because of lower fees, but do a research about it also on your own.
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I had good record with opskins and can also vouch for that, but you'll lose money compared to market prices, and even more compared to buying keys first. You should've just sold that knife on opskins to begin with if you planned to withdraw for real money.
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My advice is to keep that money for stuff you actually want, since that money won't disappear and if you don't need to exchange anytime soon then you're profiting by having it and using on what you want. Sure, not ideal solution, but losing money in transfer process is far worse, as you can transfer in the future losing exactly as much, while you can lose less by using it first.
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You don't have to go that low, others have successfully sold their wallet credits to friends with extra 20-33% discount during sales. Safest method as you don't need to deal with strangers and you can sell 1 game at a time. Another safe method is to use the key<->crypto bots, that loses more but you can wait for crypto prices to go up again for bigger wins if you like gambling. :)
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Your best bet is to buy CSGO keys and go to www.tf2outpost.com and search for people offering "Real World Money" to find a buyer. It's listed as a TF2 item but most if not all traders will give you more money for CSGO keys than TF2 keys. The keys cost on average 2.49 and if you want a quick buy you'd do well to find someone offering 1.70 per CSGO key. Make sure they have good rep.
Just keep in mind that the whole thing takes about 2 weeks. It will take 7 days for the keys you buy to become tradeable and another 5-7 days for the money in Paypal to be transferred to your bank account.
When I cashed out from the TF2 market back in 2013 or 2014 I went this route and yes you lose money but it's better than nothing.
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Create a trade thread offering to buy games for people on Steam at 10% discount from the store prices.
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If you want a quick way to convert (no waiting for tradeholds from buying skins/keys off market) you can also sell your steam wallet funds directly to buyers that know how. It's basically them putting up an item on the market and you buying it for the price you both agree. You'd lose 15% ofc from marketplace tax but if you're going to buy keys anyway, you already lose a lot.
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there is at least one reddit sub that is dedicated to various plateform wallet trading/selling (can't remember the name, but that shouldn't be too hard to find it)
(or that's for coupons/wallet cards i don't remember)
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friends wich would like to buy something from steam store? or if someone is trustworthy enough and believes in you, you could also trade with strangers?
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ur too late LUL Opskins is shutting down and the price of skins are gonna drop like a rock
so forget about buying skins and selling it there
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yeah and skins are one of the least efficient ways to cash out steam wallet
there are significantly more profitable ways to cash out wallet but u will have to discover that urself through trading :P
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I was thinking of something simmilar BUT buying Origin funds. The thing is i don't remeber ever seeing Origin funds besides if you put your own money in? Was hoping there was been a deal or something so i can get my overpriced crap for a bit less :)
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Hey everyone.
I sold a knife on steam, but i dont need the money anymore.
My question is: Anyone know how to withdraw the money, without losing that mutch % of it ?
I mean, you cant just withdraw 1:1, you need buy something to withdraw, but, maybe someone know a good method to do that. so, why dont ask :P
Best Regards, DreamsFrv
Edit: Ofc you cant just withdraw. what i mean its like. Buy a iten, and sell in opskins. something like that.. Kappa ??
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