Will be added when we get an answer, since I see restarting won't help :P for now I will leave, when I'm back I'll add more questions/answers
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16,723 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by Kenruyoh
353 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Mayanaise
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180 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ev4Gr33n
This thread is dedicated in cleansing the forum from unneeded spam of the same threads asking questions that can be answered by the simply power of Google, yet lets help each other here.
Steamgifts/Support related
1) My giveaway got deleted/this guy leaked my giveaway/I accidentally made an accident by creating a giveaway, what should I do?
A common silliness in some new users on steamgifts is to create a topic related to support in the general forum instead of the support page, please adress all that on this page, and in case you did created a giveaway accidentally, you can delete it on the giveaway page itself.
I also recommend imperative for the new users to read the FAQ/Rules.
2) Someone: blacklisted me/entered my giveaway while being blacklisted/still in my group giveaway even after I kicked him.
A person is allowed to have a blacklist only in private and group giveaways, excluding very large and public groups, such as the SteamGifts official group, he must have the approval from steamgifts support(NOTE: specific contents on the blacklists are not monitored or approved by SteamGifts staff in any way, and all questions, complaints, appeals, and so on are on the blacklist's creator responsibility.), and the list may not contain more specific information other than the users' SteamGifts usernames, as it may result in calling out, and you can get your account suspended for that.
If you got blacklisted, try speak with the creator in a civil manner, maybe there was some a problem between you two that can be resolved without a clashing drama. If someone who was in your blacklist won the giveaway(and you didn't changed the list during the giveaway), you can ask for a reroll, if you did added the person towards the blacklist and he won, you can only reroll if the winner agrees with that. Same for group giveaways, you can reroll a giveaway if the person was kicked before the giveaway ended(you must show the Support proof such as group's history, which would include the kick date/time), if the person got kicked after the giveaway has ended, you can only reroll with the winner's agreement.
3) I paid so much for a game to giveaway, and it only gave me little amount of Contribution Value(CV), why? help??? I WANT REFUND!!!
There is something called bundled games, games that where in bundles like Humble Bundle, Indie Gala, etc.. , you don't get the full value of the game(explained here), and such games are marked with an * when selecting games during the creation of the giveaway. No one will give you a refund, and if you do want a refund, you missed the main point of this website.
Gifting/Purchasing related
1) Is [game] region locked in [Country]?
A common question, I recommend you to instal Enhanced Steam, not only it will show database of games, but also will tell you the history of the game's discounts and etc. After installing, on your browser go to steam store, and add ?cc=ru in the end of the address Ex: http://store.steampowered.com/app/218620/?cc=ru for Russia, for other countries, here is a list of country codes.
If you check Payday 2, it will tell you that the game will run only in Russia and CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States) aka region locked, but not all games have this warning.
Click on the "View on Steam Database" link
You will see bellow two important parts: PurchaseRestrictedCountries, onlyallowrunincountries.
If a game only has PurchaseRestrictedCountries, it means it can only be bought in that country, but can be run anywhere, if it has also onlyallowrunincountries(and your country not being mentioned on them), it means it is region locked, and you will not be able to run, unless in those countries. And make sure it is a Russian trader buying the game for you, don't try using VPNs and other ways to buy it yourself cheaper, getting your account banned is simply not worth it.
To revert your steam store back to normal, add your country code in the end of http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=yourcountrycode
2) [Under Construction, to be cleanse from grammatical errors and etc.]
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