Bibliophile or bookworm, an avid reader and lover of books
Cinephilia is the term used to refer to a passionate interest in cinema
Though perhaps misused sometimes; there's nothing wrong with having a term for a particular interest. If anything, the problem is the use of 'hardcore' in the first place, because it conflates interest in video games with the category that is hardcore (as opposed to casual) games.
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Of course it's silly. It's just meant to make you sound better, like you play "real games" or something.
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If its anything like a hardcore pornstar I ain't want anything to do with it.
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IMHO, the term "hardcore gamer" means a person who is willing to invest MUCH more time and MUCH more frustration into the games they play than most of us would.
They don't mind playing games where deaths are permanent or at least severely penalized. They don't mind playing ridiculously difficult games, no matter if that difficulty is intentional or a result of the developers' screw-ups etc.
At some point, such people usually get the false impression that they're "elite" for whatever reason, so the term "Hardcore Gamer" to them means "better than the rest of the losers in the world". Losers here meaning the "casual gamers".
Everyone can call themselves whatever they please, but this is my opinion :)
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It's my opinion that you're mistaken. People play games for many different reasons, but can be broadly categorized into two categories:
There are people who play games as a sort of fantasy fulfillment. The sort of people who like reading stories about 'Mary Sue' characters because they want to imagine themselves in the character's position. They want to play the game like a superhero, conquering obstacles of whatever sort the game provides for them and being told they are awesome for doing so regardless of the challenge involved. This is how the so-called 'casual gamer' has fun.
The opposite of that is the person who plays games for the challenge of it. They believe that, not unlike how board games such as chess, or physical sports such as football are popular because they present a level playing field for one to showcase their skills, video games should also be challenging but fair. Where as a casual gamer sees the effort required to overcome that challenge as nothing more than a frustrating obstacle to their goal of being told they are the 'winner'; to a hardcore gamer overcoming that obstacle is where the satisfaction comes from, the idea that they have accomplished something. That without having that challenge to overcome, it would be pointless to play.
Now, regardless of any idea of which is 'better' than the other, we should acknowledge that people play games for different reasons, and even my description above is but a superficial summary of a common division.
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How is his opinion any less valid than yours? You said it yourself, people play games for different reasons. All you did there was identify two more categories of gamers - so people who play for social reasons or for simple fun non-existent?
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His opinion is valid, but mistaken (in my opinion). Games are, by definition, pointless. Everyone plays games for fun, and no one plays games that they find frustrating (except possibly for social reasons).
His assertion was that 'hardcore gamers' are people who play games that he personally finds frustrating... for whatever reason. My argument was that some people find satisfaction in having a challenge; rather than 'investing frustration' in a game, they are having fun, even if they're not winning all the time.
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I've only ever heard two types of people describe themselves as an "hardcore gamer." The first type are those whose lives are falling apart because they spend too much time gaming. The second type are those who proclaim it in the hopes of impressing others because they have nothing more noteworthy going on in their lives. I'm thankful I don't belong to either group.
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Butthurt: The Thread.
Who cares in the end... just play them games. If you just want to casually play vidya, do so. If you like a challenge, there's plenty of games that can provide that.
"Hardcore" itself can mean 2 things in my opinion - investing much more time in the game (like it meant in WoW, hardcore/semi-hardcore etc would simply describe the amount of raids in guilds per week and well, in the end, their end goal), or simply that somebunny is playing harder games/is really good at them.
I also think that some people in this thread think that being a hardcore gamer equals being addicted, which isn't the case.
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" anyone else find it a little amusing when people say that they are a gamer/hardcore gamer?"
It's 50/50 for me. As stated above it's a different way of saying "I love video games", but any other use of the term "hardcore gamer" is really dumb.
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Despite the fact that an unhealthy amount of my life has been spent playing, making, reviewing, discussing or otherwise researching or perusing games and associated media, for some reason I've never liked the label of gamer. Generally it's a harmless term and I'm not outraged by it or anything like that, but I hate when it's used as if it was a meaningful clique.
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You're "Hardcore" if you're dumb enough to buy these.
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Nobody says "I'm a hardcore reader" or "I'm a hardcore movie watcher" for the same reason that nobody calls themselves game aficionados or game connoisseurs. It's just lingo. It doesn't mean people don't obsess over movies or books or spend loads of time on them. And since there's no neat universally agreed on definition of "hardcore", assuming that everyone that uses the term are all identifying as part of the same stereotype (whichever one you've chosen) is pretty narrow minded.
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men in black appear, place bag over Johnm253's head
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What would you call someone who is hardcore at watching Hardcore Pawn?
Hardcore Hardcore Pawn watcher?
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This is just an observation but does anyone else find it a little amusing when people say that they are a gamer/hardcore gamer?
It like saying, "I'm a hardcore reader" or "I'm a hardcore movie watcher", although that last one could sound like you enjoying watching porno.
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