Hi I have a few codes to give away, but I can't seem to find the rules that stipulate what games are banned. Could someone help me? I've just found the list of compromised codes in the FAQ, but not sure if that's the whole list.

Also what's the deal with promotional bundle codes? I have 3 individual codes for full retail games from an AMD promotion, are those allowed?

Finally what's a reasonable time-frame for a giveaway?

Thanks all!

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Did you even read? He said he already read the FAQ, he's just asking for clarification.

12 years ago

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or you could just look at the list of available games when you try to create

12 years ago

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AMD promo codes are fine. Basically a reasonable time-frame is whatever you want it to be. Most of the exploited games don't even have options to create giveaways for.

12 years ago

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The submitter and winner(s) of the giveaway have seven (7) days to complete the gifting process. This includes the activation of the gift on the Steam account of the winner.
Please note you cannot gift games from your Steam library. They are permanently attached to your account and not giftable.
Do not misrepresent the title being given away.
Extraneous/special rules for giveaways require moderator approval. Public giveaways cannot have any special rules. Would you like to know more?
Please do not offer trades in the description of your giveaways.
All games must be Steam-redeemable.
Do not submit what we consider exploited CD-keys without proof of purchase. These are listed below.
Do not submit CD-keys that have regional restrictions, or those that require VPN activation or methods to bypass regional restrictions.
Do not submit guest passes, coupons, beta keys, or in-game items from games such as Team Fortress 2.
Do not submit Steam or online game accounts (EVE, RIFT, etc).
Do not submit coupons or special Steam items, such as coal.
Only enter for DLC if you have the required base game.
You must redeem the game on the account you entered with, and may not trade it to others.

Keys Considered Exploited:
Dead Island
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Homefront Shotgun DLC
AI War
Supreme Commander / Forged Alliance
Portal 2
DiRT 3
Puppy Games Keys
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (Region Locked)
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multiplayer
Eets (in certain amounts)
World of Goo
Puzzle Agent
Risen 2: Dark Waters - Air Temple DLC

12 years ago

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Do you have reading comprehension problems? I feel sorry for you :(

12 years ago

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give me one key and i'll let you know :p

just kidding the 3 keys are okay , i don't about the AMD one and you can put a giveaway for 1 or 24 hours :D
welcome to steam gifts

12 years ago

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Hahah! Wow thanks for the quick replies all.

I shall get posting then :)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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that was disturbing.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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Hey! Thank you!!!

I'm really glad to see Adidas sponsors such wholesome sporting activities :p

12 years ago

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Welcome to SG!

12 years ago

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Welcome to SG!

12 years ago

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Welcome to SG!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The list of codes that are considered exploited are actually pretty old. The most recent are probably the Ubisoft keys (Babel Rising, and w/e) and Metro 2033. The rest are okay to put up since it has been over a year or so, and a decent timeframe is usually 1 day ~ 1 hour. Up to you.

And about your AMD question, if the key is steam redeemable then you should be allowed to use it on this site (NOTE: This means ONLY Steam Redeemable. No Origin, UPlay, Desura, etc.

12 years ago

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Thanks all! Just given away my first code, waiting for two other winners to respond to my emails to confirm they still use the listed email addresses. This probably sounds lame but it feels kinda cool ^^.

And yes, my keys are Steam (hey, I do know the name of the site I'm on :p).

12 years ago

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Welcome to SG

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'd like to apologise for all the people who linked to or copypasted the faq. Many of our users are blind and can only read titles, due to a blind spot that covers most of their vision.

12 years ago

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Is it the same blind spot that causes people to "accidentally" click through the game list, choose a start and end time, ignore / not see the "Contributor limit" and "Description" fields, then click "Create Giveaway" once, wait for the confirmation page, then click "Confirmed! Create my giveaway!", when they aren't intending to give anything away?

I think the two are related.

12 years ago

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Studies show the two are very similar, and may be caused by the tl;dr gene, although not much is known about the gene due to its length and the boredom it causes.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks again all ^^

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by porkpiecat.