TL;DC. (Too long; Don't Care.) :P
[EDIT] I actually DID read it, believe me or not.
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This is why we can't have nice things (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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this is what the sri lankan president did (im sri lankan and come from there but now live in aus) he sent out vans and stuff to kidnap and kill who badmouthed him and also cheated i nthe election. I know this stuff, my dad was in the police for over 20 years and he had an important role i nthe police so he told us these things when the election and stuff popped up on tv
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TL;DR: He made a post pointing out that the SG staff wasn't good in his opinion. Resulting in a ban. He thought this was unfair, so he posted a 632 words thread about this.
That's about it.
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He is willing to strip that person's babies. He's a pedo, of course.
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Ahhh, the magic of Google Translate...
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I may read it a second time. I thought it was rather captivating towards the end. Although there may have been a little too much foreshadowing I really knew what was going to happen before it did. The main character was a little tasteless as well. All in all though this was my favorite Lord of the Rings book.
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If its any consolation, I hear DeltaBladeX might become a support member. Who doesn't like him? And we can't entirely blame support. I'm sure this volunteer work gets pretty stressing at times. If anything, you can always leave feedback and hope for the best.
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He's one of the most agreeable, liked, nice members on the site. I challenge you to find 1 mean post from him.
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You'll have to go? then more of a reason for delta to join support. Delta I'm counting on ya!
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So, you think actions occured outside of SG's forums besides that one "critique" deserve bringing them up on a forum full of people that may/may not/may not give a shit about a particular situation between a member and an admin/mod?
I'm not saying i do care/i do not, but if this is really the case, if this "abuse" you call keeps happening, then why not just settle it with the person itself, instead of throwing it out publicly? That's not exactly a good way to solve the issue, a few PM's, or using a third person in a conversation as a medium could've settled this, so basically you're not portraying yourself to be any better (not that you have done explicitely).
TL;DR: Avoid the drama, talk this with the admin, and don't bring those who don't know about what's going on, it only makes things worse.
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From what I understood, it sounds like his attempts to deal directly with the person or his superiors wasn't providing any results. I don't know enough about the inner workings of support to know who he's talking about though :P
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Seems like most of this started based on a friend of a mod; however the banning and all of that could've been easily discussed internally.
There's no point fighting fire with fire, that way things will keep on escalating; but being as he doesn't seem to care and he's leaving either way, then this whole post was only made... for what? Raising awareness for a very specific situation between a member and a mod?
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No actions I did outside of SG previous made that staff member perm ban me on this site - I've already previously talked with the admin, since he was nice I consider one more attempt with this site, but no fat chance it's gonna happen due to my every word being monitored and analysed like the NSA trying to control the world, makes me laugh...
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That shouldn't be surprising really, after a member has an issue with a mod, a good course of action would be to monitor the user in question; However that defensive stance you're taking plus the barrage of statements you've made don't seem to help your cause.
Talk it again with the mod, keep it private, and stay low for the time being, eventually any witch hunter will go away, and you'll be able to get back to the forums without feeling harrased.
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Agreed. And regarding the mod in question ... c'mon, he's pretty straightforward. It's obvious that this action isn't going to play well. It's just dumb to try to escalate. You reap what you sow.
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I've never had an issue with any staff member and have never found any of them to be unfair or abusive of their role.
They put up with a lot of BS for a role they do for free as a benefit of the community. They may be "Support" but they are also members and they should be able to swear or whatever just like anyone else.
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Nice, looks like I can shorten my blacklist. Bye bye.
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...Oh hey look that staff member is in my friends list. I didn't even realize that xD
I just don't like it when people go on disrespecting a strict staff without hard proof. I've moderated several things, and having done so, I know what it's like to just be accused of stupid shit. Therefore, I try to defend staff unless I know that thing is true. I challenged you because I had seen no such conduct that you had accused, and therefore I had reason to believe what you said was either exaggeration or just plain false.
(Oh, and that staff member and I rarely talk. I didn't "tip them off" or whatever you wanna call it.)
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You mean, telling people they broke rules when they broke rules? They don't read the rules here, then even fail to read the bit of text there.
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You obviously never get to see the kinds of crap they deal with daily. The stories they could tell you...
You might not like that member of Support, but not everyone is going to be friendly when they deal with constant idiots. What matters is they do their job. You can't deny that user does deal with a lot of people. I've had them respond to my tickets in the past, and from what I've heard, they save their worst behaviour for the kind of user who breaks rules, but seems to think they should be allowed so, for 'being a generous user' (aka, one or two bundle games usually). People who don't learn, no matter how often they go through a suspension.
As for language, this site has no rules against it last I checked, though taking it to extensive amounts could get something. I've never seen the member in question do it excessively.
Now, poop bugger hell ****.
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I'm not trying to start trouble here, and have no dog in this fight. I have no idea what the OP did or what s/he is trying to accomplish, but I will say that your defense of poor behavior towards all based on the actions of others seems...well, like an excuse.
I deal with the public daily. And I deal with some major league assholes. But I don't assume every customer is also an asshole. Because...well, they aren't. And if I ran my business by assuming everyone was an asshole and treating them like one, then I wouldn't have much business. I also understand that there is scant repercussion here and damn near no one is paying anything. :)
But why support would be excused for being in any way unreasonable with another person because another unrelated person (or even related) is treating them poorly is some piss poor logic. And quite frankly, a good sign someone isn't mature enough to handle a supervisory role, voluntary or otherwise. Perhaps I've misunderstood.
Everyone is human and makes mistakes. But I also believe that excusing poor behavior by pawning it off on the behavior of others is pretty weak sauce.
I'll retreat to my normal lighthearted fare (minus any thread Castiglia starts ;) now.
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I know you're talking on principle, but keep in mind that:
1) The standards here are different from your job; this isn't really the real world.
2) in this case, the OP is also someone who has been booted from groups, so he's not exactly an angel worthy of defense; in many cases those posting threads angrily announcing their departure are entitled little shits who are at fault and do not acknowledge their errors.
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Hm yeah I've pretty much left as well due to the mostly-shitty staff and the absolutely awful community
I'm still sticking around for the giveaways, though, and I'll probably make a couple more threads
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Pretty sure none of the staff members could be classified as kids.
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I'm watching a korean drama right now and it's strangely similar.
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Can't be nearly as melodramatic as a Korean drama. This is more like a cat fight.
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You know what, fuck it. I'm done with this shit. Azza, here's your fucking permanent. I'm sick of you. That suspension was a final warning to stop bringing this shit up. You're acting like there's a witchhunt against you but you keep making the witchhunt happen by constantly referencing the crap and twisting it because you absolutely refuse to understand what you did wrong.
For everyone else, check back on this post. Fuck the calling out rule, Azza wants the story told, Azza gets the story told, as much of it as is left available. I'm absolutely sick of users twisting their suspensions as a way to paint support in a shit light just because they're whiny little fucks or just too stupid to understand. It happens all the time and Azza's just the one that refused to let it go.
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Well, with a little help, he did what this topic said he would, and it is always good when OP delivers.
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Power to yah. People need to treat support with the respect they deserve.
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I support this comment. I believe the proper handling of this should have just been a permaban and close the thread and be done with it.
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In any other incident, that would be exactly what happened. However, this one is a long story and I am absolutely tired of it. I'm sick of people thinking they can treat the rules and the moderators like shit (no, not just me, this is in response to people treating all the moderators like shit) and thinking they're innocents when they finally cross the line. Azzaboi should never have been allowed to make this post in the first place.
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I just want to say goodbye and good riddances!
I will probably no longer use this account to access this site, due to staff behavior and making up of rules to attempt to silence thoughs who question it. You either need to seriously reupdate your rules and have - No negative feedback about SG allowed, printed in big red letters or get rid of some more of your staff members.
They will probably attempt to ban this account just for this post, proving my point even more.
If I'm still around it will be completely anonymous and undetected anyways, just try and find me.
I would like to WARN anyone using this SteamGifts, not to post any negative comments (inside or outside of SG), including creative criticism to improve this site's bullshit staff management!
The latest example of this...
(I didn't create this topic nor attempt to start anything, was just assuming they might of been restructuring/improving their staff after previous questionable actions and agreeing to another member's post)
My Post:
True some members may do stupid stuff, make mistakes, or completely deserve it...
(This was referring to myself and others, agreeing yes we sometimes deserve it)
However, it's like certain support is fueling their little fire with gasoline and throwing some fireworks into the mix, expecting it to simply go out rather than completely blowing up in their hand. They use abuse, swear and insult to demand respect, then turn around and wonder why they don't get it... They don't even set a good example, if anyone else does what they do, they simply throw a fit and the ban hammer. They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them.
(I never called out or broke any rules here, just voiced my own opinion of what I have dealt with in the past)
A buddy on the staff member's friend list asks me for proof, which I ignored and leave the post not to start a war. However, that didn't matter, a couple days later...
Got a 2 days suspended for inappropriate behavior (for don't start... predicting a future crime, wow + so-called lying in that post) + 7 days extention for the hell of it, from the same staff member I was referring to but never mentioned.
The lying "They beg and even troll for others to make a mistake just so they can throw their power hungry control at them." might of been a misassumption due to the fact that the staff member's friends alway reply back and the comments/posts/abuse on his/her own steam profile to other members.
This is one example of what I was referring to as trolling and considering it all a game:
Just because I stopped, he calls me again a lier and considers it all a game...
I won't bother with the pages and pages of abusive name calling / swearing / insults and looking down on others from the same staff member.
That staff member is still here and abusing his/her or whatever it is... powers and control, making up rules that suit his/her own needs.
I have dealt with this behavior in the past... Scientology continues its war against critics who speak out and tell their negative stories of it.
I'm an activist and don't stay idlely by - specially when it affects others. Before this staff member in question showed up, I didn't have a problem with how this site was managed, yes they where firm but just. However, now it looks like all the good staff is leaving and the crap remains.
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