I've been trying to teach my dog some new tricks! I thought I would see if anyone else is interested in this type of thing, and share my videos and maybe get some feedback :3


9 years ago

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You're doing better than I am with the dog training.
That's pretty impressive and a beautiful dog. :)
After 6 years, my dog knows exactly two tricks ...
Sitting, and climbing into someone's face and belching. XD

Maybe I shouldn't have encouraged her by laughing every time she did it :X
Also, I had that same couch years ago :O

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9 years ago

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HAH! Stella is almost 4, and she knew very few before I met her (about a year ago). I've been working super hard, and it's made me think maybe I would like to try dog training as a career.

Stella has plenty of bad behaviors that we accidentally encourage too. For instance, sleeping in the bed....most nights one of us ends up sleeping in the guest bedroom because we can't bear to kick her out/put her in her kennel. She also takes over the couch...lays on top of us...chews up our underwear....

9 years ago

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Oh also, which couch?? The IKEA futon one or the beige one with the color splotches??

9 years ago

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the beige one with the color splotches??

That one. :)
If your dog's anything like mine, once they get used to sleeping in your bed, they'll do it forever ... mine refuses to sleep anywhere else, and even has her own pillows and blanket now. -_-

9 years ago*

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Yeah, we're thinking we need to get a bigger bed.....king size probably, since we want to get another dog soon.

I got this couch from a friend so............weird, lol

9 years ago

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What a beautiful dog, keep up the good work :)

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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hah (:

9 years ago

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I read that wrong, whoopsies!

9 years ago

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The only thing my dog can do is: Sit, Go, Come!

9 years ago

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God I wish Stella knew "come", that's one I haven't even tried, because I doubt she would be able to do it. She's....not very bright.

9 years ago

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You probably need to give her a reason to come. Try to bring food when she's hungry and tell her to come. She'll tie the word "come" with food and whenever she hear it, she'll think it's food time.

9 years ago

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Oh, another thing, we can't get her to eat her dang food. We have no idea why. We put out a ton of food and she rarely eats. We've tried different brands and everything. She loves treats, though.

9 years ago

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Dogs love milk by they way, try to mix the dang food with it. I also give my dog cooked chicken legs and "heads", he loves them so much and even asks for more sometimes.

9 years ago

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try egg on dry food. works with my puppy who is also verry picky. My dog i also give him raw mince which he will eat happily

9 years ago

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not even myself could learn this ;_;

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9 years ago

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omg that's awesome

9 years ago

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Beautiful dog!

The only thing my dog knows is "go" and he doesn't respond to "come", so that's a bit problematic.
Also, he only licks my hand when I ask for a paw :(
Not that I don't like this, though. I don't like giving commands, even if they're animals. I just try to teach some common sense to make him differ right from wrong and leave the rest to his senses.

9 years ago

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Stella doesn't respond to "come" either. I make sure to give lots of love and treats when she does her tricks, and I don't push her to do any of them. The closest to "pushing" is in the chair and couch video. I'm thinking about going into dog training, actually, I love it.

9 years ago

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Nice doge. I had a doge too, but didn't train much. Don't get me wrong, I hate when a dog is not under control of their owner, or disobedient, but that wasn't the case, and I was too lazy to teach him to perform tricks just for the sake of performing tricks. Anyway, here's a pic of that doge, who was by the way named Basso, a character from Thief. His real name was Unerschrocken Lennon, though.

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9 years ago

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Awwww so pretty! Yeah, when I met Stella, she was about that, just the basic commands needed to be obedient. I've only gotten into trick training because she loves pleasing us, and loves treats. It's just fun (:

9 years ago

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Also, did you have people discriminating against you for having a German Shepard? I know they get almost as much trash from people as Pit Bulls do. A shame, because they're all great dogs.

9 years ago

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Nah, I don't think they have much bad rep where I live. And from the two of us, I was the "evil" one anyway. Once some people online threatened to send animal protection services on me because I dared to mention that I think slapping is a valid form of disciplining a dog.

9 years ago

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I had a Bernese mountain dog. He was the best for one trick : eating and getting fat like a bear.
But he learned one thing by himself : open the front door (which is heavy and has a self-closure mechanism) by pulling the circular door handle with his mouth then blocking the closing with his paw and making his way through the opening. Such a genius dog.

Bernese dogs will rule the world. Especially the puppies. I can't handle this level of cuteness.

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9 years ago

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I can haz treats too? =D

9 years ago*

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No begging.....read faq....delete post.......banhammer....etc just kidding :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I was able to teach mine (see avatar) to sit in his first few months alive, shortly after he learned to shake and give high-fives.
My wife taught him to roll and now whenever we break out the treats he will always get really excited and roll without being told to, even when i am telling him to shake or give a high-five or lie down.
He rolls in quite the laborious and awkward way too.
I having been trying to get him to sniff out the treat and choose the hand its in, and he knows which hand its in but he doesn't do anything but stare at that hand licking his chops..

9 years ago*

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