So yeah...this seemed to happen once before, probably around a year ago or so. Indiegala just seemed to stop doing their pop-up Happy Hour sales, which is one of the biggest motivators to jump in and buy from them. Now, at the time, they had also gone through a web site redesign, and if you had your window set too small on your browser, it caused the Happy Hour label/logo to disappear, making it more difficult to notice. All the same, the frequency of the event seemed to be less frequent.

Then, everything appeared to go back to normal...until recently. The past few weeks (at least 2-3, but perhaps more), I have not seen a single Happy Hour, and I've checked at least once or twice daily, including drilling in to the individual bundle pages to confirm. And nope, no Happy Hour. Ever.

So what gives? Anyone have any idea?

4 years ago

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Have you noticed that IG hasn't had a Happy Hour in at least 2-3 weeks?

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What is this "Indiegala" of which you speak?

Meh, I've bought one IG bundle in the whole of last year. Not bothered.

4 years ago*

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The last three bundles (Santa's Workshop, Hentai Tricks, and Match III) have ended without HH, and it looks like Dungeon Island will too.

This isn't surprising for Match III - 2/3 of the earlier Match III bundles didn't have HH either - but it is very unusual to have so many bundles without HH grouped together.

There's a little more discussion on this in the [latest IG bundle thread[(

4 years ago

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Yes, I noticed the same thing. I mean, their bundles are reasonably valuable when they're on Happy Hour. When they're not...well, I haven't bought a non-happy-hour bundle from them in at least a couple of years, probably three, especially now that the general bundle size is much smaller (it used to always be 8-12 games, now it's usually 6).

I suppose I'm concerned given that Humble Bundle seems to be continually spiraling downward in terms of quality and even quantity of game bundles, and even trash bundle sites like Groupees rarely have anything anymore (they just sell bundles of crappy, home-produced DJ music...blech)...that our source material for SG is getting kind of thin. Fanatical is the only remotely-consistent source of fairly decent quality bundle games these days.

4 years ago

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“Weekly” bundles (those that last 7 days or less) and most of one tier bundles do NOT have Happy Hour.

We run it at our discretion and in some sales we don’t run it at all.

4 years ago

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Sure, I know that they have docs that state that they don't have to do anything, which totally makes sense. I'm just saying that the behavior is different (as they usually put bundles on HH a day or so before they end), and I'm wondering if it's on purpose or not (and whether they're considering not doing HH any more).

4 years ago

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