From a story / lore perspective I have to agree with you on that one. I loved the story in WC3 and it was one of the reasons I got into WoW. (I'm no longer a WoW player but I do love Hearthstone).
Illidan and Thrall are my fave characters.
The Warcraft lore is and will probably always be something close to my heart.
Out of curiosity, do you play Hearthstone? If so, do you always play with Illidan in your deck?
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I played Hearthstone quite a lot about 3 years ago. I only really played Control Warrior deck and Illidan had no place in it as he was a weak card. Then I quit due to game being too relied upon RNG :(
Lore is also the reason why I'm sticking to WoW even though I don't like MMOs, I wanna live that wonderful story even though Legion has been really brutal so far :)
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For some reason I always preferred Illidumb to Malfurion ¯_(ツ)/¯
He's so dumb it's adorable, like seriously. SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU STAHP IT ¯_(ツ)/¯
Not playing Legion myself but all the stuff they're doing to the lore is so good imo atleast. A lot of ;_; moments so far but I guess that's good to move the narrative forward?
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Yea he's really dumb and stupid for being obsessed about Tyrande (I would love to kill her if it was possible :P) but I love him anyway <3 :)
Legion is fantastic so far. It's truly my most favourite expansion to date. After such a big step back with Warlords of Draenor it was seriously time let the story progress for once :)
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I hate that they have turned Tyrande into a sniveling obnoxious temperamental teenager she's supposed to be an Amazonian avatar of the Moon spirit, so yeah they can kill this version off for all I care >:} Same thing for Jaina (Dalaran handover quest thingy made me so angry at the writing)
While it's great you're enjoying it. and I can see why tbh, but people felt the same way about WoD at launch. It would be prudent to wait till they release the raids and stuff (Yes, I'm being a Debbie downer D:)
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I actually did enjoy WoD at launch too, I enjoyed all expansions so far with the exception of Pandaria. My main problem with WoD was that it didn't progress the lore, instead it made everything all the more confusing.
It was so not necessary to revive my most favourite orc Grommash, make him your biggest enemy and then turn him into an ally just like that. His story already ended in a glorious way in Warcraft 3. Whole thing was unnecessary in my opinion, that being said I still enjoyed it :D
I won't even talk about Tyrande any further. She just makes my blood boil. So does Jaina and I used to like her :(
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Actually there are 2 names for those weapons and both are correct but I put in the most famous and frequently used one among WoW community (at least from my own experience). You could be missing a suffix. A WoW friend got that question wrong because he didn't add the suffix and instead used singular word instead of the plural one.
Edit: I'm glad you got the answer right in the end :)
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It's been 14 years since Reign of Chaos was released. I played it during my childhood too, shortly after it was released. I didn't play Warcraft Orcs vs Humans at the time but my Warcraft adventure started with Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness. After playing Warcraft 3, I finished the whole series starting from Orcs vs Humans. Brilliant story and amazing gameplay. :)
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What's the format for the famous quote question? Do I need to use quotation marks or not? Most of the others were pretty easy to do by memory but I'm having a bit of a rough time with that one since the question doesn't have one direct answer.
Also bump :3
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Don't play WoW because i think its a disgusting game gameplay wise and money grab wise but i know him from HOTs and i looked up his lore because i playing him
Only #3 left got the rest
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I personally don't think it's a disgusting game but I truly hate the grind and I don't enjoy MMOs generally. The reason I'm sticking to it is because I want to see what happens following the events of Warcraft, my most favourite RTS of all time, by myself. I don't wanna see it on Youtube, I want to be involved in whatever happens in the story :)
I started playing Heroes of the Storm just because I wanted to play Illidan but then I fell in love with Abathur :P I kinda stopped playing any other hero at that point, I still carried my Illidan to level 10 even though his master skin is horrible :)
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I like MMO's just think its stupid to pay 60$ for a expansion and 15$ a month to play. Also the gameplay isn't that good for that price the combat looks kinda plain too me with not a lot of skills and not much customization in the skill tree
I have never played warcraft always wanted to but always forgot
Abathur is awesome aswell just love the Mine kills and killing players while you are on a minion
and got #3 so bump!
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Thanks for the giveaway, had The Talos Principle wishlisted for a long while now. Fun quiz too! I had to do a bit of research as well, since I never played World of Warcraft, but Warcraft 3 (and The Frozen Throne) is definitely one of my favourite games ever! I still go back to it sometimes.
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Hello SG community. This is my first ITH puzzle so I hope I did everything correctly. The game I am giving away behind this quiz is Talos Principle and the level restriction is 3+.
Talos Principle is a masterful game, I spent around 40 hours to get 100% completion on it including Road to Gehenna DLC. I had such a blast playing the game that it quickly became my most favourite puzzle game of all time. One of the most important factors to make it so is not the puzzles themselves but the philosophical discussions I had with the AI and the symbolism within the game. Incredibly well done.
So, I wanted to do a giveaway for this special game using someone who is even more special than anything else: Illidan Stormrage from Warcraft. I've been an Illidan fangirl since Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and in the past 3 years he's even saved my life in a way I can't explain in public or even private for that matter but he really did. I am currently alive because of him, so I figured "Why not host a GA hidden in an Illidan quiz". The quiz is not really hard, with a bit of research you can find the answers to all questions and maybe learn a little bit about him.
You can access the quiz here. The giveaway will be ongoing for a week.
Feel free to share Illidan related fan art, gif or wallpapers in the comments if you like but it is not necessary by any means. I probably have all of them :D
I strongly recommend watching Blizzard's Illidan focused Harbingers episode. Too much awesomeness :D
Update: 8th question had 2 correct answers but as I'm quite new to ITH I didn't know how to add the 2nd answer without making the other answer a requirement so I initially added one answer. I guess all I had to do was press Enter and write the other answer on a new line. This question is fixed now and both answers should work. I'm so sorry about the inconvenience this question has caused :(
Update: 4th question and its answers have been revised. Multiple versions for the correct answers have been added. QUOTATION MARKS ARE NOT NECESSARY!
Update: 1st question only requires the zone as the correct answer. Name of the town isn't necessary, only the zone.
Hint for Q3: Before he transformed into a demon Illidan had something only a few other Night Elves have. This made him unique and stand out among most of other Night Elves (again in his PRE-DEMON FORM). The answers are staring at you right in the face! :D
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