Do you pay more than the minimum when buying Humble Bundles?
sometimes, really depends on the contents and the charity.
most of the time its the minimum though for the tier I desire
if I feel the bundle is to cheap for what it contains and want to pay extra to publishers, or I just want to give a good donation to the charity attached to it.
sometimes I pay extra for the guilt I feel from super early bundles where you could pay a penny... and you know they lost money on said transaction.
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I don't have much time to play games myself, so most of my purchases were for donating. However, this was years ago.
In more recent times I barely bought a bundle because most of them are pretty expensive, especially compared to a more treasured period in my memory, a period when Humble always had actual bundle tiers and quality games even in the less expensive bundles, not just 6 identical increasingly expensive tiers of basically the same stuff.
I still remember people on this forum worrying when IGN purchased Humble in 2017 and IGN crossing their fingers and promising they won't interfere with how Humble works.
They didn't - at least not radically changing anything. They just slowly pushed the envelope over multiple years, charging more and giving less, making stupid changes that nobody asked for like the Humble Monthly to Humble Choice thing.
You used to be able to choose how much of your donation goes to Humble. Now there's an obligatory threshold you can't go below. Kind of gives their whole game away (no pun intended, lol).
Nowadays I'm pretty soured by all of this and I don't feel like giving them my money just because a portion of it goes to charity. I'd rather donate directly and get my games somewhere else.
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i don't really buy many "normal" HB Bundles anymore most of the time if i do i will buy the $1 tier if there is one like the resent Capcom one - so doesn't matter to me but i never paid more than the minimum as i don't have unlimited money
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I'll be honest and admit I see bundles first and foremost as great deals on games included. I always set HB's cut to the lowest, and depending on the mood, I'll boost either the developer/publisher slider, or charity one.
I'm also waiting until it'll be more financially viable for me to actually support a charity. But when that time comes, I'll probably simply pick one of local ones I can check out and see if they actually do good stuff with the money, so that it doesn't go to waste.
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No, I tend to pay the minimum. I donate to charities on my own time and try to buy stuff off Itch so devs can choose their own paycut if I can, so I don't think of Humble as my primary way to support either of them.
I will adjust the amounts I give to the specific game companies and Humble if I can. e.g. if I'm buying a bundle mostly for three specific games in it and not planning to play the others, I'll adjust it so they're the only ones who get the percentage set aside for the developers.
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Humble Bundle always defaults to having you pay a little more than the absolute minimum required amount to get everything in the bundle. I'm curious about how much people choose to pay, as well as if they toggle with the amount of money given to either charity, the publishers, or Humble themselves. Unfortunately I can only have one poll question, but it'd be great if people could also discuss how they choose to allocate their payment when buying a Humble Bundle. Do you stick with the default donation, give extra to charity, or customize it in a case-by-case basis?
Personally, I tend to stick to the minimum and choose the Donate Extra to Charity option unless the particular charity resonates with me. Depending on the cause I might pay even more for the bundle than the default, but that tends to be only when it's a 100% charity bundle for something I find important.
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