As some Steam users do, Im buying cheap games to the farm their cards. And I was made some profit from this (a good profit because of the currency I use). So my thing is if I send gift games to my alternative accounts for the farm cards and sell that cards on my main account, can make me a good profit. But I dont know can I get ban cause of this. I would like someone with knowledge or experience to share their experience.

2 years ago*

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As most steam users do, Im buying cheap games to the farm their cards.

That's a bit of an overstatement 😆😅
I think it would be more accurate to say a considerable portion of SteamGifts users do that but this community here is in no way representative of Steam gamers in general.

2 years ago

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Yes you right it a bit overstatement, I shouldn't have said "steam users" that includes everyone. But I think this topic will attract the attention of people who farming.

2 years ago

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i wouldn't even say that many people on here do this - i don't

2 years ago

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Yes your right Im sorry, but the main thing is different from that :D

2 years ago

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Well... I've met my fair share during my time here on SteamGifts but given that (like on any other forum) 90 - 95% of the people who frequent the site and read discussions never actively post it's hard to tell how much of a percentage they actually make up.

2 years ago

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I often forget that the average (active) SG user is nowhere near to being representative of the average Steam user, and then reality hits me in the face when I watch a youtube video that presents the idea of owning 500 games on Steam as excesive while that's moderate by my warped standards. So yeah, I agree that hanging around here for a long time can create a very inacurate mental image of how most people experience Steam, if not gaming in general.

2 years ago

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One of my close friends who comes from console gaming recently started using Steam like a year ago and it's fascinating how he approaches things.

Granted he had the added advantage of a ~ 1900 game library via Family sharing (at least 500 of them decent games) but contrary to me who spent more time amassing them he actually plays most of those games 😅

He buys stuff at discounts most of us SteamGifters would chuckle at and he doesn't even sell his Trading card drops from mid-ranged games because "Why bother?".

2 years ago

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I suppose it depends how many gifts you're sending to your alts (I've heard about people getting their buying privilege temporarily suspended for excessive gifting) but I think you should be good.

Just don't mess around with regional pricing.

2 years ago

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But I dont know can I get ban cause of this.

If you do something stupid - yes. Key is number of requests to steam servers from one IP. If you use some kind of automation and spam steam servers with hundreds and thousands of requests, especially during sale, when steam servers are overloaded even without your help - yes, you can get banned for it, I've heard of such cases. If you do it manually? Well, I doubt you can get a ban, worst case scenario - they will block sending gifts from your account, but if you pay with real money, not with steam wallet - even that is unlikely.
Of course, all of the above is only my opinion, since I don't work at Valve.

2 years ago

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Nice point of view and a sensible comment, thank you.

2 years ago

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I only know of one case who got his accounts locked, he had a bot farm with more than thousand accounts.

2 years ago

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yes, I have read that all accounts of people who make a few bots like that are closed

2 years ago

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I've always been on the fence about doing that type of farming for fear of it looking a bit too suspicious of an activity to Steam support, and general laziness to be completely honest, so I've always limited myself to only farming cards from keys on my alts, plus event cards of course.
But I'm curious to know how it turns out for you, for science of course, it definitely isn't that I'm considering the idea. So, let me us know if it goes well for you ;)

2 years ago

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Of course, if I got a any information on this topic I would like to share it

2 years ago

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in my opinion it will depend on the number of accounts you make, like 10 that may work for you, but if you do hundreds of them it will cause a huge problem and you will get banned.for sure ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2 years ago

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I know the a few people got banned for farming with too many accounts

2 years ago

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