You could ask the creator to make a ticket to change the game in the giveaway. Especially if it gives more CV don't see any reason to not do that.
Also your SGT checks out clean at the moment, that Bundle is removed from Steam API so it can't be checked.
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That's been going on a lot recently. Gaben started to remove games from Steam in bulk and SG got new staff to be able to handle all the ancient tickets piling up. I think removed games should still show in but not sure.
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I'm fairly sure this can only be done for different versions of a game and not different games.
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I once received the wrong game and ask support if it is possible to change the ga (although I wasn't the ga creator) and the responce was the following:
Hello at46.
We cannot change the game title like that.
According to the rules, all wins must be activated on the winner's account so if you receive a different game than the one that was stated in the giveaway, or if you cannot activate the gift and you mark it as "received" you risk a suspension.
Moreover users may blacklist you due to your unactivated wins.
So you have to mark it as "not received".
The giveaway creator can request the deletion of the giveaway, but he needs your agreement. If it's fine for you, please post an appropriate message in the giveaway page.
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No harm in asking even if they will just get the same response.
No harm but you are wasting time they could better use responding to tickets they can deal with.
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Anything can be done within the rules. Support don't create the rules they just enforce them.
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There are other ways to do that than PHP tools. Them not being available to most levels of staff just makes it very very unlikely to happen, but still not impossible. The name of the support ticket is "Change giveaway game", not "Change giveaway game version". So that should be changed to fit the rules as well. The creator might have been given a wrong key by the (re)seller/trader where they got the game from so they might not even know about it before the winner complains.
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You already did it for me. If you want to have wayS, I guess other sorts of manipulation are also possible. I guess it's bad advice to give to new people since it's very probably never going to happen so my bad for that. Bundle makers, resellers, traders and even devs have been known to make mistakes when handling keys, so even if unlikely it's not impossible either. Just my personal opinion that people with good history should be given at least 1 change to fix a mistake rather than deleting it and change wont happen if nobody asks for it.
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What has my ego have to do with anything? You can change it with a hex editor or you can code a tool that does it for you or you can do all sort of things to manually manipulate the SQL table that are other than using MySQL, just like you said with "or similar". So please stop arguing silly semantics about a thing that's not really relevant. there you go since you asked for a SG thread. I have seen it happen elsewhere and it has even happened to me. If there is a human involved there is a chance a mistake will happen at some point no matter how low that chance is.
What is your problem if you can't accept that it was my bad that I gave bad advice to new people, that you still have to argue about exact wording of it? There isn't any need to continue this, but if you wish to argue about something really extremely unlikely still being a different thing than totally impossible, you should check a dictionary first.
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You do know you can save the table on HDD, edit with anything you like and load it back to live again? It was just a silly theoretical example to show that there are other ways, not advice on how to run SQL. This wasn't the point so arguing against it is quite pointless.
What I said was wrong like I already admitted, but not for the reasons you keep bringing up. You are focusing on irrelevant details which are theoretically true and not the actual issue. You are the one said anything at all about PHP tools, not me. Then you said there are similar ways to argue against my use of "ways".
My fault is that I like arguments even when it's not the time or place for them, what is your excuse? You can keep your strikes for all I care, but at least look in the mirror before acting all high and mighty when you are doing the exact same thing. I thought you were better than this right back at you. So once again, what are your issues making you attack me personally because of it? And tell me where I was attacking you and not your arguments? What are you defending yourself from?
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Sorry to hear about that false positive.
As for the first case the GA creator needs to create a ticket to change the game as it was stated by others. Mistakes(and fake GAs) happen, so it's always worth checking if the correct game was activated as the moment you mark a game as received you're becoming the one responsible. for the mismatch. Technically such a GA should be marked as not received, but in case of an obvious mistake I usually try to postpone the feedback till things get sorted out. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon.
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According to sgtools you're fine but it lists some games it couldn't check (if you click on the "Show me those" on the sgtools site). I don't know if support has more options to check but if you received the wrong game you should talk to the ga creator and mark it as not received till everything is cleared.
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LazyGuysStudio - 'Blurred Shapes' Bundle included Steam keys for:
And few others that would be available on Steam if they'd pass greenlight. But you should have all 3 listed above on your account, as they were available immediately after giveaway end.
It is possible that game was revoked from account for some reason. In case like this you should go to this page. Write game name and choose It's not in my library option. If game was revoked it will list when it was activated and revoked. You can make screenshot of this page and send it to support to change status of giveaway to not received, to prevent suspension for inactivated win.
As for changing giveaway game - it's only possible when creator picked wrong version of the game. For example Call of Duty®: Black Ops II to Call of Duty®: Black Ops II Digital Deluxe Edition. It's not possible to change game for some other game entirely. Only solution for this this problem is to delete wrongly created giveaway or providing correct key to the winner.
There are games that share the same name on Steam - like Dodge or Dark Matter. But they have different thumbnail and appID. And both those information are given when creator try to make giveaway (it's also visible in confirmation page before creating giveaway). So creators should double check it to make sure they make giveaway for right game.Winner should mark it as not received if if creator didn't try to solve or address this matter.
(This is my personal opinion, but I do agree that name of this ticket category should be changed to Change Game to a Different Edition or similar to avoid confusion :P)
Also screenshot of page that show game was revoked:
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I have two out of three of these games. Metal Planet is missing. Though, I'm not sure if of those two that I have, if it's because of this bundle. I don't think I remember seeing a screen like that, though it has been over two years. :|
Thank you for the information and time you spent!
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If you activated game and it's not the same as the one you won:
TL:DR - you don't need to write ticket. Write in giveaway comments that key activated other game than you won, and depending on creator actions follow above steps.
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So, I pop in here every now and then to check the forum and enter some giveaways and hopefully in the future when things improve I can give away more stuff again. I generally do this late at night, so in hindsight I realize how I missed this. My situation arose when I entered a giveaway some time ago for a game. At the end of the giveaway, I received a key and marked it as received. All was going well and I thought nothing was wrong. Earlier I discovered however, that I had an "unactivated win" on my account. I checked this out on SteamGifts Tools, only to see that it was a recent giveaway I thought I had activated. I checked my steam account and behold, I didn't have the game. Now, upon further investigation, it seems I did get a game from the giveaway creator, but it was a game of the same series and not the game that was supposed to be given away. Either the creator made a mistake with the game's name when creating the giveaway, or, he/she gave me the wrong key. I'm grateful for winning, but this does create an issue on my account here(?). The key given, was a newer game of the series and costs more. I avoided naming the creator and the games involved, just in case.
What should I do from here? The giveaway was quite recent, so I don't want to contact support just yet. I'm also awaiting a response from the giveaway creator.
My other concern that I never brought up with the support yet, is from a giveaway years past. There was once a giveaway here featuring a multitude of copies for the "Lazy Guys Blurred Shapes Bundle". I have very little memory of this, so it's hard to recollect what exactly took place. From what I remember though, I checked out this bundle on the Lazy Guy's website, then entered the giveaway. I received a key and activated it on steam. Years later and probably...two months ago(?), I received a random suspension for it not being activated on my account. I was rather surprised and a little upset at this. I then did some digging, but I could find no trace of any of the games(?) of this bundle on my steam account, nor could I get anything from the Lazy Guy's website on it. It turns out, there is nothing in my giveaway history on it either, other than the listing. The suspension itself, was acted upon two years after whatever date someone reported me for it. I've no idea if it was because they think I didn't activate it or not, but that's a pretty long time away and there's no way of checking. I'm also aware that it is no longer in the steam database for some time now. Whether this is the reason I'm missing the games or that I can't investigate it remains to be seen.
I apologize for my memory in advance, it has degraded over time due to emotional and psychological trauma. There might be some hidden cak3 in here that I left over from last year's missed birthday...hopefully it's still edible...
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