Note: Going back to a normal schedule this month. I should be more responsive moving forward.

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Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.

The prize: Ghostwire: Tokyo

Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.

Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.


Why you doing this?

I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over six years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.

I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?

No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.

Can I play a MP only game?

No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.

If a game was sold as a non-Steam copy in a bundle (origin/uplay/drm-free/etc), can I pick it as a choice if I own a Steam copy?

No. The reason being that those who own a Steam copy would have an extra option that would not be available to everyone who bought the same bundle. If the game was originally sold as a non-Steam copy, but Humble later provided steam keys to everyone who bought the bundle, then the game would be allowed.

Why six games?

The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.

How long are you going to do this?

Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.

This event "ends" on April 5th when the next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't click on random links on the internet.

List of eligible games:
Credit goes to PapaSmok

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3 years ago

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Reply here once done.

3 years ago

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Thank you.

Game Bundle Achievement / Screenshot
Etherborn Humble Choice March 2020 End
Finding Paradise Humble Monthly May 2019 Wish Granted
Hyper Light Drifter Humble Monthly July 2021 New Game+ is unlocked after you beat the game for the first time.
macdows 95 Humble Monthly June 2019 wake up
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Humble Choice November 2021 Turnip Boy
Wizard of Legend Humble Monthly January 2019 Wizard of Legend
2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Done :)

Game Bundle Achievement
1) Calico February 2022 Humble Choice Completed
2) TOHU December 2021 Humble Choice Completed
3) Control Ultimate Edition March 2021 Humble Choice Completed
4) Heaven's Vault September 2021 Humble Choice Beaten: Complete the Game
5) The Hex February 2020 Humble Choice Beaten: The Hex
6) Resident Evil 5 November 2017 Humble Monthly Beaten: Recruit
2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Left to the last minute as usual but also didn't expect to finish still there until tomorrow so early

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Completed; games here

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Just finished! I hope I made it in time... Had extra time so I decided to go for a long game, then life got in the way. I played:

Minoria: "Heretic"
Little Nightmares: "The Prison"
The Hex: "The Hex"
SUPERHOT: "One of us"
Colt Canyon: "We Did It!"
Valkyria Chronicles 4: "Devotion"

As always, thank you for hosting this, Cjcomplex!!!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You should fix the end date. March 1st was yesterday. And thanks for another event!!

3 years ago*

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I always forget something -.-. Fixed!

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago*

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Game Ending Achievement Name Monthly/Choice
NeuroVoider Party stopper December 2018
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair HIVE won! September 2020
Overcooked! 2 The Unbread December 2020
Not Tonight Beat the Game January 2021
Deadly Days To the moon! July 2021
Heaven's Vault Complete the Game September 2021
3 years ago*

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Not sure if I'll have enough time, but at least here's a bump^^

3 years ago

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I can do it this month... !

3 years ago

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Forgot all about Ghostwire because its announcement/release date was so sudden. I'll have to bite on this.

My games for this month:

Western Press (from December 2016)

Achievements - "A grave matter"

I feel finishing the skill tester is more of a "campaign" story mode than completing a tournament, but both can lead to an ending scene, and I completed both. If Western Press is too short to work here, I'll get a replacement game done quickly if I can.

Western Press is an interesting concept; it's almost the Divekick of Simon Says, and I do enjoy Divekick. But with simplistic games like this, it can be hard to generate depth and emergent gameplay to keep players interested. I do wish I could have tried the competitive online if it had a point where players were populating the servers.

1993 Space Machine (from May 2016)

Screenshot of defeating final boss

1993 Space Machine was an... interesting experience trying to get working. First, achievements did not pop for me, which appears to be a known issue. Then the ending cinematic did not show up, instead being stuck on a blank screen that I had to ALT-F4 out of, which again is a known problem. On top of that, a few days after I finished playing, a patch came out that made my save files unusable and said I was on a "trial version," so I was still lucky to finish when I did.

There is a hidden boss level, but as far as I can tell it was a post-launch bonus and beating Nestor is still the end of the main game.

As for the game itself, it's not that bad but it can be really frustrating before you gather up enough money to purchase additional weapons for your ship. Once you do that, it's a solid enough retro shmup, but I'll still take Tyrian 2000 for my Western retro shmup needs.

Splasher (from March 2018)

Achievements - "Striker"

Splasher had a sudden difficulty spike about two-thirds of the way through, which could definitely be aggravating but was livable. I wish the controls could be a bit less floaty and slippery, which was especially evident when trying to move. I did appreciate how checkpoints seemed to be speedrun-friendly; it's a bit hard to explain, but each respawn checkpoint lines up the obstacles in your way such that you don't have to wait around every time you respawn.

There are influences from a lot of big-name platformers, especially Super Meat Boy, present in Splasher, and it feels like the lead developer wanted to reach those lofty heights. While he didn't succeed, he did make a pretty good platformer.

Levelhead (from May 2021)

Achievements Screenshots

Levelhead does have a few achievements that indicate beating the single-player component, including "Diploma," but I settled for a screenshot (taken with Dropbox and uploaded with Steascree) because some of the optional levels were grinding my gears.
Screwed up the link/privacy settings but it should be fixed now.

I love Levelhead's silly send-up of a mega-shipping corporation in space, although I wish I could more easily screenshot their cinematics. The gameplay in the single-player mode was a bit uneven; for some reason, I felt like most of the early and middle levels were actually harder than the ending levels. Levelhead has quite a bit of depth to the level editor, and the single-player campaign touches on some interesting ideas, like "Temple of Karma," a level that always turns hostile and kills you if you ever kill one enemy. I do wish there were a few more "concept" levels like that rather than ones that were more focused on combat and "unstoppable moving screen" chase sequences, which could be frustratingly coarse. And unlike Splasher, which had very speedrun-friendly checkpoints, Levelhead has "snapshot" checkpoints that save everything as it was when you touch the checkpoint, which can occasionally doom you to a fail state if you lost your cargo or other important objects.

Nex Machina (from December 2017)

Achievements - "Rookie"

Nex Machina's gameplay mechanics as a twin-stick shooter click well enough, but the game definitely has a lot of bonus objectives and secrets intended to increase replayability all bothering you at once, feeling like information overload.

Having played a bit of Housemarque's other games, like Returnal, it's interesting to see what mechanics it shared with Nex Machina, like the inability to save a run (although it's less of a problem with Nex Machina and Returnal eventually patched in that capability).

Bleed 2 from (February 2019)

Achievements - "Story Clear"

Bleed 2 is a pleasant little action game, but the controls can feel a bit awkward. Playing this, which is a side-scroller that separates movement and aiming/firing between two control sticks (or keyboard and mouse) makes me wonder how a game like Contra or StarFox being released now and having you aim and shoot with the same control stick would be considered cumbersome now.

Thank you for the continued monthlies!

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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I will skip that one because I know I won't be playing the game. I have had trouble with first person action games since my eye surgery.
I wanted to say thanks for keeping it up when you were working hard. It's a lot of work to maintain an event like this and to keep it going like you do, and it's much appreciated.

3 years ago*

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Oooohh, hadn't really payed attention to Ghostwire, but it looks pretty cool. I love Yokai and such, might have to end up trying this month, haha.

3 years ago

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Failed last month cause of lost ark so I think I'll fail again but will see, bump!

3 years ago

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Ah yes, horror. Anyway, congrats on moving back to a normal schedule! Bump!

3 years ago

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Always saw your post, never actually read it, very nice event. Might throw my hat in the ring, but with Elden Ring, idk how much i'll be able to do. :D
Bump! :D

3 years ago

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Game Status
TSIOQUE Completed
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Completed
Tiny Echo Completed
Effie Completed
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day Completed
INSIDE Completed Ending Screenshot
3 years ago*

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Game Monthly Status Proof
Timelie Nov. 2021 Not Started .
Between the Stars Jan. 2022 Not Started .
TBD . Not Started .
TBD . Not Started .
TBD . Not Started .
TBD . Not Started .
3 years ago

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half way through the month. half way through my games

2 years ago

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Game Month Status Achievement
Kona Humble Monthly (Aug 2018) Beaten A Mari Usque Ad Mare (14/35)
Framed Collection Humble Choice (Sep 2021) Beaten Got a light? (13/18)
Morkredd Humble Choice (May 2021) Beaten Team player (4/22)
Remothered: Broken Porcelain Humble Choice (Apr 2021) Beaten The Keeper (15/34)
She Remembered Caterpillars Humble Monthly (Apr 2019) Beaten Resilient (10/13)
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse Humble Choice (Jun 2021) Beaten Hands-on parenting (26/35) Screenshot
3 years ago*

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beautiful gif

3 years ago

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I'll toss my hat in the ring once again.

Game HB Month Status Proof (achievement)
The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut April 2020 Finished Savior of Skara Brae
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night August 2021 Finished Army of the Night
Maneater December 2021 Finished Vengeance Is Mine
Hyper Light Drifter July 2017 Finished Bully
Katana ZERO October 2021 Finished To be continued
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition July 2018 Finished When Gods Fall
3 years ago*

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I'm glad your schedule is calming down! Last month I had some stuff come up and ended up just getting Elden Ring on release, but I look forward to participating in another event soon!!

3 years ago

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Finding Paradise (May 2019) Completed
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (June 2021) Hands-on parenting
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (March 2022) Going it alone
Evan's Remains (March 2022) Completed
Morkredd (May 2021) Lone wolf
Police Stories (March 2022) Police Story

2 years ago*

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Game - Achievement

Voidigo - Entry Denied
This one was a pretty fun and diverse Roguelike. The characters couldn't be more different and strange. :D
Though the enemyvariety and leveldesign were a bit lacking for my taste...

Raiden V - Operation 8 Stage 8: Boss Defeated!
Nice Bullet Hell with the flaw that the moving background sometimes had the same color as the bullets of enemies you tried to dodge....which is quite annoying.😔

Pool Panic - Touch The Sky
Wouldn't have thought that you could have that many different pool's a really fun game which doesn't take itself serious, had a blast with it.

911 Operator - Medal Of Honor
Mostly chill management game where you have to manage your 911-Team. Though in Expert it is quite hectic (but the most fun). Sadly after a while it is apparent that there is only a limited number of different calls and they repeat themselves.

11-11 Memories Retold - Part III
Really unique artwork and an interesting story about two enemies that both don't want to be in the WWI. Especially the extra info from collectibles were interesting.

Basingstoke - See Picture
Really loved this one. A cool take on the roguelike where you are always a one-hit and mostly try to avoid the enemies. At the beginning it seemed pretty impossible, but once you understood the enemies and how to use your flashlight, weapons and doors to block enemies it was really cool to breeze through the levels.😀

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2 years ago

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