Could we have some hints on the formating of the answers? (number of words, units etc.) I find it rather irritating to know the answer and spending my time on searching for the one of twenty possible ways it could be written... Thanks in advance
edit: Also your idea of "European numbers" is wrong, in Europe a space is used as thousands separator, e.g. "2 178 432", not "2178432"
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Don't know if it's different in other european countries but in Germany your example would be written 2.178.432 🙂 Never heard of anyone using spaces in numbers
Edit: Actually I just read that a space is also common here. Never learned that 😅
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bump for another landmark solved but with much more effort and guessing than it should take :p
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Stuck at Q8. I see the answers. But cannot find the exact word(s?) you use. Can you add more answers to the question maybe?
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I got it. my bad. I was looking a something more specific inside the head. Thanks!
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Can we have a formatting for Q2 too? Tried a lot of variations in this one but still not able to find the right answer.
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Ok, so it turns out that there's at least three things that could be possible answers. One of these could be written as 1 or 2 words, both having the letter p as the start of one word - but none of them works with Q8.
Also, Q1, I can't see multiple ones. Nowhere. Just one big one so there's nothing I could separate with commas. And, Q2, that one holds nothing. So there's nothing which could be formatted as word-word word.
At this point I'm at a complete loss for possible answers. Wikipedia is of no help anymore at this point. Hints would be more than welcome.
And as many others in the comments, I've ran into a huge pile of formatting issues - which can also be seen by the very high number guesses. I'd like to suggest that you add in some more options. Formatting issues shouldn't keep people from solving a puzzle if they have the right answer.
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Answer for Q8 is literally in 1st part of wikipedia page. Simple copy & paste. I won't write though in which paragraph.
As for Q1 - there are two animals. You just need to get rid of anthropocentric mindset. And answer will be clear.
As for possibilities - I think it's enough. Q10 has now 9 possible answers, Q6 has two. And it's written you need to use European way of writing numbers. When answer is simple number there are both numerical and word answers possible. There is even question where depending from where you start counting, you can give two different answers and they will be accepted.
Formatting issues were with Q2 and Q10. In first I didn't know you can write name with and without hyphen, so it's obviously my fault. In second I haven't though someone might copy answer without currency symbol. So it's more of oversight than fault.
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Yeah... anthropocentric... Oh well... got all the answers.
As for formatting issues, well, I gave you my reasoned criticism - of course it's up to you what you make out of it.
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Bump! Another one down!
though with a lot of guessing!
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I'm not able to find the answer to Q10. The german wikipedia states an "around" value and I couldn't find any english information where there is a value. 😟
BTW for all german quizzers: The answer to Q9 is not solvable with the german wikipedia because there the value is different (I don't know which wikipedia is wrong ;))
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It's english site, so I took all info form english Wikipedia. And answer for Q10 is there ; ) Just use value that is provided. When we talk about sums like this they rarely give exact value. So they won't write 1 564.59€. Just round it to 1 500€.
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I don't use spaces ^.^'
Just round it to 1 500€
:( Not a European, can I get a little guidance on what exact format you want? I've tried literally dozens of ways.
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Yes format shouldn’t be an issue in puzzles... the creator should put any and all variations possibles of acceptable answers, give prompts for exact format wanted, and even hints of first letter of each word in long phrases with several words...
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That is actually not quite the right format. I kept getting the wrong answer because it turned out the currency was case-sensitive too.
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I could be mistaken then. But the obvious answer I tried didn't seem to work at first. Maybe I had an extra space I couldn't see instead.
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Wow...figured it out literally a minute after posting it. The answer is two words, one of which is proper. If you're looking in the right location, that should be enough to get you there.
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