The Sonic.exe creepypasta is too much for me...
And the Lavender Town Syndrome introduced me to the whole creepypasta thing...
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Not really that into Horrorgames, though I played Amnesia: The Dark Descent and years ago I was for a weekend at my sisters with a friend of hers who is scared by everything but loves horrorfilms/games nonetheless.
She never heard of Amnesia before and we got her to play it in the evenings (naturally when it was dark and without lights on^^)....never thought it could be so funny to watch a person who loves to get scared losing their shit pretty much after each step she did in the game.. one of the best weekends ever :O
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Lol, that's pretty much me in horror games. Movies, shows, books and pretty much every medium except games never scare me. However, I love being scared. I will pretty much freak out and jump at every shadow and sound, even if nothing happens :P I sometimes even get scared in non-horror games...which is hilarious and embarrassing at the same time. =P
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Ah she gets scared by everything...we also saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 in 3D in the cinema with her and I will never forget the Godrics Hollow Scene with Nagini there...where right at the end of it Nagini jumps at the viewer(2min:35sec+):
Got to her too
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My favorite Halloween experiences consisted on the planification of how to get the more candy I could. It involved deceptive and manipulative actions with my group of friends.
I used to live at a Natural Reserve in the middle of nowhere. Two friends and I used to go to a river to catch some crayfish. It was December night, we were returning to our homes after spending the day doing the latter, saying some silly stuff while walking a dirt road that was next to the river. Unexpectedly, we hear the most maniacal and terrifying "laughter/scream" by the river and we froze right at that moment. My friends were telling me with their eyes: What the hell should we do now? We just remained still for a moment and then we all decided it would be best to spend the night all together at a friend's house.
My favorite horror story must be Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker link
My favorite horror game is Resident Evil, the first one. But not because of the game per se, but because what happened when I was playing it.
Same location, the natural reserve. It was an ordinary sunset, me being inside my room playing Resident Evil, I was walking towards the roof to fight against the final boss when suddenly, i hear something at my roof, like a rock falling over it (it was a metallic roof so it was loud).
My first thought was: must be my shitty friends trying to get me out of my house to play some soccer. I proceeded to ignore them. Kept playing it, died at my first try against the boss, I missed all my grenade launcher shots, fuck me! Again, the same sound. Enough was enough. I stand up, angry ready to yell at my friends.
I reach the living room, SMASH!!!!. The sound of shattered glass envelopes me and forces me to focus all my attention on the back door. The next thing I see was a fucking full bearded man with red eyes like if he was smoking pot holding a hammer and trying to open the door with his other hand through the hole where just moments before, there was a tiny glass window.
I have to admit, I was scared shitless because it was my first time experiencing a robbery. We saw each other directly to the eyes, there was uncertainty in his expression. He started to move his arm again towards the door lock, and that is when I snapped out of the shock. I had a big ass machete laying besides the front door and I ran for it, the man noticed this and ran away. I was now enraged and tried to chase him and realized he cut a hole on my metal wire fence, the fence was facing the forest so I stopped the chase there. Didn't feel like chasing a fucking criminal at the forest really.
Never saw him again, and never finished Resident Evil because of that.
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I love that novella by Clive Barker, I actually like a bunch of his works. I also love the fact that you posted all 5 things I asked for. XD
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The man must fulfill the requests. Also, nice to find another Clive Barker reader.
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Don't really celebrate Halloween but here's one that I enjoy :)
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I do believe I had that book on cassette read by R.Z himself. No idea where it went...but considering I don't have anything that can play a cassette anymore, guess it doesn't really matter. :/ I will have to buy the book again. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again. =D
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My gf love to spook me out all the time ><
Walking around the corner - there she is, trying to scare me.
Getting out of the corner - she's trying to surprise me.
Today the scariest thing happened, we went together to an old tower, with not much people. While climbing the stairs I found a secret path and took it. When I reached a dead end and turned around - there she was. I was really scared and even scream.
yea yea...
Anyway, have the spookiest theme song for me -
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Lol, my hubby does that to me, but he doesn't have to works. :'( Love that theme song. <3
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I sadly never got to see a real halloween, as it doesn't happen in my country. It really stinks since halloween always seemed like the coolest holiday to me, I always saw it in games and movies, and always wished we had it here in Israel. I really love horror films and horror themed things, so I would really love to have it.
This year I'm gonna visit london and be there during halloween, my friend from london told me halloween isn't really big there so I might not see much, but I'm hoping to still see the decorations in real life for the first time! And if I'm lucky, maybe I will see some people dressed up in evil costumes. So, I think my "favorite halloween experience" is yet to come. :)
My favorite horror game is "enda and harvey - harvey's new eyes", it's a cartoon styled point and click game with an horror themed story, which is EXACTLY the description of my favorite type of games. It was the first game I ever bought and played on steam, and the first point and click game I played since the 90s (used to love them as a kid), and also the first one I ever played in english. I loved it so much, the story was evil in a very funny and smart way, and I love smart horror stories that are not just "jump scares" and "ewww moments". I think it was a great game that deserves much more credit than it gets, and probably shouldn't be as cheap as it is.
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I hope you get the Halloween you hope for and enjoy your trip even if it's not all that great of a Halloween. =]
:O I feel so bad for having never heard of that game, wishlisted of future purchase immediately. XD
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Enjoy some october jazz!
The Great Pumpkin Waltz from charlie brown, rearranged
Big fan of Guaraldi, one of the best jazz pianists.
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That was an absolute pleasure to listen to, thank you and will look into your other suggestions very soon. =D
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As for a Halloween experience that I look fondly back on, once when I was trick or treating the guy who answered the door had on a red cloak and a SUPER realistic looking demon mask. I was 8 or 9 and old enough to know everything on Halloween is just costumes, but for some reason all logic abandoned me and I screamed and took off running when the door opened and I saw him. My dad had to chase me a block, and when we got back to the guy's house he was almost dying from laughter.
If you're looking for something spooky/weird to play, I'd recommend Doki Doki Literature Club. It's a free VN and well, if you haven't played it yet I'll leave you to discover what it's really about.
And here's a song that's a little melancholy and a little creepy
Edit: It's in Japanese but there are subs if you hit the CC button.
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Wow, I had actually just downloaded that VN on steam today... :O I really liked that song, thanks. =]
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OH MY GOD CAN I DO ALL OF THESE? I can do all of these, right? I might not even enter the GAs, I just like Halloween and being whitelisted, even though I actually don't know what being whitelisted does?...
Favorite Halloween experience
When I was... I dunno, late teens? When I was in my late teens, me and my mum went to Alton Towers for Halloween. It's a theme park in my country, and it has one of the best rollercoasters in the world! It's called Nemesis, and the theme of the coaster is riding through some kind of eldrich abomination; there are rivers of blood, and structures of bone, and plumes of smoke... It really is one of the highest rated rollercoasters in the world, look it up! Besides that, every Halloween they have an event where the park stays open super late and they have lots of spooky decorations and attractions. There's a huge castle in front of a lake that they light up. There are winding paths through the park that were pitch black except for ghostly lights and creepy figures. There are people wandering around in costumes, like a pumpkin-head guy (I got a picture!). We both went in fancy dress too: my mum was a vampire, and I was a black cat. A few years later, we did the same thing but dragged my stepdad and future-husband along as well. (I was a pirate and husband was a L4D2 Hunter). We went into a haunted house on the second trip, and it's not an experience I'll be repeating. I love horror, but I SUCK at haunted houses and freak out every time...
Creepy story that happened to you
Hmm. I'll be honest, I don't have many. I'm one of those people who has never seen a ghost, or had a supernatural encounter. Boring, isn't it? I'll give you another story from my teenage years.
So, I moved around a lot as a kid, and between 12-16 or so, I lived in one house that was in a reasonably normal suburban neighbourhood. My best friend from school lived about ten doors down the street, so we spent a lot of time together. Directly next to my house was a snicket that lead into lots of open fields (which I heard have been built on now, so depressing). Walking across the fields lead to a wood, and walking through the wood lead to a reservoir, and walking around the reservoir apparently lead to an abandoned stone quarry. Well, my best friend told me that there were lots of rumours about the quarry, or more specifically, who lived in it. She said that it had become the home of a devil-worshipping cult. They were cannibals and read porn magazines all day. They wore robes that hid their faces. They lived around a temple they had built: the first chamber was safe to enter, but it was said that the second chamber had a poltergeist in it that would possess you and drive you insane. Furthermore, the devil worshippers were benign at daytime and generally ignored the presence of outsiders, but if you stayed past sunset, they would chase you and carve satanic symbols into your skin. If the person they caught was a female, sometimes they'd impregnate her and curse the baby. By the way, my best friend and I actually tried to approach the quarry once, but when we got close we noticed that all the tree trunks nearby had strange red and black symbols painted on them, and we chickened out and went back home. Finally, to add the creepy cherry on the horror cake, there were certain nights every once in a while where it was rumoured they would walk all the way across the quarry, reservoir, woods and fields, walk down the snicket next to my house that connected it to the neighbourhood, and walk through the streets chanting and ringing a bell before returning to their lair. If they came upon someone during this procession, they would again chase them, but this time also attempt to murder them.
One night after school, I was sitting in my bedroom doing whatever teenage girls do when I heard, outside my bedroom window and in the distance, chanting and a bell. My bedroom was on the second floor of the house, at the back and facing the fields. I looked outside, but didn't see anything. The sounds approached. I grabbed my rape alarm and flung myself onto the floor, waiting for them to go away. The rape alarm was some thing I got given for free at some event which I can not even slightly recall; it was on a long cord that looped around your neck, and at the end of the cord was a metal plug which was pulled out to sound the alarm. Well, after a few minutes of waiting and in my nervousness and stupidity, I decided to swing the alarm around on my finger, the g-force of which separated the alarm from the cord and sent it shrieking and flying across the room. The noise was cacophonous. I freaked the absolute fuck out, scrambled to get the alarm, shoved the plug back into it and waited for my house to be overrun with murderous devil worshippers like so many of those awful purge movies.
Nothing happened. The sounds went away. Never heard them again. Being a rational adult totally grown-up person now, I'm sure my friend made that story up to scare me -- but that doesn't explain what I heard that night, which I never mentioned to her. Nor does it explain the weird symbols on the trees close to the quarry. Does that count as a creepy story? TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!
Favorite creepy story that you have heard/read(linking to it is fine)
I love creepypasta. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of them suck. Here's one that made my skin crawl when I read it.
“Daddy, I had a bad dream.” You blink your eyes and pull up on your elbows. Your clock glows red in the darkness—it’s 3:23.
“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?”
“No, Daddy.”
The oddness of the situation wakes you up more fully. You can barely make out your daughter’s pale form in the darkness of your room.
“Why not sweetie?”
“Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up.” For a moment, you feel paralyzed; you can’t take your eyes off of your daughter. The covers behind you begin to shift.
Appropriately themed:
Music Box -- Nox Arcana
I've never embedded an image on this site before, I'm not sure how to.
Okay, I spent like twenty minutes googling Halloween jokes and not a single one of them was funny. Pass.
This would literally be The Raven so let's just imagine it instead.
Tell me about your favorite Horror game and the experience you had with it
I've always loved horror, but that game was the first time I realised I loved horror games too. Unfortunately, I absolutely can't play them. Well, okay, I can handle things like Bioshock, but anything in which you get chased is out of the window. Ever since I can remember, I've had a fear of being chased. Even playing tag kinda freaked me out at school. (I didn't mind, I was fat and slow so I sucked at it anyway.)
Amnesia was such an amazing experience for me. I watched an entire playthrough on YouTube, and then played through with my husband controlling. We were in a long distance relationship at the time, and he streamed the whole thing to me. I knew everything about the game, but he didn't have a clue, so it was really fun to listen to him experience it for the first time. I think Amnesia was absolutely what the horror video game genre needed to shake it away from the direction it was headed in. It was subtle, atmospheric, rough, immersive and terrifying. The soundtrack was hands-down the best soundtrack I have heard for a horror game; the track that plays when you are being chased by a monster is literally the feeling of terror I get at being chased if you could translate it into sound. A deafening, grating, screaming panic. It's so good. The puzzles weren't anything special, but still good. The story was a bit cheesy, but I loved it.
One of the endings was particularly meaningful to me too. [SPOILER ALERT, YO]
The one in which Daniel takes revenge upon Alexander by reducing him to dust. The shadow stops chasing him, and alone, he has to climb and fight his way all the way back through the castle again. Once he's outside, it collapses, and he begins a new life. I like that he describes his journey as "hellfire, made to wash away [his] sins". At the time, I was going through a very rough time in my life, and I reasoned that perhaps it was a similar journey for a similar reason. Turns out I was wrong, but at the time, it was symbolic and relatable. Also, the particular track that plays through the credits of that ending (Daniel's Theme) is my absolute favourite from the game.
It's unbelievable that the game was made by a handful of guys in the middle of Europe, and the entire soundtrack composed by another guy. It's a testament to how a mind-blowing game can be made with a small budget and a few hands, if only the talent and passion are present. Frictional Games remains one of my favourite game companies. Did you know that Amnesia: TDD was planned to be their final project? After completing their Penumbra series (also very good), they were going bankrupt, and they basically decided to throw everything they had into one final game and call it a day. A similar story to the first Final Fantasy, really. The labour of love really shows, if you ask me.
... It's such a shame the sequel wasn't scary at all.
H A P P Y O C T O B E R 🎃
Edit: NO NO WAIT I CHANGED MY MIND! That creepypasta okay is above, but one of my FAVOURITE creepy stories is Uzumaki by Junji Ito. Absolutely fantastic manga. I have a hardback copy and I treasure it. <3
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Well October is my favorite month because my birthday falls in October. Yay October babies. I also love the fall weather where you can wear a light jacket to go with your clothing.
Don't really have any scary story I can think of but I do love horror movies. But I prefer ones that messes with your head and not just the ones that show a lot of blood and people getting killed. Most recent scary movie I got to see was The Shining and that movie was creepy as heck. Jack Nicholson is one creepy man and I can't seem to rationalize everything in the movie.
I guess my favorite halloween experience was when I was younger my dad took me to the mall with my sister to get candy. It was cool since we got to go around and get a lot of candies. I think that was my first and last time I got to go trick or treating. We never really did that again or going from houses to houses.
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Well, happy belated or early birthday. :P My B-day is in boring old June, it gets so hot here in Louisiana, US that I just don't do anything for it and stay home. Well, my kids make me a card, so that's nice. :P I really like the Shining, the novel, it's sequel Doctor Sleep and both movies. Well, I guess one was a mini-series? Meh, still a movie imho.
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Thank you, it was Oct 4th. I'm becoming an old man now. June is awesome because it is summer time haha. I never read the book and maybe I should go and read it as well. Actually, I should just try to read Stephen King's novel. I have never ready any. The last book I really have read was the A song of fire and ice aka AGOT. Didn't know the shining had a sequel. I'll have to check that out with my friend.
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent is definitely my favorite horror game. Even though I like the more modern take Outlast used, Amnesia was my first experience with a game where you had to just run/hide, and I thought that was such a cool idea.
As for Halloween music, Spooky Scary Skeletons is a classic.
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Love the for Outlast... shudder One day I shall finish that day, for now, my character hides in a bathroom stall or locker where I put them after trying to play that game a few times...
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We do not have Halloween here in Brazil but I think it must be a really cool holiday to experience. My favourite horror game is Saw. I own it on Steam and like it very much. I haven't finished yet because horror games make me anxious and stressed. Hope to finish it someday. ;)
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Interesting, I didn't even know that there was a Saw video game. Good luck on finishing it one day.
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Thanks. And if you ever get a chance to grab a copy (unfortunately not sold on steam anymore), I really recommend it. Even more so if you watched and liked the movies. You experience a sense of urgency that makes the game very enjoyable.
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Yeah, I really liked the movies, I also noticed that it would be difficult to get a hold of, maybe one day. :P
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That was so melancholy...wish it was a bit longer, but it didn't need to be. Thanks.
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My fav horror..survival horror game of all time i Resident evil, I got to play RE4 years ago by chance and at begging I didn't understand the game but days later i gave it another try and found out that it works better using a controller and damn that was the best game I played back then! Haha I remember my first encounter with the bella sisters that shit was scary.
I have so many good memories with this game and actually thanks to it i got to play RE5, RE3, RE2, RE ORC then RE6 but RE 6 is on steam and that was my first time to ever know about steam so i guess thanks to that simple game I got to meet people who have simliar interests as I have and got to know more games :3
Recently someone recommened me to play The Evil within and found a good sale on it on a certain site and told me about, and man that game is awesome it reminds me of RE 4 so much!
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When I was a kid, we used to be terrified of this one house and always skipped it at Halloween. There were stories and rumors and all sorts of scary reasons to avoid it, but no one knew the truth and for years we just walked past it and on to the next house. It was frighteningly overgrown, with big untrimmed hedges and gnarled trees. Finally when I was about 12 or 13, I told everyone I was going to go to "that house" and trick-or-treat. The other kids tried to talk me out of it, but I wouldn't change my mind and nervously went up to the door and rang the bell. (They all ran away, assuming something terrible was about to happen to me.)
After a few minutes, the door slowly creaked open and some old lady answered. I squeaked out a tiny "trick or treat!" and she said "one moment" and shut the door. I contemplated running away, but for some reason my feet wouldn't move. After what seemed an eternity, the door creaked open again, and there she stood, holding a plate with six huge homemade caramel popcorn balls. She said she assumed Halloween was a dying tradition so she only made a few, just in case anyone came to her house, and that I was the first one in years.
I was dumbfounded. Here was this sweet old woman who had no idea we were terrified of her. Suddenly all my fears were gone. I took one of the popcorn balls and took a bite, and at that moment it seemed like the most delicious thing I had ever tasted! She gave me a little paper bag with a second one to take home for later. Then she said I could come visit her any time, not just for Halloween, and I promised I would come back.
The next day I returned, and she invited me in. Her home was lovely, and she had a tiny beautiful garden out back with the most delicious yellow flowers. I could not stop smelling them! (To this day, I still love freesia, and they always remind me of her.) She told me all about how her husband had been killed in a work accident many years before and she didn't get out much and was getting too old to care for the yard. Over the years I visited her often. I would even borrow my dad's lawn mower and mow the yard and help water and weed. She had so many stories and was just the nicest lady.
I finally went off to college, and when I was home for the holidays one year I noticed a For Sale sign on her house. My parents said she had passed away in her sleep and they only found her because a neighbor's dog wouldn't stop barking at the door. It made me sad that she died alone... but at least I hope our friendship meant something to her, as she sure made a huge impression on me.
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:'( All the emotions I am feeling right now...that, poor, sweet old lady....I'm sure she really enjoyed your visits. :) I actually got a bit teary-eyed at this one.
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It isn't the first game series that comes to mind when you think of horror, but any Dark Souls entry is by far the scariest thing I've played. The stress of walking through a dark, narrow hallway with the goal of self-preservation, knowing any number of horrific demons can jump out at any moment, is truly terrifying.
Not to mention those Mimics. Nothing like entering a small room thinking you found a chest of loot, only find out it's spindly legged tooth-box with the intention of kicking you into next Tuesday.
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I would definitely say that Dark Souls has a bit of a horror element. I'm horrible at games, so I would probably never play it. :P
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Like Moony, Here in France Helloween in not common, but I like this day, so every years I'm the only one in my city to make a scare light & sound show, here a video for you:
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Probably the time I got pushed down a set of stairs. By nothing. I was alone in the house at the time
Or the fact that my dead grandpa is apparently chilling around is offspring and we've all had experiences. My personal favourites (and the ones I can remember off the top of my head) is that he told me to eat my broccoli when I was 4 after being dead for over 5 years and him visiting one of my cousins, but apparently didn't want to scare her so he put a laundry basket over his head
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For me one of the best horror games were dead space series.i would literally run on seeing the enemies and the background score in 1st 2 games were good enough to feel creepy.this was the 1st game that made me felt like that afraid to take a step front to play
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Yes, the Dead Space games are pretty good and very creepy.
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Update: Okay! This has been a blast. Thank you all so much for the posts. I loved each and every one of them. I even found some great, music, books, games and stories! Everyone that has posted here has received a spot on my whitelist, so enter any of the giveaways you wish to do so if you haven't done so already. Y'all may continue to post anything October related if you wish, however you must let me know if you want to join a giveaway before I whitelist you. The giveaways will be open until October 10th 2 PM CDT.
There doesn't seem to be any interest for some whitelist only giveaways that I made for my community and a community that I am a part of, so I have decided to also include this community in my giveaways.
So, since just adding anyone that wants to join to my whitelist is boring, here are the strings attached to being whitelisted:
I love October, it is my favorite month of the year, so post one or more of the following.
Have fun with this, also if you have no desire to join my whitelist giveaways, feel free to post anyway. I want all things spooky, spoopy, creepy, horrifying, terror-filled, etc.
These are the giveaways:
Incredible Dracula: Chasing Love Collectors Edition
Witch It
Hopefully this is all formatted appropriately...
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