Take it as a loss and blacklist for the next time?
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I mean give him the game and blacklist for the next time.
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Some people dislike giving to people who have broken rules, never mind multiple times.
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Some people (i.e. you) blacklist people without reason and deserve worse punishment than those others. :D
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Just because I don't remember the reason doesn't mean there wasn't one.
The only crime I'm responsible of is forgetting what that was. And what I had for dinner last night. And even my name at times. Am I really supposed to remember the reason I added someone to the blacklist when I can't even remember my own damn name?
Yes, I'm serious about forgetting my own name.
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If you were an adult, you'd realize how incredibly inane and immature that statement is.
"Oh sorry, I hate you but I don't know why."
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He does not hate you, he just does not want to spend any money on people who he deemed not worthy of it. There's a difference. Also,, there's no rule for remembering why you've blacklisted someone, and afaik mentioning the reason can be considered calling out.
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Umm, I didn't say he did. It was an example of the logic he uses.
And no, it's not.
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I'm an adult. A forgetful one. The fact stands that you did something I felt was worthy of the spot on the blacklist. I don't do it for simple junk, but stuff I feel was breaking rules. Just because I can't remember if 99% of my blacklist posted referrals, regifted, leaked a puzzle or something else, I should give them another chance?
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I understand that you don't think you did anything worthy, and clearly I did. The fact that you argue that you shouldn't be because I can't even name what you did is the problem.
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I'm not arguing that I shouldn't be blacklisted by you.
I'm pointing out how abhorrent your actions are. Especially when you attempt to justify your actions by baseless judgements.
Being a disgusting human being is the problem.
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Wow calling someone a disgusting human for a simple blacklisting is a bit over the top. I also have a huge blacklist (500+), does that make me a disgusting human also?
I don't remember each and every person, but I do know they earned their spot there.
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He just likes to insult people. Everyone has to have something to live for, being a hateful person is his purpose.
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I actually don't like arguments. If you even knew me or who I was you'd know that. I'm not hateful in the slightest. I'm not the one being anti here. Enjoy yourself.
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I'm not the one calling people 'disgusting human beings' or the like. Whenever this argument is brought up (by you, every time, I'll point out), you always tend to delve into such before it ends.
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it may be a small representation, but this thread shows differently. Just from reading your rudeness and childishness on here, you are the sole occupier of my blacklist. In a few days time I'll forget about the blacklist and why you are there. But I won't change it. Because whether I remember why I put you on the list, it doesn't change that this thread happened.
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That could be a fair reason to blacklist someone, I sure would blacklist someone who's being insulting to me for no good reasons... And it seems that his opinion is that everybody that got a blacklist is a disgusting human being which might bring about more of the same.
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I know it wasn't that, at least. Simply being a dick isn't enough for me, even I have bad days, not going to punish others for them.
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Nah, would have been something else. Being a grumpy git is fine, no one can avoid bad days.
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It's not really over the top. The larger your blacklist, the more likely it is you're a disgusting human being. That's pretty solid logic.
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The more you oppress others, the more you should and eventually will be oppressed. It's The Tao of Life.
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Yeah sorry, I tend to stand firmly with my two feet on the ground. Dreamy lines like that are a complete waste for me.
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The parallels are obvious and if you can't see them, for someone being so outspoken on the matter, then you must be trolling. I'm not a fan of censorship or isolationism.
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English is not my main language so you kinda lost me now, are we still talking about blacklisting or are we talking about some crazy religious beards in the desert? And please don't tell me you see some similarities between both.
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Ostracizing others due to your own self-justified beliefs, how is that not similar?
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Now, I would like to ask you how do you know that the reasons at the time of blacklisting were not justified?
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blacklist without a real reason is terrible, surly, but just because you forget why you added someone to a blacklist doesnt mean its not worthy, honestly if anyone ended up on my list they will be forgotten soon enough, but they will remain there because i would have had a reason for adding them
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I don't have a blacklist, but I do try to keep track of people who'd be on it, if it existed... :) Not sure why. :)
Unfortunately at first I forgot to save any evidence, so if for example a person would be on it for begging, months later I wouldn't remember if it was real i-am-poor-give-me-a-game begging, some kind of "joke" begging or what exactly. :( Better not to use it, really... :)
Sometimes those not-blacklisted people end up winning giveaways, but I never seem to notice until later... :)
So, if you haven't started doing so already, I suggest making a note as you add people, maybe an url or screenshot, etc. :) Won't help for the old ones, but it's better than nothing... :)
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I highly recommend the SG++ addon It allows adding tags to users.
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Aside from the fact there are no restrictions on how a user chooses to use their blacklist and ad such need no reason, the fact that a user has broken the rules repeatedly would be more than enough resin for most users to blacklist them.
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Mmm resin. For real though, you're absolutely right. Blacklisting users for breaking the rules is fine, but blacklisting users for no reason at all is not and should be against the rules imo.
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People can blacklist for any reason they want. Support accepts that. IIRC, it was a member of the support staff who did a giveaway where half the entries got were randomly chosen to added to the blacklist for 6 months (this was mentioned in the giveaway description).
The blacklist and whitelist are up to the user only, no restrictions placed on it beyond the 1000 user limit on either.
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Support can't even handle their current workload. Making every user document proof of their blacklist reasoning and then expecting support to sift through that too is utterly unenforceable.
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I'm not actually encouraging rules for blacklisting.
I just think it's utterly obvious that someone who has a large blacklist and can't even remember the reasons is more than likely to be a disgusting person. For example, I'm sure racists have larger blacklists than someone who is anti-racist simply defined by the labels themselves.
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lol aint no one cowering around here, your just making a damn fool of yourself for everyone to see, i mean your talking about someone not having a reason to blacklist you or not remembering when EVERYONE can clearly see WHY you got blacklisted, i mean i dont even know you and already i can tell, this kid is a douche
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Well I can say that as far as I'm concerned. You have been blacklisted by me. I'm sorry to say that insulting other people for seemingly no reason makes you a disgusting human being.
Also, for someone who dislikes arguments I would like to question the reason as to why you started one in the first place?
Now I have a reasonably small blacklist. 6 (now 7) and I can't remember why I added them, though I know it was a pretty damn good reason because that's the only time I blacklist someone. That's just how it works. I'm sure Delta has had a rather good reason for blacklisting every single person on his blacklist and I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that.
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I'm glad you're ostracizing me due to my beliefs and your own. ;D
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You don't make any sense. You know that right?
You blacklisted me and made a post about it.
Checks out.
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Yes, perhaps I didn't word my response very well.
And yes I did blacklist you. For being inappropriately rude and starting needless arguments. You have offered very little actual advice on this forum and whenever someone tries to counter what you say you just call them a bad person or an idiot.
I blacklisted you for what I believed to be a good reason and you then blacklisted me for what you believed to be a good reason. So, I pose you this question, how is the way you or I blacklisting each other any different from how most people in this community blacklist others? Do you honestly expect to remember 3 months from now why you blacklisted me?
May I also point out that, by your logic, you blacklisting me increases your likelihood of being a disgusting human being.
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+1 Seriously. The nerve of some people on here. It's just a fucking video game.
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That's what I'm asking if it could be thought and defined a set of arguments for the site. Not any thought the creator has/wants on that precise moment. You have read it too fast ;)
Or alternatively in this particular case could be fixed by changing "last month" by "last year" or removing "last month".
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I read and inspected very well.....so why do you don´t want to answer my question.
Would you accept a reroll yourself, cause someone might think you don´t deserve a win, cause rule-violation in the past, even if you might or might not had a suspension?
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I would. I might be pissued off about it but it's their money and their game and they should have the choice not to hand it over to a scummy, rule breaking ingrate. VAC bans are a permeates stain on your profile and a criminal record will largely follow you around for life. Why should we treat people amy different here?
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I would accept/face it if it's "cause rule-violation in the past" I wouldn't if "cause "reasons"" (reasonable argument vs not argument). You have changed the question ;) so 2x1 answer.
When I have the two options: I can lose vs we both can lose, picking the second isn't logic, only under very bad attitude.
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"reason" cause rule-violation is more than not giving, not activating or regifting by intention. Calling out, not realizing the you got the wrong gift, and therefore in fact you did not active a won game (official). are also rule-violations and "reasons".
And this could happen to nearly everybody. You are just talking about a guy you see what he did...a guy that got a suspension. Here are users around, that did not activate many games....got a suspension....that got removed, cause they activated them after being caught.
Extending this 1 month expetion would not really help.
Talking about not just stacking suspensions, doing them like 1+2+4 weeks, or not just remove a suspension because someone got caught and activated the games...this is something that would make sense for me.
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Yes, I would never accept a gift if I thought the giver didn't want to give it to me - no matter how disappointed I may be.
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+1 to CNC. I believe in the unalienable right of people that give away things for free to have a little control over who doesn't get access to said things. It's not like we're giving away essentials. Someone doesn't want to give you the game, pretty sure you won't die.
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If they randomly decide they want someone else to win because their profile pic is cuter (I'm just making up a random reason here) - I'd tell them %()*W)(% :)
Just make a whitelist giveaway if you want to play dirty like that.
If someone asks for a re-roll in situations like OP, where rule violations were in place - I can totally understand.
edit: note that OP said SIX times. If it's once, a minor mistake, it shouldn't be a big deal, but six times, come on.
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I would not agree to the reroll, but I would invite them to take the not received and then create another giveaway for it.
If I let him reroll, there's no proof to show how often he does the same thing. If he has a lot of not received, people know that his giveaways are unreliable and can avoid entering them in the future.
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In my humble opinion, you're not the internet police -- nor SG support -- so stop being a SJW and give the winner his game. Move on. End of thread
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If your fingers hover over blacklist buttons often, I wouldn't want to enter your giveaways anyways. :)
Really, I don't understand the negativity of some people here.
It's like everyone wants to compare how small their dicks are.
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I find it curious that you keep complaining how negative people here are yet most of the insults in this thread come from you.
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Fascinating that you are that interested in me enough to track how long it has been since you added me. I couldn't begin to tell you how many months it has been since I blacklisted you.
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aElder 4 months ago
Aha, thanks. I forgot you can see it there.
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This is one of the few things said here that does make any sense...
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It's his game now -- unless you want to break the rules of SG and not send the game.
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All giveaways should be for Steam redeemable gifts or Steam redeemable keys.
Beta keys, guest passes, coupons, and free games should not be given away.
Region restricted gifts and keys are allowed for a select number of regions. If you have a gift or key for another region, it should not be posted at this time.
Giveaways should accurately reflect the game being given away. If the game is not available in the giveaway list, please contact support to have the game added, instead of posting the giveaway under an incorrect name.
Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.
You cannot ask users to perform any special action in order for their entry to be considered valid, such as liking a Facebook page, or following a Twitter account.
You have not read the rules of the site?
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Of course, see that one right there.
Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.
You'll get suspended if you don't! :) Enjoy!
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I know that someone was in a similar situation to yours and got a reply from support that not sending in that case would be considered as doing a "fake giveaway". Of course, someone (supposedly the winner in question) needs to report you before support issues a suspension.
Can't find an appropriate link to back it up (and I think it was posted in chat anyways), but I'm pretty certain that this is the case.
Plus the rules state "Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.". Your original intent doesn't matter, you created a giveaway and you didn't send the gift. That makes it fake.
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No problem:
"Here is your key, congrats on the win! 123-456-789"
"it doesn't work"
"Oops, I have made an honest mistake in my key list, sorry! I don't have any others so you'll have to mark it unreceived."
So, it wasn't a "fake giveaway", it was an honest mistake!
(this is an example, no one actually do this please)
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Should people who have broken the law and served a prison sentence still be denied re-entry into society?
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Just because you serve your sentence and get out doesn't mean people won't treat you differently. have you tried finding a job after serving jail time?
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You seemed to be using that point to say OP shouldn't get a re roll. In response I was noting that isn't really he it works regardless of the systems intent.
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I was saying exactly that. Then, apparently as a counterargument, you listed an inherent problem with society that needs addressing: Everyone deserves a second chance, and the system is designed to give them one, but society often refuses to.
Excons are indeed viewed with suspicion in society, and that is perfectly understandable, and something they will have to live with. But they shouldn't be outright denied a chance. There are charities and nonprofits devoted to addressing this.
But like FeiLing says below, the parking fine example is really more comparable here.
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Allowing a reroll isn't outright denying them a chance though.The reroll option would be there for those that wanted to use it whilst others could choose to ignore it. Just like we can choose not to use our blacklist.
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On a personal basis, it is absolutely denying them a chance. Perhaps it would be easier to understand if I lengthened it to "a chance to prove themselves".
Unless I am misunderstanding the issue in this specific case, OP's winner broke a rule (under circumstances none of us are aware of) at some point and was punished for it. This was unrelated to and took place before OP's giveaway. In all likelihood OP's winner has learned his lesson and now plans to abide by the site rules to the letter.
But how do we know this? We don't. But if OP's winner is not given the chance to prove themselves trustworthy(i.e. awarding them their win and seeing them activate it), we will never know.
According to the site rules, OP's winner is fully entitled to their win. According to humanity's generally-agreed-upon-concept of "innocent until proven guilty", OP's winner is "rehabilitated" and should be given the benefit of the doubt.
Of course, I know nothing about OP's winner. He or she could be snickering evilly and already planning on regifting the game or some other nefarious deed. If this proves to be true, OP, myself, and anyone else who wishes can report and blacklist to their heart's content. But until this happens, no one has grounds for saying the winner shouldn't get the game.
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You specified outright denial. As I noted that wouldn't be the case as the giveaway creator would be able to choose not to request the reroll and just provide the game, which as you said is personal rather than outright.
In OPs case we know the user in question is a repeat offender so its just as likely they intend to carry on.
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So it's not "outright denial" as long as the GA maker has the OPTION not to deny a winner their prize?
In any case, I think we are looking at this in very different ways. I am having difficulty understanding your point of view and I don't think you will be able to see mine, so I will abstain from further argument.
If you wish, please see my post below for my closing statement.
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Ah but a fifth chance is a lot more different than a second chance is it? OP said that the winner of his giveaway won a DLC 4 times, and a game 2 times. He's violated the rule 5 times already.
If he hasn't learned his lesson by the third time, it's doubtful he'll learn it now.
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The funnier part is that I'm also trying to get a system -for all- that if a reroll can't be granted; on a set of reasonable situations, could be the giveaway deleted or whatever, without question. I'm not sure if allowed, will ask the staff :) But of course a reroll would be the best solution.
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The rules and system won't change because of a minority of peoples inability to follow rules.
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If a reroll "can't be granted on a set of reasonable situations", then there is no reason for a reroll, and by extension, no reason to deny a winner the game he or she won.
Personal bias past the reach of site rules is what blacklists are for, and they already exist.
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My statement still applies. If a reroll can't be granted according to the rules, then it stands to reason that there is no grounds for one.
I'm starting to get a headache, so I think I'll retire from this thread now. Before I leave though, I'd like to close by saying I bear no ill will toward anyone in the thread, regardless of their position on this issue. Thank you all for supporting a relatively civil debate environment.
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I would like to have seen the debate mire calm. Cause had no sense to discuss oftopics like reasons of blacklist. Or consider I was only caring about my case or make things permanent. Also the blacklisted troll decided to post on the entire site against everyone who has BL him...But it's internet, and everyone can attempt to alter the topic to their personal interests.
What would happen if most people have simply debated of change the word month per year?
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Nope, need permission to be re-rolled. I've been on both sides and giveaways can be deleted in both sides without permission. But with a -1, in theory. Probably will ask for that. In the past it was more important as unsent games were easier to see and even there was a stat that was it's percentage.
Seems that a minority in this community isn't against the right to write and debate things (not talking about you, obviously).
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No, you still need permission from the winner to delete if the giveaway ended. I speak from experience related to a giveaway where there was only one entrant.
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My mistake for the confusion. I cleaned up the wording, as my situation was different from yours. The sole winner of my giveaway had 4-5 unactivated wins on his account, but all from well beyond one month prior, so Support refused to delete. I was told that I would need the winner's approval.
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Your winner owned the game already. No need to ask.
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counter - if you're having your own business and hiring people should you not be allowed to decide if you want to hire a criminal? There is a reason why there are criminal records - and even after the guy served his jail-time it's up to you to decide whether you want to give him job or not.
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So if someone goes to jail for 2 years for whatever reason, in your eyes after he gets out again he is not allowed to live a normal life but always must be punished for the mistake he made and actually did "pay for" already?
If you got a fine for false parking, should you be not allowed to ever park anywhere else again even after you paid the fine?
I can see that you feel a week or few days ban on SG isn't enough of a punishment for a first time offender, but that's just how it is.
If he is a repeated offender, he will eventually be banned on SG.
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Just because you serve your sentence and get out doesn't mean people won't treat you differently. have you tried finding a job after serving jail time? Not to mention that even just a false accusation of certain crimes can be enough to ruin your life.
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yeah, but it really shouldn't be like that.
Well okay, depending on the severity of the crime and the actual prison location that might be less easy to accomplish. For e.g. if someone was 20 years in a US prison, he probably is more of a wreckage than ever before (unfair treatments, probably huge depressions and most likely not re-socialized at all and when he comes out, he's probably gonna be jobless, homeless, ill without healthcare - so he doesn't have many options really). But that's another problem. If he were to sit in Norway for example, there surely were way way less concerns about this.
Let's keep it to my second example with the fine for false parking. That seems more comparable to not activating a gift on sg than actually murder^^
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Well I hope no one is forced to give that person an employ because he was on prison. In fact if he has hidden that information and an employer kicks him, he won't get much compensation.
About the parking, on my country we have a sophisticated points system, I'm not sure if he would lose points for that, but eventually he would have to take again the courses to get the driving license. Perhaps if he parks 4 times the same week on a bus station and then 2 more on the door of a hospital and 2 more on the door of a school, he wil get in trouble, and he will piss a lot of people. Real life blacklist could be very harmful.
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Of course everybody makes mistakes and he shouldn't be punished for past things he probably didn't know..but his behavior is absolutely asshole-like, he could accept the reroll for the good will.
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What did OP's winner do that makes him or her asshole-like?
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The SG rules apply to all the SG users in an equal manner. Some SG users generally speaking may think or do think that they are more than other SG users and have special rules just for them but this is (lucky enough) not the case on SG.
I can understand that a winner in the eyes of a gifter does have issues but SG support applies the SG rules and not the SG users.
According to the SG rules he totally doesn't have to accept a reroll whatever you, I or anyone else thinks about it. In this case if he doesn't get the gift he won he can mark not received after 7 days and can do a user report to SG support.
Generally speaking I have seen here on the SG discussions users wave the SG rules book at other users but when the same SG rules didn't quite suit them then they wanted to change the rules so they would personally more suit them...
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I understand the sentiment but sometimes you just have to just move on :/. Gift, blacklist and carry on.
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It's not exactly a matter of my sentiments. Another guy got rerolled for similar situation, some of the infractions got punishment some not.
He got banned and I got a reroll, was he worst than this case? Not, is it fair that one is rerolled because the circumstances are more recent than the other?
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Life isn't fair :). I know that makes me sound like an ass but you have to come to terms with this. Support are a group of volunteers doing their best to enforce the rules of the site. Sometimes they make mistaies (they are only human) but they usualky gt it right 99% of the time. At the end of the day, all you can do is submit a ticket and hope for the best. If support rules against your favor, just blacklist and move on. There isn't much else to add to it.
Best bet to avoid this is making whitelist/group giveaways where you have more control over those who win your giveaways.
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Well the best bet to avoid it is to never make another GA again but addicts like us can't think of talk like that.
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Thanks for that for relevant comment (for a completely different but equally important topic). Please explain to Cjcomplex that sacrificing a goat is fundamentally the same as sacrificing a lamb. If anything, goats are BIGGER.
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blacklists prus666 for being racist towards goats
This blacklist thing is great.
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But the one reroll wasn't punished for breaking the rules before (or only partially punished). The other guy already served time for what he did. So that's the difference between the two.
I had a mass giveaway 10 days ago - had to make 40+ rerolls, but to be honest, if the winner was already previously suspended for doing no-nos, I sent them the gift. It sucks, but hey - at least you can hope they learned something for being suspended and they will be "a model citizen" from now on.
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If serving a sentence means you are carrying a stigma for all life regardless of serving the punishment, no wonder the prisons are full of people who eventually end up at the wrong side of the law again, if one can be so mental about some damn few-dollar video game.
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Sad huh?
For some, the world is so small, even in comparison to their closed-mindedness.
That's what happens when neckbeards stay inside all day every day. xD
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It's more common than that. I don't say everyone needs a second chance because, especially on the internet, there are people who will never learn (and there are many of this type on real life too… regardless of social status, there are "born criminals"), but jumping straight to the conclusion from one piece of fact just screams "Scarlet Letter" to me. And one of the morals of that story was that this kind of mob mentality is worse than the stigma itself. :/
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he broke rules, and got punished for it already. Hopefully he learned his lesson. Now, if he does it again i suspect his next punishment would be much harsher or permanent even, and i dont really think punishing him/her even more, after his initial punishment, would make things any better.
Theres a reason most people dont get out of jail as better person. they are well aware they are going to face consequences long past their jail time, regardless of their behavior. Not to mention jails arent exactly known as a place where one should go to 'become a better person' so to speak. thats irrelevant to this case though :P
If person in question, after serving his ban time, has decided to play by the rules but still gets punished for his past crimes, its going to do much more harm than good, imo.
just my personal opinion of course, as i cant really tell you what to do with your (any of you) blacklist , so it was just my 2 cents :)
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Just get over it and give him the game or take responsibility of breaking rules and not giving winner the game. In future you might want to consider ways where you check the users before making giveaways, just to be sure this doesn't happen again...............
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At the minimum there are consequences like getting a not received and being on the other side of a user report.
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Breaking stigmas is something very hard to do in Real Life©, on the internet...even harder.
Sure, people should be given a second chance. That's not what I am seeing here. I'm seeing someone being given a 7th chance. This is why there needs to be a rule about frequent violations. Someone who has broken the rules that many times should be punished as a habitual offender.
Before you can say something like, well it's only two games, let me ask you this: If you were searched by a police officer and had let's say some Oxycotin and Vicodin on you. Now, you don't have a prescription for these pills and you have them in different bottles in your backpack. Do you just get charged with 2 counts of a narcotics violation? Nope, not here, you get multiple charges for different bottles. On top of that, you'd get trafficking and distribution tacked on as well usually. I don't see why there's such a passive take towards the multiple offenders here.
You won the same thing 4 times, that's 4 different rule violations. Another game 2 times, that's 2 more violations. Six rule violations in total, how many should it take before you're cut off?
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Well then, sanction them for 5 rule breaks and make sure the door doesn't hit them on the way out.
If someone kept breaking the rules they're more than likely not going to stop just because they got caught once. Especially if they've been doing it for a number of years.
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dont think its that simple though. For someone who doesnt read rules (and lets face it, most newcomers dont do that) winning a few games and not activating them can happen in just a few days/weeks time and it takes a person to report another person, so until someone actually reports that guy/girl he could alrady be at his 5th win.
not to mention how sg is probably the only of steam games giveaway places that strictly asks you to redeem a game so many new people arent actually expecting that (im not debating if its wrong or not here though), just stating the fact how new people, especially ones coming from similar sites, arent really aware of that rule until its too late.
Yeah in an ideal world everyone would join only games they want to play, but the reality is that pretty much everything else in this world isnt even close to perfection, and sg is no exception :)
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Ignorantia juris non excusat. Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
SteamCompanion, the only other GA site that I look at occasionally, requires the same. That's besides the point though, I mean when you visit another city or state do you just drive as fast as you know is allowed where you live or do you look for a sign that posts the speed limit?
If someone chooses not to read the FAQ/ToS of the website they are about to use, they have no right to complain about being sanctioned or punished for violations.
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well its internet we are talking about here though, so no i dont really expect many people to read eulas and such. If they dont do it for more important things, i doubt they are going to do it here. Im just being realistic here :=P
not saying its the right thing to do, but than again its a site that announces itself as a site with free steam games, which is bound to attract all kinds of people and on top of that i can only guess but i really dont think theres a huge percent of general population who reads internet eulas, and much less when it comes to free stuff. Once again im not even debating if its wrong or not, im just telling you how do i see things (and i think i see them in a very very real light) so any super harsh punishments for first crime, regardless if person in question had 1 or 4 unreedemed games is really a no go.
heck i have warned quite a few newbies about regifting and more often than not id see them apologize and remove their GA. So its not all black and white, especially on internet site that offers free steam games :=P
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But it's not just a first crime, it's a first time getting caught.
Let me give this scenario: If you steal money from a cash register on 4 different occasions, but then get caught, how should that person be punished? Just once since they got caught after all 4 times?
I agree most people blindly click on things, that doesn't mean it's the right way to do it or that you should just accept it and let it go.
All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. A strong quote but the idea behind it fits here, the more relaxed you get on rules the more you show they bend the more weight people will put on them to see just how far they bend. Once they've been bent long enough it's hard to get them back to where they were before without some resistance and possible breaking.
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rl saying its not a crime until you get caught might be translated into something like... its not a crime if they arent aware of it, or something along those lines :P Its really much different to real life so i dont think its fair to compare it to stealing in real life. I mean as bad as not reading eula/rules is, its still not really same as stealing money or making meth :P
i have said it before so ill just repeat myself here - i dont even want to enter into debate if its right or wrong, because obviously (in my eyes anyways :P) is wrong way to do things, but by saying most people dont actually read eulas im just being real here (:
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Read all your points in this dialogue. Completely agree and well stated.
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u have no idea what are people blindly signing in real life, and internet is much worse when it comes to contracts*eulas :P
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I don't think I have even read the contracts for my loan, bank account and credit card... Then again, I live in civilized country where state protects the consumer not the corporations... So yeah, no one really does read ToS or EULA for sites like this.
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Well ye, the point is that if when you win a giveaway instead of that stupid cat you see a big "IF YOU DON'T ACTIVATE THE COPY, YOU WILL GET SUSPENDED PERMANENTLY" text, you have no excuse to not activate the gift even if you did not read the FAQ.
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As much as I love Space Cat, I think this would be something amazing to institute on the first win an account has here on Steamgifts.
It could be Space Cat with a disclaimer that you must click yes or no on to accept the GA.
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If he hasn't broken the rules since his suspension, then he's learned from his mistakes and I don't see a problem in giving him his win.
If he has, he'd deserve a second suspension.and the reroll should've been granted.
As others have said, no need for lifetime punishment
Problem is, regular users don't get to see when last suspension ended, so we do need to rely on the support folks to check that.
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another thing, rules are there for a reason, and they should be same for everyone. You cant just accept rules you like, and ask for ones you dont like to be adjusted to your likings.
There are rules about regifting/not redeeming/youname it game, but there are also rules about rerolling and stuff that you might not like all that much, but as odd as it sounds, people who were banned also need some kind of protection or else, they might as well leave this site upon their first infraction. Yeah i know... they were bad in the past, so we shall punish them now. and in the future too.
thats kind of mentality i dont agree with (nor i have to :P). Do i think GA winner in question should have behaved differently? Yeah i do, and imo he should have let you reroll because its your giveaway afterall, but thats not my point here. Unlike some people i dont believe in punishment just for the sake of it nor i think its going to make people behave better.
this case is probably extreme one and i agree how someone with that many infractions should definitely accept a reroll (with no questions asked) but if people are going to do that every time he wins a game, he might as well not be here at all.
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Also where does it start and where does it end if one could adjust SG rules?
It would be so much abused. For example I don't like a winner from the North Pole. Or I don't like a winner that has a bad win/gift ratio. Or I just don't like that winner for just about any reason. SG support would be flooded with biast reroll tickets.
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Sadly, SG is filled with people that think that way. :(
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And exactly for that reason the number or reasons why something can be rerolled is limited. Just way too much work for support or ways to exploit the system.
EDIT: Then again we could give free rerolls to users, but make it so that slot is lost and no CV is gained... You get to pick up the winner, but you don't gain anything from it.
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Yeah but there is an inherent problem -- the people wanting to change the system are acting like they want to giveaway games when in reality they just want to circlejerk with their internet friends.
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And they have two perfectly good ways of doing that... I don't really understand why they just don't use those. With public giveaways also have to take the bad that comes with it, as when you share the link...
Then again many people in generally seem to dislike/not understand the idea that Internet is public or atleast many of mediums on it are. They just want it to be public, but only for people who they like or think like they do... I better not continue on this rant...
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I did some public (on forum) giveaways because I wanted that everyone -who hadn't that games and hadn't brook the rules minus 20 other people very disgusting- could join them.
I do nearly all my giveaways in groups or private because 15-20% of my public giveaways ends on a reroll ticket, it's not pleasant for me, nor the rest of entrants, neither staff.
And don't worry, you're an educated people who know how to behalf, there's no place for you on my blacklist. Thanks for not falling in foe's tone on this thread. He's desperate to join in so his friend wins a bet.
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Send the game, blacklist if you want and move on. Or take the dates into consideration. I had a winner with 8 copies of DLC won on the same day, region locked - he could have won only two, probably was a noob to the site and didn't know about it. I think it's more about if someone's repeatedly breaking the rules (months apart) or get punished in the past, then no faults in the recent times.
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8 copies on the same day? Who cares if he knew the rules SOMEONE FIND THIS MAN'S LUCKY RABBIT FOOT!
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Similar situation to my last Not Received. I took the hit. I wasn't happy about it, but I'm also not so married to my ratio that I am willing to give the offender the game. Yes, I wish this rule were modified. Bullshit that creators are this penalized when trying to give games away.
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Kek, this thread has so many tryhard baits it's fun to read.
Clearly the guy just wants to give a game to someone that wasn't a douche before and i see nothing wrong with that. Imo the whole reroll system sucks so bad that people either have to do whitelist/group giveaways or deal with the fact they can't do much to change that the game ended up in subjectively or objectively shitty hands.
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The fact that game ends up to someone giver really doesn't like isn't something that much can be done with. Or then some users could start discriminating based on anything, even not liking avatar. But atleast there are ways to prevent this, whitelist/group giveaways. So in the end it's better than the alternative.
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If you want to giveaway a game, give it away. If you don't, then don't.
It's not that hard.
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The way I do it is that if I see a winner with an unactivated win or more than one win of the same game, I send a reroll request asking about it as long as it isn't a very old one (usually within 6 months). If they have not yet been suspended for the infraction then they usually are and I get the reroll, if they already have been then I say "Okay, they served their time, hopefully they don't do it again." and I send the game.
It's not the perfect system, but it usually works for me.
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I think the logic is if someone got punished for something they've done their restitution, which I don't think is quite fair but I do agree with enough to send gifts if someone has been banned. The issue with asking for giveaway deletion is that the winner has to agree, which can be problematic.
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so is this how the "system" works? get game, dont activate, get reported and be suspended for 1 week, 1 week is up, come back and win another game, dont activate, get reported, get suspended for 1 week, return, repeat
is that how it is? youd think after 3 strikes boom you get banned, if you get unlimited lives no wonder hes a repeat offender, personally i would not send the game, take the week suspension myself and screw him
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No that's not how it is. Users that repeat an infraction they've previously been suspended for get a longer or permanent suspension.
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"because he has won a DLC 4 times and some other games 2 times." exaggeration or too many lives
ive had a few crappy winners and my solution was to raise the lvls of my GAs, 0-1 = is leecher/dupe account central, of course i didnt know this when i first got here with my own 0 lvl butt, but you GA and you learn.... and blacklist anyone that doesnt deserve to win, had a winner that did 3 iffy games 3 years ago and was since winning loads of games, 3 whole years of gimmie gimmie gimmie? thats lvl 1 for you...
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It doesn't mean that they have repeated it after being suspended. We can't catch everyone immediately. If an user is not activating their wins and giveaway creators don't check their winners and keep sending them more games instead of contacting us, it can take a while before we catch them for the first time.
Also levels requirements will improve your chance of getting a winner that meets your expectations but it's no guarantee. I've seen level 9-10 users with non-activations, or with far more wins than gifts sent.
An example, recently I made 2 public giveaways with no level requrements, and 2 with a level 5+ requirement. Well there was no issues with the level 0 winners, but both users from the 5+ giveaways had to be suspended and rerolled.
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hahaha pwned.... its sad man, GF won a game and then a little while later she won it again, she was crapping bricks, "omg im gonna have double wins" lollll, asked for a reroll and no problem, its just wrong to take twice....
(thank you for your time and effort by the way in keeping in this place running)
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Support counts catching you once as one infraction. For example, if the user won the same DLC 10 times before he is reported, that counts as one infraction, not 10.
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I have had this exact situation come up a few times.
I give them the game, then blacklist them. According to the site's rules, they were perfectly fine to win the giveaway. Wanting it to go to someone else is my personal preference, and I understand that it's not support's job to cater to my personal preference. But at the same time, the site allows blacklisting for any reason, or even for no reason at all, so I use it as a site-sanctioned way to enforce my preference in the future.
As for the whole rehabilitation/prison argument - I feel like people who take the time to read the rules before they get in trouble should be rewarded. I completely understand that most people who get suspended never have another problem, but I'd like to skew things a bit in favor of the people who don't get in trouble in the first place. And besides, I still give them the game, so it's only some possible future chance at winning a second game from me that I'm taking away. Hardly comparable to what any ex-con faces.
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Archi "was lucky" because his winners broke rules recently or had not got punishment before????
Yesterday I tried to reroll the winner of one of my giveaways, because he has won a DLC 4 times and some other games 2 times.
Support told me that they can't reroll because that happened months ago and the guy already got punished and simply he's back. So the only way to get a reroll is if he accepts it.
I added the guy and politely explained him I would rather that the game ends on the hands of someone who hasn't broken the rules. But he told me that as he won't be able to win more games from me, he rather to get this one. So he told me I had the option to give him the game or get a not received and report. (Which is logic and somehow fair).
But is it fair to have to face consequences on that situation? He probably would have been on my blacklist if I had ever checked his profile, but he has been silent on the site, so never met him.
So what can be a solution? Should there be some reasons/arguments that justify a reroll? Should that "last month" be converted into "last year"? or removed.
Not sure if currently the appropriate solution is to ask that the giveaway become deleted. Is that better than a not received? Is allowed to delete the giveaway because this reason?
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