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Ban this crap?

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I care not

These "games" have already been marked with **, making giveaways for these 0 CV. That's quite enough, in my opinion

4 months ago

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I didn't know that - so that's good to hear. Hopefully anyone trying to 'game' SG finds that out the hard way...
I don't even know why it irritated me seeing them... Guess I just woke up in a bad mood, lol.

4 months ago

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Still, I would rather ave the junk delisted here.

4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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Overpriced? Rude. They obviously paid 50$ for it.

Also I wouldn't link the Giveaways directly if I were you, calling out users and all. Maybe just link the trash's SG page. Anyways my workaround is blacklisting users who are notorious for many of these 'games'. But yes, it never stops reappearing, no matter how many of these you hide. These games keep getting made :(

I wish we could BL publishers instead.

4 months ago

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I'm not sure I agree about using direct GA links if that's just your opinion - but have updated the links as you suggest in case it's against the rules? I was trying to call out the type of game, not the user specifically - and links to the game actually calls out more users?

I agree with you about banning the publishers though!

4 months ago

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Someone told me to not do that when as a newbie, I shared a few public GA links in The Thread. I suppose this link is technically SG's front for a game, so it should be fine.

4 months ago*

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4 months ago

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they should have no value what so ever on this site and cost 0p to join

4 months ago

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I agree with that - CelestialFrog above says they give zero value to the creator - which is good. And anyone entering should check what they're giving 50p for and I agree 0p would be more appropriate.

4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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I've won some, including this one: and it's definitely worth the 50 points I paid for it. No need to ban things you don't like. You can hide them if they bother you.

4 months ago

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Fair enough - valid opinion! Just interested to see what the majority think.

4 months ago

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Sorry to reply to such an old thread. I just came across this and I was genuinely curious what you meant by "definitely worth the 50 points I paid for it." Did you mean it's comparable to other 50 point games (like some "AAA" games), or that point value doesn't matter that much, or it's worth it because 50 points has no cash value, or something else? While I don't think they should be banned, and I do routinely hide these overpriced games, I do question the point value assigned to them. (Again, I'm just curious to understand your thoughts and I mean no disrespect.)

1 month ago

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No problem. I meant that 50 points aren't worth anything if you don't use them, and I would gladly trade 50 points for any game. The game itself is not really worth playing, but some people do like hidden object games. I ended up getting quite a few of these Hede (dev/pub) games from Gleam etc. I just like collecting random junk.

I have also won these games from Indiegala for 160 points. If you're not familiar with how IG's point system works, 160 is a lot, and people complain about people using these games to level, and that they cost too much. Of course you can play a 60 second challenge on IG to get 89 points, and farm points if you like. Because they cost so much on IG, fewer people join them, so I have won quite a few there because of the increased odds of winning.

1 month ago

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Thank you for elaborating. It definitely got me thinking. The cost of giveaways may correlate with their store price, but it can never correlate with their value because that's entirely subjective. So I guess the cost of these games is what it is, and we just choose whether to enter, ignore, or hide.

I never dove into how IG giveaways work, so thanks for the info on that.

1 month ago

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They should not be banned here, they should be banned over at Valve.

4 months ago

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I thought Steam had banned a bunch before, that were clear asset flips / money laundering scams etc. I guess it's an on-going battle for them!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I dunno, I think they are charming. Not 50 euro/point worth, but if it was 2-3, I'd most likely enter them all

4 months ago

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Personally I think the keys belong in the orphan key thread or just getting deleted.

Even so actually banning them (on this site) doesn't matter. People entering the giveaways are either bots or should know what kind of game they are getting. Someone is going to want it even if it's just a game collector after the +1. The rest can just hide the game or blacklist the user.

The gifters get nothing anyway. Maybe short level boost if the game hasn't been caught by the mods yet, but they are unlikely to win anything in that time.

However it would be mildly convenient if they didn't show up in the total for gifts sent.

4 months ago

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The gifters get nothing anyway. Maybe short level boost if the game hasn't been caught by the mods yet, but they are unlikely to win anything in that time.

Sadly, partly, wrong.
Some of this games will not be set to reduced or free, and for the ones that get set to it, it takes partly years..., because their price is constant high and not goes up and down.
Some members of my group have a user in their focus that is at the moment level 6 or 7 only from around 6 of such GAs.
It's absolute insane but that's the handling at the moment.

4 months ago*

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Yes, but setting criteria for this is tricky and some might cry freedom of speech is being violated, violently, in a violent way.

4 months ago

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No and anyone who says so is not fair - if you enter or not is up to you no one makes anyone enter for any games on here and if they are marked 0 that should be enough

4 months ago

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I thought they were a vehicle for some to 'game' SG though and why I thought maybe there is a case for banning them. But - as some have said, they're worth zero CV (although that's been questioned) which makes them mostly harmless - if correct.

4 months ago

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Well some are o and some are not yet o but most will be - but I say everything is fair for a giveaway - most get used over at indiegala giveaways though as they never do a 0CV at all

I don't know if you know if you know or not that I run a month long Christmas train for the community though December and while i'd rather see more interesting games - everything is welcome there these included - if you want to enter then fine if not also fine - each person has their own choices of what they want and not or like and don't - I mean had I been entering giveaways these might get entered sometimes but for me Horror would not

4 months ago

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I'm actually ok with it now knowing it does not devalue those that have reached high SG levels through actual grinding. It's hard to level up here, and assumed some where flying up the levels with these kind of titles. But will look out for your trains :)

4 months ago

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It would be quite the task to sort through devs who use asset packs to aid in the development of games and devs who strictly make asset flips. Good luck with that.

4 months ago

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Steam should have better quality control. Not sure why SG should eliminate trashy games like that, if Steam decided it's fair game for them to exist. The ability to blacklist publishers would be great, though, the fact that I need to hide these games anytime another appears is irritating

4 months ago

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Simple the money they get to put the games on the store like all the $100

4 months ago

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I don't think SG will solve the problem if Steam itself doesn't care

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Ah - thank you - was sure it would have been discussed before. But I'm less worried now knowing it gets maintained for 0VC, as otherwise it would have devalued SG levels imo.

4 months ago

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i have more questions to ppl who keep entering those, rather than the ones who make it or even the devs themselves. like is it just compulsive hoarding or does someone genuinely want to play any of that rubbish

4 months ago

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I think I get it - I (incorrectly) look at the 'p' cost of a GA and make an assumption on it's quality. I know that's often right, but not always!

I think that's what irritated me when I saw a 50p title and thought - "ooOOo - what's this AAA game I've never heard of before?" If I see something with high p I go check it on Steam if it's something I'd play and was baffled by the AAA price for what looked like rubbish. Perhaps some enter a GA without that step, assuming it "must be good" for that price?

4 months ago

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I don't see the point in banning them considering that they're routinely marked as 0 cv, and banning them outright just brings forth the question of where the heck to draw the line between legitimate indie game that just happens to use a bunch of store bought assets and what one would normally call an asset flip. It's not like there's a particularly solid definition of what constitutes an asset flip, it's mostly vibes based or "I know one when I see it", knowing when a game is shoddily made because of mere incompetence and when it's done that way due to a lack of care motivated by a cynical intention to game the system is kinda hard.

4 months ago

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they're routinely marked as 0 cv

I didn't know that when I created the thread - and it does render them 'harmless' I guess. Can see there could be grey areas when deciding where the line is!

4 months ago

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I don't see the point in banning them considering that they're routinely marked as 0 cv

"where the heck to draw the line between legitimate indie game that just happens to use a bunch of store bought assets and what one would normally call an asset flip."

Crap games that are used to exploit the cv system on sg get sold for a few cents. In nearly all cases in the same, few, trash shops.
The other games, that are made maybe with bought assets too, aren't sold for cents. Not sold in the few trash shops.

Very easy to see the difference.

And you can assume it very sure only from looking which accounts made the GAs. You see always the same names and tiny side accounts that are most likely not main accounts on steam (so multiaccounters or totally newbies -and someone needed to show them the cheap trash shops and how to game the system on sg [so they are, in many cases, from a bubble of people that do such stuff "daily/often"])

4 months ago*

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