So during sales you of course want to get the best deals out there. Now usually I just took the DLC at face value and w/e price the set was at, but sometimes they come in packages.
For example Anno 2070 is on sale again and I want to pick up all of the DLC.

Listed total = $23.90.

But here's the thing I decided to look into what each of them were and what they added/if it was worth it. Turns out, when you click on the DLC they have packages of 3 inside each of them.
I've separated them by package.

Anno 2070™: The Keeper Package
Anno 2070™: The Development Package
Anno 2070™: The Eden Series Package

Eden Complete Package = $3.19

Anno 2070™ - The Central Statistical Package
Anno 2070™ - The Crisis Response Package
Anno 2070™ - The Distrust Series Package

Financial Crisis Package = $3.19

Anno 2070™ - The Silent Running Package
Anno 2070™ - The Nordamark Line Package
Anno 2070™ - The E.V.E. Package

Nordmark Complete Package = $1.99

Anno 2070™ - Deep Ocean = $11.99

1.99 + 3.19 + 3.19 + 11.99 = $20.36! (You save almost 4 dollars.)

Moral of the story, click stuff, look for packages. Maybe I'm not the first to see this, but hopefully I helped someone who didn't know like me.

12 years ago*

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thanks for posting this!

12 years ago

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nice homework! thanks!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That's the same for almost any game with DLC.

If there is a package, it's probably cheaper than individual. If there is a base game + DLC, it'll probably be cheapest even if you already own the base game.

Borderlands is $20, GOTY is $30, DLC is $40 alone.
Magicka is $10, Collection is $35, DLC is $50.80 alone.
Dungeon Defenders is $15, Collection is $50, DLC is $157.77 alone.

12 years ago

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Dat Dungeon Defender difference is epic oO

12 years ago

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Sleeping dogs one is the same way, awesome earlier with 91% off on top it.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by BearAE215.