Spookifying Thread 2017

...Here we go again!

Summer is waving us goodbye. For us northerners, the leaves are falling, and the winds have become frigid. Before we knew it, October has crept up on us. Autumn (AKA Fall) is a time most know for being the time of the last harvest before the long, cold Winter, eating/drinking seasonal goodies, and collecting sweets (mostly only in America, though). For some of use, however... October is the month of spookiness (ooooh), skeletons (TOOT!) and horror stories (muhahahah).

As for me, October is the month of forum beautification, and the season of Spookifying™.
Ladies, Gentlemen, and other fine people and creatures of Steamgifts, welcome to the third installment of the official "Spookifying Thread".

Information! Yay!

What is spookifying? Spookifying™ (trademark jbondguy007, 2015) is the art of turning innocent, cute, or boring profile pictures into the creatures of your nightmares (slight dramatization, there).

To request a spookification, simply post below asking me to spookify you. Then wait, and hope that the JbondRoulette™ picks you (disclaimer: There is no such thing as a JbondRoulette™, sorry to disappoint). If you are chosen, you will receive a reply containing an attached link to your spookified profile image!

However, this will work the same as last year and the year before; NOT everyone will be spookified. In fact, once again, only a handful of you will get their profile picture spookified. If you check the previous Spookifying threads (see links below), you'll notice that spookifying is hard work, and takes time. To put it in perspective, we have more stats (yay, stats!):

Last year, the thread was opened on October 18th and closed on October 29th.It generated over 150 requests, of which around 120 were spookified.

With that in mind, here's how this works:

  1. I will be choosing users profile pictures to spookify at semi-random (if someone looks good to work with, I'll give it a try).
  2. This is not first come first serve - I may or may not spookify you.
  3. I'm lazy and busy. Sometimes I'll drop by to spookify a few profiles, but I'm not making any promises to anyone.
  4. You do not need to provide a high quality image; I'll work with your profile picture directly. However, I may also accept special requests.
  5. My little sister (who is a pretty good artist, but unfortunately not a SG user - damn you $100 requirement!) will join in the fun by helping me spookify a few profile images. This should both speed up the process a bit and insure more of the requests are responded to. If you prefer a style over another, you may request that one of us handle your spookifying instead of the other - we may not always accept, but we'll try to take it into consideration. ^^

EDIT: Thanks to a generous friend, NinjaPopcorn reached the value requirement to join SG and will reply directly to users with her own spookifications. :3

That's all there is to it. Now let's begin spamming jbond and NinjaPopcorn with unpaid volunteer work! :D

This thread will be open until October 31st (hopefully)
Please remember to sync your account after switching profile picture!

Previous threads

Spookifying Thread 2015
Spookifying Thread 2016
Christmasifying Thread 2015
Christmasifying Thread 2016

Spookifications so far:

Total images: 90
NOTE: Spookified images are "owned" by the original profile image's user; please do not use them without asking first as they may not appreciate that.

Batch 1: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 2: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 3: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 4: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 5: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 6: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 7: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 8: jbond | NinjaPopcorn
Batch 9: jbond

7 years ago*

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One serving of spookified pizza please! :D

7 years ago

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Spookify me if you want :3

7 years ago

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i'm late but maybe you could give it a try with bubbles :)

7 years ago

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Alright, tried for one last push with a 10 images batch. I don't think I'll be able to make much more before November rolls in (maybe I'll do 5 more tomorrow if I can). Not sure how many NinjaPopcorn can or will make, but I'm thinking that we're pretty much done for this year, so submitting additional requests unfortunately won't get you in the queue at this point. Sorry! ^^

7 years ago

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I just saw the Jimmy Hopkins picture! Damn, it looks great! :O Thank you so much! I'll apply it right now!

7 years ago

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i take the spookified from last year boo ^^

7 years ago

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No, man... Just no. Your avatar is really creeping me out. You will change it, right? D: Sorry for complaining, but seeing it the first thing in the morning...

I got this comment this morning about last years avatar.. Wanted to let you know I'm scaring people! :D

7 years ago

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Glad to hear it's fulfilling its purpose. >:D

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by jbondguy007.