Suspended winners are always eligible for reroll while suspended, and they'll likely be afterwards as well if the infraction for which they had been suspended was a recent (up to 1 month) not activated / multiple win. That would have been the best option, but you messed up when you unsent the key.
If you can be sure that the key was not marked as viewed before unsending it, or that the user was suspended at the time of winning, then it's safe to reroll.
You can check their library to see if the game is there, but even if it isn't, that's still not proper proof that the key is unused (they could have used it elsewhere).
If you cannot be 100% sure the key is safe, the most reliable option is to wait for the suspension to end, send the key to them, and hope they won't cause you trouble afterwards (because, yeah, there're bound to be a few troublemakers on this kind of site, and they're mostly concentrated in low level public giveaways).
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Unpopular opinion: Wait for their suspension to end, then resend the key and ask them to mark it as received. (Or, just resend it immediately so it will be there once they return, if they never saw it in the first place)
I am not sure if there is an easy way to see whether their suspension is permanent, but waiting a week or two hopefully wouldn't hurt you (I believe that's the standard penalty for a first time regular infraction)
While you have the right to reroll during a suspension, you do not necessarily need to make use of that right. (I've always found it kind of a harsh double punishment since the wins you get during a suspension are likely unrelated to the reason you were suspended in the first place.)
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like others said, check if the key was revealed (eye icon = winner saw it):
if it's revealed, ask for "received feedback".
if it's still hidden, ask for a reroll.
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Instead of guessing, we could figure it out with a bit of testing. We could find a game that someone owns but is still able to enter a giveaway for on SG (there seems to be a lot of these lately). Then have someone create an invite only giveaway and only send the link to that one person. When the giveaway ends, don't click the button to send the key, but have the winner check the key page and then see if the eye icon shows up. Then the giveaway can be marked as received since it is already activated on the users account or you could request to have the giveaway deleted and explain that it was a test.
I would think the eye icon is disabled until you click the "sent" button, but that is obviously just a guess.
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He could, but I almost never see him responding in random threads, so he probably doesn't spend a lot of time here reading discussions. I think we are on our own to figure most things out unless a support member knows for sure.
I don't mind if he doesn't want to dedicate a lot of time to the site anymore. He built a great site and keeps it running which is good enough for me.
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Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this but I don't know what to do, i had a giveaway for a game, the user won and i sent the key, they never marked it as anything, and i was worried they key hadn't worked since D.I.G screwed me over with some keys i bought from them, but i checked their profile today and they are now currently suspended. I just unsent the key but i'm worried the damage may already be done.
I know I can request a new winner, but I'm worried that they may have activated the key, and I don't want to re-roll the winner and then have to buy a new key for the game to give out, or what not.
what should I do?
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