Do you buy games protected by Denuvo?
And if Mafia 3 doesn't have Denuvo, what then? You probably need to go to Specsavers.
As Dr Beckett said, and as I saw on a couple of websites, it won't have Denuvo.
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Pirated version can be played offline, legit version has to be played online. Therefore pirated version is better. So while I do think one should pay for the game (s)he enjoys (if that person can afford it), it's kinda stupid paying for the version of the game that happens to be inferior to the free pirated one.
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That may be true for some DRM and i am against any DRM that has always on Denuvo does not have always online and does not need to be online at all times to play the game it will play offline for an extended period of time so even someone with unstable or slower internet should not have an issue playing these games.
The reason i am worried about Denuvo is what happens if something else comes along or it just given up on and no longer supported and the servers go down can i rely on those games using it to patch it out?Or will i have games that will no longer function proper once it fails a check due to servers being taken down.
After all games that use securom and such that is no longer supported by Windows 10 means i have to use a crack to bypass the drm to play it on 10 since the publishers/developers never removed the lame drm some are now on steam with it removed or GOG but not all games.This is what worries me about Denuvo
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Encryption technology is faster than decryption technology and in theory,in a few years,piracy could be killed by anti-tampering technologies.
I don't know how I feel about a world without gaming piracy.Not beacuse I pirate games,but because this would give devs more power.Now if you don't want to pay 60$ for a new game,you can just pirate it and try it.Basically you can test the product before buying it.But without piracy,devs can just be huge dicks and release a shit game with false promises(No man's sky).
There would be no incentive for gaming companies to inovate because you just need to be slighlty better than your competition.Now they need to also fight piracy.And by creating a very good product and being truthful,they can win against piracy basically(witcher 3)
PC has so many cheap games/free platforms like Steam because they need to fight piracy.And they want to make it more convenient to buy stuff.This is a huge reason why I switched from being a pirate to buying games.It's just so much easier to have a library of games on Steam/Origin etc.And those free platforms come with tons of free features.
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release a shit game with false promises(No man's sky).
Well, at least that game is DRM free so everybody can try it before buying (and puke)
And by creating a very good product and being truthful,they can win against piracy basically(witcher 3)
I agree.
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Yes but if you exceed 2 hours you can't.No Man's Sky is a perfect example of a game that starts good but gets boring after you visit a few planets and you realise the game is actually a glorified 10 dollar indie being sold and advertised as a AAA game.
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Well, technically cheating achievements is not against Stem ToS, while farming CS:GO with a bot is (and had people banned for it), but I get your point.
If that tool can be used by itself, it may prove useful to me as well, as my alt has a few games I would like to play without entering offline mode, so I can try them/play without ruining my achievement stats or switching account in the client. So I think I amy look into this thing.
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actually cheating achievements is against TOS as well (same as using any 3rd poarty software intervening with Steam), and Achievements cheating can get you banned as well - few games, like CS:GO, TF2 or Payday2, have in-game rewards associated with achievements, and using SAM to uinlock these can get you banned :>
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Oh. Hm. I knew about Payday 2 and similar online achievements unlocking stuff, but didn't interpret their ToS as such that any 3rd party product interfering could be a violation. That is usually in the ToS of consoles (this is why mods couldn't exists even in theory for them).
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well, the different story is whether they take any consequences ;) Theorethically using IM or ASF could be counted as 3rd party soft as well, but a) they don't really have a way to determine it and b) they don't really care as it's not interfering with anything ;) Thus I've never heard about anyone banned for IM or ASF (still wouldn't run them while playing something VAC protected thou), but it doesn'rt mean they are fine, it only means Valve doesn't care about them, at least for now - which is kinda common sense, thanks to IM or ASF Valve is getting free monies - cut from any card sold - while not having any expenses - people farm cards without even downloading games, so while normally they'd have to use Valve servers, which cost $$, so Valve could get money from cards, with IM/ASF Valve gets money without even any server usage :>
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I'm sorry, but you're actually wrong for some people. I used to pirate games to try them.
When Morrowind came out I pirated that. I liked it and bought a copy. I'm now a fan of Bethesda's games. I own all of The Elder Scrolls series except ESO (seriously, fuck that game).
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My friend you are totally steam library(cause you can't see anything else...)can confirm that...pirate games sometimes can help you decide if you will buy the game or not...
P.e.I have Alone in the Dark collectors edition in Greece that game for pc had about 70 had so awful controls that you couldn't play it(for pc)it was a waste of if the cracked game existed back then it would save me that money right?
P.s Inside the collectors edition had a make of video that the developers stated that the game was developed with nintendo Wii in mind...maybe they could stated that on the front cover...
That was a mere example...
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This is actually against Steam's refund policy. They state it out right that it is not there for you to try games and that they reserve the right to revoke your right to refunds if you 'abuse' the system.
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Yeah and i have never heard of anyone getting it revoked for abuse i mean the refund policy was clearly meant for broken games not buyers remorse which most people use it for anyhow.As they say though a fool and his money are soon parted.
So yeah they put those rules in so people do not use it as a demo service and i doubt the average user has to worry about that and most people i know who buy lots of games are collectors and not worried so much about how that game works.
And it is not considered abuse if the game is knowing to have lots of issues like the last Batman and some other terrible launches.i do think now that they offer this service its hard to justify pirating to try before you buy bs.As most game launches go smoothly as i said earlier most use it for buyers remorse more then how it works.
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I don't really think a drm can change that much.
People who pirate will still pirate, it doesn't matter if the price is fair or if the game is drm free
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Not a simple DRM change.Literally the end of piracy.What will pirates pirate if they literally can't?
Obviously in such a scenario the would be pirates will turn to buying games,they won't just switch to only F2P games or they won't quit gaming.
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Are they going to fix their games when Denuvo stop working on future versions of Windows? Look at Securom and other DRMs on Windows 10. Or even before Windows 10, the change to Vista and 64 bits created lots of problems for this aggresive DRM solutions.
Sorry but no. I was burned too many times by big corporations and their "invisble to the user" DRM solutions.
Also pirates are not going to buy your games, they are pirates for a reason.
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Future versions of Windows are not the problem, the big problem is that Denuvo requires a check against a server, if they shut down the servers everyone will need a crack to play those games. Windows 10 users need cracks to play legit (bought) games with SecuROM.
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Yep, and those of us crazy enough to keep packing around a box of Starforced games can't even install most of them now.
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Yep, lost two to that shit myself. Hoping the devs might take pity on us legit owners and unForcify them someday xD
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It all depends on how deep the DRM goes not all games that used SecuRom and such used it at the level that Microsoft does not allow so some will play without issue even if it uses it.
So it will be hit and miss what will work but it only effects disc based version then again back then how many of these where available for digital download?
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Nice to know. I want to buy MAFIA III - but without fck DENUVO - thx for info. 2K GAMES go kill yourself
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Because Steam's built-in DRM (CEG) is your typical half-assed Valve implementation, and any game relying only on that gets cracked within the hour.
That doesn't make big publishers happy though, so Valve's allowing people to use other DRM in addition to/instead of it.
Any real gains vs piracy they get from aggressive discounts. But those don't usually happen in the first 3 months, which is what financial analysts pulling the purse strings look at. Failing to sell enough to recover budget in that time frame means it's layoff time.
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Well, technically, the first Portal and Counter-Strike weren't Valve. Not sure about the original Team Fortress, and since I never played it, I won't comment on that. That aside, all of the games/franchises you mentioned are some of the best games ever made. I was referring to things Valve does outside of their games, like their half-assed website, Steam-client, and phone-app. Not to mention the terrible, terrible, god-awful support.
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I was fairly certain thats what you meant. They were a awesome game studio, average everything else. I really like Steam and it's the only client I use but I'm happy to admit that they could do a lot of things better. Support is horrific, phone app is only installed so I have 2 stage verification on my account, I dont use it for anything else at all.
My biggest issue is that I wish they would drop their 30% cut, to get more games on the platform and help the indie developers get the rewards they deserve. And get some goddamn QA on Steam Direct already! so many crap fake things on there atm.
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there will always be people who pirate games, no matter how cheap. there will also be people who don't want to wait for a game to be on sale, and will pirate in the early period. DRM has a very simple reason for existing. Publishers think that the lost sales due to piracy that DRM prevents, and therefore turn into actual sales, makes up for the cost of the DRM. This is as much a long-term calculation as a short-term calculation.
Financial analysts aren't only looking at the first 3 months of release, they include projections for future sales. The long tail has significant value, and is definitely taken into consideration. However, the bulk of the income from a game (same is true for music and movies) occurs in the first few months, and generally the long tail can be projected based on that initial period. (there's the occasional sleeper hit, but those are rare). That's why there's always such a fixation on the initial sales. it also affects if/when a sequel will come out. If the initial sales are very good, funding for the sequel will be approved quite quickly. If it's a sleeper hit, by the time the game has enough sales to justify a sequel, the developers have probably moved on to the next project. Hell, if it takes too long, half the team may have been laid off already
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I think it depends on the game. I know that with movies it depends on the movie. A stupid comedy generally the only thing that matters is the opening weekend. Blockbusters the opening weekend is paramount, but it's really the first month that matters. Whereas indie movies are expected to do well by word-of-mouth, so they're on a longer time period (with the studio and movie houses frantically tracking the first few weeks)
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Apparently I do - I have Mad Max from that monthly bundle. Also I'd like to play DOOM, new Deus Ex and Mafia III. Honestly, denuvo is not what's stopping me, it's the price (and I wouldn't have played pirated copies anyways) because I don't really think any of those game is equal to Arcanum/BG/BG2/Bloodlines/Torment/MonkeyIsland/... and similar classics, so I'd probably play them once and remove from my computer... So I don't think I'd care in the time of some future Window or whatever. Back in time of Vista I switched from XP64 to Ubuntu until those weird bastards removed Gnome2, then I went back to Win but 7 this time, so calculating what games to buy and play now based on what system they might work tomorrow is... well... futile endeavor in my case.
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You can't stop piracy, you can just slow it down a bit, thusly creating more pirates who like the challenge :D
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Denuvo and such are not there to stop piracy, they never said the games that were protected were uncrackable. The point is that the games won't get cracked on release day, which will boost sales in the first few months, which is the crucial point. I don't think piracy will die out in years, there will always someone up for the challenge.
All of this drm bullcrap wouldn't be necessary if most of the games wouldn't cost 50-60 bucks for circa 13 hours of gameplay. In my opinion, even if a game is great, ~13 hours average playtime is very short for that price. The last game I bought for full price was Overwatch Origins edition, but I'll say it's worth it because I've already spent around 150 hours with it, and no end in sight.
This is pretty much why I like the idea of streaming. For a monthly fee you can rent games, play them and move on, like most people do. It won't stay on the shelf and won't look good, but if you're a collector buying it still should be an option ofc.
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The point is that the games won't get cracked on release day, which will boost sales in the first few months, which is the crucial point.
Theoretically. Only people who know the actual figures to suggest that it works or doesn't are the publishers, and they'll be keeping the data to themselves. And for decades now they've refused to even consider that DRM is the equivalent of elephant repellent. "There're no elephants around, so it must be working."
This is pretty much why I like the idea of streaming.
As long as internet in North America is monopolized/oligopolized as it is, streaming will likely be too expensive in the long term. Also, there are other considerations.
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Well it supposedly works since the protected games are not cracked on release day, and if it wouldn't worth it then it would not be in use.
About streaming, I think 20 bucks a month is a decent price, PS3 games are still kinda expernsive.
This would clearly cost more with new releases ofc.
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Well it supposedly works since the protected games are not cracked on release day, and if it wouldn't worth it then it would not be in use.
The question is whether the DRM boosts sales compared to if the DRM was absent. And simply put there's no data available to analyze that. And 'if it didn't work it would not be in use' depends heavily on assuming rationality from the people deciding to implement the DRM. May I remind you that Bethesda (who implemented Denuvo in Fallout 4 and Doom) and Square Enix (Hitman, Deus Ex 4) both incited consumer revolts over paid mods and 'Augment Your Preorder' respectively. And EA (Dragon Age 3, Mirror's Edge 2) is going to release Battlefield One and Titanfall 2 in the same month. The video game industry is flush with stories of execs with heads stuck up their own asses.
That $20 dollar figure does not take into account the cost of an internet service plan that has the bandwidth, latency, and data cap to support streaming effectively.
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Dunno about the AAA games with massive marketing campaigns, but this dev reckons indie games typically make about 20% of first-year sales in the first week after launch.
As for the elephants, Greenheart Games compiled some data one day after releasing a cracked version of Game Dev Tycoon and found that 94% of players had pirated it.
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Quiet a few DRM where used before this ..most where crap ...the issue i have with this one is what happens when something else comes a long and they take the servers down and denuvo can no long phone home there for revoke access to your game you paid for??
This is partly why i have shifted more to the console again at least if i buy a game now 10 years from now i can play it without a big FU from DRM.
GOG has proven that DRM free does not kill game sales,digital games are nice but imo we have given up pretty much all control of our games for that luxury
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As madjoki mentioned, if the Denuvo servers go down. (And they will go down eventually), you won't have access to the game if no crack has been developed for it.
But also on top of that, there are concerns that it restricts modification of the game in question, and that it may be causing excessive disk writing while in operation, due to the continuous encryption/decryption of game files. This would shorten the life of hard drives, particularly SSDs. Though I haven't seen many corroborating reports that this is indeed an extant problem, and Fallout 4 has a script extender mod so it can't be that restrictive.
Edit: Fallout 4 is not a Denuvo title.
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The company responsible for Denuvo has addressed the excessive disk writing concerns: "“Completely wrong rumor which is repeated over and over although many 3rd party tests (as well as we) state that our solution does not perform read / write operations to the HDD (hence we have no negative impact on the lifetime of SSDs or any other hardware component).” So if we take their word for it, that may not be as serious an issue as some have feared.
That doesn't mean there are other concerns regarding performance and impact on your hardware. Last I heard, it was conjectured that Denuvo employed some kind of virtualisation which may very well come with a performance cost. I can't find the source for that though.
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I mentioned that I hadn't found any corroborating reports. Anyway it's good to have a clear confirmation that Denuvo isn't a hardware killer. Not that malware DRM isn't unheard of.
As far as performance is concerned, there seems to be a more-or-less even split of Denuvo games running well (MGS V, Doom, Battlefront), and running like absolute dog shit (Lords of the Fallen, Arkham Knight, Homefront). Rise of the Tomb Raider might be an ideal test to benchmark the actual effects of Denuvo. But I don't have the game on Steam to try it myself.
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well that has to do with the developers of the games how they programmed it and not with denuvo. The quantity of "more-or-less even split of Denuvo split games running well" should prove that.
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You are right:
In fact, behind Denuvo hides the ordinary VMProtect
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FO4 is not Denuvo. But still:
They were even making JC3 multiplayer until AFAIK-main modder got work-offer from JC-developer...
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The issue comes in the longevity of the product. If you buy the game and play and forget it right away, you will be fine. But some users often replay the game in an year or 2 when Denuvo strikes:
So if Denuvo servers are down duo to power outage is likely that you wont be able to access your game if you changed hardware or didnt play the game in last 30 days.
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From what I read, there isn't actual timer, so activation lasts indefinitely or very long time. the but is that even software changes, like driver or windows updates will/can invalidate activation.
Edit: Denuvo servers are hosted by Amazon (AWS cloud), they are pretty reliable as a host service.
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Sigh, think people is missing the point, or at least, an important one: resource hog.
There's a myth, hersay?, that Denuvo causes damage or tear to SSDs because of constant encryption and decription every couple seconds to files, such exe and others, denuvo es an anti-tamper mechanism, not a drm itself, but besides the pc ports (most of them) are released so broken than it should be fined, there's this resource hog in the background eating away your precious resource that we need to further "estabilize" a crappy unoptimized pc port.
I don't care about piracy, I own over 800 titles and I have a huge backlog, I can wait for a sale or nice discount. Plus the games could and should be working as intended by then. Now, Denuvo does not prevent cracking, as you might have seen, they claim they want to make a difference in the firsts months of release, fine, they do have to charge for their work, but they should also release a well developed work to be able, to be entitled to charge at least 60 bucks for those.
Now, what do they say about GOG and CDPR with The Witcher 3? because I've read that TW3 sold the same or more than tw1 and 2 combined, and remember, TW3 gog does not have DRM, so anyone could download and pirate it, still, it sold nicely. CDPR deserve and earnt (earned) their paycheck, yes it may have been flawed but they gave more content and quality development more than any other dev I know, and didn't lost money for it. As of now, anyone whom still not had purchased it (and to support the well deserved team) can and should do so, it's obtainable for 15 dollars or less! so there's no real excuse. I've clocked about 355 hours and I haven't even ran a 2nd pass-through.
OK, back to Denuvo: so, I have an SSD, nobody could prove it damages it but neither proved it does not. What I and others can vouch is LAME performance. BAK? JC3? mostly Batman Arkham Asylum, I haven't tried jc3 yet. An encryption/decryption with TRIGGERs every few seconds/minutes most likely should cause slowdowns, why? haven't you paid your game already? isn't enough to drop thousands of dollars in expensive shiny powerful hardware to be able to run whatever you want in the highest detail? why should you endure a "cinematic feel" like a console if you have the horse power to run it?
Unnaceptable! that's what it is!
It's proven it does not prevent piracy, and at least myself I don't buy shit I can't try before, there's no demos anymore, so how would I know if it runs in my old pc? my toaster? how would I know if I like it even if it runs? refunds you say? uh huh so steam could lock you up someday because you abused refunds eh? yeah no thanks, refunds should not be exploited, HECK nothing should be exploited!
Give back demos, spend that Denuvo money by actually DEVELOPING the game the right way, then when I see and have confirmation it runs like it's supposed to, I'd buy your damn game! no need "convincing" with shitty intrusive tools, anti-tamper crap running in the background!!
wow, thanks for letting it off my chest. I was kinda fed up of reading people repeating over and over "uh it's for piracy" well no, it's not for piracy, for once, it's an invasion of privacy and unnecessary crap! Wish they spend that money in development, that when they use it, they should fucking SAY so and not keep it quiet, hidden, like they are doing. Why all the secrecy? Have you wondered why no one says how much they paid for denuvo? why it does not say in steam page certain game uses it? why must one find out after purchasing it? I don't want to wait until then to know I've bought a game with that crap, let me know, disclose all the fracking INFO before, since you're getting our money BEFORE we get to play the game..
Thanks for reading, hope I got to open your eyes a bit, take off that blindfold please :)
**charkel this wasn't specifically addressed to you, but for everyone maybe not knowing more to this matter. Hope you don't take it wrong.
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Good post, still amazed people defend DRM when the only ones it hurts are us legit buyers.
I bought Mad Max and MGSV without looking into either, so unfortunately I have that shit on my PC until I get both played and deleted.
TBH though, had I spent 10 mins in the Mad Max forum on Steam watching the idiot moderator they've got in there, Denuvo or no I'd not have bought the game or any others Avalanche has out now. Guy loves attacking anybody that mentions DRM of any kind, even insinuating we only own the game because we couldn't pirate it. Like bro, try not scaring off your paying customers by being such a giant asscrack, ok? >.<
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Yeah unfortunately there were, are and always be people like that.. both in virtual and real life :S
I bought jc3 without knowing it had that trojan virus in it. I then saw people playing it and asked about performance.. Then decided to give it a huge amount of time to "cure" before giving it a go.
If we all could be better people, then it'd be no wars, maybe a nice utopia to live in, unfortunately seems the human potential will always be to lay waste and be wasted for all the wrong reasons..
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If Denuvo was working and was actually stopping Piracy I think publishers would have beaten their chests and yelling " Piracy, suck it!" .
I remember reading about "study" in 2008 about "Demos lower sales"(go wonder why,right?) but the article was so laughable:
Sadly same article was published and in recent years too... Nowadays a lot of money are going into marketing( 2k spent almost $30mil on marketing Battleborn which failed miserable(the marketing and then the game)) .and hyping games.
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Yeah I know what you mean, they'd keep doing it as long as there's people who buys their shit.
Controlling the masses..
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back in the day, when demos where a thing, people bought games despite the fact securerom cracked, despite the fact there were demos to try the game before buying, there were no huge marketing crap, you had DEMOS for HYPE and it worked!
Many companies open their doors and thrived because of games were done with hearth, with good standards, if a game was delayed it was for good reason, no patches or almost none were needed and you didn't had to pay for DLC or other crap, the game was FULL and complete from day 1 and it was yours to keep.
Nowadays they became greedy, corrupted. Look what NMS did when Sony came knocking..
Look what CDPR did when consoles mean a significant bigger part of market share? I can't blame them they have to make a living, put food on their table, they were born in PC market so all we cared was they didn't forget about us, they needed to provide a game for pc and it had to be what we deserved. Despite the obvious downgrade, they still came through.
I pre-purchased TW3, I found bugs and had problems but they were solved and CDPR gave us things nobody else would give, FREE CONTENT. So yeah, as long as devs / publishers don't try to bite the hand that feeds them, we're all golden.
Where's Crysis devs now? they also got their cradle placed in PC market.. then kinda turned their backs.
Sigh I'm rambling again! sorry!
So, I'll say this: Doom demo, you had it, you played it and you bought it. To your surprise, the demo didn't had denuvo but the "full" game did. Well played!
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Nope didn't take it wrong at all, I was genuinely wondering and you answered my question perfectly :)
I'm still not sure about Denuovo being the cause (or even just being a part of) of bad performance, since only a small portion of games with Denuovo are bad ports. For example Rise of the Tomb Raider and Mirror's Edge Catalyst are great ports. And from what I've heard they fixed Arkham Knight, and Just Cause 3 performs badly because of memory leak which I don't think correlates with Denuovo. I do agree that more money should be spent making PC ports not shitty rather than paying for an unnecessary security "feature". Like your example with Witcher 3, if your game is actually good and performs well people will buy it no matter what.
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SSDs have cache memory. Plus, there's no writing in this case, so there's no wear. Denuvo sucks all you want, but let's keep facts in mind.
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That's pretty much why I asked and did such a long wall-of-text (besides ranting, ofc XD)
This may come off as stupid comment but does all SSD are the same in regards of that cache memory? I mean, old gen vs next gen. Plus, I'm not sure whatever Denuvo people say can be trusted, there's too much secrecy and companies have more than proven they only care about themselves. Does it hurt your hardware? so what? you just buy another one, mindless slave, besides there's programmed obsolescence.
Check what Slyfox says, memory leaks and page file. Those ARE stored on your HD or ssd, so eventually you're bound to have problems IF the game is poorly ported or developed. I mean, it could be SOLID for about maybe 10 hs, great! what if you let it running more than that? if there's a problem it will eventually show up, not if but when :P
Agree on the facts part, specially the proof part. I have a hard time believing someone (company) that hides things or have a bad attitude towards their clients, we're people too, not walking pockets to be scavenged at will.
You might be right, there might be no apparent wear, but if the only info comes from themselves.. well, how trustworthy can it be?
Performance aside, from my POV ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) we're better off without it as it's useless and only hurts legit paying customers.
What we need is unity; no not the engine, silly :P we need to stay united, look what WB did with BAK and what customers did.
I cant speak of No Man's Sky because I don't own or downloaded it, but many people are "uncomfortable" with it's performance, people with high end PC's, just like Deus Ex Mankind Divided..
Heard Mad Max was a solid pc port tho, so it all depends on whos doing what :P
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I am at work and my post was very succinct, but thanks for taking it seriously anyway and writing a proper reply. First of all, I am not in any way on Denuvo's side. I do not like them and I do not trust them. Despite having 2000+ games in my Steam library, I am actually on piracy's side, generally speaking.
This said, let's talk about Denuvo. From what is known, it operates on functions, not on assets (which wouldn't make much sense). Functions reside in the main executable or in closely related libraries and I would say it's safe to state that they always reside in RAM while a game is running. The point about drive caches is in all probability moot.
All in all, I don't see why Denuvo would ever write to disk. My understanding is that it obfuscates functions in RAM so that they can't be hooked/disassembled/debugged and potentially cracked.
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I see, that's what I briefly attempted to mention with "triggers" in one of my comments, around here.
It's related to processors (or was, at previous iterations) so these triggers need to met certain criteria or would shut down the game, causing crashes. I think this might have been the early tests on mad max and map-balloon thing crashing. Triggers.
Let's not dive much into it as I'm sure this isn't the place :P
Makes sense what you've said. Even if I can see it wouldn't affect ssd, would still think it's negative because of taxing performance, say tiny million functions in a poorly or unoptimized game. Memory leaks? nasty buggers!
You seem to have interest in these matters and I appreciate the explanation and that you don't seem to be trolling. You prob know it by now but in case you somehow don't, there's a russian forum (but in english) where I go for info and Denuvo details, because reddit is useful when time is short and succinct info is required..
Thanks, cause you never know :P
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Well, no, I wasn't trolling. :) I wanted to clear things up a bit to the best of my knowledge, because the truth is powerful, especially as a weapon. :) Like you said, the fact that Denuvo (probably) doesn't impact drives doesn't mean it's not a bad thing, that it doesn't add unnecessary calculations to the game engine and so on. Thanks for the talk! :)
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actually in very specific situiation denuvo can damage your harddrive.
Basically denuvo do encrypt data every few seconds but the data is found in the ram so normally this doesn't cause any problem.
This was said by denuvo.
The problem comes when a game is un-optimized or has a memory leak.
Games like Just Cause 3 and batman arkham knight showed that the recommanded amount of ram was 8GB.
On launch those games had a lot of problem and filled those 8GB like it was nothing making the computer use the page file on your harddrive.
Denuvo was still in this case encrypting any game data on the ram and now on the page file every second which is really bad especially for SSD.
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Interesting, I've heard they fixed or shall we say improved performance, but it was way too late, the damage was already done :P
At the time of release, I already had 16 gb ram (ddr3), an SSD (tho because of all this wear & tear thing I installed it in my HD).
My trusty old Phenom II x6 still kicking, I was only bothered when MGS TPP launched without sse4.1 instructions, so I could not play until patched. Understood it was the same case with NMS, no love for phenoms :P tho I don't own it so it does not affects me.
BAK was a slideshow fest, even for nvidia most loved customers XD
"WB, showing silly customers the right way to be raged"
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the bad performance of deus ex is no "denuvo news". there where already denuvo games with great performance, which directly contradicts this rumor, that denuvo leads to bad performance. if you don't have any evidence (and you don't), please stop implying it.
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I consider all games with Denuvo "Denuvo news", because some people against this DRM buy some games without knowing it until it's too late. And if "denuvo do encrypt data every few seconds" (comment) it definetely affects global performance because encryption of any kind is a CPU intensive task.
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there's a big difference between just saying "Deus Ex MD has Denuvo" and what you said. your "news" were that Deus Ex has bad performance, which in this context implies that has something to do with Denuvo. and that's just not a fact at all. it's a rumor, based on absolutely no evidence. we have denuvo games that perform extremely well, and we have non-denuvo games that have horrible performance. if a game has bad performance and also denuvo, as far as we know those two aspects have no connection at all.
also, "every few seconds" is an eternity for a cpu. i think it's way more likely that you don't notice the denuvo thread at all (and i am pretty sure the denuvo encryption runs in a low priority thread anyway).
and even if we assume denuvo does in fact significantly increase cpu usage - in this specific case (deus ex) cpu usage really doesn't matter. the game is heavily bottlenecked by the gpu. i tested the game yesterday evening. my cpu usage is at ~25-30% total (including all other windows stuff), while my gpu is near 100% with reduced settings (started with Very High and lowered some settings, until i dropped just below 100% usage). so it's definitely the gpu that is stressed by the game. the cpu has lots and lots of cycles left to do other stuff, like denuvo encryption.
i am not even a fan of systems like denuvo. i wish they would just vanish forever. but what i dislike even more is how the internet spreads rumors without any evidence. this is not how we should fight denuvo. work with facts, not with rumors or even lies. :)
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you know rumors these days are the new facts. Go figure why :')
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I feel like I am the only one person here that has no issue with it.
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Deus Ex Mankind Divided DENUVO Run by Bronco
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The only example of DENUVO protection I've encountered so far is Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter. Basically, it's a 10-hour-long adventure game with a price of an AAA title: it costs 1699 rubles (~$26) here, while an average new adventure game is usually about 400-500 rubles (and, say, Witcher 3 is modest 1199 rubles). It's also got only 75% of positive reviews, and that's significantly more than on release. Looks like Frogwares actually think that since they've used an (almost) unbreakable DRM, they can set whatever unreasonable price tag they want. I've followed the Frogwares Sherlock Holmes series from the very beginning, but I'm not buying this game until it's, say, 75% off; if it's pirated before that, I'll refrain from buying at all.
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It reduce performance and there has been also complains of damaged SSDs (there has been more cases of ssd failure on people using Denuvo protected software than it was statistically expected, though the cause wasn´t properly established so it might be a coincidence). Sience denuvo has been bypassed, and each game seems to get cracked faster Given that, its weird that if you wait for the pirated copy (from a trusted source), it will be better than the original. Also, some people would complain on any DRM because of their tradition of shady practises (for instance, the 2005 Sony scandal). In general, they fight piracy in a way that affects their costumers and usually fails to achieve its goal, so its a pointless sacrifice.
But yeah, most people complain because they wont be able to get pirated copies the first day. Probably they are pissed because they want the game badly and feel like crap if they cant play it. Also, probably they would be happier, feeling no need at all to play those games, if companies didnt invest more money on advertising than they invest in actually making a good game. XD
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I have played Rise of the Tomb Raider (family sharing from a friend), while I played I watched the change that were done on my hard drive with the software "Disk Pulse".
The only change that did in my SSD was when collecting items to update the savegame ( the savegame icon appeared indeed ). So, the SSD thing t is just a lie. ( I am not talking from what I heard, I am talking from what I saw )
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It's not a lie, it's just under certain circumstances it can start writing on your SSD :
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It's not specific to Denuvo, but for restrictive DRM in general -- the main issue for me is that there is no guarantee that I will be able to access the game I've paid for 5, 10, 20+ years down the line if I have new hardware and the activation servers go offline. There's also the issue that they don't really tell you what sort of restrictions may be present with the license prior to purchase, like if there are any sort of machine activation limits or if internet connections are required when installing on a new machine.
With Denuvo in particular, sometimes the devs don't even know what sort of restrictions it may impose on user license:
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114 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Bohemius
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IMPORTANT: Please, add (type) the tag "Denuvo" manually to all Denuvo games you visit in the Steam Store, there aren't still enough games tagged as "Denuvo" so the tag does not appear. I'm adding direct links to the games below.
Also you can join this group and you will get a notice in every game profile with Denuvo.
Please, don't post links to torrents or warez related sites.
I opened this thread to post news about this protection. There's a Previous thread with interesting info but was closed by the author.
Latest news (2025):
(date format DD/MM)
Denuvo removed from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (by mistake?): Steam Community
Cracked games (disinfected versions are in bold text):
Upcoming Denuvo games:
List of Denuvo games: (not available anymore, some Wikipedia editor has removed the most useful info from the article). Info
New link (even better than Wikipedia's old table): (not available anymore. Reason: "As very little AAA games are being released right now, our advertising revenue is very low and we can no longer afford to pay for servers.": Reddit thread
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