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I don't trust it

8 years ago

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You and me both!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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really? why are you promoting grey market sites?

8 years ago

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Idk what's the problem and hate here for kinguin when topic including nuuvem / GMG deals get hundreds of replies. Any site selling steam / whatever DRM keys are grey market ones.

8 years ago

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Green Man Gaming is an authorized reseller. Kinguin isn't.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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that's a list of official resellers from an inofficial source. ^^ the only valid source would be directly from the publishers.

as an example, Ubisoft deleted GMG from their list of trusted resellers a while ago, because they resold keys, which didn't come directly from them.

EDIT: oh, and it seems they are back on the list: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/FAQ/60/3888/list-of-approved-retailers/kA030000000em6HCAQ

8 years ago

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Any site selling steam / whatever DRM keys are grey market ones.

Nice try.

8 years ago

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lol no. You don't know what the fuck are you talking about.

GMG / Nuuvem are selling keys that are authorized by the devs itself. This shady shit sites like Kinguin / G2A are sold by random people which the key can't verified where it came from. You can't even tell if the money used to purchase those keys has been fraudulent / chargebacked

8 years ago

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Nope. You're totally wrong. They sell SOME keys that are approved by devs. Other games keys are also shady ones. Why do you think nuuvem closed few years ago to come back with a lot more of region locked keys ?

Ah and fun fact, GMG once sold me an already used key. So yup, these are 100% legit.

Edit: Forgot to mention, Ubisoft & Activision said GMG isn't a legit retailer

So yup, keep thinking all your keys on nuuvem & GMG are legit, there isn't a single key selling site which is 100% legit.

8 years ago*

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I saw once devs selling their own game on g2a, case about Faeria, and no one else besides them is allowed to sell it there, but the thing is this cases are very rare, most of the games are sold by resellers, including these Shadow of Mordor keys, so no they are not approved by dev.

And seems you just don't understand anything about these grey market stores, ppl who resell there usually buy from places like Nuuvem, Humble Bundle, or other cheap sites no matter if authorized stores or not, they just buy somewhere and then resell on g2a and kinguin, and sometimes there is cases of stolen keys.

8 years ago*

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People do make mistakes and your point is? At least their support are fast enough when you get a duplicate key.

So Only some? Not everyone? That doesn't make them legitimate, and how can you even fucking prove it?

Also what about nuuvem closing and came back with region locked keys? ahahahahaha. Greedy Publishers and some indie devs noticed that people are buying in nuuvem for brazillian price so they stop selling to nuuvem until they put a system to deter those people. Just like what is happening in netflix.

Too bad I can still buy from nuuvem even with that system in place.

On your edit:

Are you referring on that dumbass /r/Gamedeals mods who contacted a level 1 support to confirm if they are legit or not? Yeah sure, those lower leves support doesn't know those details. Activision actually send a 2nd message to retract their mistakes coming from a higher up guy

8 years ago

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So your point is Nuuvem & GMG are more legit because of the support ? Had to use once Kinguin support for a question, had a reply 8 mins later. Strong point.

I'm not referring to reddit which is just a joke. You know you can use google to find it under 30 secs ?

8 years ago

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Sure, continue defending shady key sites like a rabid fanboy. I don't think I could drill any fucking sense in your brain so this is my last response.

I'm not going to reply on that logic that their legit solely because of their support. That that wasn't my point.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm not going to argue how you should spend your own damn money but since you ask why, I do care where my fucking money go and me buying it on an authorized re-seller gives me a peace of mind knowing that some of my money went directly to the devs rather than buying it on G2A/Kinguin where the keys can be easily bought fraudulently.

If I didn't care where my money went, I'd rather pirate it instead.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So basically you ask me to read something you didn"t ? I see
-> 2014 - out of date source
-> Unofficial source

Welp, ok.

8 years ago

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Rebellion is a publisher, so their list is trustable. Anyway, I won't force you to believe anything. If the only guideline for your shopping is the price, than go buy even on G2A (that's the worst of grey resellers), no one's gonna stop you. G2A and Kinguin are cheap and not-illegal, so from your point of view there's nothing wrong in buying keys on those stores. I have another guideline: I want publishers and developers to earn money from the games I buy. And they do, on GMG or Nuuvem. While on G2A and Kinguin, they don't. That's enough for me to fight in every way that kind of grey market.

8 years ago

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so people on g2a/kinguin use key generators by your logic, they have to buy the keys somewhere, if they use fake credit cards it would get revoked 1-2 months later and they would get a lot of negatives. Besides gmg was selling shady keys in their "surprise boxes", so no, I wouldn't consider gmg legit anymore, they do have some contracts with publishers but they also started selling shady stuff lately. Why are you using Nuuvem with vpn which is basically as illegal as buying diffrent region key from reseller and claim you want to support developers? Is it suddenly diffrent, when you are faking your location, compared to using auction site? Are you not buying 1 dollar bundles? You have some serious double standards going here, if you really wanted to use the argument of supporting devs dont put in the same sentence that you buy from nuuvem, when you arent from south america. Why aren't you paying your regional prices to support the developers and undercut them by using vpn?

8 years ago

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Opinions. Just a correction: I've never said I use Nuuvem and I've never used VPN in my entire life.

8 years ago

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Just to be clear: every key had to be bought legit somewhere, somewhen - or else it gets retracted pretty soon. At least till i hear of robberys of key stores.

8 years ago

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+1. There is no grey market. There is credit card fraud, but it's a very different thing.

8 years ago

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Nuuvem is completely legit and based in Brazil, they've locked stuff down at the request of publishers and lot of their keys are locked to the region.

8 years ago

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Well if your going by the Logic of of not getting a valid key as not being legit...then you might as well mark off every place but Steam,Origin,Uplay and so on

As it has happened with Indie Gala bundles,Bundlestars ...and Humble had used keys in bundles,or dupes.When you sell a lot of games it bound one is going to pop up as not a valid one.

The difference is if you contact support you will get a replacement key and guess what you do not have to pay extra for protection.

Any site that has you pay to get a refund is shady already.Why would i even want to buy from someone who will not even back the stuff there site sells without a some kind of protection.Reminds me of the old days where the mobsters would shake you down to protect your store.

Also GMG is Authorized to sell keys from publishers just not all of them.How many is the King site authorized to sell and does GMG tell you to pay a few to protect your purchase?

And Ubi is cutting out the middle man they do not allow i think pretty much anyone to sell keys.That and if anything comes up with a bad key they can just say all well we did not authorize those keys.

Some of GMG official partners 2K,Square,Bethesda,WB,Paradox,Capcom,Valve

I highly doubt that if they where not official partners they would allow them claim to be just because a few choose not to allow them to sell does not mean they are not authorized to sell other keys.I would trust them before i would G2A or any of the other sites they run that is for damn sure.

8 years ago

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Then why did Ubi add GMG (and nuuvem btw) to approved vendors list?


8 years ago

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Nuuvem did not close, but they did put a lid on some of the exploits. The fact that they changed to selling more region locked keys is a strike against them being a reseller, as that means that they are getting region locked keys from the publisher. If they were a grey market seller, they would not suddenly be forced to change to selling region locked keys, as they would have got their keys from other sources.

Ah and fun fact, GMG once sold me an already used key. So yup, these are 100% legit.

That does not mean that the site is grey market or not, that just means that someone messed up at some point and a key was sent out twice. GMG is currently not an entirely trustworthy reseller though, as any keys they sell from Activision, CDprojekt red or Ubisoft is considered grey market, while they receive other keys directly from the publisher.

An example would be if you were to buy a game from Paradox. If you check where they say chose retailer, you can see which ones are considered legit for someone from your region. Greenman gaming is one of them, so they are considered legit for Paradox games. That makes their keys not grey market. Kinguin is not listed there, which would indicate that that's a grey market site.

8 years ago

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Ubisoft now lists them as an authorized seller. Not sure about activision and CD projekt red though.

8 years ago

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Ah, you're quite right. There was a while when they were not allowed to sell ubisoft games. Cd Projekt directly said that you should not buy The Witcher 3 keys from GMG though, as they had not supplied them with any.

8 years ago

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I've never had a problem with GMG other than one of the codes that they sent me was linked with another account, I didn't end up using the new code but they sent me a new one. Good thing too, I ended up getting a cheap copy of the new Tomb Raider game

8 years ago

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Just wondering what about city local stores in this situation, they do sales, but they are not "legit" stores, and so far all CD/DVD boxes i have bought from there works jsut fine.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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but he had to buy the game somehere too, any "official" reseller is reselling the game for profit as well, the only diffrence is more risk and having to be smart in picking from who you buy, most big sellers simply sell keys from boxed games from russia etc

8 years ago

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It's not really something you can know before you buy the key though. If it's a key from a boxed copy, a key bought from an online store in a cheaper region or a key someone bought with a stolen credit card from somewhere, well, there's no way of telling them apart.

8 years ago

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thats why you have to pick smart, some sites send you a picture of the box with key, etc I only ever used the big ones with 10k+ copies sold and never had any problems, basically same logic as steam trades applies

8 years ago

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Or a promotion key from a developer given for a giveaway / review / ...


8 years ago

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Did you even read the post you quoted? The difference isn't "more risk", the difference is that when you buy from an authorized retailer, the people who spent 20 hours a day for 2 years creating the game actually get paid.

8 years ago

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so they waited 2 years to get paid then? It only works like that for very small indie devs, and even then they wouldn't be able to work 20 hours a day in the first place, without getting paid on top of that. You keep completely ignoring the fact that someone had to buy those keys somewhere, they aren't stolen or from thin air, the only one losing money is your local regional publisher, developer still get's a cut but obviously smaller.
So I should'nt buy used car either because im not paying authorized retailer salon, and they don't get paid if it's second hand. Game is a product, like anything else, people will buy from whoever sells it cheapest, if they were not getting any money like you imply, maybe they should stop selling in cheaper regions at all, because they aren't getting anything _ If they really cared they could lock the keys better, but it comes to $$, it's propably not worth the cost to bother and still makes them money.

8 years ago

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Because they're not authorised the sell keys, they don't have the publishers permission to sell them and they don't even buy them from publishers

They buy the keys from cheap 3rd word markets for pennies then resell them on to people like you, making 2 - 300% profit. No money goes to Valve, no money goes to the publisher.

You might as well pirate the game.

8 years ago

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First, most 3rd world countries don't get a local publisher at all and you can't even buy steam keys there, and it's really hard to buy them digitally as well. Most keys come from Russia, which isn't considered 3rd world country and they get published there by their local publisher obviously, if it didn't they would have global price digitally and no regional distribution. Valve takes a cut for every printed key before it even sells, do you think they run charity and generate those keys for publishers for free? And you are saying Russian/w/e country publisher gets no money then? So they are somehow magically creating steam keys without any deals and royalties in the process? So I suppose whole CIS region should stop buying steam keys since they are basically stealing them from developers by your logic. People living near borders make profit by buying what is cheaper on either side and selling it to others, they have the opportunity to do that. Thats how free market and economy works. There's opportunity to make a profit, so I don't see how its all evil that they dare to make some money out of it. Valve might totally go out of buisness with all that "grey" market share, which isn't really grey because it's real games bought somewhere, and it's completely legal to resell them, since it's a product. Not every country has a law protecting corporatons everyway it can like USA.

8 years ago

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"Valve takes a cut for every printed key before it even sells, do you think they run charity and generate those keys for publishers for free?"
You must be new here.

8 years ago

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Global Games has better deal, and can be trusted. Bought few games from them and everything is working fine. Woudln't trust any other so far :s

8 years ago

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So you buy a few games from a shady site and you get lucky and get working keys and some how means they can be trusted?

Hell i can trust my neighbor but that does not mean i will give him the keys to my house.Funny how people will buy stuff from unauthorized re-sellers even know there is a risk of stolen keys or other forms of fraud.Yet some guy off the street comes up to them and ask if they want to buy a watch,and they question if it is stolen or not.

Gotta love internet logic.

If people want to use them they can,but do not promote this stuff,sites like this part of why we have tiered bundles,region locks and and so forth.To help cut down on people buying from those places and selling them on sites like this.

8 years ago*

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It's not like I bought something from them blindly, people I know also bought from them and confirmed everything works, and also there was a thread where were confirmations that there's nothing shady about them. Ofc there is always a risk and no warranty of keys being revoked or something xD but nothing happened from let's say, half a year, so.. just saying.
Don't judge me pls ._.

8 years ago

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I never judged you,do not put words in my mouth

I asked why you would declare a site safe just because you bought a few things without issue.That does not automatically mean it is a good place to buy.Let's say you go to a flea market and buy pirated DVD's without issues does that mean you should tell your friends it is safe?

Regardless if keys worked or not it still a site you should not support,i never said you can not use it in fact i did say if people want to use it they can.

Still does not change the fact that keys working or not does not mean it a legit key nor does it mean it is not.The point is why promote a site that may promote the use of using it to launder stolen stuff.You realize people on there could use a stolen CC or and so on,use it to purchase bitcoin that can not be traced and then sell it on here to convert it to real money?Or keys could have been gotten with stolen info that was never caught.

In nay case you want to use it and anyone else they can and that is fine,but i still do not like people promoting the site and i will let them know.

8 years ago*

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I've never promoted Kinguin or any other keyshop -.- I hate G2A like hell
Just said that keys from GG are working. And I don't like keyshops myself, You don't have to tell me about what's happening there. Nobody prompting anyone to buy there. I bought keys only twice. They just exist, and I saw great discount, used the advantage to get keys, that's all.

8 years ago

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Alright i will give you never directly promoted it so not the best choice of words,i should have said help promote it/support it based on used the service and had no issues.

None the less you are still free to use those types and you admitted to using one that is not authorized to sell.

And yes the person who started this thread is promoting the site,as they are sharing links to the site for deals.Promoting is the act of letting people know about a service or product.

In the end you have your reasons for using it and nothing i will say is going to change you from using it or i would assume.The same as no matter if you show me 20 keys that worked will that ever be enough for me to trust the site or use it.Regardless from what i gather they are a vendor who sells on the site so they become part of the problem.Also when you mention you used them you are promoting them as it aids in getting the word out about them.

It does not have to be a direct promotion from you to be one..
Example....I buy my stuff from "dircheapgames" and i have not had any issues,You promoted them by mentioning there name.

You shared you used that site and had no issues.I shared why i do not approve of these sites nothing more and of course we are not going to agree why would we when we booth have different views..Anyhow have a great weekend

8 years ago

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lol no

8 years ago

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Any chance of this key being revoked?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Don't answer if you don't know the answer.
A quick google search for "shadow of mordor key revoked kinguin" will yield nothing.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Merely stating the fact that your answer is based on your gut feeling (correct me if I'm wrong)
Without any counter-argument you call me dick, quite hypocritical if you ask me.

edit: You give false information to someone asking advice, when someone says that what you say is most likely not true you call that person a dick and blacklist him. Well played sir.

8 years ago*

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There is always a risk involved, but I'd say the risk is not that big.
Even if it does get revoked, you can buy 3 keys on Kinguin/G2A for the same price of 1 key on an official reseller.

8 years ago

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No,it was bought from the nuuvem promo where nuuvem fucked up and sold the premium goty edition instead of the normal one for 4 dollars.

8 years ago

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I thought this was some price glitch of sorts....

Instead i get a link to some shady key re-seller

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Abusing price glitch is somehow more moral than buying from shady re-sellers :^)

8 years ago

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I was just sharing what i thought...

The mere act of coming to a post does not imply i was going act on it.

I was curious as what kind of deal it was,i just thought at that price it must be a glitch,

Also you can try and play the moral card for the price glitch but the publisher still gets there cut.What does the publisher get from sites like G2A?I want to support the developers of games i buy so when i buy it i want to know that when i purchase a game they get a cut of what i paid not what someone else paid but the money i paid for the game went to cover the cost of what the re-seller paid the publisher.That is the whole point of buying a game to enjoy it and support those who made it.

These sites do little to force re-sellers to actually sell working keys.These sites are merely a flea market for keys,Then the keys they get if the site does sell any are from 3rd party or they buy huge lots of bundled games and sell them for huge profits when they are not meant to be re-sold to start with.Yet you want to talk about morals lol

Why would i want to support anyone who does business in this manner?Then i have to pay to protect myself,who do they think they are the digital version of the mafia?

8 years ago*

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Where did I said it was your intention?

Anyway, abusing price glitch on distributor level is morally superior to abusing regional pricing set by publisher? Is this that "support devs, fuck companies" mindset? Therefore distributor is below publishers, studios and individual devs at the top (who get paid in fixed rate anyway)?

Gotta love this SG double-standard, don't buy from re-seller, but use of VPN for Nuuvem, VPN for EU/UK giveaway promotions, emailing some devs for giveaways that were for people who visited their convention booth on the other side of globe , price glitches abuse, game bundle keys trading with monetary profit in mind etc. all are fair game (but fuck those shady regional key re-sellers) :^)

By the way, in many cases I'm just as guilty as your next SG user.

8 years ago

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double standards at its best

8 years ago

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First off i never did say that was your intention i was responding to what you replied.And when you reply the way you did and to me i did take it that some of it was directed at me,how could i not when you reply with just that one sentence then try say it was not implying it,but then you bring price glitches and moral how could i not take that as not being directed at me when it was a direct reply to what i posted?

I mean its like me saying well i did this,then you say wow some peoples morals and try spin it off as it was not directed at me because you said some people.

Just to be clear though what i am about to say is just me talking in general it is not meant to be taken as you intention or imply this since you seem to unclear of what i said it before as being just general speaking.I just want it to be clear that i have not done those things,but i have used price glitches.As i pointed out though the publisher still got there full cut where these grey market sites if i buy from them what i pay none of it goes directly toward the publisher and that is the reason i buy games to support the publisher not some 3rd party seller for pure profit.

I have never used VPN to purchase any game.
I have never entered a GA fully knowing it was not for my region.
I have never traded a bundle game for profit,bundle split cost only or other bundle games.
I did use Nuuvem but only for games i could purchase without VPN and even then i got one game that was locked.So yes i have used them but i did nothing to trick anyone and the publisher still got there cut.

I did enter for that mess that was Dark Souls,but i was not aware it was for UK/ only when i first joined it was also posted for US so someone got something mixed up.I may be guilty for not checking into it more and just joining but i never used VPN .So i never tried to hide anything and did not get a key or e-mail anyhow.

Am i perfect no do i make mistakes why sure.The difference is doing them knowingly or not for is what matters to me.After all i can not account for others actions but i can for mine.I also can not go around treating everything with a what if.

Example,i win a game on SG that was someone bought from G2A.If i do not know if it was i can not pass judgment of where it came from.Also i would waste my time with what if as anything you do comes with a what if.

In end we both have our reasons for what we do or what we may think and and our opinions reflect that.

8 years ago*

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Again, I'm not trying to attack you ad hominem. There's no need to defend yourself. I don't even try to defend these shady re-sellers, I also see them in negative light. All I wanted is to point out this practice where we, SG users, participate in similarly shady actions without batting an eye and get some counter-arguments on topic.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Kinguin? No thanks

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Referrer spam.

8 years ago

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Very often keys on those sites are bought by stolen credit cards.
You shouldn't be surprised if key is revoked...

8 years ago

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what is kinguin buyer protection, a way to milk more $ from lying on the law who is responsible for the transaction in case the key dosen't work ????

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'd not seen this article before :)

Also worth reading
How Steam key reselling is killing the little guys, although maybe not directly relevent for Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor as I'm not sure Monolith would be called little guys .. but it's the same principal :)

8 years ago

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just to note, your link talks about credit card chargebacks, i.e. fraud, it wrongfully mixes this with reselling

8 years ago

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The issues are interconnected, at least to some degree, with how I read the article. Also there are some good links within that article that talk directly about reselling:
The truth behind those mysteriously cheap gray market game codes
The Key Masters: Reselling and the Games Industry

8 years ago

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While it happens, the very big majority of the keys sold are legit. The few percent of problematic cases are basically the increased risk that the user faces to get the things cheaper.

That said, regular shops have their fair share of issues just the same..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There is always a risk in a user market. I have gotten a ton of games cheap (I'm poor, I need this) from G2A resellers. As long as you stick with those who have high reviews (the less issues with keys, the better, I prefer 100% or at least 99%), you're usually fine. I've yet to get screwed, even when I bought from new sellers just recently.

It can be a good way to get a game cheap when you missed a bundle or steam deal.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Games are expensive, I don't know why do they cost money

Some people seem to be under the delusion that games just pop out of thin air and do not require thousands of hours of work from people who do expect to be paid for their labor.

Yet, I'm certain that these same people do not ever question the fact that they should be paid if they ever have a job themselves.

8 years ago

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Keys are legit. They just buying keys from russian sites like gama-gama.ru. Very cheap. Keys for Middle Earth and Lego Batman are not region locked. (you can check if game have RU lock on Steamdb). When gama-gama.ru have sale you can see many giveaways for this games on this site. And many people received full cv with that.

8 years ago

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Report those sales to support, game will probably become bundled then.

8 years ago

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I tried. Ticket was open for months i don't think anyone even want to notice that. So i deleted that. Many, many people used that and using that for cv.

8 years ago

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A sloth is faster then support here...it actually makes Steam support seem instant.

8 years ago

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For proof i can post link. it's from polish forum -->http://lowcygier.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10041&start=860

8 years ago

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As long as it doesn't go below $2.50 (95%), it is not supposed to get onto the bundle list though

8 years ago

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It's been the same price on G2A for a while.

8 years ago

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It's not de same version. In Kinguin includes the Season Pass ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That is correct. Premium version = GOTY version

8 years ago

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I bought it in Kinguin and has all DLC ;)

8 years ago

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Why people love to drama so much?

8 years ago

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The price is slightly higher than 3.85 if you consider the "payment charge"

8 years ago

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Not judgind the deal but you could have atleast posted a clean link without unnecessary referral stuff.

8 years ago

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I bought from Kinguin once, before it was this huge thing. Bought Injustice: Ultimate Edition when it first came out.

My key was invalid. Contacted them about it. Waited 8 weeks. Got a generic copy/paste reply. Responded. Waited another 6 weeks. Another generic reply. Replied threatening a chargeback. Waited another 6 weeks, another generic reply. Did a chargeback. Bought the game from Steam directly the next day. Fast forward 6 months, got a reply with a replacement key. Key was different from original key...but still invalid.

Lol no.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Reading all these comments makes me want to avoid this site, but this price is just soooo appealing..

8 years ago

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Not glitch.... They have Spring Sale...many good offers...http://www.kinguin.net/exclusive-spring-offers

Keys from low prices regions as i understand

8 years ago

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So basically, what everyone's saying is that buying from this site is a gamble. You might get a good key or you might get an invalid/fraudulent key.

8 years ago

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It's a bit more complex than that. You might get a fully working key, bought with a stolen credit card, or you might get a key generated with a key gen (this is relatively rare, but it has happened in the past). If the key is bought with a stolen credit card, and the place where the key was originally bought from is forced to repay the credit card holder, then that still means that that place has to deal with any payment charges. This nearly crippled the Natural Selection 2 devs, who had a mass buying of their game with stolen credit cards. Most of the time you'll get a key that someone got legitimately from a low-price region or a boxed copy, but you never really know.

8 years ago

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It's worse. The key working doesn't mean anything, it can easily be revoked a few weeks later due to it having been paid with a stolen credit card (or just charged back). Look at the amount of scammers on steam and steamtrades. Now what are the odds you're gonna be to get scammed on a site that is known to be a scammers paradise?

8 years ago

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Tryed it, coz fuck 4€. My key is valid at least.

8 years ago

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Valid key for me.
Thanks a lot! :D

8 years ago

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How does this buyer protection work, anyone knows?

8 years ago

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It works like a Mafia protection racket. Once you buy the game, they ask you for more money to "ensure the key is working" lol

8 years ago

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If you really HAVE TO BUY something there pay with PAYPAL only, and NEVER pay additional fees, if they want you to pay additional for protection you know they suck, and with paypal you also know that you don't care, because PayPal will get your money back very fast if key will not work :)

8 years ago

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