Yep, it is a great game, and it gave me very strong System Shock 1 vibes, especially how you get to navigate the station. System Shock 2 was different (good, but different), and BioShock games for me seem to be a completely different genre altogether, they guide the player far more than I prefer (but I understand why people like them).
Looking forward to System Shock 1 remake, it's been a while since I revisited the Citadel :)
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I'm getting goose bumbs, just by thinking of SS1&2.
Totally forgot that the remake is still a thing. Played a small demo a long time ago and thought it's never going to be finished anyways.
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If you enjoyed the first 2 (and the DLCs) then you absolutely have to play Infinite + DLCs. There's a horde mode DLC which is just extra stuff but the other story one is important.
And don't read reviews or walkthroughs or tips and tricks unless neccesary so you don't spoil the games story.
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How old were you when you played the System Shock games?`There's a lot of nostalgia that makes old games seem so much better than modern ones. Until you try them out again and then wonder ;) (technical difficulties aside on modern PCs).
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Prey 2017 was indeed quite amazing, the underlying narrative is just as interesting as the systemic sim elements. The progression system and the world design was one of a kind, but it should have been called Neuroshock and not Prey. I think a lot of people myself included weren't sure what type of game this is before playing it. I love games like this, so this was perfect for me, but I had no idea this was basically Bioshock in space.
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I agree Prey was quite the atmospheric fps. Dishonored was a lot more linear and maps ...less interesting than space, Prey also had a bit more humor in the notes and computers in the surroundings, more of a mystery. Admittedly I liked jumping around the rooftops and the usually ironic non-lethal solutions in Dishonored but that was mostly it.
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Prey (2017) is essentially System Shock 1+2 Remake. It takes many elements from both of those games and mashes together into one. It is as close to System Shock 3 as apparently we will ever get (I am losing hope the actual third game will ever be made). It is also a helluva more of an actual System Shock spiritual successor than the entire Bioshock franchise combined.
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they """re-imagined""" a game from a defunct studio and tryed to sell it to the fan of the previous title in the franchise. some liked it. other didnt. though it was rushed and fullscreen didnt work well. a function that's been standardised since window 2000. you can't alway sell well too. its part of the economic game i guess. i still wonder what happened to that indian PC from the first title. i played the first release on xbox 360 in 2006. to be perfectly honnest, i think it was as good as half life 2. i'm just like that. i like that kind of story-telling.
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BioShock games are all about the story, characters and atmosphere of the game. The combat system isn't as complex compared to System Shock 2 and the games are better balanced difficulty wise. Which is why I love the BioShock series.
System Shock games have terrible stories, near non-existant characters and very limited atmosphere (mostly due to the limitations of technology at the time). They have more complex combat systems though, less balanced difficulty (which makes them harder) and less hand holding (especially System Shock 1). A lot (if not most people) that claim to "love" System Shock games haven't played them in a long time so there's a huge nostalgia factor at play. I personally dislike them, System Shock 1 has a really bad user interface but once I got used to it, I at least had some fun with it, though I still consider it a bad game. I despise System Shock 2, it's combat system is overly complex, enemies are poorly balanced and the ammo deprivation is atrocious.
In conclusion:
BioShock if you like story and atmosphere.
System Shock if you like complex systems, harder difficulty and less hand holding.
Never played Prey (except for the original which I disliked).
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thx a lot man! yes the hand holding in nowadays games gets on my balls and this is where PREY absolutely is a big surprise! you find so many secrets, you can try out so much and more!!!! you have to get it if you like bioshock and system shock.
after prey i will finally continue Bioshock 1! i didnt mean to compare these games too much cause games should be different from each other, so it is not bad if e.g. bioshock is less complex.
im no fan that they USED the name PREY here again, it is just so unfitting and stupid and might be also a cause that it didnt sell well!
believe me that Prey 2017 has nothing to do with the old FPS (which i liked but found it boring somehow, i liked the old quake 2 demo better ;D). gameplaywise it is nothing like OG Prey, bethesda is really a strangecompany only having luck to have Elder Scrolls and Fallout but they seem to be a very fucked up businesswise. i hope they wont destroy ID software at some time.
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prey2017 is a great game for system shock fans but not for prey fans, i loved the game but i hate that it was called prey as prey is far better action fps then prey and it has nothing to do with prey, its prey in name only.
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24 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by raydotn
hey guys, i remember when i played System Shock 1 and was so impressed by it. but System Shock 2 was the game which totally blew me away, i cant remember it so well anymore but i know how addicted i was and how much i love(d) it!
(then Deus Ex came out, it is kinda different as teh setting etc. but man i was in heaven! Another awesome game with freedom choices.)
i never played through Bioshock yet, only the first hours, i dunno why i stopped (cause i enjoyed it!) but i recently started PREY (2017) (forgetting about the cancelled OG Prey 2....) and i didnt expect this to be so complex! they seem to have added much more options in for the hud etc. i also installed a NON-Item Highlighter mod, i am nearly 10 hours in and started on survival settings + nightmare. so far it is hard but manageable and combined with stealth, exploration etc. it is an awesome experience. and still after 10 hours i find new game mechanics, new tactics, i just got the Psychohelmet and i was blown away that the game even opens up more freedom and options!
so far im just so SURPRISED how a 2017 game can be so PC friendly (it doesnt feel dumbed down like Deus Ex IW and other games where you could feel they dumbed it down) and complex like older games (which had some clunky mechanics i admit!) and full with choices, secrets, exploration rewards (you jump behind a ladder and boxes and can still find some items.! ).
sadly i read that the game didnt sell well..... i cannot wait to return to it and play more!
i definitely wanna start Bioshock then too fully, i hope i was wrong that Bioshock is a bit dumbed down System Shock feeling.
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