The posts on the steam groups' pages still say that we need to be part of the curator to join the giveaways. All you did was quietly remove that detail from your last Steamgifts thread.
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Yes, that is a requirement to join the member only giveaways but not the main giveaways.
I did not "quietly" remove anything, it's not allowed in the group recruitment discussions so I removed it. Leechers will always complain eh, Thanks for the bump :)
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When you say "main giveaways," are you talking about the public ones? The ones that can be seen on the site's homepage and thus don't need a thread?
it's not allowed in the group recruitment discussions
Yeah, but you're still doing it; you're just not admitting to it anymore. That's my point. The public ones don't need the thread, and the group ones break site rules.
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You need to join group for the group only giveaways, we are not forcing anyone to join the group. Feel free to not participate in the group only giveaways. However, if you want to participate in the group only giveaways then that is the group rules. I don't get why it's so hard to understand for some people?
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As i wrote you before in the GA's, to help you with your custom rules, the custom rules don't interest the sg staff.
They will not reroll someone because your custom group rules demand that you follow a curation and comment in your group to a GA.
That you blacklisted me after i tried to help you is strange but ok, to each their own.
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I am not sure if you don't know the sg rules after 8 years on sg you should know them, want to troll or are only not the brightest candle on the cake but you definitely need the sg support for a reroll because you can't do it by your own and you need a reason for a reroll that are listed in the sg rules.
Let me help you with a few words of advice too.
Don't try to come up with a "business" if you have no knowledge about the basics.
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First of all, I am more than aware of how SG works. I don’t need you to tell me how to run my group and when it comes to it, SG has moderators. Are you a moderator? If not, like I said mind your own business.
Secondly, this is not a “business”. I am giving to the community, people that can’t constantly afford new games. To have a heathy group, I require the group to do some basic tasks that takes 10 seconds to do and not just a group full of leechers that does nothing. This is the catch to not require the members to make giveaways as it defeats the purpose since they cannot always purchase new games.
Lastly, if you were actually trying to “help me”, there are other ways in speaking with me instead of joining my group and spamming my giveaways and then leaving the group, if you don’t understand that then I think you are as sharp as a bowling ball.
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Had i said how you have to run your group ? No
Have i explained you that your custom GA rules don't work in the way you wrote them ? Yes
Did i need to be a moderator to tell you that, special with the intention to help someone ? Nope
So it's unclear for me why you want that a moderator tell you that.
Latest when you try a reroll request with your custom rules you will get that info ;o) But you said you are more than aware of how sg works, so you dont need that to know it ... (and because of that it is more confusing for what you want that a mod tell you that facts that you know and each one are able to read in the rules)
So you make 2 curations, with all the work, and the custom rules that people must follow your curation to be a winner that get his win, if he don't follow you will reroll them, only because you are so generous and want to give games ? You only need that as "To have a heathy group, I require the group to do some basic tasks that takes 10 seconds to do and not just a group full of leechers that does nothing.", mhm, sounds very logical in the case of forced follows :-D
It, absolutely, doesn't sounds like a generous "giving to the community because people can't afford new games" and your acting don't fit to it too.
The "spamming", how you call it, in your Giveaways was one message in 2 group Ga's because 2 dif. groups.
I left your groups after you wrote me "Who are you? lol" and blacklisted me after that.
Did you think i stay then in your groups to support them and you?
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Like other people pointed out no custom rules to be eligible winner of GA are allowed. Only criterion is to be part of the group. So users don't need to follow curator in order to win GA. Support will not accept any custom rules from GA description as a reason to re-roll giveaway.
Also you should link to group giveaways in Group Recruitment. Public giveaways don't have connection with this thread:
Group Recruitment - In this category you are allowed to promote your Steam group, corresponding group giveaways and events, and relevant products or services (e.g. a website with group information or statistics). One of the primary aspects of your group needs to be SteamGifts or gifting using our platform.
You can write that you seek people to help manage giveaways but it should be done in the Steam thread. Group Recruitment is not a place to advertise such thing.
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Thank you for the respectful comment. Unlike some of your junior moderators.
Question, why can I not link to the group's curator?
"In this category you are allowed to promote your Steam group, corresponding group giveaways and events, and relevant products or services (e.g. a website with group information or statistics)."
The group curator is a part of the group is it not?
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As I'm the only Junior Moderator that I see that has commented concerning this, I take it you're referring to me.
I posted the link to MSKOTOR's comment on your two group giveaways so people entering are aware of what was stated by our support team concerning your custom rules where you tell people they need to follow your curator page in order to be eligible to win, which is listed below.
To be eligible for the giveaway:
You must be part of the group
You must comment in group discussion
You must follow group curator.
PLEASE NOTE: If you don't do the above steps, even if you win, I will choose a different winner that has followed above steps.
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And for full transparency for anyone that is not in the group and can't see the comment I left
For anyone entering this giveaway please read this comment left by one of our high support staff members concerning the custom rules listed in the giveaway description.
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Recent guidelines update was aimed to limit amount of advertisement on the forums, as SG was never advertisement billboard for people. That's why there are now clear "tiers" of content and advertisement:
So while giveaway descriptions are quite laxed forum threads are not. That's why you can promote curator in GA description but not in the group recruitment. Curator is not part of your giveaway group just like website where you would sell your handmade bears is not. You can mention it in your Steam group and GA description but not in forum threads. The only exception is when someone would ask "oh hey, do you know any place where I can buy handmade bears?" - then you can pop in and promote / advertise your website.
"Relevant product" is something that helps maintain the group - website with entry statistic, excel sheet where you gather all GAs in organized way to keep track of it more easily, blog where you post updates of events happening inside the giveaway group. None of this is posted in the discussion to promote something more than the giveaway group itself.
Unlike some of your junior moderators.
If you believe someone acted in a bad way you should write ticket about it. Otherwise we don't have permanent trace that someone thought there was misconduct.
Also recent update of the guidelines changed no-calling-out rule a bit. We allowed users to comment that behavior may be breaking the site rules:
If you notice a user not following our guidelines, do your best to politely explain our rules with relevant links or quotes to our guidelines when appropriate. If they do not take action or deny any wrongdoing, please submit a user report ticket so we can take action if necessary.
Before users could be suspended for pointing out rules, which was not a good thing.
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i have a few questions.
Recent guidelines update
Did you speak from the one months ago ? Or gave it now, again, a change ? If the latter, i don't seen it announced somewhere.
That's why you can promote curator in GA description but not in the group recruitment.
But it is still allowed to post it under user projects or? (but no group link/group recruitment link there)
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those rules sound reasonable enough. I don't know why nobody is suggesting that you move the "follow this curator" rule as a rule to be in the group instead of "to be eligible to win". if someone follows the curator then they can stay in your group, if not, they get kicked out and can't win any group giveaways. the effect is the exact same but it doesnt put the SG mods in a position where they need to enforce custom rules. the onus is on you and your mods to kick people if they arent following the rules. if people arent in your group anymore (because theyve violated the custom rules) they cant win a gift because theyll be out of the group. Also, i sent a request to join but can't find a link to follow the curator.
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