May be:
Dev made keys invalid
Brazilian guy is lieing
You got bad luck with trades and your friend's friend lied
Holy astronomical cow, maybe everyone is telling the truth and everything just failed. :|
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Those seem like possible explanations, but I'm not sure how the Brazillian guy's lying if the other American guy says the same thing the Brazilian guy said...
Also, how would my friend's friend be lying if my friend and my friend's friend has done more than 100 trades?
Plus, if dev did invalidate steam keys for his game, how'd the other winner activate the steam key he won?
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He could have activated on another account or given it to a friend in that case it would say dupe no matter what.After all you gave the key to the guy before you did the one friend from the U.S so if the person you gave it to used it and said did not work as it duped it would say the same for whoever after tried using it.So saying it was the same for him means little of if the key was valid before that since it was already in the hands of the GA winner and he could have used it and just said it was a dupe.
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Well, turns out I was wrong about 1 thing - the dev never did invalidate keys...
And a search on reveals that none of the users on the second winner's friendslist owns Chaos Ride anyways...
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You did your home work but still 2 keys in a row and they never where invalidated,maybe he traded them or maybe he has an alt and he farmed the cards or like i said before maybe he is being truthful
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Well, if that proves to be the case, then I have absolutely no idea who he sent/traded them to.
Also, I don't remember Chaos Ride having trading cards.
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Keys are still valid, mine worked with a giveaway and randomly giving them away in a chat.
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Unless other users report their keys not working for said game, its probably not the dev revoking keys.
Since the winner said the 2nd key was also invalid, leaves me to believe they are a liar. (unless they have some good positive feedback on their profile)
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Never trust feedback on a profile,and never trust a person by a profile alone no matter the level or games i think it just a dishonest person
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I looked at his profile, and saw that he had 0 rep (Positive OR negative).
He's also got a 30 won GAs/4 Sent GAs ratio.
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Well i was mostly meaning do not trust the rep on a profile as it can be faked real easy and also any comments can be deleted so any dishonest person would remove them,not saying this person is just saying no matter what never trust it,unless you really know or trust the person.
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Although one can't delete negative rep on their ST profiles... But yeah, never met the user before, only knew him because he did win my GA, so expectations = low.
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Maybe the winner does not have it on his account because it was activated on another account,Maybe he is lied and traded it,i guess you will never really know this is one of the down sides to this great site,you never know for sure if someone is trying to scam you of keys unless you have some proof.
Most people will be honest and lucky i have not run into any people claiming a key did not work,This is why i liked humble old ways,sure keys are easier but at least with the links you could see what account it was activated on and had proof if it really was used.
Though i am thinking this person got you for 2 keys,and also that bonus game you gave him for his trouble in the end they might have got you for 3 games.This is the down side to the honor system always a few with no honor or morals who will try get you for keys.Though i could also be wrong i am just saying what are the odds of two random keys not working and yet the first GA winner had no issues.
Good luck and may this not happen again
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A little more research he did reveals that there have been a few issues with the Chaos Ride steam keys from DIG (DailyIndieGame), so that might be the issue in itself... Well, according to later posts on this discussion, anyways:
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Well they may be telling the truth i was said they may be dishonest before by just on what you posted,and just because they sent a lot gifts does not mean they are honest and trustworthy i have seen high level people on here pull shady things,also seen one who posted 4 games from a free ga to boost cv.
Anyhow the way it stands i think you did all you can do and i would leave it at that and just count those keys as used or can try contact the developer but since it been removed and what not i am not sure how much luck you will have with said keys.
In the end i am just saying either they are truthful or they are not,and it hard for me to say either way for sure.As i could see them pointing to that post just to make it seem they are honest.They could be doing because they are trying to show that they are honest but still i am leaning more towards not being honest.Either way this will end in a mark for not giving a game but it just one slot or you could try contact support and show them you tried to fix it and maybe they will be on your side.
Good luck and still in the end what a deal,i mean either way you think you could be right or wrong,tough choice as to which side to take,lie or truth
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I honestly don't know myself if I'm right or wrong in this entire scenario, tbh...
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I'm working on that right now, kn00tcn. Depends on what he can send me, though...
Edit: Oh, yeah, there was that screenshot he sent me, in the description...
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Okay, you might remember a small giveaway for 2 copies of Chaos Ride I did not too long ago. The first winner seems to have activated his key with no problems, but here's where I have no idea what happened.
You see, 2 days later (Or so, idk), the second winner of that GA contacted me, saying that the key I sent him didn't work. Here, I thought I had just accidentally forgotten that I traded it to someone else or something like that, so I let him choose any game from my list of bundle keys while I tried to get him another Chaos Ride steam key on Steamtrades.
Later that day, my friend had gotten another steam key from someone for Chaos Ride, since I basically told him about my situation while asking him "You know anyone who has Chaos Ride for trade"?. So, I tried sending the second winner the steam key I got from my friend, and... That one, according to the second winner, didn't work either...
Here's the thing that really bothers me, though: The second winner's region is Brazil, so the problem can't be region restrictions on those keys... I know he couldn't have been lying to me about the fact that those keys are duplicates, because I still can't find the game in his library, even after I gave him the second steam key I had gotten from my friend. There's no way the key in question that I got from my friend could have been invalid/duplicate from the start, as he stated that he got that key from a user on his friendslist he's done possible hundreds of game trades with. The second winner couldn't have been deceiving me and keeping them to himself for trade, because I had another user who lives in the U.S. Region and didn't own Chaos Ride try the key I got from my friend, and he also said it was a duplicate. The only other explanation I have for this is that the dev made all unused keys invalid when he removed the game from steam, kind of like what happened to all unused Gearcrack keys, but this doesn't explain why the first winner managed to activate his key onto his account with apparently no problems.
So this leaves me to ask, steamgifts: What the hell's going on? 1 invalid Chaos Ride is understandable, but 2 Chaos Ride keys back-to-back? No, I have no explanation for such a thing....
Update 1: I got a screenshot of the invalid Chaos Ride key directly from him:
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