Probably a easter egg that has sth to do with a magic book, tentacles, and a lot of notice me senpai
In all seriousness, as long as it does not have cheap shock values, I'd buy it.
Note: I tried looking up pictures of Bible Black to represent "a magic book" and found none that made me feel comfortable to post it on SG. Surprise surprise.
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So the kickstarter page links to this image (NSFW). If it's in the game, I'm actually really surprised Steam is okay with it. I didn't realize it actually had explicit scenes.
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holy be fair, it's not exactly nudity...more like borderline softcore porn (I could not find the exact word in my head and I do not mean any prejudice against this type of "art")
Has valve ever pulled a game from Steam due to graphic content?
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Seduce Me was pulled because it was "offensive" apparently.
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So the question still stands, what do you think they added to the game for them to feel the need to contact Valve to see if it was okay or not in the first place? Nudity itself probably isn't that much of a factor since many games on Steam has it. The only reason I would think they would contact Valve was because of AO reasons since this is a dating sim.
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I know absolutely nothing about Seduce Me, but all of the examples that you give for the more adult scenes in video games are still censored to remain rated M. I don't even know how you can call that South Park screenshot full frontal nudity.
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The screenshot wasn't but it was when in game. I just wasn't quick enough to take the picture...:(
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Is this considered censorship?(Kinda NSFW)
It does have testicles and nothing pixelated though his wang is either cut off or so small that it's hidden in his bush...
This doesn't show genitals but is a little bit on the graphic side...
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Hmm... Okay.
Well the reason I brought up my original point is that I believe Steam just draws the line at AO. They just don't allow AO games on the service, no matter if it's because the game is sexual in nature or violent. I mean Manhunt 2 is not on Steam and it's not because there's too much explicit sex in that game :P. I'm sure that if there was a game rated M that had tons of sex scenes, it would still be up for sale on Steam.
The reason they talked to Steam? Most likely because they are afraid of getting an AO rating. In that case, I wouldn't be surprised if Steam decided to backtrack.
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Mhm...hopefully this won't be taken off later though. Apparently the 40K stretch goal was a "minigame" that you could play in bed after a successful date lolz.
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It's not a requirement to get ESRB rated, so there isn't any danger of it getting an AO rating anyways. I could be wrong, but I think the only reason devs/publishers get their games rated are for selling physical copies - because most stores have policies that require ratings to be in store.
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Found a better picture than mines. Right breast and bush/vag(NSFW?)
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"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that." -Justice Potter Stewart, concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio 378 U.S. 184 (1964), regarding possible obscenity in The Lovers.
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An awesome webcomic written and drawn by Jeph Jacques. :)
But relevantly, censorship is weird. Like on Whose Line is it Anyway where they censored so many silly little things that might offend people (like a person having a disability) but then left in profuse amounts of adult content, including direct suggestions of pornography, foul language (and near-misses like the "ice-hole" episode), and of course the many homoerotic actions and comments (people groping each other's butts and making out, drew talking about dreaming of Brad every night not to mention other creepy comments about hugging daughters and creeping around during commercial breaks). And it was on ABC "Family". So go figure. And similarly in games and movies where there can be extreme violence but as soon as a nipple is shown or something it's suddenly mature content and in need of censoring.
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Go look up the Reboot censorship. And I quote from Wikipedia: "The word "hockey" was banned from all episodes as in some countries it was supposedly used as a vulgar slang term. In the episode "Talent Night", one scene of Dot giving her brother Enzo "a sisterly kiss on the chin" was cut due to BS&P's fear of promoting incest, an insinuation which Pearson described as "one of the sickest things I've heard.".
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There's really no need for Valve to block out any kind of "objectional content." You have a computer because you're using Steam, so anyone can research anything on the store. Artistic freedom should override the moral guardians every single time. The problem with dating sim games is that almost all of them are complete garbage, so if Valve lets in one or two good ones that might open the floodgates. I'm all for any kind of sex, violence, drug use, or language in video games, but there's no need to turn Steam into the 18+ section of the app store.
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I think the difference is between how visual the content was. The examples you gave had very explicit references to adult themes, but it didn't really "show" anything. From what I've read, Suduce Me was very graphic, even if they were only still images.
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I think it might have to do with the fact that HuniePop has sexually suggestive content directed at you (the player) as opposed to a lot of other games with sex scenes etc where the sexual nature is directed at your character, but not you personally. Which would be why it toes the line of AO dating sim content whilst having less nudity than other games might.
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Gotta love people's hypocrisy, games like Seduce Me are evil because SEX, "ermergard think of the children!!" but they're all perfectly fine with all the violence, decapitations, people blowing apart, being sliced into as many pieces as possible, etc those are all great things for children to see/do. Not like they already have the internet for porn or anything. But hey, 'murican logic i suppose.
Don't like it don't buy it, it's as simple as that, there's no need to try and ruin it for everyone else.
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Well, violence is only okay up to a point. Manhunt 2 was rated AO for a reason.
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Why is it ok? Why is it more ok for kids to be exposed to violence than it for them them to be exposed to sex? Let's be honest here alot of the violence in today's games makes manhunt look like a joke. What kind of fucked up society do we live in where full nudity is considered more harmful than watching someone's head/torso/w/e get blown/cut/shot off?
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questionable content:
DE: violence against humans, Nazi symbols
US: sex
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"Questionable content" = Content that may not actually be available in the game? Or available at all?
Valve knows all about questionable content.
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9 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Calibr3
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19 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by lakers714
Huniepop was greenlit and the thing I found interesting about it was that on the update page of their Kickstarter campaign, the devs posted "I talked to the Valve guys about the questionable content in the game and got the thumbs up. So as it stands right now, the Steam version will be the full uncensored version of the game."
What do you think they added to the game when they said "questionable content"?
I mean, Witcher already had nudity, sex, and all that. South Park had full frontal nudity, bestiality, sex, anal probing, and masturbation. There's supposedly a line between all that and "Seduce Me", the game that was taken off of Greenlight for being an AO dating sim. :/
Anyways...waiting for my key so I can start playing and be called a perv by my friends on Steam. :)
Edit: Also, with this now approved by Valve(according to the dev) and with South Park being released do you think "Seduce Me" should be reinstated back to Greenlight? All the arguments against it have been more or less washed away with the release of South Park TBH.
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