Does it really matter? There are real women in porn out there, and even better, real women outside.
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Your first mistake was assuming the women in porn are real. They're caked in more makeup than a clown and their breasts honk just as effectively as a clown's nose.
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still more real then little japanese school girls being raped by tentacles
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And that was your second mistake, assuming that is all hentai is.
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saying that is pretty much like saying all americans are fat greedy and stupid.
a.k.a: close minded thoughts
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agreed, considering how a lot of porn pages are adding a small tits category, im pretty sure there are a lot of natural pornstars
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Haha, well, no really, you know, there ARE women with ample naturals out there, and while some don't have a lot of career choices, I've also come across women who just love having sex or are actually addicted and therefore do porn just because it suits them.
Assuming they are all slaves and forced to shoot the movies is just as wrong as thinking all of them look like that since they're seventeen.
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The pizza boxes are blocking the door out from my man-cave. Can't get outside to access these "real women" you speak of.
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I don't think porn is exploitive when most women sign up for it and are paid unless you watch kiddie pron -_-
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Админы получили письмо от замглавы Роскомнадзора Максима Ксензова, который потребовал закрыть раздел по хентаю «на основании решения экспертов, признавших эти картинки детским порно».
Translating that for example, because seems the main paragraph: Admins of 2ch received a message from.......they asked to close hentai section..........because experts considered hentai pics children porn.
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I remember watching a video explaining exactly how an anime character is drawn and what emotions it is supposed to pull from the male viewer. The body of a beautiful woman and a large head; so the woman seems smaller, similar to a little girl. This makes you feel attracted to the woman and desire to protect her like she was a daughter or something. I could see how the "experts" came to their conclusion, but ya I think it might be going to far.
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Not wanting to offend anyone, but isn't masturbating to cartoons kinda weird in the first place?
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+1 and I have over 1tb of anime and watch most Pixr films.
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I have watched almost every single pixar film out there and I'm a big fan of cartoons. I don't know what's exactly the bad thing of being a cartoon to be honest.
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I think it would really clear things up if you gave your definition of a cartoon. I think you seem to include anything that is drawn (whether by hand or computer graphics) and then is animated.
If that's the case, I think we're just arguing over semantics now. I consider animation to be the catch-all phrase. I think a good comparison would be the difference between scotch and bourbon. Both are forms of whiskey, but there are distinct differences. For one, there is a difference between the country of origin. Then there is a difference of ingredients, brewing style. Just as there are differences in cartoons vs. anime in drawing style and origin.
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It could be, the thing is, and if you've read my wobbling somewhere below you would know is that whereas I consider them all to belong to a category people feel somehow offended when you tell that Anime is cartoons, which I find a bit not of my taste.
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Actually it is, but just not from your perspective. Animation = music, cartoon = pop, anime = rock, could be one example.
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Well I never disregarded any kind of cartoons as random things slapped together. That's where the analogy failed for me.
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Kinda weird? since when the world was normal in the first place? :S
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What's it for? The plot? Please enlight me up. I'm serious.
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i watch big busty girls getting raped by alien monsters for the really interesting plot and character development
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Yes, the plot. Did you miss my post? Eroge Visual Novels counts as "hentai" as well. This includes masterpieces in storytelling like Kara no Shoujo, etc.
In fact, one of the best games I have ever played in my life is an Eroge. Sengoku Rance has one of the most compelling turn based strategy RPG systems I have ever encountered. It beats Civilization, Warlock, Fallen Enchantress, etc into the ground. I put at least 100+ hours into it - and that's saying a lot because I only have maybe 4 or 5 games with that much time investment.
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To be honest, jatan. I did not miss your post but I didn't understand what you were referring to. I do admit I'm not really keen on all that Japanese culture so I was legitimately curious.
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Honestly, I wish that most of these games got rid of the sex scenes. They actually do detract from the story in many cases and it prevents the games from getting much traction outside of the visual novel crowd.
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I know what you are referring to. I somehow think that sex excenes are superfluous in many things, for example GoT being one of them. I'm cool if they are need by plot requirementes but not gratuitous sex scenes.
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It is pretty weird to be honest. And ponies, that I understand even less. People are sick.
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As a brony, seriously what the fuck is wrong with cloppers. I honestly think that that is way worse than just "regular" hentai. I personally think that hentai is fine, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just another media form. But taking characters from a kids' show, however mature the audience, has a great level of wrongness in it.
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i like watching hentai than watching the real one. you could say hentai is very extraordinary to watch compared to real life sex which is sometimes repetitive and boring plus hentai got a story too. well its up to the people because we all have different preferences.
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Well if most of the time real life sex already struggles to live up to expectations derived from porn I don't really know how would it do agains hentai ones.
Also regular porn has a story too.
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hentai /= fap material. I think eroge Visual Novels would probably fall under this category too.
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All NSFW links, especially if you happen to click around elsewhere.
Some old blog posts I stumbled across years ago that pretty succintly sums up why some people like hentai (which, no, isn't cartoons by default). These two are the most relevant, but this one also helps in detailing something "real" porn can't show and what hentai can.
Also, bonus for OP, you're not alone. Canada has some issues too.
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How's that hentai are not cartoons? If we take cartoon as animated drawings hentai sure is. Also if I'm mistaken please let me know I've failed to find a decent comparison on both without being it horribly biased towards how anime is WAY better (often coming from a guy with some kind of manga-ish avatar)
Anyways, that post you linked to it's rather full of bullshit if you allow me to say it. There's plenty of porn out there made with and for real people, not everyone likes fapping to a D-cup siliconed-lips tuned actress. And basing their whole opinion on why they like hentai to well, this isn't real, but what you guys like isn't either seems a rather ridiculous reasoning to me.
Also I do see reasons why hentai could be prosecuted, speciall as some of it depicts rather young-looking girls being obliterated by octopii and things of the such. But I don't know. Let everyone fap to what they like, as long as they do no harm I'm noone to judge.
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As you'll notice, I said why some people like hentai. It's a vast, vast subject and no one reason would cover it all, I was just giving one person's feelings on it that do cover part of it. Wikipedia's article on it has a few more reasons, such as every possible kink being catered to, especially ones that are difficult if not impossible to set up in real life (for example, rape fantasies, which are very common in both genders, as both the victim and the perpetrator, are not quite as much fun in the real thing (again, mostly, not speaking for everyone) and roleplaying with a partner doesn't always have the oomph you need). Hentai allows that very easily and without fear (from either the encounter itself or the law, hopefully).
As for the prosecution, go after the ones that need it (not to mention most sites, not even /b/, allow CP in). Banning it all is just stupid and an example of censorship. Hell, censorship pretty much led to what most people see hentai as now to begin with, since Japan's silly censorship laws paved the road to tentacles. First goes one thing, then another, then it's onto the erotic writing, then it's the real porn, on and on. Making it all illegal is outright stupid.
Moving back to the first point, about cartoons, again, I only said they're not cartoons by default. Perhaps I should have been clearer and said cartoony. There are plenty that are like Scooby Doo-style cartoony. There are also plenty that are more detailed like Evangelion. Then there's the black and white drawn artwork, then there's the photorealistic ones, then there's the really abstract hentai that looked like Picasso did it. "Cartoony" doesn't describe it all as there's a million different artists out there, all with their own differing styles and preferences. However, without linking you a vast, vast selection of all the varying types (which I'm not prepared to do, if only for the time it would take to accrue that many links), there's nothing I could say that I think would convince you it's not necessarily cartoony. Nor would I even attempt to anyway. Honestly, that sort of thing is all subjective. The chances of me ever convincing you are slim to none, even if I gave you all the links in the world. Like there are so many artists, there are also so many viewers, all with their own preferences, for style and content. Some people like one thing, others don't. Trying to convince them otherwise is pointless as that's a process that has to come naturally. So, to sum up, I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it for the most part.
Edit: This post looked much shorter in the edit window...
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Well thanks for the reply. First of all I don't and never did use the term cartoon as something bad or despicable. I simply used it as a catch-all term (?) where anything sort of drew and animated fits in. The thing is that any comparison I looked into only depicted anime as either "better, more profound and more detailed" which didn't seem like a suitable way of diferencing them to me. Also I must admit I'm rather ignorant when it comes to Japanese culture so all my questions were legit and I was not trying to mock neither those art forms nor the people who like/consume them.
Also that reason why you said hentai is liked might also be the one that led to this overzealous measures as (while I don't really support it) I could understand why and how people could se dangerous behavioural patterns being depicted in there. That would get us to ye good ol' discussion we've had several times around here, does consuming some contents lead to a similar behaviour IRL? Mostly not. But the doubt's always there and that.
Also well, I'd dare to say that those Russian experts are no more experts than I am and simply freaked out when seeing the amount of people raped by octopii (eg) and decided to ban it all without further looking into it.
I don't know if I left any point I should had adressed out, if so let me know. And thanks for respecting my opinion, so do I with yours.
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How's that hentai are not cartoons?
Because by definition, they are different? You don't go around calling a jrpg a crpg. They are two distinct subcategories of rpg just like anime and cartoons are two distinct subcategories of animated media.
speciall as some of it depicts rather young-looking girls being obliterated by octopii and things of the such
There is real life porn as well that depicts young girls being tentacle raped. I dont see those being banned in Russia or anywhere else.
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I have yet to find one of those. And to me cartoon is just a general name for pretty much anything animated.
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What's the difference then? I'm waiting for one. And I as I've said I've never stumbled upon a sexual movie where a woman is penetrated by some kind of tentacled beast. I'm not saying that they don't exist, but I highly doubt they're the general rule.
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I would dare to say they are far more common. Also and I think this has been already discussed, most anime characters do look like children and or teenagers. So I could understand the issues that could arise.
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so by your definition - watching a porno with a short girl with A-cup boobs CP as well, even if a girl is 18/20 y/o? And what if the girl in this porno will be crossdressing? Wearing a school uniform or having a ponytails?
CP is bad because the actual children suffer to satisfy a phedophile urges. A drawing or animation, even of a teen girl, what I will agree happens often in hentai - harms no children at all.
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Make me a favour and don't try to put in my mouth things I haven't said from now on. I said I could UNDERSTAND why someone would have issues with those kind of things as they resemble a bit too much to underage children. I've never backed it nor anything of the sort. I haven't defined anything either as far as I recall.
And to your question, the woman is over 18. There's no more room for discussion even if I do find rather disgusting the fact that they try to make them look not as teenages which wouldn't be that bad, but children.
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Probably going to watch this next lol, looks funny.
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I'm not trying to presume anything but if you fail to see what's the difference between somewhat real women having somewhat real sex and hentai. Well...
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That's some serious shit. I'm sorry to hear that, comrades!
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Protesting in Russia? That worked pretty well for Pussy Riot.
Seriously though? I'd be careful about protesting in Russia. You could get arrested on trumped up charges of hooliganism, and given the nature of what you're protesting, might even get slapped with extremism charge.
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And if no-one protests? It's already nearly illegal to even tell people gays exist in Russia. Is that sort of hostile attitude going to say at just that? No. This is the next step, one I didn't see coming but one that makes perfect sense. People need to realise this and fight it. Now, not later. It's far harder to fight a law that's already in place. First they came for...
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Probably in the same place as hentai. Goodbye, Evangelion (probably for the best, that one). And 90% is a vast overestimate. You're going to the wrong sites if that's all you see. Not only that, but legal ages vary very widely. Japan and Spain both have theirs at 13, UK at 16, Arizona is 18, Tunisia is 20, some countries don't have a legal age, others is more if you're married or not. Things are very rarely as simple as they appear to be. Whether you agree with it or not, some of that CP to you is perfectly normal and acceptable to other people's society.
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As a Spanish user here it's legal to have sexual relationships with someone if they are over 15 (If I'm not mistaken it was reciently raised) BUT you cannot record and/or share those unless all the people involved is over 18 y/o.
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If it was raised recently, mind updating the Wikipedia entry on it (citing it correctly and all)? For factual accuracy and to stop people from being mildly creeped out. It severely worried me that it had to be raised in 1999 to 13.
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I don't really want to get involved with wikipedia and after doing some research seems that the law was only ratified like on Monday. So you were pretty much right.
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Sex laws are weird.
Here in Canada we are only allow to perform anal when over 19/18 and only in groups of 2.
And in the US, you can pay someone to have sex with you only if you video tape it and sell it for a profit, otherwise it is illegal.
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Other stupid laws:
In poland you can have sex if you're over 15, but you cannot watch or show porno below 18. So generally f*cking 15 y/o is OK, but watching a porno as a 17 y/o is criminal offense ;p
They also tried to bann hentai few years ago, generally viewing them as potential pedophilia, argumenting that girls in hentai are often underage, but ran into legal problems - if the story doesn't exactly state the actual age of the girl in hentai you cannot how do you want to determine if the girl is underage if she's not real-life actress? It can be 20 y/o crossdressing into highschool uniform because she has that sort of fetish. Then they wanted to create tables, determining what height / body-type / boobs size etc animated character should have to be considered adult. But again - then what? We cannot watch real-life porno with small A-cup 20 y/o girl? It will fall into the same cathegory. Due to all these problems they finally never released the law.
And last funny story - for a moment Dragon Ball Manga were to be banned or marked 18+ in Poland, because in one scene we see Bulma's naked ass ;p
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I remember that Dragon Ball episode.
"In poland you can have sex if you're over 15, but you cannot watch or show porno below 18. So generally f*cking 15 y/o is OK, but watching a porno as a 17 y/o is criminal offense ;p"
That makes about 0 sense.
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When licensed in the US, they're suddenly all 18+ year old high school sophomores, dont worry about it!
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Damn. That's pretty crazy.
Curious what about ecchi?(or whatever the fuck it's called) That's like hentai but it's more vanilla/usually doesn't show anything.
If ecchi was banned too, wouldn't that mean many animes would be banned? Because a lot of animes have fan service crap in them.
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It wasn't discuss about ecchi, but with new "antipiracy" law, goverment can block pretty anything they want, even Wiki.
I dunno what they will do with retail anime with ecchi...
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Well I was just saying if hentai is now banned that means ecchi is banned? And if ecchi is banned that means shows that are ecchi like would be banned? (Meaning a good chunk of anime shows. lol)
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What is ecchi? Sounds like something with horses.
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Actually, ecchi can show almost full nudity including breasts. Just doesnt include the genital areas.
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Yeah. I was going to say that but I was tired and didn't feel like typing more.
Ecchi is pretty much just really softcore stuff.
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Despite being a partially weird jump to make, can you think of any anime/manga style characters that don't look like children? Even if a character is in his/her 30's, it might easily be drawn as child. (I say this as an anime fan who has no interest in hentai.)
I see why people might be confused about hentai.
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Honestly, given the fact that Anime is an art style, and art styles are infinitely varied, this is something that noone could give any real answer to.
I mean literally, an adult in one Anime style could look like a child if compared with another Anime Style. Lucky Star is the first anime off the top of my head that would be like this. If I took an Adult from Lucky Star and threw them into, say, Full Metal Alchemist, the adult would look younger than the main character in Full Metal Alchemist who is 15 or so at the start of the series.
Edit: Hah, come to think of it, Lucky Star pokes fun at this fact at one point.
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As Dsc said, it is all very much dependant on the art style. Proportions are a huge deal, far more so than a lot of people (unfortunately, even quite a number of paid artists (just take a look at any comic superhero, male or female, and you will find anatomy errors everywhere)) think they are. You can be drawing a 90-year-old and, if your proportions are shit, they can look like a child. It's one of the reasons, I believe, other than pure quality reasons, that HentaiFoundry requires such strict understanding of proportions (NSFW link, check section 2d and then have a look at the absolute fuckload of pictures that didn't make it), to cut down on potential legal issues arising from shitty artists who can't draw adults properly.
Don't forget also, that hentai does not refer strictly to anime-styled porn, but to pretty much any drawn or painted erotic art nowadays.
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There are porn actresses that look like children too. I dont see people complaining about that.
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Disregard actual children. Protect virtual characters.
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today they outlawed owning a computer in my state (u.s.) damn corrupt officials. all cause a senator got busted with a fake charity that was funneling money to a internet cafe. as revenge they passes a law against internet cafe but the wording makes it illegal to own a computer here.
"Florida Law May Accidentally Ban Computers and Smartphones" if you guys want to look it up.
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Wait, they're banning internet cafe's because they're too fucking stupid to understand how corruption works?
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Wow that escalated quickly!
I noted a few things just rolling up this page. Most people doesn't know the difference between cartoons, anime (and maybe) hentai, nor their subcategories (again, cartoons, anime and hentai). Second, this turned out a politic/corruption matter, in which we can't solve nothing but instead get an increassing discussion. Now I happen to know a bit of everything I said because I've come (no pun intended) a long way with the previously mentioned subjects AND happen to live in a very corrupt country, to my deep disgust. There's nothing I can do, because I'm just one individual. Of course there's more people and more opinions, so please respect everyone's likes and preferences and please don't just negate and make fun of them because you don't undertand, that's primitive and unconstructive.
Lastly, and more importantly, laws like this are taking control on everyone's lives, you probably be thinking "hey fck them, I don't watch anime/hentai/cartoons, so it doesn't really affect me!" "they can censor/block all that for all I care!" now I tell you, what about the things you do like doing or watching? what about the things your mother/father/sis/bro/your-child/etc likes doing or watching? are you ok with leting them tell you how to live and what to watch? what is next? your food and clothing?
People, don't you remember SOPA/PIPA? don't you think they took enough? If not, then I'm wrong, terribly wrong..
Make no mistake, "if you give more power to the power...." stronger they'll get to fck you in the arse.. Thank you for reading.
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Feel free to enlighten us up with the differences. I've been asking it repeatedly and I still have to get a suitable answer.
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While cartoon may refer to animation, in common speach it means an animated movie designed specifically for children or for whole families and age range. Why in westewrn countries it may seem like a somewhat valid definition, as adult-centered animations are relatively small niche in Japan animes are targeted at all ages, many of them being adult stuff, then referring to something like tkat as a cartoon may suggest it being for children what may cause misunderstanding:
for example in my country many years ago a Canal+ station was showing some adult animes. Stuff like for example Perfect Blue - which DEFINITELLY isn't something I'd let my children watch, yet it was described in TV program as "kreskówka" - what translates to "cartoon. Because of that some parents who did not know what it is let their children watch it without checking it out first. As this title covers very adult matters - such as stalking, violence, crime, molestation and even rape - you can imagine yourself problems it caused. That's why it's not a good idea to reffer to animes as cartoons, as in many people moinds (especially older generation) cartoon = animated movie suited for kids.
So for definition you're asking for, and for what we all who say the same thing to you over and over define these words as:
ANIME - Japanese animated picture of any kind or target. It may be movie or TV series. It may be targeted at 5 y/o kids or 18+
CARTOON - Animated picture targeted at kids or all age-range (sort-of family movie)
HENTAI - ANIME (look above) pornographic picture.
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So according to that definition thins such as The Simpsons or South Park are not cartoons? In which category would them fall into, then?
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do you actually read what people write or just argue for sake of arguing? "as adult-centered animations are relatively small niche".
You put one part of sentence and start arguing over it, don't mind the context, examples, explanation, assuming you know what someone meant even if they didn't write such a thing, putting in ppl mouth what they didn't say (as like I ACTUALLY MENTIONED such kind of animations like Simpsons or SP) yet when anyone does the same towards you you're suddenly angry about it.
I gave you good explanation why I find your way of thinking wrong. Give example why it can lead to bad misunderstandings, that it may not be as literal as it's for you for older generations etc - and all you have to say in answer is to pick up few words out of context and argue about them.
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The lack of a comma there made me understand the sentence as they were a relatively small niche in Japan.
I'm not angry, and I don't see why it could be wrong as age tags on things were made for something, weren't they? Considering cartoons childish is rather stupid if you ask me. But the thing is that by your definition Anime are still cartoons, only from Japanese procedence.
And trying to discern whom is something suitable to based on its genre is rather foolish too. It's more of the content and not the container. Anywas I was not only cherrypicking sentences from your statement, I had a legit doubt.
Also other people prejudices (as yours seem to be too) regarding cartoons as something for children is none of my concern. In my eye anime are still cartoons. Japanese cartoons if you wish. And there's nothing bad of them being so, but the thing is (and it's not the first time I stumbled into this) is that by many of you cartoons are regardes as something for children whereas anime and all that is "more deep and better and realistic". I call bullshit on that.
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Also who is to say cartoons can't be more realistic and deep and still be cartoons? Anime is cartoons, I am a pretty huge fan of Anime, Anime is Japanese Animation, as far as I am concerned both Cartoons and Anime are Animation...which leads them to being both cartoons, ones from a different palce and has a distinct style, big whoop.
Disagree all you want, I am 24, have been watching Anime for years, since I was 6 probably, also I LOL at "CARTOON - Animated picture targeted at kids or all age-range (sort-of family movie)". You could not be further from the truth here if you ask me, some cartoons that aren't considered Anime are more adult themed then most animes, I refer you to Ren And Stimpy Adult Party.
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Making this its separate comment too since it's so poignant and it might be getting buried otherwise.
Edit: Come to think of it, I remember reading somewhere that the possession of CP is decriminalised in Russia in the first place, what's the big ordeal?
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Can you use a vpn? If you need a recommendation for one I can help, I researched all of them.
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Privateinternetaccess is nice and great thing about them is no logs and shared IP's, meaning you and a bunch of other people have the same IP, so even if they somehow kept a log they would have 0 ways of finding out which user on that IP did whatever.
Speed is about the same for me on it. But yeah research, some that seem trust worthy aren't, remember you are sending your data to them instead of the ISP, so best go with one thats legit, not some dirt scammers.
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Good luck, took me a couple weeks to find one I felt good with, some have terrible speeds, no problem :-).
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On a related topic, half a year ago, when I made a puzzle with a custom Knytt level, I got several reports that Nicklas Nygren's website (the one with the Knytt games on it) was being blocked by some Russian ISPs on the grounds that it promoted extremism. Is that still the case?
Anyone has any idea what could have prompted that? I would assume the forums might be causing some concern, but those are hosted on a different domain.
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Russia bans that, Florida, as it defines a slot machine as "any machine or device or system or network of devices" that can be used in games of chance, has in essence banned computers and smart phones in its zeal to crush cyber cafes.
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49 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by wigglenose
409 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by WaitingforGodot
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29,701 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Foxmonster
1,604 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by BaconChizBurger
Russia is weird and according to new law, in short, hentai=CP. Any hentai, not only loli/shotacon!
First Russian hentai-sites are already blocked. Today, for example, authorities require to close /h/ and /ho/ forums on, the fastest Russian imageboard (newslink on Russian), although the servers and domain isn't located in Russia :genius:
Also, using TOR or i2p or any other anonymizer is getting outlaw too (law is on discussion) "Great China Firewall" is coming to Яussia.
Links on Russian: hentai, tor
Sorry for bad Engslih, if any.
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