What they fail to realise is that their giveaway actually hurts the winning party cause they do not get the game that they supposedly won and in return are wide open to a suspension if that is noticed from anyone and brought to support.
There is only one situation where I feel it is acceptable for a key/link given away to be "masked" as a different giveaway and that's when what you're giving away includes some special content/dlc along with the base game in one key but since steam only sells them seperately, it is not listed on SG either as a pack. Of course I don't mean you present it as anything but as the base game that is INCLUDED in the key
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That wouldn't work necessarily. The opposing party that is giving away the games can face impending suspensions and possibly bans if that kind of activity continued. Also they lose giveaways slots. So if they could give away 5 games at once. They'd lose a giveaway slot, so then end up with 4. I think, I don't know how it works exactly. I do know that when people get "marked as unreceived" , they lose giveaway slots.
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Good read and thanks for taking the time to express yourself and type that out.
But unfortunately the only people that will read it (most likely) will be the people, much like yourself, that also keep telling others to stop and/or running into the same issue with illegitimate giveaways.
The people that do this, cannot read, simply refuse to read, or do not know where to read. Yet can create a thread asking why they cannot add the giveaway or what game they should use instead or even worse, just do whatever without ever asking or caring.
I would assume it cannot be that hard to add in some sort of preventative measure on the giveaway creation page to help with this slight issue. That would help everyone involved with the entire process one would think.
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I am not particularly bothered by individuals where english isn't their first language along with the reading. I won't necessarily blame them for not acknowledging these kinds of things in the rules or forum posts. I mean. People can literally "figure out" how to use websites based on the buttons alone and what information to input. I know people that can use the Phantasy Star Online 2 japanese website by clicking around and stuff.
Irrelevant, but i'm surprised someone called my text-wall a good read XD I never get a compliment like that. Ha ha, thank you.
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Maybe that is the issue, they just click around on buttons until something works.
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Perhaps, though that's not all of the individuals who use it of course. Not that you were implying that. I just wish we could find a way to punish those who do not read better. I'm sure that's a pretty mutual feeling on many websites. I mean the new confirm page for giveaways is great though.
I think it might be a good idea to put a warning of the consequences of a faulty giveaway near the confirm button with a universal "stop" signal near it (this is usually a red octagon). This might freak some people out. It'd be nice if perhaps if support/moderators/admin could find some translators to add a option that displays crucial important information in their language so they could acknowledge things in their native language and understand it.
For a free staff, i'm sure that's a lot to ask for though. There's only so much work people are going to be willing to do when making zero bucks and zero cents off this website :T However all the help and things they do I personally appreciate.
Just wish we could at least develop a great system to punish those who do not read and stuff though. But as I said, with language issues. That could easily entangle people who can't speak or understand this language well into it. Which, they're not deserving of punishment necessarily.
blarb, blarb, blarb. All the raw thoughts.
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cannot read, simply refuse to read, or do not know where to read.
And this slight issue isn't just with the giveaway situation. It is basically with all of the rules. From begging, to advertising, calling members out, revenge feedback, not activating games won, regifting, etc. Most of the time, it is just a misunderstanding of not knowing where to read what is allowed or not. But there are some cases of members doing things intentionally just because they want to do it.
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I see.
Also it must be kind of hard to resist revenge feedback. I know if I paid money for a game someone just sold off, regifted and maybe even marked as not received when I sent it or something. I'd be pissed. (though I'd rather a regift than someone ungrateful getting it and keeping it.) I know one guy tried re-gifting one of my games and I still have a nasty grudge towards them till this day.
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if i join any giveaway and i receive another game (because of descritpion or guy trying earn cv by giveawaying any free stuff etc) then ofc i will mark as not received
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yep, some time ago there were a dlc for any game on indiegala for free, and ppls were making giveaways for another dlc with descritpion about this free one ;d, reported about 20 ppls maybe~
PS. should be instant perm ban for giving away another games/dlcs then picked up from list when making giveaway
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I don't think that's essentially fair. I think that if they repeat offended doing something like that. Like how I made a giveaway of DLC for a game called "Conquest" that I got for absolutely free. I think they and I should probably get like, a few marks for that and then at like. A 3rd or 5th mark. They should be warned if they do it again in the future. They'll be banned. I don't think perma-ban is essentially fair. I'd just increase the ban time for at max 6 months everytime it happens.
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well if you get game for free and make giveaway for it its ok, but they made giveaway for another dlc, no the one they were giving away :)
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no its not ok,you get it for free so post a link in forum where you got it from don't make a giveaway of it
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sure thing, but if you got any free key some time ago and its no longer possible to get it from site, so giveaway for it is ok, guys were doing giveaway in time when the dlc was free to take and they were making it for another dlc, to gain full points, with description about the free one name o.O
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Giving away games that aren't even steam games is absolutely annoying. I'd be really pissed off if I found out a game I just won was for Greenmangaming or Origin or something (not that they are bad. I just don't want to have gaming accounts with those sites.)
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Ha ha. Good point. And a irrelevant note. The game Dead Bits sucks, but if you're into dubstep; I personally think the soundtrack is good. I expected it to be trash, but surprisingly wasn't that bad. Here's a link to a youtube video that is just the soundtrack of every song in the game. You may like it, if not, I understand.
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"Edit: "What they fail to realise is that their giveaway actually hurts the winning party cause they do not get the game that they supposedly won and in return are wide open to a suspension if that is noticed from anyone and brought to support.-""
I inspect many GA's on the site, and back in SG v1 would cross reference "closed" GA's.
Off the top of my head statistically, approx 90% off fake mislabeled GA's that I observed, were marked "received" anyway by the other party.
Oh and these people: "Stop giving away games that aren't on the list." aren't reading the forums anyway to get this message.
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The sad fact is, the most common offenders are either newbies or cheeky bastards and I don't think either type of person would spend much time in the forums...as has been suggested before, someone needs to come up with some sort of safety measure whereby, upon registering, people have to somehow prove that they've read and understood the rules...
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there's a puzzle created by Fyantastic on his steam profile to force people into reading the rules.
he uses it as one last redeeming chance for the blacklisters.you can look it up if you like. some thing like that should be implemented after registering and before entering the first giveaway on steamgifts.
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Before creating your first Giveaway, or first Thread, or even first Comment. Upon clicking the last button to apply whatever is to be applied. A tutorial should show up to make sure the person has read and understands the rules. But it is whatever.
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well say, but you realize that, ... anyone who bother to read this, pretty much know the rule and never do that from begining anyway
For short , those who read this, pretty much never do that, and those who do that.. never bother to read
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I totally agree with you, these people give-away shit for the price of good stuff, also yesterday i saw a GA with some kind of game (don't remember) and on the comment from author he said that its not a game, just an application he likes (program) WTF is this shit!? srsly, people buy stuff bundle or not to climb up in the community and give something to make someone happy, and there are those leechers who just want to build up level with no or cheap cost, to get good games or good chance on a game, they should be banned - can't read the rules? ok do it 1 time its ok, get notified by the community, do it 2? warning + CV reset, do it for the 3rd time after the warning? - ban for a month, if returns and make the same shit 4 time, ban the mofo for life.
a cool feature would be a button to report giveaway - once activated by a number of people just cancels the GA and send report to admins.
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I'd just take away the CV of the games they advertised the game as. Anything beyond that is irredeemably harsh. You have to remember that people spend money on the games they give away. I cannot justify taking away anyone's CV value beyond the false giveaways since money doesn't grow on trees.
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They don't read the rules, why do you think they would read your post? Yes, you are right, but you just wasting your time...
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As soon as they return the "report giveaway" button - community would help. And now you can contact creators of fake giveaways and explaining to them they are wrong. But post on forum... they never read(
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I don't know why I keep running into this. But giving away games that aren't on the giveaway list as another game is against the rules. So if you try to giveaway say "Afterfall Insanity" as "Afterfall Conquest: Episode 1" That's an illegal giveaway. I really don't know why people think this is okay. You're cheating the system and in a way scamming people. I am hell-bent on getting a copy of Magicka for example and I can't tell you how many giveaways I entered that I found out towards the end were for a beta key of Magicka: Wizard Wars or something.
Stop trying to giveaway games as other games. It doesn't matter if you say in the description "By the way, this isn't a copy of (X), this is a copy of (Y)." You're still going against the rules.
If you want to give away the game, just use this website or just make some kind of random event where people have to do something to win a game. Even if it's just, make something that makes you laugh the hardest in a hour. Or draw you a picture or something.
Also by the way, by using itstoohard.com. It's a challenge for people to solve your puzzle and possibly get the key at the end. Maybe even if they have to solve the questions, add you. And then say a phrase you made up or something. Just make sure they know what they're solving the puzzle for, meaning what the game they're going to get is.
Also people will think i'm a killjoy for saying all of this, at the same time. But by letting those giveaways go. Everyone gets points. So why hurt that? I guess I agree to an extent. But you have to realize. Games that are taken off the list were extremely exploited keys. It means there's goddamn tons of them, and people got those keys for absolutely free. That's why they're not there or even have a asterisk saying you're going to get an unusually lowered amount of CV for it. It's cause it was very high in rotation and a ton of people got their mitts on those keys at no cost.
So the winner is getting a piece of crap they could've gotten awhile back if they were fast enough to find where they were being distributed.
There's a lot of people here who pay their hard-earned cash (and not as hard-earned for some) to buy games to giveaway here. That you get to get ahead giving away games that aren't even the game as advertised and get the CV for it when others actually spent that money for the game and aren't as ahead as you. Who paid less, if nothing at all. And it's not even a game that was advertised to be given away.
I personally am annoyed by that. I buy every game I giveaway on this account (on the exception of Conquest, and Quest Run, that I traded for). Even the ones that are bundled in my giveaways I bought off the steam store to giveaway here. So while you get to giveaway exploited keys and get ahead big time and into higher level giveaways. People who spend their money to giveaway games are held back and are less rewarded for their generosity.
So if you want to give away your keys, try the methods I mentioned above. In the end your key goes to someone else, who wanted the game. And you don't hurt people who pay money to giveaway games here and you don't abuse the system. Even if it's unintentionally, I understand, that's fine. It happens. But please, now you know. Please just giveaway your keys and games in these other methods or other creative ways.
"Misrepresenting the game being given away is against the site rules. Please report any giveaways like that to support." -Sleepycat (Support)
Edit: "What they fail to realise is that their giveaway actually hurts the winning party cause they do not get the game that they supposedly won and in return are wide open to a suspension if that is noticed from anyone and brought to support.-"
This is a valid point. If someone notices that a game that wasn't the one as advertised isn't in their library. They can be suspended or consequenced for your giveaway. This is another reason why you should not giveaway titles that aren't the ones as advertised. It hurts people in the community more than you think.
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