Cutting to another scenario.
A bicylce falls of the cliff. As it hits the ground it explodes with a huge fireball. The area it complete scorched, a wheel slowly rolls out of the flames.
Hollywood started feeding us experiences that never would happen in real life long before video games emerged.
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Yes and no. There are really only a few sndbox games, where you have an absolute freedom on what you can do to complete a mission.
You are right, a movie gives you no choice, other than what movie to pick, but you don't have influence on the acting.
But most games are really linear, so again, you already know when you start the game, what options you will have if you want to progress in the game. You can't beat a shooter without shooting and you can't beat a racing game without driving. You still have the illusion of an option not to do so, but that would beat the purpose of the game.
Hollywood keeps feeding us bigger explosions and game devs keep feeding us even more surreal worlds.
Why is that? Because we are already used to the small explosing and the realistic gaing themes.
But as you mentioned in the main post - eventhose totally illogic events appear more and more normal to us, because we a surroded by them in more and more games.
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Flipping (I know, right?) to another scenario.
Almost every FPS game ever, you have been shot with several rounds to areas of your body including but not limited to your arms, chest and legs. You continue to be capable of perfect shooting and able to sprint away from your pursuers, albeit after some blood appears to the side of your eyes. After a few seconds, the blood disappears and you are fine.
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It's not so much about realism as what your mind interprets and accepts.
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I mean who would really like to play something that is like real life? There are people that like to ultra realistic games but most people like games that are games. People know (or should know) that games aren't like real life. Just because you see it in Assassin's Creed does that mean you try to climb on skyscrapers in real life? That's the point of video games, you do things and can do things that you can't do in real life.
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"Cutting to another scenario.
Team Fortress 2. You are the soldier, a burly specimens with a rocket launcher hoisted over your right shoulder. Firing three shots at the glowing metal plate upon the railway dislodges a group of enemies. You take shelter as a bright red sentry locks its laser to your position. As you reload, the air shimmers before you. A mask appears, followed by a daintily cut suit of pale blue cloth. A puff of smoke, followed by a drawling French accent, emanates from the figure. "Clearly I am your ami" Just to be completely sure, you shoot a rocket at the man. It passes through him. A rocket has passed through this man and no one takes particular notice. "
Team fortress 2 is intentionally unrealistic. The entire game features unrealistic cartoonish graphics, weapons, and body proportions (The Heavy). I don't think anyone believes that TF2 is anywhere close to reality, or truly accepts the reality presented by it.
"Flash to another scenario.
You are one of four survivors of Left 4 Dead. Zombies run rampant throughout the street, and every day brings less prospective rescue attempts. You try to make the most of it though, as your band weaves its way through a hospital, a mill, and several streets. During one of these levels, a screaming woman of shocking white has begun to chase you. All of your intrepid team makes it to the safehouse; you promptly slam the door shut. You are safe.
...Safe? How are even remotely safe with a horde of zombies pounding on the wooden door of your so called "safe house"? For that matter, how can health kits heal wounds that would otherwise cause broken bones and other seriously traumatic injuries?
Unless I'm mistaken, the safe room doors are made out of metal, not wood. Other than that, you make a good point. We accept a lot of what is presented to us as reality, without ever thinking about it.
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I'm not sure what the point of that post is. Yes, video games are not realistic. Because real life is boring. Yes, your mind accepts the rules put forth in video games because your mind does not care about reality, it cares about what is useful. Making your character try to open a non-opening door to get to a hospital you just passed is not useful, but grabbing a medkit is useful. So you grab the medkit and move forward, reality be damned. In real life, the opposite would be true... trying to get to a hospital when wounded would be a useful solution. (I wish I saved that TED lecture on color someone posted here yesterday or so, but I'm too lazy to look for it now.)
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Flash to another scenario.
You are a SEXY Lady Half Naked ( Simple Short cloths that barely Cover your Junk/Treasure ) with Big Boobs and Weird hair . You are just 18 Years old for some reason . You fight the Deadly Evil Force who is trying to Destroy The world with nothing but simple weapons . They are Protected with all sort of Armors and Shields and you only have your Cloth ( That Barely Cover Your Junk/Treasure ) . For some Reason There is a Very dull & simple physic in your world EXCEPT Your BOOBS & BACK , A very Stunning Physic they got And they Shake as if there is something living inside them . The Camera Man/Machine Also focus on your JUNK/Treasures while your Fighting , You just Slayed the Greet Unstoppable Giant Dragon and The Camera still FOCUS on your BOOBS & Treasures ! . AFTER YOU SAVED THE WORLD YOU GONNA GO BACK TO YOUR HIGH SCHOOL ! .
The Japanese Experiences !
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Assassin's Creed flashes out on your computer screen. Towers are scaled, all perfectly the same height as your climbing animation. Each one has a wooden beam for you to gaze around the world. Every cutscene is unanimous and inexplicable.
Flash to another scenario.
Mirror's Edge.
You're running from the bad guys who are all dressed in dark camo. Nothing wrong with that, except they scuttle along like crabs on a beach. The bright sun forces you to squint. In contrast to the starkingly white world, there stands a red block. Instinctively you know you must climb it...but why? No time for questions. You take the leap.
Cutting to another scenario.
Team Fortress 2.
You are the soldier, a burly specimens with a rocket launcher hoisted over your right shoulder. Firing three shots at the glowing metal plate upon the railway dislodges a group of enemies. You take shelter as a bright red sentry locks its laser to your position. As you reload, the air shimmers before you. A mask appears, followed by a daintily cut suit of pale blue cloth. A puff of smoke, followed by a drawling French accent, emanates from the figure. "Clearly I am your ami" Just to be completely sure, you shoot a rocket at the man. It passes through him. A rocket has passed through this man and no one takes particular notice.
Flash to another scenario.
You are one of four survivors of Left 4 Dead.
Zombies run rampant throughout the street, and every day brings less prospective rescue attempts. You try to make the most of it though, as your band weaves its way through a hospital, a mill, and several streets. During one of these levels, a screaming woman of shocking white has begun to chase you. All of your intrepid team makes it to the safehouse; you promptly slam the door shut. You are safe.
...Safe? How are even remotely safe with a horde of zombies pounding on the wooden door of your so called "safe house"? For that matter, how can health kits heal wounds that would otherwise cause broken bones and other seriously traumatic injuries?
Because your mind has accepted these as the norm.
Video games feed you experiences that you'd otherwise never have, and your eagerly willing mind sees only what it considers attractive. Logic and fact are thrown out the door, as are free time and self control. You behave exactly how your character is perceived; in essence, the world is tailored for YOU.
Your will in your world is absolute.
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