Hactivists are cool.

This is somewhat old news, but this video had me exited when I first saw it. It's been more than 72 hours since the release of the video...And it hasn't happened. I know that Anonymous is no joke, but the credibility in the message is nothing more than exciting and cool.

Discuss how you feel, whether it happened or not. What if it did? What do you think?

13 years ago*

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In a nutshell: I like their views, but think they are overly dramatic attention seeking wannabe e-heroes.

13 years ago

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symbols(Masks, whatever) and odd crap attract crowds and gain attention, its a tactic is all.

In other words them being dramatic is what makes people pay attention to them...

13 years ago

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indeed, that just alienates them from people who take this stuff seriously though.

13 years ago

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I'd say their actions are what get people to pay attention to them, not some obscure video after the fact with them wearing masks and being melodramatic.

13 years ago

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I concur.

13 years ago

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I was thinking of something naughty when I read the title.

13 years ago

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Get your mind out of the gutter.

13 years ago

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{Response censored by brain]

13 years ago

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Am I the only who sees the hypocrisy in this threat?

EDIT: Not saying I'm for or against what they do, just making an observation that is amusing to me.

13 years ago

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You aren't. I see it too, and there's a few million other interweb users that feel the same way.

I care less for Anonymous these days because of the stupidity behind it. Their retaliation on the government for taking down MegaUpload was a dumb move, and a group of their kind should know better. All these attacks will do is further the cause for SOPA and PIPA. By scaring the people, this is all that'll happen, and this threat is an act of terrorism, really.

13 years ago

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Yea. SOPA and PIPA are around because old fogies think "OH GOD THE INTERNET IS A SCARY AND EVIL PLACE, WE SHOULD CONTROL IT BETTER". So showing them undeniable proof that the internet IS a scary and evil place... if anything they'll ramp up their efforts

13 years ago

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Silly American Government, theres no oil in the internet

13 years ago

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But there is. Google it!

This is not the oil you are looking for.
13 years ago

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I fully support what they do. Civil disobedience is one of the few tools the public has left.

13 years ago

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There is nothing civil about attacking government websites.

13 years ago

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What difference does it make that its a government website?

13 years ago

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The government tends to find that, when someone breaks their security, it's a very important issue to handle. With extreme prejudice. You're obviously not aware of the files one very American citizen that could have been accessed and tampered with. The Department of Justice website was also attacked, and you realize that local law enforcement agencies look through the DoJ database for further charges/evidence against a person, nevermind using it for storage of these things, right? Yeah, there's probably hard copies, but this SLOWS DOWN our already crappy criminal justice system.

Think man, think. There's NOTHING CIVIL about attacking government websites. So far they haven't attacked anything else, but even if they did: There is nothing civil about that either.

13 years ago

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Maybe you should read a little more. Civil disobedience is nothing to do with being civil.

13 years ago

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Maybe you should think about what you're saying. Civil disobedience is not a valid tool anymore. Have you seen some of the PEACEFUL protests we've had? Occupy Wall Street had cops throwing smoke grenades into the crowd, and then there were people who were hurt by police literally BEATING them for nothing. We can disobey all we like, it won't do anything good.

13 years ago

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This is not civil disobedience, it's civil rebellion. Just saying.

13 years ago

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They don't excite me. They have degraded into a bunch of whining little kids who throw a fit every time they don't like something. The problem is, they rarely do anything that could ever even possibly have a positive effect. Instead they do stuff like this.

13 years ago

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Exactly why I was saying the video itself was nothing more than exciting and cool. Anonymous can bite it, they're screwing things up more than improving things.

13 years ago

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It's not cool, not exciting at all, that just gave more reasons for SOPA and PIPA. And who will suffer the consequences? We, the normal internet users, will.

13 years ago

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Of course we will. We'd suffer regardless, because in the end the government is gonna do what it wants and feels is necessary. What they don't realize is that people will rebel, and they can't arrest everyone. The US Government needs to understand that most of the population uses the internet, for one reason or another, every day. And these people are going to be hammered on by stupid bills like SOPA and PIPA.

Still, the video reminded me of a few movies, and somehow excited me. I found it cool just for that reason. The fact that they have NOT done what they said means they're not going to, and the announcement was just hot air. The fact that this (supposedly) aired on CBS when they hacked into it is also pretty cool, but another one of those stupid stunts that's gonna hurt us more than help us.

13 years ago

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Agreed, we will suffer no matter what if SOPA and PIPA got through, but it would be better if some people would not do something as stupid as doing a public stunt, challenging the freaking government, which is a bit more on the side of money, big companies, instead of the normal, working people . Instead, they should have done something to prove that the internet can be a safer place, now that would be cool.

13 years ago

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I like anonymous to an extent, and I applaud SOME of their efforts, such as going after Sony for the whole mod debacle, but they need to pace themselves. Their constant attacks retaliating against the anti-piracy bills is going to piss off the governments to the point where they WILL ram the legislation through. All the attacks will be spun to make the targets martyrs for the cause, saying "look at this cyber terrorist group Anonymous! They keep attacking innocent sites. We have to pass this law in order to be able to put these criminals away for good!" The legislative bomb is already primed, and Anonymous is the trigger they need to set it off and take control of the internet.
At least, that is where I see this whole thing going. There's a shitstorm brewing, and the fan is getting lower and lower.

13 years ago

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On another note, now that I am looking at various sites about anonymous including the twitter feed this looks fake as all hell.

13 years ago

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Maybe so, but my analysis still stands. One of these days they will do something that pushes the government to their limit, where they will pass the law using Anonymous as their Pearl Harbor, citing every one of their hacks as "cyber terrorism" or "heinous, vicious attacks on the innocent citizens of the world that must be stopped at all costs", even the cost of our liberties

13 years ago

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Personally I think they will do it with an excuse or without one, I understand where you are coming from though.

13 years ago

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This is bound to happen, regardless of what happens anymore. US Citizens are already losing ground, and the laws that keep them safe.

13 years ago

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Alot of laws that are "meant to keep us safe", are nothing more than shields for politicians to hide behind or swords for them to attack those they don't like and keep their jobs and paychecks. I'm seeing this as a giant chess game. All the pieces are there, and the moves are being made, all leading to a checkmate against the people. I just hope we can knock out a few of the strong pieces before that we go down.

13 years ago

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It's one of the reasons I want to get out of this country now before it gets worse. I don't know where I'd go, Canada seems nice enough.

13 years ago

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Meh, I'd leave, but I'm broke with almost no job options until after college and I'm not leaving my family behind for anything. Plus, they wouldn't leave America even if the moon came crashing down on us.

13 years ago

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I dunno. If the moon came crashing down on us, I don't think anywhere would be safe anyway.

13 years ago

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I know, but it's just an analogy.

13 years ago

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Your family must be die-hard Americans. It's admirable, but it's one of the flaws in our country. We're so prideful that we forget that change needs to happen sometimes.

13 years ago

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Yes, we are hard-core Americans who have great pride in our country. I do agree that some change is needed, but we just aren't getting the right kind that we need.

13 years ago

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protip: 4chan and the kiddies that go around under the "anonymous" guise are not the same people.

13 years ago

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yeah... i think the video is fake

13 years ago

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Note: They said that they would act in 72 hours after the release of the video. The video was released last Thursday (the article isn't that old, but they say when the video was released in the article).

13 years ago

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Of course.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Oh man, Uplink is becoming a reality. I love that game.

cd usr
cd sys

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

13 years ago

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Of course I do. By extension, so do you. THE EXCITEMENT IS MOUNTING.

13 years ago

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Didn't they announce to shut down Facebook? They boasted about how they'd show them.

Guess it didn't work out that way.

13 years ago

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I saw that late last night before going to sleep on their twitter feed. It turns out they don't do half the stuff they say they're gonna do. No big deal, the less they do, the less they're likely to screw things up.

13 years ago

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Nope. Wasn't them. Only a few of dozens voted for that. Didn't get aproved. Then those few dozens tried to create theirselfs an op, got bored, quit.

13 years ago

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Check YourAnonNews's twitter. It's MOST LIKELY not going to happen. They don't shut down social websites because they wouldn't be able to get the info out to the public.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Kyithios.