Congrats on the new PC! Was it a pre-built or did you put it together yourself from parts?
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thank you.
bought the pieces off the cheapest available online site (mostly Newegg) and then assembled it myself.
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Just a word of warning about the GPU: A lot of Radeon users have been experiencing an issue where the screen turns black and the system hard locks, which seems to have something to do with the gpus drivers and/or vram. It doesn't happen with everyone, but if it happens to you and your still within the refund window I'd definitely recommend switching to a different GPU asap.
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bought my HDD and SSD off a store we have around here. they were doing a closing sale so i got them super cheap. sadly they didnt have anything else i could use as i got there late and most of their merchandise was already gone.
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The P600S has a (edit: optional) full glass window (on hinges, no less), with rubber gaskets around the edges to silence it. Both side panels are held closed by magnets. But yes, it was a bit more expensive. I figured I'd probably have it a while, though, and I simply must have a quiet PC. Given the quality of their products, they may just become my "go-to" case manufacturer.
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Don't think I will change my case or build another PC in 5 - 6 years, so till then they may already decide they are "premium" and start to charge premium :D
And I picked black exterior with white interior + MOBO is black. So it looks nice. Plus white interior makes RGB light from MOBO more diffused.
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I haven't used an Antec in forever, and it's been a long while since I used a Fractal Designs case, but I was looking at a few for my current build. Decided to go with the Phanteks for all the little "extras" they add to their cases. FD has some great cases, but they don't really try anything new, and stick to the tried and true case designs.
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Congratulations of the purchase and thank you very much for the wonderful giveaways! And I don't mean just these, but also all those community trains that you created in the past. Cheers!
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Thank you.
and glad someone remembers me as i have been only lurking on site and only popping up for the yearly community train.
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I'm sure there are more people who remember and value you than you think :)
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Woah. mate. not bad pc
I also built a new pc some time ago:
Monitor Samsung S24D300H
CPU Intel Core i5-9600K
Videocard GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER
Storage Seagate BarraCuda 2 TB
Case Thermaltake level 20mt ARG
SSD Samsung 860 evo 250 gb
Motherboard Gigabyte z390 UD
Memory Crucial ballistix 2x8gb
Microphone for videos FIFINE k670
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What cooler did you get for that?
I am thinking of getting i5-9600K. Still have to decide on the Motherboard but am looking at your as well so I was interested in the cooler, and don't want to mess it up by getting a bad cooler (pin wise or power wise) XD
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congrats on the new pc. thanks for the giveawys, even thogh im blacklistted so i cant enter. but i wish u a good time playing, cause thats what we are here all about.
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Thank you.
and i will do my best to not only play it but also enjoy as much of it as i possibly can.
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oh , it was 2 years with only console gaming. bought myself a switch.
also finished a huge part of my book backlog.
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Congrats on the new pc, and thanks for the giveaways
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Congratz but yours PSU is not worth its price :(
My curent Build - Second hand Ryzen 3600 Vega 56 :)
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Oh i like those specs, congrats and welcome back to PC gaming.
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Generally speaking, there is so much misinformation about Islam and Muslims floating around that you shouldn't believe anything you hear/read/are shown unless you have a trusted Muslim friend to explain the reality of it.
(I know you were making a joke, but the context is so disconnected that it makes the joke senseless.)
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Oooh, so much for freedom of speech, funny thing is I am speaking about common knowledge, like, Judas kissed the Christ before the arrest, that kind of common knowledge, but self-censorship starts to apply when it's about some kinds of groups of people, nice, beautiful times we're living in.
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I think this guy is not from Saudi Arabia, that's why I asked. Recently I've spent some time on social networks and noticed that a lot of young people provide false info about themselves, and I sincerely do not understand why, because it hardens the communication. Sometimes they come up with something they think more prestigious that things really are (schoolboy from suburb lies he's a student from Moscow), and sometimes they come up with something ridiculous on purpose. Both times it does not help to interact. For example, I want to sell something, he has a wrong info in the profile, I spend a half of an hour thinking how to arrange a meeting, turns out he lied. Happens all the time. You thought I am a troll? I am a boring person who likes the things to be smooth.
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What's that got to do with this discussion though? If you doubt someone, you talk to them directly. You can always ask questions like that on Steam (or comment in one of their old expired giveaways). It's a great way to derail the thread otherwise.
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You did not understand from the very beginning why I left the first comment, now you understood, but you still want me to do what YOU want, that's why you came up with other "arguments". This part of forum called General, people discuss anything here. Don't tell me what to do.
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I think this guy is not from Saudi Arabia...
I also have my doubts about his professed region of origin, seeing as how I am a "Salafi from Saudi Arabia." The fact that I am one is also why I commented, above. It seems your information is inaccurate and/or incomplete, something that is to be expected of an "outsider." For starters, what makes you think the guy is even Muslim? For all we know, he could be an American soldier deployed in Saudi Arabia. (Or a kid in South Wales claiming to be from Saudi Arabia.)
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I can't be sure in anything, we still are half-anonymous users in the Internet. And I should not have discovered my intentions, it's wrong and close to breaking the rules - that anime girl (?) was too persistent. Down the thread we discuss music with him. It's interesting. For me it's not an idle interest.
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...And, see, in certain regions of Russian Federation usernames like his are impossible. 1. Musical instrument 2. Reference to Jewish culture. People will find out who he is pretty fast, and if he is within reach, will come to "talk". It's like a red cloth for a bull.
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Yes, I am aware of how zealous some of my Russian Brothers can be.... I have stories about some of my Brothers in Afghanistan that are even more severe. Extremism amongst Muslims is not caused by any particular madhhab, though. Rather, it is caused by the same thing that spawns extremism in other faiths; incomplete knowledge. When a person is totally ignorant, he is likely to know it. When that same person acquires a bit of knowledge, however, he may believe he "knows something" and then start acting in an ignorant manner. The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is ignorance of one's own ignorance.
Getting back to your original point, Islam permits certain kinds (or aspects) of music while forbidding others, all dependent upon context. More to the point, someone who participates in "unlawful" music commits a sin against God and themselves. It is thus a matter to be settled between God and that person, and it does not involve a third party (especially one intent upon causing bodily harm). Should you wish to do well by your fellow Muslims, you might counsel them to repent of their sin, but that's about it.
P.S. (Not all the people in Saudi Arabia are Muslim, those who are may or may not be on the Salafi minhaj, and amongst the Salafi's are those who are more strict with their practice or less so. Despite the great variety of people in the Kingdom, the lack of information coming out results in outsiders relying on stereotypes.)
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Not really.
if you knew anything about saudi arabia as you say you do then you would know that we have had something called "Riyadh Season" just last year. it was a concert galore where some of the greatest middle eastern singers and bands preformed.
BTS (K pop band) preformed there. not sure about other western artists as i didn't really attend the event and all i know is from secondhand information and videos going around whatsapp. still we actually got "Eastern Season" coming up in about a month. should be able to attend that one cause the event should basically be next door.
and as for the "no music" that is even dumber. i've personally attended a couple of events , mostly at a place called Sun Set resort (a close friends band plays there regularly so i get in for free, as long as i give him a heads up a couple of days before). and you can find instrumental stores everywhere. there was one in Qatif (a city) but i think it closed. now the closest one to me is in Dammam ( a city) which is about 40Km away from where a live.
so all in all, what i am trying to say is. if this is what you know with you being interested in a topic then i would hate to see how you are with topics you choose to ignore.
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Saudi Arabia is a relatively closed country and even if a foreigner lives there it's hard for him to know the country well. Personally I was deep into Middle Eastern things since 2013 and it was on the daily basis for 5 years. Before the rise of ISIL, when everybody thought Assad is done. Because I understood back then: this is a place where future major events are abrewing. I mean, I consumed thousands of videos, hundreds of articles, etc. I knew by heart the names of dozens militant groups in Syria, could sing a couple of nashids in Arabic, and remembered why Umar Shishani had a conflict with Salah-ad-Din Shishani. Mostly I know about Salafism from our own Caucasus Salafists, from their Telegram channels, propaganda videos, etc, I even spoke personally with a couple. Salafism is on the rise in mountain Daghestan, and it's very hardcore. I mean, VERY. Probably more hardcore than in Saudi Arabia, often new believers are more enthusiastic than it needs to be. Many Salafists work in Moscow. When I enter a kebab house, and hear a nashid from the speaker, I know the kebab maker will be a bearded man without moustache, it's an instinct.
Thanks for the answer though. For me it was a mind-blower. Thought that you're, probably, some kind of a rebel. Of course, your traditions are far from European, but to hear that music is allowed is good.
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survived on console games , tv streaming services , and my book backlog on my Kindle.
as for the Win 10 licence. i havent used my Hotmail in soo long i actually forgot the info. switched to Gmail years ago , and i just kept it around for the Windows and Microsoft office.
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so its been a bit over 2 years since my laptop died. and i haven't been able to afford one till earlier this week. so first of all i would like to apologize to everyone i have one a game from since then for not playing my wins due to not having a gaming computer/laptop to play on. but i'm currently tackling my backlog and playing as many as i can to scratch my 2 year itch. and i have just finished one of the games i've one not even 10 minutes ago.
for those wondering about the specs of the build. here you go.
now for the giveaways cause i know that's what you are really here for.
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