There are a couple of threads ( 1 & 2 ) the last days about the review system at steam. I am writing reviews in my native language (german) too, because I think my german is much better than my english and its much better than the german from most germans. And so I decided to start my own curation two month ago.

The reason I`ve done that was, that I realized there are a lot of scumbags especially at germany, who abuse the system for their personal benefit. Most time I am going to read reviews to inform myself about the game by a "neutral" person who played the game. When I do that I watch the playtime, the lenght, the grammar and the design. But most of the time there are a lot of crappy reviews. Is this a global problem (cant check it for other countries, because I dont understand what is written)? Do you use the review system at steam (writer/reader)? What do you think about the system? What improvment is needed?

6 years ago

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What do you think about the system?

View Results
Need to be improved
I dont care

Apparently people want a numerical rating system. I don't. Scores are flawed, will just draw complaints and will make people ignore the actual review. The best gaming websited that i follow don't use score, removing a lot of bias and placebo effects from my reading.
That said, the Steam reviews are somewhat flawed and should be improved, first by adding a third "Maybe" rating instead of just giving a Yes/No choiche, second they should adopt strictier measures to avoid or ban "lol badge review" "has cards 10/10" and other pathetic comments (because they're not reviews, they're comments) and make actual reviews written with decent writing skills appear on top of the others regardless of the user score (much like the "best positive/negative reviews" system from Amazon).
Make reviews made from keys bought from other places also valid for the total score system, as for now is extremely biased towards people who get the game directly on Steam. The panel with the data analysis over time works fine and is a good indicator for finding why and when a game suddendly has improved or worsened. Also completely remove the user votes for reviews, instead of voting because of their usefulness people will just vote because they agree/disagree with the review, there's too much bias behind the usefulness system.

6 years ago

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Valve is valve - so I don't expect implementing 1-10 rating anytime soon (or ever).
But they could at least add "meh" button.

6 years ago

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i think most reviews are useless and they try to be funny. Some reviews are informative but i tend to just see the overall score and make my own research before purchasing a game. Demos help a lot or i watch gameplay footage. A point system would make it more divided i think and more complicated. A 2 point system with recommending or not recommending says more in my opinion.

6 years ago

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Welp, the idea was good, but deja vu

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6 years ago

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Yeah... typical copy&paste fake review. I see so many of them, that I am tired of reporting them.

6 years ago

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happy cake!

6 years ago

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But I think its one of the best. cause if you read 5-7 reviews from the site then you can have a definitely clear picture.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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they give you some ideas about what kind of game you are going to buy, yea sure they need to be improved but I don't think that it's a bad system

6 years ago

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A neutral option is much needed.
Problem is a good chunk of AAA developers make crowd pleasing games and know well that, any score system or even a neutral option would bring their perfect scores down, drastically

6 years ago

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Unlike some other, I'm not sad that there's no score system, just a recommend/don't recommend, as user reviews far too often tend to lean towards the extremes anyway. So the binary system is something I think tends to work better when we deal with amateur reviews. But that's where my praise for the system ends. Right now the system seems very easy to game, there are far too many games with completely skewed review results due to people trying to be "funny". Not sure if the problem is with Valve though and their inability to make a working system, or if the userbase is just beyond help in this regard..

6 years ago

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As I wrote previously, that ratings tend to the extremes is mostly a tale, as anyone can see by examples such as IMDb.
And just because <10% of the reviewers can't do any better, doesn't mean that the remaining >90% shouldn't be given any better system than a poor binary replacement.

See the last movie I've seen, The Unforgiven. From 2 to 9 we see a quite logical distribution of votes. 10 should be more around 2-5% instead 12.1% and less than 1.6% should have voted 1. But more than 90% voted absolutely reasonably.

Numbers will vary from movie to movie, of course. New and very popular titles are special. But there are measures
to compete with that too.

So what remains is that the only problem with a score system is that people give it up in advance, for no reason at all. Even if 100% were crazy enough to vote 1 or 10 only, we'd lose absolutely nothing, because the result would be exactly the same binary system as now.

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6 years ago*

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Reviews do tend to even out when you've got a large enough sample size, but smaller sample sizes tends to be very volatile. You can see this on IMDB with smaller movies. My experience with sites such as Gamespot, which at least used to do user reviews (not sure if they do anymore, last time I used that site was over 10 years ago) and also metacritic is that user reviews can be rather prone to extremes. Adding a weighted score does tend to be better than a raw score, but it does also come with its share of issues, as can be seen on sites like Boardgamegeek, where the extremes (a game getting a score in the 9-10 range or 0-2 range) tend to be almost non-existent, thus making those un-used, even for truly spectacular games (or real stinkers).

6 years ago

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Which is the reason why I also want Steam to end the enforcement of reviews if all you want is to rate a game.
A limited sample size problem wouldn't exist for all games that actually got some decent player base. And those games without too many customers, would still do far better than with the current system.

6 years ago

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Depends on what kind of movies it is and what target group they have ...and it does not work anymore

The problem is generally that people do not understand how to rate
People tend to give whatever they like the highest possible score ... for example a 10/10 should never be given It only indicates the direction. A game or a movie is not a dictation in which you can make 0 mistakes so that the maximum score can be achieved

It's the same when it comes to older games or movies ....people tend to rate them lower than they deserve
people also always join or get influenced by the majority ( if many only give 5 out of 10, the majority will do it too)

Therefore, I find a binary system is more pleasant because people can not fake their own opinion
because they have no other option than to say YES or NO matter how much they are influenced by something
or if they find something disproportionately good or bad

But as you say, it usually comes down to the same thing

But absolutely not working is a 5/5 system even though its exactly the same system
Because people do not understand the distribution

By and large, the scoring system should be removed everywhere anyway

6 years ago

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While I agree that people tend to give a 10 more often than it makes sense, it still doesn't disrupt a score system from being useful, simply because the problem applies to all very good or very bad movies equally.

About your example, The Dark Knight Rises, it got 78% from professional critics. It is ranked 66th at IMDb. It's not really an anomaly if lots of people rate it with 10, even if I disagree (it got a 6/10 from me). And at the end of the day 8.4 points for the The Dark Knight Rises tells me far more than Steam's 98% for Paradigm, a game barely anyone knows or owns.

Here is my ratings distribution from Some people know how to rate! ;)

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6 years ago

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It is less about whether it is useful or not. Anyone can from whatever data, especially if he/she often use it
pull exactly the information he/she needs.
My Problem is the result -> a ranking, which alone by its presence damaged its original function. As you said its ranked xxth so it is not unusual but it is ...because it is still wrong ^^ and yeah it could happen to all movies.
But it doesnt it is only on new or already high rated ones ...especially with everything that has aired in the last 10 years.

Grab any classic from the 40s to ~2000 here, the people still rated decent (because idiots do not watch good movies^^) you will find always at very good movies, that the 7 or 8 outweigh by far ....What in the overall rating ensures that the average is always lower than the current standard (like Dark knight)

Ich sehe gerade du bist ja Deutsch... Wie sieht das bei mit den "Empfehlungen aus" funktioniert das dort gut?
Weil ich schon eine Weile umziehen will, habe moment alles immer auf Moviepilot bewertet. Da dort die Art und Weise großartig
war wie einem Serien/Filme vorgeschlagen wurden. Leider haben sie vor ein paar Jahren dieses System durch einen simplen Algorithmus ersetzt und die Seite ist nicht mehr zugebrauchen. Ich müsste 1000de Filme und hunderte Serien per Hand neu eintragen, bis jetzt hat mir immer die Lust gefehlt ^^

PS: selbst auf 2400 zu viele Zehnen und Neunen :p

6 years ago*

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Falls sich "Empfehlungen" bei dir auf die Filme und Serien beziehen, die von der Seite als neuer content vorgeschlagen - das kann man getrost vergessen. Sie haben bei trakt kein System dass dir individuell zugeschnittene Empfehlungen zuordnet, gemäß deinen Vorlieben. Es gibt einfach die gleichen Empfehlungen für alle. :D

Ich benutze trakt vor allem weil es sich perfekt in meinen Media Server einfügt. Und da man die Daten importieren und exportieren kann, würde ich nicht in die gleiche Falle tappen, wie dir mit Moviepilot geschehen. ;)

6 years ago

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Hm schade, ich bin schon seit Ewigkeiten auf der Suche nach einem ähnliches System wie es MP mal hatte. Das war so simpel
und gut zugleich. Es wurde einfach eine gewisse Anzahl an Usern genommen die deine bis Dato bewerteten Filme/Serien ebenfalls ca. gleich bewertet haben und anhand dieser User+User welche mit diesen wiederum was gemeinsam haben. Dir dann eine Liste generiert mit Zeugs das du noch nicht gesehen/bewertet hast anhand deren Listen. Das hat großartig funktioniert : / Mittlerweile bin ich halt an dem Punkt wo ich wirklich alles schon gesehen habe was mich nur Ansatzweise interessiert und es halt unglaublich schwer wird etwas vllt noch unbekanntes zu entdecken außer man opfert Stunden der Suche.
Hab schon viele Seiten ausprobiert aber in der Regel kriegt man einfach überall das vorgesetzt was in den Trends ist, generell einfach gut bewertet ist oder 1 (Tag) übereinstimmt.

6 years ago

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An der Stelle mache ich dann mal Werbung für meine Gruppe, in welcher Golwar auch schon ist ;)

6 years ago

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Ich hätte übrigens doch noch Empfehlungen, wenn es darum geht neue Inhalte zu finden. Beide basieren allerdings auf den von dir so ungeliebten ratings & rankings. ;)

Was ich dort finde füge ich dann auf diversen Listen bei trakt ein.

6 years ago

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For me, the reviews usually have very little to no informative value.
There's the obvious fact that reviews are just the person's subjective opinions and need to be taken as such. Then there's the problem that reviews are written by people and (many) people are trolls and morons, so there are the positive reviews that say "Would unistall again, 10/10", and let's not forget all the fake ones.

Valve would need to start caring for it to change, unfortunatelly :/

6 years ago

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confusing, because of "recent" and "all review"
it's fine if both were good or bad, but sometimes recent review is mixed, while all review is mostly positive, huh?
what do you mean? was it good or bad. usually for those games from bundles

i think it's better if review only open after played for few hour and unlocked some achievement (because of card farming)
of course it's rather limited because some games doesnt even have achievement, but at least those reviewer already playing legit not just being "payed"

6 years ago

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its better when theres a major update then recent reviews make sense

6 years ago

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I can say, that I for myself go and play games after a major update and update my review as well if there are major changes/improvements - especially when the game is Early Access! I think this is important if you want that your reviews have a quality standard above average.

6 years ago

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Overall I find it good enough, if they find way to improve it good but general overall score for me is good enough to know if game is good or not, and if I go into details with filters I find reviews that are good and explain me pros and cons of game.

6 years ago

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I read two articles on this recently, one from the perspective of users and one that interviewed developers.

It had never occurred to me before reading them that there might be a reason people were leaving funny reviews instead of earnest ones, which was that Steam doesn't allow a review without any words. The user interviewed essentially just want to give a thumbs up or thumbs down without additional effort.

6 years ago

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Thanks for sharing!

6 years ago

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i only read the negative reviews, positives anybody can write..

6 years ago

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