Q1. It is a Kubrick movie.
Q2. One of the main actors in it has also portrayed Superman
Q3. Jude Law is present in the movie
Q4. You've already seen this, and its a very very very famous movie, and the 1st one in the whole series in order of release. Try to think more clearly about the terms I've used, specially "Outlaws", because it's been very loosely used in the question.
Q5. Think Coen Brothers.
Q6. The director in question is also one of the two protagonists in "From Dusk Till Dawn"
Q7. This film is by the same director as above.
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There are too many Supermen :P
We should bring some Cryptonite and kill a few off... Dean Cain gets to live
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I figured it out. Still not sure what the hint that was pointing to him is. However I've never heard of the show or the movie before.
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So I wasn't the only one who thought that about Question N°6 :D
Missing N°4
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only know 6 (and the quote at the start) but I already own the game
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Just stuck on 4 now. Probably gonna kick myself as the hint is it's the most famous...hmmmm...
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I'm really trying everything but I can't figure out 4. :(
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lol, I think it's related to Jason Todd but I tried all related movie titles and nothing worked.
Too bad, I had this game on my wishlist since forever.
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Phew, I've finally got it. I have to say that I have never ever watched that movie, or any other movie from the series, and even a google search for any of the words in the question didn't help at all, as it didn't show up on any results regardless of how I typed the search.
I have also never watched any of the other movies on the riddles, but I was able to figure out their answers easily.
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none of those ring a bell, but google showed me that someone's trying to cheat (scroll down, includes NSFW images)
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Don't the rules for calling out say something along the lines of being to stop accusations and unfair claims like "hey this giveaway is fake / this guy is a scammer / this dude is cheating" on their own, and also specify that is different than pointing out some post where someone admits they have a fake giveaway up, or their plans for scamming someone, or (like in this case) someone requesting help cheating from a profile linked to their steam account? I'm not all that sure if this actually is the same as calling out.
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Wow... I made this puzzle just so that people would be introduced to some new movies they may like to watch, and have a giveaway as incentive for solving it so. I don't know whether it is calling out since it links to another forum altogether, and I don't know support's stance on the issue since it is technically not sharing Puzzle URL, but its a pretty scummy thing to do. Nice catch, though!
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Q4 impossible on this time for me
edit:bump for solved, never saw this movie, shame for me or not)
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I'm only missing Q4, I'd very much appreciate another hint :) I'm not sure if I'm trying the wrong movies, or I'm not using the "proper" title 😐
Edit: That was exactly it, I had the right movie but tried a lot of combinations for the name. Great puzzle Hague!!
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Awesome! Glad to see another puzzle from you. I already have Deponia Doomsday, but I couldn't resist taking a crack at this just for the fun.
Nice job, and very enjoyable.
Some constructive criticism, if you'd be interested?
I was going to post it in the giveaway, but I think there's some good notes regarding most puzzles and quizzes in general,, so hopefully any other potential puzzler-placers look through this as well.
(for anyone reading this hoping to find the answers, they arent in here so back to work with ya!)
Got about half way through before reloading for hints, although no way I would have gotten all of them without those hints. I know all the movies, it was mostly an issue of clarity with some of the questions. Though everything is definitely solvable once those hints do show up--I think anyone worrying they can't solve it just hasn't tried their best yet. Still, I would like to see a version with some better phrased questions and less specific hints. In some areas the current difficulty (for example, question 1) feels like a jump from very hard to easy rather than, say, going from hard to normal. I dunno, maybe the whole difficulty of the quiz is averaged out though. Some might be too easy, but ones like #2 and #3 told me I could find the answer with their hints, but I still had to put in the work to figure them out.
Question #4 was absolutely my favorite. You did a great job with it, though you should really add alternate variations of that title. If I hadn't been dead certain that my answer fit perfectly and kept trying the variations then it would have gone very differently, especially with the emphasis you put on using the Wikipedia titles although that one is actually different than the accepted answer. Outside of that... perfect level of of difficulty standing on its own, and once the hint is revealed.
The 3rd one comes off pretty hilarious though. since it describes a third of the movies ever made. That's almost Scorsese's entire catalog--hell, not just most crime flicks, it's the story of near every "rise to power/fame" story.... including ;like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Pinocchio. Actually... especially Pinocchio now that I think about it. Once the hint pops up it was pretty good though. It was just enough of a hint to narrow down the field reasonably but not completely identify it. There are still many good answers, but when I spotted it in the filmography I knew there it was the one perfect answer. For people that haven't seen it, there's still enough info to make brute-force feasible and fairly reasonable.
Some of the phrasing does seem unintentionally awkward across the whole quiz, though. There are things like 'wife, the female" where "wife" works better unless there's a clue/reason to specify the wife is female. Also, for example, the 5th question can imply that its specifically not one of the director's better films or considered a classic, when I think the intent is more like "Although a classic and one of the directors best, this film might be remembered even better for the the hilarious manner its characters pronounce the word 'yeah.'"
Overall, I really enjoyed it. I wish there were more puzzles like it. Thanks you for taking the time to make this and thanks for the giveaway! Look forward to seeing more of your work :-)
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Wow, that's some great feedback! And considering that I intend to make more of these, this serves as great critical analysis. If you would care to comment on the giveaway, I can tell you about my purpose behind the wording for #3, although I guess I agree with most of the things I overlooked in other questions. And to avoid situations like #4, I guess I'll resort to IMDb next time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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When I did this the last time, a lot of people told me that they liked this type of puzzle which actually had a tangible answer, as compared to "what I'm thinking". Well, I watch a lot of movies and i like watching them! So here's a puzzle where you can test your own knowledge.
Game being given away: Deponia Doomsday (I'd have preferred to give away a Lego game, but maybe next time!)
Even if you own the game or are not interested in entering for it, you should still consider solving it for it may be practice for the next time I do one of these!
It is too hard
No entry level restriction, all those who solve are free to join
Please copy your answers from Wikipedia directly
Have fun!
Edit: Had to add hints since nobody was able to solve it, so I hope this simplifies things :P
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