About the Game

Behold disciples of Nod, for the end is soon upon us. Electronic Arts’ award-winning and best-selling Tiberium saga is coming to a powerful conclusion with Command & Conquer 4, which will introduce a multitude of innovations to the classic fast and fluid Command & Conquer gameplay, while retaining the core compulsions that fans have come to love over the series’ history.

It is the year 2062 and humanity is at the brink of extinction. Tiberium, the mysterious, alien crystalline structure that has infested Earth for decades and served as the primary reason for years of relentless conflict between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod, is close to rendering the planet uninhabitable. Mankind is on the verge of extinction when Kane, Nod’s prophetic leader, emerges from seclusion to deliver GDI the message that he has developed a system that could control Tiberium and harness its power. But he cannot build this "Tiberium Control Network" without GDI’s cooperation. Thus, the two opposing factions – GDI and Nod – inevitably find themselves in desperation for the same cause: to stop Tiberium from extinguishing mankind.

After 15 years, the network is nearly complete, Tiberium is under strict control and our revitalized, newly terraformed planet is on the cusp of a new age of prosperity and progress. It is then that the world’s citizens begin to seriously ponder why Kane chose to help, and what will he want in return. These questions and more lead to the dramatic final act of the Tiberium saga.

With a multitude of innovative new features to the fast and fluid C&C gameplay, Command & Conquer 4 offers players an entirely new way to play C&C. An all-in-one mobile base, persistent player progression across all game modes that is constantly updated in a real-time online profile, a 3-class system for each of the two factions, co-operative play, and a 5v5 objective-based multiplayer mode that promotes teamwork and social interaction, make Command & Conquer 4 unlike any other C&C experience.

  • The Epic Conclusion of the Saga - Kane returns in the thrilling conclusion to one of gaming’s longest running storylines, told through gritty live-action cinematics. Choose to take on the campaign solo or team up with a friend and play cooperatively!
  • Choose Your Class - Choose from three unique classes from both GDI and Nod, each with its own specialized units and powers, for more strategic and combative options that match your play style of choice! Offense, Defense, or Support classes—which will you pick?
  • Always on the Move - For the first time ever in the C&C series: a massive, mobile, all-in-one base, The Crawler, lets you pack up and move your base with your army for a new layer of strategic depth. Build units as you move across the field, and deploy whenever and wherever you choose!
  • Persistent Player Progression - The more enemy units you destroy, the more experience points you earn to progress your player profile! Level up to unlock new units, powers, and upgrades to make your army more powerful!
  • Team Up and Take the Battle Online - Join your fellow commanders online and tackle your opponents in the biggest C&C multiplayer to date, featuring 5 vs 5 objective-based battles! Choose your favorite class and take online strategy action to the next level as you conquer objectives while pummeling your enemies. The all-new party system lets you move with your party of friends from one online battle to the next.

Giveaway Details

The winner of this giveaway to be determined randomly based on how I feel shall receive a copy of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura on GoG.com (Not On Steam!)

In order to determine your worthiness of such a grand game you will be required to prove not only your interest in the game, but also your interest in Steampunk. Simply respond here proving that however you deem fit. The winner will be chosen sometime tomorrow most likely, at least 12 hours after I post this for sure, likely much later in the day, or whenever a friend comments to me that it's been up a Really long time and I've clearly forgotten about it. Whichever comes first, so if ya want to play this most grand of games, get to proving your worthiness, somehow. I will then randomly decide who gets it based on all "viable" entries.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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I'd like to know why you kept the manual around if ya don't have the game anymore...

1 decade ago

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I found a box last summer with a bunch of old gaming manuals.

No clue what happens to the games themselves.

1 decade ago

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A wonderbox of many good games here...well game manuals.

1 decade ago

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The survival guides from Fallout are wonderful to read through.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Damn you! because of you I looked for my Arcanum CDs and couln't find them, so instead choke on this :<

1 decade ago

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Too bad the elephant gun recquires so much strenght, feels like waste at first to get up to a good firing stat. Also eats lots of ammo per shots, but nice and powerful.

CnC 4 and Arcanum don't really mix well I'd say by teh way.

1 decade ago

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Nothing beats pyrotechnic axe... In micro steam engine plate armor, with rings that increase your speed to insane value xD

1 decade ago

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Great idea, I'm in!

I've been hearing about this game for... well, just about forever now. It's one of these elusive games that I just keep telling myself I should get one of these days, along with The Temple of Elemental Evil and Jade Empire, but I still haven't got to it yet.

GOG offers great deals at the moment, I managed to snatch the entire Geneforge saga and The Indigo Prophecy earlier this month. Almost got Sanitarium too, of which I have vague childhood memories. I was too busy playing Baldur's Gate and Commandos when this was released so never got around to playing it.

Anyway, regardless of who this giveaway goes to, it's nice to see some topics like this popping up, we should create a group for those who remember the old gems from the 90s. POD anyone? Descent? Death Rally? Megarace? God this takes me back :D

1 decade ago

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Beattle Cray Cup ? Re-Volt ? Anachronox ? yeah not 90s but still. And why is it still not on Steam

1 decade ago

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Does anyone else remember Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

1 decade ago

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Makes me remember 7UP only.

1 decade ago

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I remember Re-Volt lol, never played Anachronox but the name is familiar. I must have like a hundred old PC magazines buried somewhere, with all the CDs packed with demos, mods and trailers. There must be the original Counter Strike/Team Fortress mods for HL1 somewhere in there lol

1 decade ago

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Built many circuits with the editor for when we had LAN parties, very large doses of fun ensued.

1 decade ago

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Oh, thank you reminding me about this game. Great thing I already have it on gog.com and totally forgot about it! :D

1 decade ago

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God, i loved this game. I actually got it on GoG a few weeks back, in exchange for CD-Projekt registration points :D. We, Polish, have some awesome deals on GoG.

1 decade ago

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I believe you dont have to live in Poland to profit from it. Gram.pl sends games to other countries as well.

1 decade ago

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count me in :)
games like this are always good company ;)

1 decade ago

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I remember getting C&C on some floppy disks. Old times... what a game. Also remember that I never played the NOD campaign because some floppies were damaged so I could go up to stage 2 or 3. Loved the buggy =(

Hm... playing as GDI was cool though, I always remember the general and how funny the grenadier sprites were.

But the true revelation became with Red Alert, my personal favorite. Red Alert was SO good in so many aspects, that I cannot put them all here because it could take an hour, at least. From the movies between levels, and the units... The whole Einstein/Hitler thing. It was epic, and still is, because honestly, Red Alert 2 was "OK", and Red Alert 3 is total and complete absolute EA crapola. Westwood FTW.

And I don't want to start talking about C%C 4 because I QC'd that shit by obligation, for two weeks. I tried to fix that friggin' launcher, was SO broken.

That's part of my experience with C&C series, hope you have enjoyed it. Luckily for us, the best games are free now. There's even a guy porting the game to HTML5.

1 decade ago

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I'm not much of a campaign player but more skirmisher type, and Red Alert 3 is quite fun there. I quite like CnC3 but hate CnC 4, they somewhat destroyed the basics of CnC series. If they wanted to do something different / new, they shouldn't have called it so.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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An awesome game that brings back to the time I spent looking for the better blueprints to create some great piece of equipment (I loved to play on the technomancy way) such as the Bronwyck's Gun and the Machined Platemail (just to be have something like the Fallout 1-2 Power Armors).
I did quite everithing (even all the offers to the gods) except one thing: find a way to get inside the secret mine/home of the Dwarves, the one bith the big circular floor door. I shoul replay it for the 3rd time just to do that (bad thing that my old CDs are gone).
Lately I have played again Fallout 1 and 2 (got both on GoG even if had them retail already) just to do the same: finding what I missed years ago when I was just a novice in the rpg world; and I'm planning to do the same with another game I loved: Deus Ex. Just finished Human Revolution but my hunger for great games is still here (even if HR is a great game too) xD

And now I'm waiting for the new Cyberpunk game that CDP (the same of the 2 Witcher) announced some time ago, its background (a pen&paper game like D&D) seems very promising and CDP has all my trust.

I love to be an RPG addicetd xD

1 decade ago

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its steamworks game ......why its not on steam ? :< arronax ftw

1 decade ago

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Funny thing is I never really played a magic based character, always techno warrior / ranged.

1 decade ago

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The only problem I had with Arcanum vanilla was the lvl 50 cap because you got that maybe after playing 1/4 of the game. really hated that. TBH I love Steampunk and Cyberpunk, I played all Fallout games(3int runs are hilarious), Neocron , Thief series, Bioschock and all Legacy of Kain games, if you count those as Steampunk, nevertheless there will be someone more worhty of a playable copy of Arcanum, so good luck :p

1 decade ago

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What? There are steampunk fans that don't have Arcanum already? Fake! FAKE I SAY!

(This is not an attempt to win a game, I already have the game and you should too)

1 decade ago

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Well, some people just don't have a digital copy of it and might be seeking one as it's easier to use than a disc.

1 decade ago

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So I was trolling just like you, well, now I actually kinda want the game, since I have played it pirated before. Hmm... about actual steampunk gaming, I came across two games that I loved - and still do, and I don't know why they are both shoot 'em ups (bullet hell shooters, I hate them but I just like these ones): One is the probably know to everyone Jamestown, it just fucking rocks in every department. It's an excellent showcase of how an indie game should be done.

And in the other hand, a rather obscure CPS-2 game by Cave called Progear no Arashi, which is EVEN MORE AWESOME than Jamestown.If there is such a thing. Here is a video.

And last, an anime series that I couldn't get past the first episodes, Last Exile, featuring excellent designs by Range Murata.

Also, Will Smith.

1 decade ago

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Cool stuffs.

1 decade ago

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Played many years ago! I still fondly remenber when my wizard had to stay in the rear of the train... o_ç
Maybe this is the occasion to replay it with a tech one!
I'm a Vanilla fan of Steampunk (actually of all or almost all the punks ones), but when I find it I enjoy it very much!

1 decade ago

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Or you could replay it as a wizard and try to become the Rosa Parks of wizards.

1 decade ago

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XD But then the trains will broke and what if it explode and I'm not far enough? O_O

1 decade ago

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Based on weighted randomness, with more seriously interested people getting weighted higher our winner of this grand prize of 1 Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is...


1 decade ago

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Thanks for this thread, I'm gonna install Arcanum again now ^_^

1 decade ago

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And for those wondering, the random numbers used were as follows:

Yatterman - 1-3

Styfon - 4-5

KaiserTroll - 6

Novaflare - 7-8

eleozz - 9

AvidWriter - 10

MarKell - 11-12

Arronasu - 13

notnsane - 14-15

Smurfsrule - 16

Mebahell - 17-18

1 decade ago

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( ゚Д゚) ..... Best day ever , thanks a lot for it :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the contest and congrats to the winner!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Shardok.