I preordered Uncharted 3 Collectors Edition from Gamestop.com and while I did receive Uncharted 3 (yeah I also play PS3) my Penny Arcade Uncharted Poster was missing. A part of their preorder deal, was a pretty nice Penny Arcade Uncharted poster and since I love Penny Arcade and Uncharted, I was pretty excited for that poster.

So I mailed their support, which auto-replied that I will have an answer 24-48 hours later. Two weeks later.... I received this reply: "All free bonus items are advertised as limited in supply and are issued on a first come first serve basis. Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee that all customers will receive these free items. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."

Derp "first come first serve basis" you say Gamestop. Well I pre-ordered the game months in advance, they had the advert for the poster all the way up to launch and I know from other forums, that people who ordered after me has received the poster.

What Gamestop really wanted to say is: Sorry we fucked up, but since you are an international customer, we will not spend money on fixing our mistake, derp.

I guess I learned a lesson from this, Gamestop are assholes, like everybody says.

13 years ago*

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I'm not gonna make any promises but hopefully I can help you out with that one of these days.

13 years ago

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Thanks man.

13 years ago

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If you didn't preorder then I would agree with GameStop's stand on this one. The bonuses are all definitely first-come-first-serve, but if you preordered that far in advance then there's no reason you shouldn't have gotten it. Besides, the big clue that they were assholes was the Deus Ex: Human Revolution fiasco.

13 years ago

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I really wish they left the codes alone but when they're barely keeping afloat I can't blame them

13 years ago

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What do you mean barely keeping afloat? They have no serious competition in the way of game sales (especially those of used game sales which they continue to thrive on despite the additions of "online passes") and have operated well in the black for years (http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9OTQ0NzZ8Q2hpbGRJRD0tMXxUeXBlPTM=&t=1 <-- PDF Warning). Frankly, GameStop gets away with screwing people over because... well... where else are you gonna go?

13 years ago

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People could always learn to get their games online.

13 years ago

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I did and they advertised with the bonus all the way up to launch. At that time they would have known if they didn't had enough posters, which almost makes it false advertising.

13 years ago

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I think the first come, first served is when you go pick up the game in the store. They only have X amount of posters, and if you go pick up your game after X amount of people, well, SOL. Not 100% sure about this.

13 years ago

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The first come, first serve basis is based on who shows up to pick it up first, not who preordered it first. The only possible way I can think of to boost your chances of getting it is to make absolute sure to call in and reserve the bonus. I assume that they have the same policy as with games where if you call in, they'll hold it for you for a while.

13 years ago

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My order was from their website (where they advertised with it), not a store order.

I'm from Denmark, so it's a bit hard to pick up the poster locally :>

13 years ago

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Have you ever seen that steam's pre-order bonuses, or normal order bonuses are first come first serve?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Great video. Sad, but true :P

13 years ago

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They also cheat a law.

13 years ago

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the did the same thing with me and oblivion, beautiful gold Septim coin that you receive from the collectors edition, MISSING, i was so upset. From then on, i stopped using them

13 years ago

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Gamestop aren't assholes.. They're a company. Just like every other one out there, they care about their income, not about their costumers.

13 years ago

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Some companies out there still take care of their customers. I recently had a very good experience with Logitech.

13 years ago

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I've had many good experiences with Logitech. :D

13 years ago

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companies have to provide their customers what they have paid for, or they will eat sh1t eventually. After the "steam key removal" incident, gamestop is done for me..

13 years ago

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I stopped caring about all these 'extras' a long time ago. Though I do have my old cloth map from Ultima Online somewhere.

13 years ago

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I haven't been able to find mine in years. :(

Ah, the nostalgia runs deep.

13 years ago

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Haha I remember trying to show my friends how 'awesome' the game was. I created a character, ran around for 5 seconds, got killed by a rat, then watched at 10 players swarm on my dead body like vultures, picked me clean, then ran away in the span of about 2 seconds.

They were summarily unimpressed with the game :P

I wonder if I have the necklace still around...

13 years ago

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Major dick move there, Gamestop.

If there was only a digital reseller for console games with printable posters, printable manuals and such...

13 years ago

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they did that to me with chrono cross. why i never prebuy from them.

13 years ago

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Gamestop is terrible, I thought everyone knew that. That sucks what happened to you Erroneus, but unfortunately I can't say I'm surprised.

13 years ago

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Well I heard about it, but actually here in Denmark they are quite nice. Sure they are not the cheapest bunch, but they have some fair deals sometimes and don't screw up more then any other game store out there.

I'm sure Gamestop.com doesn't screw over everyone of their customers, so I guess I was just a bit unlucky.

But it looks like I'm getting a poster via some nice guys in the UK, which are receiving a bunch of them from a US gamestop employee, working in a shop, which have plenty extra.

13 years ago

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gamestop can go lenghts to remove free steam keys inside original package, what would you expect?

13 years ago

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Ask a guy that worked for gamestop anything...

What happens is that employees take the preorder bonuses and its not a few "bad apples", its rampant through the entire gamestop chain. GS is an awful company to work for and to support. A good gamestop that actually has decent costumer service is the exception.

13 years ago

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I still can't tell if the gamestop i work at is an exception but then again I've only worked there for 3 days with the 4th coming up 2morrow

13 years ago

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Does your gamestop

1.) Pocket unclaimed or "old" preorder money?

2.) "Misplace" preorders?

3.) Lets employees check out new games and turns around and sells them as new?

4.) Releases games BEFORE the slated release times to "select" individuals?

5.) Take a large amount or ALL preorder gifts or other event merchandise and distribute to "regulars" (who may or may not have preordered the game in question) OR sell them on ebay etc?

6.) Do managers either participate in or allow employees to work "side jobs" such as PSP hacking etc? (During work hours and in store)

As far as working for them..

1.) Underpay the employees? (Below minimum wage)

2.) Force employees to use the prepaid card thing that costs you to use it?

13 years ago

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Lol, no to all of the above ^_^ I swear that prepaid card thing has to be the WORST idea ever. I mean a fee for doing withdrawals? C'mon :( I'm surprised there wasn't a fee just for looking at it >.>

13 years ago

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6.) Do managers either participate in or allow employees to work "side jobs" such as PSP hacking etc? (During work hours and in store)

Haha what? Since when do gamestops do that?

13 years ago

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by prepaid card are you referring to a debit-card like thing instead of a paper paycheck? cuz i know a lot of companies are going to similar systems

13 years ago

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If the card worked just like a regular debit card that you could use any number of times for free it wouldnt be an issue, however, the service that gamestop uses charges for usage. I feel that its a rather shady practice forcing people to use a service that charges employees to withdraw or use the money they worked for. Maybe they changed it since ive worked for them, but from what I hear from a current manager it doesnt sound like it.

13 years ago

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Gamestop and Best Buy have both screwed me out of skyrim.

13 years ago

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Ouch. Sold out?

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Erroneus.