While tragic this is not any other different then all those other threads about asking for funds, and in theory those links should be against the rules.
Because then we can also have that discussion again, what about all those other misfortunes, wars, natural disasters etc in other parts of the world.
Also why do people focus on Turkey, when apparently Syria was hit just as well, is that "less important"?
Yes, there is one very simple way to contact humble, through their contact form, why not just use that?
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I already done that, but I wanted to ask for what can be done more to the SG community. I am pro for every misfortunes for other parts of the world and helped as much as I can, so what is the point there?
Also, where in my text you understand that Syria is less important?
This comment is, in the most kind way I can express, is toxic.
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The point is that we allowed a rule here simply not asking ("begging") for funds to anything, else this forum would be spammed with people with personal gofundme's, disasters and what not. (i am not the one making them, so don't blame me).
There are 2 threads, both only mention Turkey (yours included), in the other i even mentioned Syria too, i personally would have immediately changed the subject/op to reflect that but no, it does not happen, and i am not seeing someone make a thread about Syria (while there can be 1 for both).
Offcourse throw in immediately the toxic word, that's so 2022/23, while i am just giving you a friendly warning, else you would have gotten it from a mod anyway...Feel about it as you want.
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The point is, I do not personally know anyone from Syrian charity organizations and even if Humble Bundle asks me, I could not help them in any ways. I am not asking or begging for funds, firstly, and charity is not the same thing with asking funds, as any human being can imagine.
Also in rules: Begging. Do not ask game developers or users for keys or games, unless they are offering and searching for interested parties
is not allowed and this is not begging.
I don't understand that, this is the first topic regarding this issue about humble bundle and you immediately get upset about it, I feel some kind of intolerance and bias here.
Thank you for nothing
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Asking for money in any form, shape etc, is not allowed, period.
That's STILL not properly instructed in the rules, that's not my or your fault, i don't own this site, i am just speaking from my experiences here (and with a decade here you should really have known too). Don't shoot the messenger.
I am also not upset, why should i be over you making a thread? Let's be real.
You are the one seemingly upset, immediately go "toxic", "thanks for nothing" etc etc. while again just a friendly advice, good luck with humble.
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Also why do people focus on Turkey, when apparently Syria was hit just as well, is that "less important"?
Epicenter was in Turkey, and close to 75% of known deaths are in Turkey. Besides that, it's difficult to get a picture of what the situation is in Syria because of it being a lot more difficult to explore for various reasons, civil war only being one of them. So I'm not surprised that people and media have been focusing on Turkey. That doesn't mean Syrian lives don't matter.
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I think you need to make a difference about personal beggings and ways to help when thousands die and ten-thousands are left without homes in the freezing winter. Charity is literally why many bought humble bundles earlier on, so it's also relevant here.
Also syria is waaaay harder to help for a simple reason: many of it's areas is a warzone. You can't just sends plane over there. You don't even know which local entity you would need to coordinate with as there are strong opposing forces of at least 4 different interests. Not to mention the impact is significantly higher in Turkiye. So I guess it's Turkey mostly because it would take a few weeks to even sort out who you need to work with and that would be way too late to save lives.
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I don't want to come across as the "bad guy" But we got floods, earthquakes, wars, every single day, and i didn't see threads about those either, you can all call them charity too, we don't see links to donate for Ukraine either, right?
There has always been a certain selectiveness on the forum about that. Because seemingly some countries feel more "important" then others.
To my knowledge asking for money or call it charity, is just simply not allowed, and if so or not this really should be once and for all be reflected in the rules, it's about the links he posted (and removed) nothing else, what he does with humble is up to him.
Anyway i gave my advice, and i am out, i am not a mod, and if one reads it and decides, so be it.
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we have seen a lot of subs about donating for Ukraine, btw i am supporting all of them, even if they include link.
begging is one thing, charity is another, maybe your view is just wrong, and maybe you should be open for new ideas?
and no one is claiming a country is more important than another? also how can you compare one of the biggest earthquakes on the world with regular disaster where usually no one dies and just the property is damaged? 5k people are dead now and 25k injured, death poll is increasing by every second. You can just be a little humanitarian instead of signalling rules and somehow shout out the mistakes. Thanks god you are not the mod, but i get the impression that, if you would have a chance, you would close this subject. Anyway this is my last response to you, and i get your point, if no more, please do not elaborate it more.
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You not get my point (and you don't have to) but again the snide remarks, there is no rule breaking about asking about humble, so why should i close it? Give me some credit, and again last time, i am not the owner nor mod, but i been here long enough, and way more actively then you in those 10 years. It's not about what i feel/want/etc but what CG wants, and i think with reasons.
I am also not in any way insensitive of all those deaths, i even been to Turkey twice myself.
But there are thousands people daily starving, dying, etc but silently, and they don't get a shoutout, they don't have people asking money for them.
And there are already many organizations giving aid and money to Turkey.
This will be me final word, i atleast hope your family is safe.
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"we don't see links to donate for Ukraine either, right?"
Not right.
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So you did not write in the Ukraine thread because are you afraid of getting a reaction? I did not see your sensitive comments on https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/jwiIL/ukraine-awareness-thread
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As for Syria, the number of casualties is apparently higher than in Turkey. People who originally lived in ruins and rubble as a result of the long fighting have been buried and died.
The damage is probably greater than in Turkey, but there is practically no functioning what can be called "government firmly recognized by other countries" that can make "correct and accurate counts" and "statistics".
Therefore, support is mainly provided via NPOs.
So I feel that Lugum's assertion is largely correct.
And you are generally correct in your assertion.
The reason why some people are against concentrating aid in Turkey is because of the Kurdish issue, the relationship between the Turkish president and the people of southern Turkey, and the less than favorable history with Syria.
That is a matter of individual interpretation.
Generally speaking, most people have no choice but to try to help in various ways or to get into the region.
There was a discussion the other day about "official donations to Turkey".
I have seen an article about the possibility of Red Cross support for Syria in the not-too-distant future.
The only thing we can do is to be prepared to act with an awareness that the right things will be delivered to both sides.
We also need to be aware of wording that does not conflict with SG conventions.
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I didn't read that about the bigger loss in Syria, but I take your word it. Poor guys.
But even if there is justification the logistical challenge to organize and cooperate with a central entity is not solved.
I get your remarks on Turkiye political stance but in my mind one should consider the help to the people under the rocks, not the help to the government.
If it was me conflicting in my wording with sg rules, let me know where please. I didn't want to hurt anyone with my remarks.
Edit: Ohh and if you do find a way to donate to Syria help as well, please add a comment to my closed giveaways about that. I hope that's not gonna be a problem for the site.
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There are almost hourly updates from the government about the number of current casualties, survivors and injured.
Just because everything is politicized, even natural disasters, doesn't mean there's "no functioning what can be called government"
Many countries have stepped up to help and not just NPOs, mainly countries which aren't submitting to the pre-existing embargo on Syria, to name a few:
Russia, Algeria, Iran, Iraq were among the fastest and biggest help during the first two days after the earthquake, but also countries like UAE, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and others.
Speaking of NPOs though, the Syrian Red Crescent have come public in recent statements to demand the lift of embargo on Syria because it's hindering their quake response ability.
But all in all, it's sorta impossible that the number of casualties here is higher than in Turkey, especially with it being the epicenter of both 7+ quakes, but I'm not sure about the Syrian territories currently occupied by Turkey in the North, because the government can't access those areas and Turkey is more interested in caring for Turkish states than those areas like Idlep.
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I am not going to argue here about those factual perceptions.
Attached for your reference are the foreign reports at the first reporting stage.
Earthquake aftermath more disastrous in Syria than in Turkey, doctor says
In the end, all we can do, as non-local people, is to find ways to help.
(I have already provided information to the hbguru to whom I am replying, in response to his request for such means).
CNN's latest live feed seems to have a link on how to donate from the US to Turkey, but I'm not American so I responded in a different way.
In any case, international rescue teams are bringing in what they need right now, and all that people outside of Syria need to do is then find out where they can help with the missing supplies and provide the appropriate assistance.
(I would prefer an organization that would be good to both Turkey and Syria)
Your Steam account is in Syria. Hope you are in a safe place. Please be careful.
And please remember that for about a week, "information is mixed (and sometimes wrong)", so don't panic and act with your own safety first.
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i don't really understand why i should give my money to Turkey - but if it was part of a purchase i was already going to make then ok - i usually give to world kitchen if i have a choice which helps food wise with things like this
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I'm sorry about some of the questionable replies you received here. I don't think that there actually is much you could or would need to do.
Humble is experienced enough with charities, they should have the knowledge and the connections to identify the most suitable charity candidates, It's very very unlikely that they'd make any decisions based on some stranger's suggestions.
The probably biggest challenge would be anyway to find publishers willing to contribute to such a themed bundle.
Keep in mind that they rarely ever did anything like this for previous natural disasters. And special themes like Covid-19 or the war in Ukraine had a larger global impact.
So I wouldn't expect too much and if you still want to do something, it probably would make more sense to suggest such an initiative to publishers.
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First thing that came to my mind once I saw the bundle was the thread, also sad it doesn't work with charities on the site, but I guess that's more on the legal part and how fast they can organize it. Hope it still makes a change
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After reading some of the replies, i think going with itch would be a better choice, but i see that one is being organized. Maybe you can help them with suggesting the better charity later?
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I do not understand this thread, what does HB have to do with anything? If anyone wants to donate and help victims of the earthquakes, all they have to do is contact the local embassies and donate there. HB is just a place to buy games, although many people also use it to make themselves feel better by also donating on the side, at the end, they're just buying games.
I also concur with Lugum, regarding the treatment of Syria, all of the media here only talks about Turkey and barely mentions Syria, but that doesn't surprise me, the same thing happened when the war on Ukraine started, suddenly the entire world united to help them, and forgot about the conflict in northern Ethiopia that just resumed, among many, many other things that also happened and keep happening.
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Turkey also helps Syria on a scale that no country can match. The prediction of the Syrian population in Turkey is more than 3.5 million (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrians_in_Turkey) The thing is, like other users mentioned, it is really hard to send any help there right now due to conflict and restrictions, even in Turkey, organization of such a charity is a real big issue.
what HB has to do anything is a question without any former information, because HB has been a charity ongoing for more than 10 years and a great platform for gamers to donate to charity. For charity purposes, trust is a big concern and HB is providing trust to some extent.
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I'm not saying no one is helping Syria, I'm just saying Western media glosses over it, like it does on anything that doesn't concern them or their allies. And I say this as a citizen of one of those allied countries.
Humble Bundle is not a charity, it's a store to buy games that let's you donate and get games with that donation, that's all it is. They used the donation to coerce indie developers into allowing their games to be sold there, and to get more sales with people that wanted to make themselves feel better by donating.
But, since they made it hard for buyers to adjust where the money goes and got acquired, they stopped doing indie bundles altogether, and now just talk with publishers, up the base price, have a minimum that goes to them and the publishers and try to maintain their operations, there's a reason why the last Humble Indie Bundle was almost 3 years ago.
You already changed the title of the thread, but, when I read it, it literally conveyed the idea of, 'How do I get HB to donate to victims of the earthquake', and why would anyone want that? If all you wanted was to help the victims, you could just contact embassies like I said earlier, so, then why HB specifically? Oh, right, because if it's with HB, I get games while making myself feel good by donating as well, two birds one stone.
Internet karma will not give anyone a seat in paradise, it is not trough money, but trough actions that you change the world and make it a better place, if anyone feels offended by my remarks, then, I might have hit a little too close to home for their own comfort, but I do not regret what I said, my thoughts, do not go to the victims of the earthquake, my actions do.
Also, I understand that was not your intention, but simply what I understood from it, it is precisely because of that, that you edited it and made your point clearer, although, now I look like someone just trying to begin a conflict where there's none, but, that's really not my intention either, I just do not like the mentality that by just giving money to a charity, people do not need to do anything else, it's the same as the indults that the Catholic church used to sell during the Dark Ages. Just, to be clear, I do not think that's what you're doing here, nor anyone donating, but, I hope they do more than just donate and forget about it, if they really want to help.
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I got your point, appreciate your effort to make donations & help more stable and effective. I am just trying the best thing I can do, as you may agree. If you have a specific recommendation about the text, I can modify it further to make it more effective. In addition, I am open to any idea & project which you might come up with to make sustainable help. HB was my idea and as you might see, I explained it in detail in my efforts section.
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Well, my only addition for now would be to add to the OP that, if you don't have money to spare, but have clothes, sheets, food or other physical goods that you could donate, then contact the local embassies and consulates of Turkey and or Syria in your country, in most of them, they're taking those physical donations and are sending them to their respective countries to help.
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You make good points. Unfortunately, in many western countries, including my own, there is no such thing as a Syrian embassy. Even my preferred international aide charity that focuses on crisis areas will most likely not be able to get through to areas under sanctions, but will instead concentrate their aid in US supported rebel held regions. I'm still looking though.
I despise my county's leaders - not only are they glossing over this they are actually doubling down - while people die and suffer. Well, that's nothing new, I suppose.
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When we're reminded that not all lives are equal time and time again after the recent crises, it really makes me feel like we're on a one way road trip to a dystopian timeline. All we can do about that is to make sure our family, close friends and descendants, turn different, it might take hundreds of years, but, if we do not give up, it'll be a matter of time to change the way things work.
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I've come to believe that real change can only occur on a local level and that the more people who come to understand that the better off we will all be. The people in charge will never help us, because they come to see their real job is only to accumulate more power, and I've watched in growing alarm as technology has only made that easier for them over the years. I still have some hope though, provided they don't blow us all to kingdom come first.
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we are already doing that, thank you very much for heads up. however, organizing such things in order is also requires manpower and sometimes it is hard to distribute them. Another way to utilize these kinds of donations is a donation fleamarket, which is called "kermes" in Turkey. You create a fleamarket and every donation is sold there, the money goes to charity. I think it is far more efficient and productive way to utilize these donations.
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There is that one pompous narcissist opinionated idiot butting in on almost every thread that catches their attention, creating attention seeking threads all the time, thinking they are above everyone and have more right than others here on the forums. Obviously, I didn't mean the OP of this thread but those who won't waste any time to comment and make it something else entirely. Seems they are really unhappy in life to be spending so much time on the internet to let others know how they feel, so pathetic.
I completely support the OP of this thread.
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My friend, people with biases, although I think they are a marginal group, exist everywhere, like here, SG. But the remedy for the bias is conversation and connection. We are all human beings and in times of disaster, all humanity shall unite. Even if this sub reaches one person that was not aware and wants to donate, I think it accomplishes its mission. I am not afraid of people with biases, in contrast, I want to reach them to eliminate the bias and maybe, even better, make them donate to a cause that makes both me and them happy. I know that your comment is sincere, however, I disagree. Thanks anyways.
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I wholeheartedly agree that, it is trough communication that we get to understand one another even if we're different. The idea that something different, is automatically opposed, is what usually breeds hate and war, like you say, humans are all different, and yet, we all live in the same world. I've always believed that if we were more compassionate to those around us, and those farther away, we'd have a kinder and better world.
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you can smell the xenophobia and racism from far away. but once again sg proved the general mind set of people. there is one particular guy who is always making stupid posts that have no purpose other then flooding the discussions coming here complaining about a single post who is trying to spread awareness about a devastating catastrophy. really classy.
Back on topic: This event is heartbreaking and i feel so sad about it. seeing all the lives of people lost and the once who survived loosing everything they had. we have to make the people responsible for the unnecessary deaths pay for their crimes. they built garbage houses that were not up to code. this could have been easily avoided. our people are resilient and stromg. i pray for my brothers and sisters in turkey and syria.
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Yup, we all know who that person is. That moron thinks they got more right here whilst flooding the discussion section with their own nonsensical posts to seek attention online all the time. Stupid people should be banned for creating unwanted/stupid posts on SG.
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You have your hands tied and internet access blocked? Why do you want others doing the job for you?
As you can see OP is Turkish citizen (same as Ukraine awareness thread author was Ukrainian). You as Indonesian can easily create awareness thread, share what people can do to help and raise awareness.
And don't forget it's at this point 41k dead people. Of course that will outshine news of other earthquakes. Have you really not learned that whatabaoutism is about as useless as cancer in throat?
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i dont get why the syrian president doesnt just fund it all himself. dude is an oil prince with a personal networth of $2 billion+ not to mention how much money their government has. its just weird that he doesnt donate his own money toward it all as well. i guess oil princes just want to stay oil princes
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I guess it becomes harder to give your money away when you accumulate more. Even I observed it in my close friend circle. Usually, friends with average incomes donate more than my "rich" friends. I think the "richness" is the ability to give, not take.
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Humble Bundle is actively working to support the people of Türkiye and Syria with an all-for-charity bundle.
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Seems they are also organizing a bundle.
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Itch has something in the works according to a moderator.
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Syria: Will the UN investigate its earthquake aid delays? – DW – 03/24/2023
Deadly Syria earthquake provides chance to move forward: UN envoy | UN News
It seems that local residents and NPO rescue workers from various countries who entered the area are also blaming the UN, saying that the UN may not have functioned well due to interference by the Syrian government.
The UN side seems to be hoping for a peaceful negotiated settlement at this time when so much attention is being paid to the issue.
Biden says not seeking conflict with Iran after deadly strikes
President Joe Biden said Friday the United States is not seeking conflict with Tehran, after Washington carried out strikes on Iran-linked groups in Syria in retaliation for a deadly drone attack.
It appears that there are Iranian militias in Syria and that airstrikes are being carried out in retaliation for the attack on U.S. forces.🤔
Things will not be resolved quickly, and lives lost will not be returned.
However, let us take precautions so that the victims can find a way forward and peacefully nurture their young lives and regain a peaceful routine.😔
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Dear all,
A series of devastating earthquakes have hit southern Turkey and northwest Syria in 6th of February, killing 21,500 people and injuring many more. People have been left without shelter in freezing winter conditions, with humanitarian needs expected to grow in the coming days. Access to clean water will likely be a challenge, bringing the risk of cholera and other diseases. The earthquake in Turkey created a disaster and victims need every help they might get.
Even if you can't donate, I really appreciate it if you can spread the word. If someone is experiencing trouble donating, I can help them through the process of their donations, just comment here.
Websites you can donate (they are official and trustworthy):
AFAD: https://en.afad.gov.tr/earthquake-campaign
AHBAP: https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey (there is a credit card and crypto payment option in this)
KIZILAY: https://www.kizilay.org.tr/Bagis/BagisYap/405/donations-for-earthquake-in-pazarcik
Initiations after my / our effort:
http://www.playforturkiye.com/ -> an initiative for game developers
About my efforts
Although there are a lot of people who are into gaming in Turkey, they are not very active in gaming communities. Hence I thought that bringing attention to this matter in a platform like SG, I think which is a great community, is one of the best things I can do. I am a Turkish citizen who has connections with national charities, including a totally independent one called ahbap, and I thought that a humble bundle charity application might be useful. I have already send an e-mail to them regarding this issue and applied through their website, however, if someone from the SG family has a better idea to reach them, I am open to suggestions.
Also, any other suggestion, ideas, or projects for help is much appreciated.
Edit: I do not know if my effort did any help, but humble declared they will help for the earthquake. https://mobile.twitter.com/humble/status/1626672933182529557 (thanks @makki for the heads up)
Edit2: Humble Bundle finally happened!
Thank you very much for everyone who was trying to help :) I love you SG community
Link for humble : https://www.humblebundle.com/games/turkiye-syria-earthquake-relief-bundle
SG discussion about the bundle: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Qo8W8/humble-bundle-turkiye-syria-earthquake-relief-bundle-xcom-2-added
For my opinion why they choose US charities and not the Turkish ones, this might help your future endeavors while trying to reach them:
Humble Bundle Charity ask for a Paypal Giving Fund account, which is impossible to have legally in Turkey since Paypal is banned here. I think to open such an account in the US, you need US residential address and / or legally recognized as a charity in US. I think both are not possible or need serious effort to get it, and i can see why they not pursue it. However, I am relieved that such a bundle comes out and I feel that, even slightly, I might affected the process (at least from game developers side)
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