Is this game good?
I gave it about 3 hours of playtime on my PS4. It wasn't bad by any means, it just felt ... uninspired. But then that's how I've felt with all the Dragon Age titles. The longest I played one was Origins, and I only got halfway through before I put it down.
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idk if i should get game, because some people swear by how amazing it is, but then some people also say its a beautiful piece of garbage
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I have a few friends who really loved it. The nice option about the console is you can rent the game to test it out for awhile first. Or in my case, I borrowed it for a weekend from a friend.
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Electronic Arses, 'nuff said.
I never touched any game of that franchise. :-)
Where is potato answer. :-(
I know my post is crap and will only help you if you want to avoid EA.
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If you keep in mind that W3 overshadowed pretty much any other AAA 3d rpg open world/multi-region open world RPG released prior to it and even after, you can ejoy it. Luckily, I played Inquisition first, so was still fun. But keep in mind the story is not near as interesting, the NPCs are not near as remarkable, and almost everything else is a step below.
It was not GOTY material, it is a forgettable game and it is just ok, but it is fun.
And I don't care about combat that much, tbh. And it was by no means bad. It is even interesting as it tries to emulates the feeling of the crpgs combat, with tactical pauses and such.
I don't know why some people say its bad. People say Witcher 3's combat is bad, and I loved it. It is more tactical, if you try to hack'n'slash your way through it, it will not work.
Perhaps those complaints comes from people who don't have the enough patience to use everything that the combat mechanics offers, or try to play their own way hack'n'slashing instead of learning how the game wants you to play.
Inquisition don't have the most fluid combat, the hitboxes are not perfect and your hits don't bring that instant rewarding feeling some hack'n'slash games have, but by no means its bad. It is what it is. You won't have more fun because of the combat, but you will get through it.
But because its fluid and fun as killing mobs in Diablo 3, it doesn't mean its bad.
EDIT If you like RPGs in general, you should play it. The chances you will at least like it are high. Unless you have other priorities, in this case, don't need to be in a rush. The game is ok, its good, its fun, but its not going anywhere and will not change your life or blow your mind in any sense. This game is totally not high priority material, more like wishlist material.
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I have to agree with that, it was definitely overshadowed by Witcher 3. However it depends on whether or not you like BioWare games and the genre in general. I am a huge fan of BioWare so I enjoyed Inquisition almost as much as I enjoyed the witcher (which I've been a long time fan of as well!)
So it's honestly a matter of your interests. I found the characters to be likable and memorable, the story was enjoyable and the voice acting was superb as usual. I guess you could rent it or borrow it from someone, see how that goes then decide?
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I don’t know what the witchers games have but I own the 3 of them, and I haven’t been able to complete a single one, the one that kept me playing longer was 3, its beautiful and fun, but it has something that drives me away and I don’t know why, and I’m a guy that usually replays a lot of games (beaten mass effect 1, 2 and 3 like 2 times, dragon age origin and dragon age 2 like 3 times...) I think I’m a bioware guy I don’t know why but they games make me stay hours sitting on the computer in a Sid meiers weird way of "1 more quest and ill go to sleep"...
But i agree with you on the artistic/graphic part, some things of the combat and some mechanics of the game the witcher 3 its better than dragon age 3, but there are aspects of the game that are better on dragon age like the storyline the conversations of your partners are hilarious, some cutscenes of the game are great... Witcher 3 probably gets better after some hours but has something about the story that is not that appealing... I like the Hero of the great catastrophe or whatever that dragon age always wield, but the "rescue this girl you know" story of the start of witcher 3 it’s not enough for me... and W3 world it’s kind of lonely and grim that’s fine for some time but when you know it’s like 120 hours of that... This is obviously my personal feelings, probably the W3 story its better but the game doesn’t invite me to keep playing...
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Probably because Witcher 3 is more sandbox and Dragon Age is a bit more linear. Witcher 3 have more exploration and more freedom. Perhaps you felt like roaming for no reason? I think you might change your mind if you give it more time! I really do! I can imagine that for someone that might be not exciting, but hear me out.
I cannot agree that storyline and cutscenes are better on Dragon Age. Witcher's story is not only great itself, but in what it exceeds other is the way the game tells it. It is probably the most cinematic kind of emotion any RPG ever made me feel.
Also, the story is not that simple as it seems. I cannot say much to don't spoil it for you, but lets say that those main motivation is only an arch to a lot more background stories, and even this arch develops itself in something bigger.
You probably didn't played enough, which I can understand if you don't liked how it started. Even tho I loved Witcher 3 from the start, there is games that I'm not liking that much but when I force myself through the first hours I start to fall in love with.
And it will not be 120 hours of that, I guarantee. Specially when you're doing quests and side-quests, that are more interesting than in any RPG I've ever played. They're not fetch-quests, every quest is unique, some of them are fun, some of them are deep, and even a lot of side quests gives you different ways of finishing.
So you always feel like you're doing something important, going somewhere important. There is always a feeling of rush, of "damn let me get that fast cause I want to see what happens now!!! I want to see how this quest's end will turn out to be!!!". You really get hungry for more quests, side or main. Because they are just that good. Once you're hooked, nothing will feel like just roaming around. Everywhere you go you will go for a reason.
If you don't like the travelling, there is always fast travel.
Perhaps if you give Witcher 3 another try and more time, you may change your mind. Or not. But I really suggest you giving it another chance, just because there is a risk you might love it!
You might not like it as much as you like DA, cause its a personal choice, but I think its a crime against RPGs fans (I'm assuming you're one) if you don't give Witcher 3 really a try. :D
EDIT: One of my favorite RPG franchise is ME, so I can understand what you like about it! As an ME fan, and having ME2 as one of my favorite RPGs of all time, I can say there is a lot for you in W3!
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I can agree sorta with DA having better companions and writing, but I loved the Witcher 3 specifically because they tried really hard and they succeeded, I felt invested deeply into the storyline, something usually only BioWare games succeeded in achieving with me. But I'm a BioWare gal too so I understand where you're coming from. I have to agree with Dodi88 though, give the Witcher 3 a chance, it's really good.
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I am currently playing it, and I’m lost in it (in a good way)... I had an old save with like 20 hours in it, and decided to do a fresh start, and i had now 3 days non-stop xD
The game has a really slow beginning but after some of the main missions it became great, I don’t know how the game is in consoles i only have it on PC since last year, but now I have finally the time to try and finish it... The game last year had a pretty bad combat, it wasn’t really well thought for PCs, you had to fucking click the left button every time you wanted to attack (wtf really EA/Bioware what were you thinking?), but later on they patched that and now the combat it’s a pretty good mix between dragon age origins and dragon age 2, (which is good).
I totally recommend it, the story is great, there are some mechanics of the game that are meh (specially the time waiting part like a fucking Facebook game) but you can put those meanwhile you do some exploring and quest grinding, I’d really like to have a "go to war table" button in the middle of a random map, because is kind of annoying to sit a quest just to do some missions on the war table to go back to where you were...
But I got to say the game has a great story, a great combat (now that they fixed it), and it’s fun, that at the end it’s the important part.
I’d wait for a black Friday discount or Christmas sales on origin, they aren’t that bad and you could get the Goty one that got all the new expansions… I’m going to buy those this Christmas sale :D
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IF I'm not mistaken, EA/Origin offers you 6 hours of playtime in Single Player as trial and after it you can purchase the game and keep playing it.
I personally played it only for 4 hours of that trial time before I dropped it, game just felt too much of a MMO to me to play it atm since I just quited playing MMOs.
So if you dont mind the big download you can give a try to the trial version .
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I loved Origins, played it twice. Dragon Age II was alright, consoly but overall still enjoyable to me. Inquisitions feels like an MMO, there are a lot of pointless fetch quests and you don't need to do them all. The rest of the game is fine. I haven't finished it yet, but the one thing I love about DA games is the interactions with your companions, and they kept all that in, so I was happy. There are some new features added but they're alright I guess. At the end of the day if you love RPG games it's worth a shot.
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I played it, and honestly I wasn't impressed. It didn't really feel anything like previous DA games. I mean, it was alright I guess, but when you expect one thing, and get another it tends to leave you underwhelmed. I admit though, that I didn't complete the game. In fact, I didn't get very far into the game at all before switching it off and uninstalling due to my disappointment.
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I'm quite biased towards bioware games (and dragon age in general), so I loved it, but if you're going to get it I suggest waiting for the goty edition, better than what I did pre-ordering the deluxe edition then buying the dlcs one by one...
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I finished it twice, at the beginning I was mostly disappointed, but now I think the game is good, with its strong and weak points. DAO is one of my most favorite games, and I liked Dragon Age II, once I got used to it, but DAI is different from them. It was intended as MMO at first, and all the boring MMO parts remained it it. I like that the game is beautiful, dynamic, have interesting characters and skills. I wouldn't call it Game of the year, but it is definitely worth trying.
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I played it on the XBox One and loved it. But like someone else mentioned, I love the Bioware games. The dialog, the story, the characters, the setting, it's all just amazing. Inquisition is huge though and there's a little bit too much filler for me but overall it was outstanding.
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Yes. I enjoyed it immensely and it is one of my favorite games ever. It runs well on my terrible laptop and looks impressive. The writing, lore, and characters are superb. The combat is decent, but looting stuff everywhere can get a little repetitive.
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The story is half-way decent, and is particularly gratifying in the end story for anyone who enjoyed the first DA. I enjoyed it, but found that on the PC it is glitchy as hell. And the progression of skills and combat from the original continues the downward slide. I got it for half price and that was a reasonable value.
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thinking about getting this game, it seems to have good reviews but then i read that some people find the combat to be really bad, what do u guys think?
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