A Notepad file. :P
If I had more keys and stuff, I'd create a sheet. Maybe a private Google sheet. I like Google's system, because even if I fuck up by wrecking my hard drive, I won't lose my documents.
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yeah i was like you until i took arrow... err until i couldnt find a $#)((#$ anymore because i had like 400 different notepad files created (: so i moved to google documents thingy too, and im loving it!
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haha. well tbh my biggest problem became ... having too many of those damn notepad icons on my desktop. i really had like 20-30 different notepad files for different stuff, so at some point i said screw it. And im 100% positive how i forgot to import tons of keys (or just wasnt sure if they are working anymore or not because it was all too damn confusing).
google spreadsheet is awesome, even for people like me, who have no idea what are they doing :P
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I'm proud to say that my entire desktop is 99% clean of any icons or shortcuts. :P
99%, because I do still have the recycle bin and a folder (which for a reason, had to be on my desktop to function properly with some tools and stuff). Though, I also installed an application which hides desktop items until you click on the desktop. I really love it.
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I would like to use solution where I can make queries and set filters: eg. display all square enix titles from HB bundles where gift link is avaialble (unredeemed to particular email) and ROW (before region restrictions applied) AND only those having cards.
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If you want to do something like that then cook yourself up a database and learn the power of SQL!
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That would work too, but I'm not sure I'd say learning VB would necessarily be easier than learning some Microsoft Access. I was taught Microsoft Access in high school. In college, half of my class failed programming 101 (VB.Net) on their first go around.
IMO SQL hides a lot of the complexity of array manipulation by putting queries in human understandable terms (SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.firstname = 'john' AND users.lastname = 'doe').
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Access is good, too, but I think Access 2007 has become something really complex comparing to Access 2003, and using Access to manage a mere Steam key collection is overkill. Excel can handle queries like in your example pretty easily with AutoFilter, and everything is visually display, with no coding needed. VBA is just optional, used for the userform to help speed up data input.
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Same as Mullins I use google spreadsheet. My columns include game name, retail price, key/link, date acquired, source (bundle name), notes (additional activation key or whatever), winner name, date given away. I can sort by any of those columns easily if I want to see high value not given away, or sort by bundle name, or whatever.
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Get the data from the DB through Python and format it nicely in HTML, send that to the browser -> done. ^^
Also good luck fiddling with the feature lacking Steam API. xD
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Sorry, I've never used Python.
And from my personal experience: Stay away from SQLite, slightly different syntax than SQL, less features and it will lock your HDD, if you want to do something more (advanced) with it.
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i'm a PHP programmer, so it's made with PHP. in old version, it was one simple php file, with html parts. now it's updated to cms i'm writing, it is built with PHP on backend and have HTML views with RainTPL (stripped down Smarty) templater placeholders.
to process data, i have simple posts that are sent to backend and processed.
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RainTPL is templater -> meaning I don't write PHP code into HTML code (really dislike writing PHP code in HTML), than pass that template file to php and templater builds php file with all those placeholder replaced with values I created and passed to it in PHP side.
I'm pretty sure there are same stuff like this for Python. Or you can make one yourself. I'm using bit outdated RainTPL version, just have made changes to it to suit my needs
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send is when i give key to someone, mostly by sending giveaway game to winner or doing trading. it just marks as sent in database and is no longer displayed in list below. created is when i create a giveaway or need that key for something, just to mark that it's reserved and i don't use it for something else, it's also then is not printed in that trading list. uncreated just undo creation option
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You're welcome! Now I just have to get that tattoo removed...again. :)
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I imagine you often get into that awkward situation when you're trying to talk to random strangers and they just stare on the monitor of their PC eagerly typing some letters and numbers real fast while sporadically admiring your tattoos.
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Yeah, it was kind of annoying at first, but you get used to it. :)
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What would you suggest for steam gifts and keys for trade management?Some sort of database or custom CMS or text file/Excel table?
What do YOU use?
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