Also, support tickets won't help. They don't care about ANYTHING that isn't banning people for calling out.
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They did help me with giveaway-related stuff in the past, a bit slow sometimes, i kinda understand that, since this is a pretty big community.
Fingers crossed.
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Watch out! He might stalk you and cry about you being a racist.
If i was a racist as he said i am, i would have not even accepted his friend invite.
I guess he's a PC, brah!
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Speakertag, I'm Greek, but no reason to speak about a whole country like that. :/
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Generalizations and stereotypes exist for a reason. I'm sure there are the good apples, but my experience has been overwhelmingly bad.
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If an apple tree has 9 rotten apples and one healthy apple, would you say that this apple tree is worthless? No. It's true that stereotypes exist for a reason and the reason is to spread hatred. Anyway, that's your opinion and I respect it, but I'm pretty sure it's not true.
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I can agree with them existing for a reason, i don't however like to think about them much, i give everyone a chance, if they want to behave according to the stereotypes and generalizations, fine by me, i don't care, i get over it.
In his case i told him i don't speak Russian, and he started being butthurt about how even "Dracon" is a russian word
Shamrock asked me "so why do you think that you're the good guy?"
I gave him a chance, and got into this rep mess, i guess if i didn't gave him a chance, and blocked him instantly, i wouldn't have been..
If another Russian adds me now, will i give him a chance too?
Yes, because i'd rather get my head stuck in time-wasting situations like these, because i like to think people are different.
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I said it because you said that you sweared at him first. ;P
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By the way, Speakertag, i added you on steam since you seem friendly, also, maybe we can help eachother get rid of the games we have to trade, i saw you have quite few games, i have few aswell.
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You sweared at him, so why do you think that you're the "good guy"? Anyway, he's not a stalker. He probably just got offended. Maybe, you could try to apologize to him. If that doesn't resolve anything, then yes, the support ticket may be a good idea.
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I tried, he kept saying i had russian names in the past, this is not how you handle a situation like this, if someone on the street comes to you and he starts mocking you, what do you do? You go to their workplace and start yelling that he mocked you? .
I got offended too, for assumptions like his, which, i heard for a long time already.
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You got offended because he thought you are from Russia? Well, if you apologized, but he wouldn't understand, then you can't do anything else, other than creating a support ticket (which you already did).
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I got offended because of his assumption based on the belief that cyrillic is russian, it's annoying, for you probably not, because you haven't heard an assumption for countless years already.
He speaks english well, he could've at least initiated the conversation with a "Hello", but his nationalism was too big, i guess.
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Anyway, I can't help you about your quarrel with that guy. I doubt he used a hacked account, as you said, but he probably used an alternative account or told to a friend to make a -rep comment as well. Maybe steamgifts will help you, although I'm not sure if they will remove the -rep comments.
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Why he accused you of being racist? This doesn't make any sense. You probably said something more than a swear word. Btw, racism is a crime.
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If I hate all potatoes because they smells, I will not get arrested for it. It is just my opinion.
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Its not only about murder.
"Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters (hate mail)."
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If you direct it toward someone as harassment, bullying, abuse, or slander, then YES, it IS a legal crime.
Similarly, 'Assault & Battery'- Assault is just any verbalization that makes someone feel threatened and in danger. Battery is the physical component.
In many states, Assault is treated just as severely as Battery.
So if you, for example, make someone feel severely threatened due to their [race, gender, etc] you can have assault charges filed against you.
The real issue isn't whether bigotry is or isn't a crime, but rather what the threshold is that makes it officially punishable as such.
Making idle internet comments almost never qualifies.
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As long as you felt your life was in danger, you could have filed charges.
You couldn't really sue for damages [unless you want to try filing for emotional distress, but that's generally hard to validate and more trouble than it's worth], but you could have had them arrested.
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In my country people are often sued even for saying something bad about a race or people from another region on twitter/facebook. Like, in general. There is a clear difference between freedom of speech and hate speech here.
I don't think how other countries deal with that tho, but I can't imagine its much different since Brazil its not the most advanced country when it comes to laws.
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Actually it still is. I can't speak for all countries, but that is hate speech, and hate speech is also a crime in several countries. No matter if you're aiming your thoughts to an individual or a group. When you voice your thoughts you influence others towards hate.
Judging by your knowledge on theses matters, I think it will be safer if you just keep your thoughts on potatoes to yourself.
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To support that:
Free speech lets you, for the most part, say whatever you want, wherever you want.
The thing people forget is, as soon as you direct your comments toward something, it no longer is encompassed by free speech.
ie, you can say 'All XEthnicity are genetic rejects', and not get punished, but as soon as you direct that toward someone, you can get in trouble for hate speech.
Similarly, you can say 'All XCompanyType are organ-stealing black market profiteers', but as soon as you say 'YSpecificCompany is an organ-stealing black market profiteer' you could get sued for slander/libel.
Generally, absurd comments from random people aren't worth a company's time, of course- but the point is, as soon as you direct anything toward a real person, that's when it becomes a potential crime.
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Well, as I said, I can't speak for other countries. But in mine, people already were convicted for just saying generic xenophobic stuff towards a non-specific group of people.
I won't translate, but if you use google you can translate with a couple of clicks only, or could try Google translator:
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Yeah, that bit is definitely wrong.
First, you can kill in self-defence and it's not even a crime. Euthanasia is also legal in some countries. Those are somehwat nitpicking examples but much more often you can commit murder without it being classed as a hate crime. Most murders aren't.
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It's actually a crime too, depending on which situation you use it.
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I'm so disappointed this doesn't have a poll "Do you have a stalker?", with the following options:
"All my stalkers are Russian."
"Maybe? Let me check behind me.."
"I don't know- I'm always the one stalking others."
"I only stalk RachelLove. That's where the bundles are, and I need my fix."
"I would love a stalker! Would you be my stalker? Please? Please don't leave me. COME BACK. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE."
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I like the last option the most, but anyway, i meant stalker as in someone who doesn't let stuff go, and keeps coming back to to random stuff to you.
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This type is harmless. Just let them waste their time. :)
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The only thing that bothers me is that, i occasionally trade bundle leftovers, and many times people don't check the feedbacks throughly to see if there is something wrong, just a big red box with the writing "2 Negative Feedback" will pop in their face.
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Open a support ticket, explain it, provide proof that you never traded with him (or they will ask HIM to prove that he traded with you, which he won't have). Its the best you can do. :D
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Not going to turn this into rant, i believe it's actually a bit funny.
One guy added me, started speaking Russian randomly, assuming i am Russian too because i have a cyrillic name (They claim cyrillic is theirs, lol), i told him i am not speaking Russian, he of course, said i have a "Russian" name, which, yea, made me upset and at some point, and i used a swear word, but this is not school anymore, i shouldn't have an unnecessarily negative feedback because i was a "bad boy".
(This is by the way, just like assuming every asian person you see on the street is from China).
He started commenting on my trade thread, he left me a negative feedback while we didn't even trade, a bit of time later, another negative feedback from another user i don't even know, probably from a hacked account, i guess.
Just curious, what would you do in this situation? I opened support tickets.
I could've asked my friends to return him the favor, in a big number, since i have plenty of friends that use SG, but i can't go that down, and wouldn't do much.
I find this situation funny, as someone with too much time in their hands, i would still never do that.
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