Would you like to be able to search the archive by app number?
Being able to search the archive by app number would also make hiding games easier.
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I'd like the same feature in SteamTrades. Trying to search for Solstice game all kinds of hits for the (free) Red Solstice.
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Already possible but it is dependant on the user adding the store link to their initial thread
Not happy about it myself, but it is technically possible.
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However, just fyi, I can already. xD
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Thanks for this but it would conflict with a script I'm already using, and ESGST doesn't have certain features I need.
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that's cool, i still agree it should be a site implementation, i just wanted to point it out as a possible solution for some users.
but just out of curiosity, which feature?
afaik all features from all the other overhaul scripts should have at least a relative replacement inside it now at this point. ^^
if not, i'll suggest it so it most likely does get added
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Testing it in firefox and finding it not to my liking.
For starters while I do like (some of) the features of ESGST, the interface & usability leaves much to be desired.
I prefer my active discussions in the sidebar, not on top. I like to be able to use colors to highlight whitelisted / blacklisted users.
Whitelisted users get a Golden Highlight with black text, and Blacklisted users get Black Highlight with Red Text.
Everything seems like a massive jumble having to jump back and forth from the Github page to the settings page.
I couldn't figured out how to hide giveaways I entered until I accidentally clicked the panel.
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i understand, it certainly would be difficult to just jump right in and get going on it if you are used to a different flow. i've been on it since it's earliest releases, so i grew to adapt to each change as they came and put in my own suggestions for things i wanted done to it, so i guess that's why i love it's design personally. ^^
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Surely you understand why having the active discussions in the sidebar is a good idea, as well as being able to highlight users.
I also wish there was an icon next to a username if you've filled out a note on that person, maybe being able to see the note if you hover over it.
My current script just does so many things that I wish that one did, because that one has a ton of features I wish the one I use had.
I'm really tempted to just rip them both apart, frankenstein something together and release it.
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tbh i've tried side bar discussions before (i think sgtfrog), and didn't care for it. but everybody likes a different style of things really. ^^
in esgst it uses icons instead of a highlighter for whitelist, blacklist, whitelisted, & blacklisted instead of colors (both directions). and for notes you can click the avatar and it pops out a mini-window of the users profile where there is a note icon, but it's not next to their name at all times.
tbh though you should pop in the thread or even better if u have a github account fill out a request feature/enhancement ticket on the github page (report an issue is fine for that) and it will at least get a response, if not implemented. xD
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Just found out User Tags will give me a note next to the name at all times.
Stumbled across it, tested it on you, searched "Atonement" and it said you were "WHITELISTED" as I entered the tag.
So there is a way, but I really need the customizable colors (no icons) and active discussions in the sidebar. =/
Sgtfrog "Tinkerer" also colorizes Multiple copy giveaways helping them to stand out. It really helps when low on points.
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i think you might actually be utilizing user tags instead of user notes. the tags appear even here in a discussion, however they are limited in character count. the notes are only on profile pages, however they can be accessed thru avatar popout. =)
but yes, there's a feature for just about everything. i'll point rafael/revil here though for your color & active discussions feature request though.
edit: pointed revilheart here to take those into consideration. ;)
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Tags aren't limited in character count though, as far as I know. Using long tags will definitely break the page, but there's currently no restriction on that.
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Thank you for not limiting it. Sgtfrog "Tinkerer" limits it to 16 and it's simply not enough characters.
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I do plan on limiting what's displayed though, to prevent it from breaking the page, like adding a "..." when it gets too big. And then when you clicked the tags you would be able to see them in full.
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Just tested a large sentence, and 64 characters seems like a pretty reasonable limit for User Tags.
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I know, that's why I recommended 64 characters. The sentence I tested was 68 characters and it came close to breaking the page.
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Did an extensive test this time. On a 1920x1080 monitor the page breaks at exactly 151 characters, but it starts getting closer and closer to the right side of the screen as you make a longer message.
64 characters should be plenty anyways.
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Yes, I did say I was using User Tags :P
I want it to display at all times that way I know they've served a suspension or whitelisted me, or blacklisted me, etc.
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Thank you very much. Being able to toggle the icons is a good idea, as is being able to choose user highlight / text colors #FFFFFF style (not everyone wants the same colors)
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Implemented the option to color the usernames. Let me know if it's how you wanted it.
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Works great, thank you. :)
You are now a nice gold color with black text.
Any way we can get User Tags to have the same size font (or customizable size) as Usernames?
User Tags are sort of difficult to read as they currently are.
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Suggestions to improve the interface and usability are always welcome. :)
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Well, I do have a few suggestions but I'm not sure how feasible they are.
You have those question marks with details on hover everywhere except where they really should be.
Perhaps adding them next to the options themselves saying what each one does would help more users with your script.
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The only way to find that out is by trying to create a new giveaway for it before you buy it.
I'm stuck with 5 copies of Airscape - The Fall of Gravity because I bought them before it was given away free, I just didn't have enough slots at the time.
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Also showing a link to the Steam store page of the games in the archive would be very helpful.
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I wish that was there as well, then I could hide certain giveaways that have only been made for certain groups.
Or just being able to hide specific app IDs on the Hidden Filters page.
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We can already search running giveaways by app number, but we can only search the archive by name.
This can be problematic as you can run into games with the same name or similar enough to cause issues.
Games such as The Book of Legends and Book of Legends can be difficult to find when you're searching for one, but massive amounts of the other one show up.
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