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Aww! It's a great time to make family memories if nothing else! :P
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Bump and thanks nwn
I play a bit of Silent Hill Homecoming recently ! It's my first Silent Hill game and so far I like it (the PC port is atrocious tho)
I hate knowing the summer is ending since my appartment is very cold in winter and I'm starting to feel it's bite in my hands and feet.
But I love autumn the most cause it's perfect weather nwn (Winter is fun too with all the snow you can stomp on ;3)
Never been a great fan of celebrations, but having day off is cool so, I guess I take that xD
Hope you enjoy Diablo II like in the old days. I never played any of them but I started playing Torchlight 2 lately and it's a very relaxing and fun genra ;3
Anyway, cheers :3
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I can relate! I used to live in an old house that was not insulated well by any stretch of the imagination. Winters were chilly to say the least! Stay warm~
And thanks! Definitely enjoying D2R so far. I really like that it has a toggle to go 'oldschool' with the OG graphics. I'm certainly going to run at least 1 character through that entirely. Torchlight is legit too! I have 1 and 2 and enjoyed them both. Have fun with that and take care~
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The last time I supported Blizzard was June 30, 2000. I'm not losing any sleep over a purchase every 20 years mate. You have a good one though okay.
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Technically, the last time was when purchased this new one. But do whatever you think is right, I guess.
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My reply doesn't leave much room for interpretation or technicality bud.
While I respect your opinion, this is not the thread nor am I the person for this discussion ok? Once again, you have a good one.
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For real! Summer never used to be too bad in my area but this year was insane. Winters always been cold and snowy tho. Couldn't agree more with the favorite times! I do like seeing the fresh green sprouts of life in spring too~
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I would love to play Diablo II Resurrected, but I'm afraid of bothering my memories.
Thanks for the gifts
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I completely understand that! There's a nifty little toggle in-game that lets you switch between the old graphical interface and the new remastered visuals anytime which I thought was cool! I guess it was possible since it is built on-top of the old engine so they can remain somewhat faithful to the OG in that aspect. Thanks for taking the time to comment, have a great day!
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It's like you know me personally or something~ O.O
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Don't really have a preference for a season. I cannot stand the winter though; shoveling snow is so tiring and it makes the roads even more bad to drive. I haven't had much time to game a lot recently, as I am in the final semester of graduate school, but I have been playing Genshin Impact everyday faithfully. I also redownloaded Diablo 2 (2000) with the intention to start that again but I have not found the time.
Happy Gaming and thanks for the giveaways!
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Hey, early congrats then! I get the time crunch, especially since education is so important these days. I hear Genshin is pretty legit. I got a little bro who loves it too. Haven't had a chance to try it myself yet though.
I dislike shoveling as well. Normally get a fair bit in my area so I used to hire local kids to get rid of it. I get out of work and they get a little money to buy whatever they desire haha! Win, win! Thanks for commenting and have a good one~
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Eh, I wouldn't really say I have a "favourite" season. They all kinda have their upsides and downsides. Autumn is kinda middle-ground-y between summer and winter in that it gets cold enough for my nose to start running when I'm outside (it's annoying like that) but it also isn't cold enough for all of nature to stop being annoying (I guess I prefer winter in that regard ^_^' ). Also soon there will be leafs everywhere, which will later turn into mush. >.<
Not really focusing on any particular game at the moment, since I'm in that "What do I play next? O_o" phase between games. Should be able to figure something out when next month starts (along with some events). XD
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Totally understandable! I've developed some pretty crazy allergies over the years so while I love spring and summer, they make me suffer. Part of the reason I do love me a good fall/autumn haha! I definitely do not enjoy raking up leaves but it beats shoveling snow in some regards. xD
Been stuck in the 'what to play' loop recently as well! I've got options but just haven't been feeling much of anything lately. D2R has stepped up for a bit tho! Hope you find some entertainment soon and thanks for commenting!
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Harvest pumpkins are the best! Multi-purpose this time of year as decorations and then you can whip em into some yummy things too!
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Ahh, the global tilt throwing some seasonal discrepancies around haha! Enjoy the budding promises it brings~
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Honestly, I don't really prefer any seasons in particular. Summer was the holidays season so I like that but that was when I was still studying. Nowadays I like the fact that there's a lot of natural light, but on the other hand there's a lot of heat, while in winter I can sleep with a warm blanket, but it's night really soon.
Regarding games, I'm giving Heroes of Hammerwatch a try for now, but I'll probably move to Bayonetta by the end of the week. No games I'm waiting for impatiently, I still have a very big backlog to get my hands into and not enough time to progress with it at a pace I'd be comfortable with.
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True! There's a pro/con list for most seasons. Sounds like the game sit is planned out tho! I've been wanting to try hammerwatch as well but haven't got around to it! Bayonetta is pretty legit tho! Enjoy and thanks for dropping your thoughts!
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For sure! I've heard places closer to the equator have only wet and dry. It probably makes things simpler no? I hope you can mitigate the impact of the typhoons! That kind of thing scares me personally! Q.Q
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You know, when I was younger I'd always say Winter was my favorite season.
But now, I'll have to agree Autumn is by far the best! Comfortable weather, none of those Spring allergies, and all the transitioning trees are wonderful to look at.
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I'm exactly the same! When I was a teenager I LOVED winter. Snow was so much fun whether building snowmen, castles, snowball fights, etc. Now that I'm a bit more on in years I just don't like the frigid cold as much, nor the work in getting rid of the snow haha. Feel you on the allergies, those I've developed over the years and am not pleased with. Hope you have a great day!
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I had a similar summer with the heat and smoke. I do enjoy fall. The changing colors of the trees. The good weather. Pumpkin flavored everything. But at the same time I get a little filled with dread because it means winter is coming. I HATE winter.
I just started playing The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I loved the original and finally decided to bite on this one with all its dlc (It's on sale for the 10th anniversary of the original.) I'm sucked in again.
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This summer has been insane for sure. Never had one quite as horrible in terms of heat and smoke. Literally record breaking for those aspects. It's a bit scary to think how it might be in the future. I do enjoy a good color change as well. Something to brighten a day.
I've got a buddy who loves The Binding of Isaac. Probably his favorite of all time. I never had a chance to play it but I've heard nothing but positives about it. Enjoy the DLC and all! Thanks for your thoughts~
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Welp, It's my favorite time of year. That being fall, or autumn if you prefer.
This summer has been pretty intense in my local. Unprecedented heat waves, smoke so thick your lungs cry out in protest, etc. Needless to say, I'm quite happy the harvest season has arrived. Food abounds, nature begins one of its foundational transformations, and the upcoming holidays of course, if you're into that(I'm not that into it personally) kind of thing!
I'd say my favorite thing about this time of year is I get to enjoy more time at home. In essence, I have more of an excuse to lounge about playing games haha. What about you? Do you enjoy this time of year or do you have a differing favorite season? Any games you're absorbed into or waiting for? I've been playing Diablo II: Resurrected lately. The nostalgia is real!
Anywho. What's a monologue post without some mandatory giveaways right? These will be flash GA's from 24-72 hours that are level 1-3. You'll need to do a little trimming to get the goods, the most basic of basic bot prevention measures ofc.
[Lvl 1][Lvl 2][Lvl 3]With that out of the way. It's time to wrap things up here! Thanks for stopping by and drop a bump if you feel so inclined~
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