Check this out, I think it's the lowest price I've seen in online stores yet! €19.99 for PUBG. I've bought Destiny 2 from them, DLC for Destiny 2, and Wolfenstein 2. All worked perfectly fine and the deals were amazing (Wolfenstein 2 was for less than 30). Anyone buying it?

Should I buy it or wait to get it in a giveaway? Maybe buy AND make a giveaway?

7 years ago*

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I think it's the lowest price

$21,89 four months ago

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Still overhyped trash.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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millions of people have fun with it every day. it's not overhyped.

7 years ago

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it is. many people buy this games because the masses buy it and because youtubers and live streamers play it. Then they cry about the bugs and glitches and that the game is not finished and the game developers didnt hold on to their promises etc.

7 years ago

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You actually didn't say one argument against the post wich you answered to...
It was not said that many people buy it but that many people enjoy it wich is hardly debatable if you look at the stats of the game.
You might say that it's overrated for yourself but saying it's overhyped just makes no sense. The word 'overhyped' in general rarely does and is thrown around way too much. .-.

7 years ago

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i think many people dont really enjoy playing it. if you look at the rating on steam. over 44% of the reviewers dont recommend the game which is a huge chunk of the 2+ million players. how can a game be sold so good and have such a bad rating at the same time? because it is indeed overhyped. people bought it and then saw the reality that it is not good at the current state. They bought it because the internet got spammed with pubg being awesome. pubg breaking records on steam.... a good game looks different.

7 years ago

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Casual gamer can enjoy the game and these players dont review any game. So what you expect? If you like it to play a game that has as much luck as a lottery, its good. If you like games with more skill needed, its not. And now you can think about what most casual gamers prefer... They just play a bit and having fun. PUBG is great for that...

7 years ago

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Even popular OW is being called as overhyped. So yeah, I don't buy that argument.

Like, I don't prefer to play that game, either, but it's far from trash.

7 years ago

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people from my country pay for 230k VND( new acc never bought anything) = 10$ but only for SEA i believe

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Wow that's a great deal, thanks!
And you should buy it, the chances to win this game are really low.

7 years ago

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It's a good price for a row key, if it doesn't get revoked after a few weeks of course.
If you are interested in the game it's a good deal, just keep in mind that the game isn't optimized and maybe won't get better.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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In my region indonesia only 200k rupiah=16$

7 years ago

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i think it was 15bucks on but you have to pay with bitcoin i think

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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shady as fuck

7 years ago

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Isn't Gamivo shady too?

7 years ago

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If this review (and many like it) is true, then I don't understand how anyone would consider buying this game.

7 years ago

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TLDR it's a shitty game but it is the best of the genre, so if you want to play battle royal that's the way to go.

There are cheaters like in every multiplayer, but there is no killcam so you can't really know if the guy that killed you is cheating or if he was camping there since the beginning

7 years ago

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im not a fan of battle royale games...but im having so much fun playing pubg.. I would reccomend this game to everyone

7 years ago

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i dont like this game... i own now 25 euro of trash

7 years ago

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where does these keys (licenses) come from? are they genuine region free)?

7 years ago

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It's $10 on my steam store.

7 years ago

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$10 without discount? what is your store region?

7 years ago

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Not sure. It used to be US region and I did buy pubg for full price but now it's $10 for some reason. Without discount.

7 years ago

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I have a lot of regions enabled & the cheapest I see is $15.50 in Russia. It's $15.75 in India and $17.50 in Turkey, those are generally the three cheapest regions (ed2: well, indonesia is actually 3rd, a fraction cheaper than *India). (if games follow "steam guidelines")

AHA! I see: South Asia - U.S. Dollar $10.49 $10.49 -65.02% $10.49

7 years ago

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that price is bizarre. i think maybe it's a pricing error.

but not as obvious as all these norway pricing errors, where kr are valued as euros =0

7 years ago

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are those regions gift enabled for the more expensive ones?

7 years ago

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there are some global regions

US, EU, norway, australia, new zealand, south korea, japan, switzerland, canada, UK ... i think that's it.

used to be, canada was damn near always the cheapest. then it was norway. then for a while it was the UK (the GBP collapsing, partially due to all this scaremongering about brexit i think, cough). norway and south korea also had a lot of price glitches. norway in particular, with stuff being priced in krone the same as it would in euros (so basically 90% off) ... for south korea, sometimes they missed a digit. that was also 90% off =0

anyway! none of this really matters now, since it doesn't let you gift even global stuff, unless the price difference is less than 10%

so this 'south asia'... i have no idea what countries that includes. but the price is too cheap to be within 10% of anything, anyway.

7 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Deleted-9391186.