what is the winning percentage of the draws?this casino

5 years ago

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1/[number of entries]*100 = %

But if you're talking about how many giveaways are won, then it's about 99.99%

5 years ago

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Well it's a tricky thing, because the chance of winning when you enter a giveaway will not be the same as the chance of winning when the giveaway ends (because more people will probably have entered after you).

You can use ESGST to show both chance of winning now (i.e. on your entry) and projected chance of winning when the giveaway ends.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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In fairness, human [lack of] rationality will always exceed your expectations for it, no matter how low those have already fallen. That said, they also refer to the site as a casino, so the most probable explanation is that they are currently very, very, very intoxicated. I mean, of all the absurd things to say. Heck, it's so absurd that I'll even go ahead and place 50 chips on the bet that they're wasted. Anyone wanna join in, two to one?

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5 years ago

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<slides a black chip across the table>


5 years ago

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All I could remember off hand is that a black chip quadruples the previous chip. So I googled it- a black chip is in fact exactly twice my bid. Nicely played. You're rather familiar with using chips, I take it? ^.^ In fairness, I may just be a bit underexperienced with chips. After all, our home games usually instead used colored candy of some sort, like Skittles or M&Ms. :P M&Ms weren't very good for it, though- they always melted in our hands.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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and the skittles always got eaten. 😭 😂

5 years ago

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Try playing with Starburst, sometime. Pink ones'll get the highest value (of course), and you'll (naturally) hesitate to bet with them.
Well, maybe not if you came into the game loaded..

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5 years ago

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One could... but the pink ones taste the best 🤤
And anyone who showed up like that could imagine that they got very stern looks from the others [like this: (ಠ_ಠ) ]. 😂 👍

5 years ago

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I'm a terrible gambler, but I've played the more low-rent tables in Vegas a few times. :) Just enough to be dangerous and have some very basic knowledge.

Frankly, I'd rather play with candy. 😁

5 years ago

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It's rare that home games I've been a part of have used chips, to the point where neither I nor anyone else I know really ever made a point of keeping chips (which isn't to say I haven't had some at times, just that they never felt like they had any real priority to have). Besides, there's always alternative options. Though using a deck of cards as your chips [w/ value = face value, and you can't raise with only one card, so it's important not to waste lower cost cards] makes whatever game you're playing feel a bit like the card game War. :P ..well, and occasionally Blackjack, due to how the card value stacking worked.

Most of my experience with chips probably comes from digital gaming [via casual things like the old games.yahoo, as single-player games, or as mini-games within larger games, not through gambling sites], rather than from direct interactions. Well, there was a friend for a while who had a full gambling table with roulette wheel. ... and even there, I think we still ended up using candy instead. :P

5 years ago*

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More likely that ESL is filtering the communication on both ends.

TL;DR Lost in translation.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Up to 3% if you enter public giveaways.
Up to 11% if you enter invite only giveaways.
Up to 50% if you enter invite only giveaways hidden behind puzzles.
Up to 86% if you aren't negative on forums.
Up to 94% if you are nice on forums.
100% if you are friends with cows.

It is 33% legit.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Holy cow!

5 years ago

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I tried to be friends with cows, but they're stone killers.

5 years ago

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100% if you are friends with Cow of Darkness. That's a proper champ right there.

5 years ago

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That's exactly what I meant but didn't want to mention his name, just in case, to keep beggars away from him ;)

5 years ago

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I'm nice to beef. It gets released into the wild once my body's done with it.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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be Friends with a cow. they have a good live

5 years ago

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To be precise, it is:


... if you put the right data in ;)

5 years ago*

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I'm completely confused as to why setting a cow on fire and dropping it onto a trampoline in Holland would lead to the Serbian invasion of Portugal. I suspect my math skills may have deteriorated too much over recent years to handle this level of equation. Then again, the thread topic was somewhat vague, so maybe you're just the only one actually on topic. Hmmm.

5 years ago

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It's true, that it is a bit mindbending, but if you are able to apply the right values to all the variables (like time, geographical coordinations, weight of the cow, etc.), it certainly will :)

5 years ago

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...okay, if I'm doing the adjustments correctly, a teacup is involved in some manner?
Y'know what, this is why I don't like messing with politics. It always gets so weird.

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5 years ago

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To high for some users.........

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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As you can see, if you give away something that hasn't been free somewhere before, even if it's only worth 1 cent, you will be level 1 and have much greater chances. :)

5 years ago*

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Give more so that you can get more, bro. Higher-level GAs (as in for levels 7+) tend to not only be higher quality games, but it obviously greatly reduces the size of the qualified pool, thus greatly increasing your chances of winning.

Just like everything else in life...if you put in the time and work, you get more out of it. Looks like you have some sweat equity you need to donate if you want to win more.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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in detroit we have mgm casino, it is suck
bless greek town...
there's much fun to be had on the streets

5 years ago

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This chart says that (at time of writing) there are 931,449 Level 0 users, who have never given away anything worth at least $0.01 of CV (a non-free-at-some-point game). We also see that there are 109,972 Level 1 users, or about one-eighth the number of level 0 users. (10.0466% of all users on this site are Level 1, while 85.0933% of all users on this site are Level 0)
Thus, assuming that an equal percentage of users at each level are active (many are and many are not), and with all other things being equal, you have an 8 times higher chance of winning if you are level 1 than if you are level 0. Of course, the number of giveaways entered, the duration, and the number of other entrants all affect matters.

(Of course, this site is Steamgifts, not steamwins, but that is another topic to be discussed elsewhere.)

5 years ago

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Leveling up doesn't inherently increase your win odds at X level, though. It only increases your range of access, allowing you to enter additional giveaways. Thus, you'd have to relate [Quantity of level 1 giveaways, quantity of total users - level 0 users] to [Quantity of Level 0 giveaways, quantity of total users at all levels] to determine base odds. And that doesn't yet consider the fact that lower level users may be more likely to be idle accounts, and that a proper valuation'd have to factor in activity per level.

5 years ago

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True. I knew I was missing something, and that there had to be a formula out there to cover it, but I wasn't awake enough to figure it out. Also, I missed entirely some of what you pointed out. Thanks!

5 years ago

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1) This is not casino , this is tool for people can gift games to others and win games from others
For example if i have witcher3 goty or call of duty or games that i don't like and\or i want gift i can give away with sg , then if i lucky maybe i can win also game STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords™ or Tomb Raider or same this.... better than nothing ha you.
2) you can check here https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/personal/community
3) i think 0,0018% (that is not bad at least for me btw i'm very happy) but maybe i'm wrong
4) if you think this is casino or disagree sg you can use website name steamtrades dot com that give you 1 game in exchange of 1 game only you must be careful to check before to give your game how much feedback have who want exchange with you for you can trust him,and you must check that who contact you is really the profile (you must check id steam) for avoid fake profiles frauds you i use steamtrades years and i got many games always happy never problems.
5) This you not pay money for play,casino you pay money for play,not same.
6)You can see have profiles like this
Give 0 but win 14
Is mean him BET nothing,so no this not casino,casino have all people bet something for win.
7) for my opinion and personal experience (But maybe i'm wrong) if you enter giveaways you find here https://www.steamgifts.com/discussions/ or also at "Play appreciated group" is + easy to win (be careful btw here there is some bad people that ban people with lies or no reason,but if you ignore them would be ok also they is easy to do stupid bad reply but just ignore them and u enter giveaway is ok)
also here + easy win https://www.steamgifts.com/happy-holidays
also here easy
but sound more strong at open page broken hears better if low at u pc.
8) Also one my friend hacker him tell me if go this
when if see 1 can enter is + easy can win,but i not know if true or not and i always do but never win nothing on that,i win when i enter other that is only 1 copy,but ok u can try

The only 1 thing wrong about this website is they must to explain better to people about games give different points on different levels this can disappoint easy many people because in the faq is explained in hard\hidden way,instead of put all that numbers or percentages and 2000 examples would be better if they write easy and clear to people "at start u get more point then level ... u get nearly 0 point also if give games value high must give many" explain sample... but if not about this all other about sg is perfect only they must fix faq in my opinion about level,explain + easy because many people my followers or friends that is thousands btw that i make them come here and let them know this website always they complain me about that faq then i must to explain to them,very bored about this.

5 years ago*

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What's the percentage you give? 😕

5 years ago

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Chances increase with dog. Even more with cat.
Cat + Dog = Massive win!

5 years ago

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I was told this was a multiple choice test.

5 years ago

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the Chance of winning is lesser then the chance of whining

5 years ago

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The chance of giving is probably even smaller.

5 years ago

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50% since there are 2 results, either you win or you don't.

5 years ago

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this is the only correct answer

5 years ago

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It's 100%.
All of the draws are either won by someone or removed as incorrect.

5 years ago

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For some, slim to one. For others, 110%.

5 years ago

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Why not try out some of the games you've already won? Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is an excellent RPG, FEAR 3 while not the best in the series is a good FPS with a great co-op mode, and Brutal Legend is a fun hack and slash / platformer featuring Jack Black.

5 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by lokosporgamesoficial.