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Hahaha great pic, also even better profile pic!! <3 Zim
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Done and thanks for the suggestion for a possible case in the future
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About free games just a thought
there was for example Coffin Dodgers free for a short period with like 5000 keys or so,
These where gone real fast and not everyone had a chance to get one.
In such cases should it still be possible to GA such games to give the "not so lucky" still a chance to win these ?
Maybe with 0 Points to enter and not counting for CV level but just as "free" GA ?
Just my 2 cent
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I really think this should be implemented for all games that are not permanently free. No CV gain but you can still make GAs for them, I mean. It doesn't make sense not to.
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Doesn't the report system only generate one ticket per user, and it adds on/bumps the more people report it though?
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More food for the blacklist! >:3
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It would most probably be easier and less time consuming for SG support that some people here on SG wouldn't love to backseat moderate so much!
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There's a little bit of a difference between Backseat Moderating and reporting people who break the rules. If you expected the community to just sit back and do nothing it would probably be more time consuming for support, I mean they would have to literally read every single thread from top to bottom, look through every single giveaway comment made, search every single GA recipient and make sure they activated the game, make sure it was the game that the GA was created for and not something else, etc..
I do think that creating a single ticket for every user giving away a game that is being given away free is going a bit too far, but if it wasn't for users reporting games being bundled, hatespeech in the forums, people calling GA's fake, et al. there would be a lot more chaos going on than there this on this site.
Love of wanting a community to be clean, respectful and obedient of the rules is not a bad thing.
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According to these figures in the link below there are more than 720 000 SG users to date. If only a slight portion of those users submit a ticket for the same thing like free games being given away on SG, what is in fact a very bad thing one can do on SG and that most SG users should be aware about by just reading the FAQ, then it's normal that the SG support is clogged up above the shoulders...
I just say let the moderating be done by the official SG support and not by unofficial backseat moderating that only flood support by a flood of redundant tickets and the worst thing about it is, I've seen it so much before here, that some on SG realy like to presume that they have some moderating powers when it's totally not the case.
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I don't think it's so much they presume they have moderating powers as they just want people to be held accountable for breaking the rules. I mean, if someone steals your car you don't stand there waiting for a cop to show up and file a report do you? Now, if you are driving and you see a 5 car pile up with ambulance and fire department already close enough to hear the sirens you're not going to call 911 still are you?
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No, it's more like that in real life when your not a policeman, a fireman or a medic you don't play as one or impersonate them as in my country it's a felony to do so. I reiterate that moderating on SG should be done only by official SG support and by nobody else as it's makes for a SG support traffic jam that is time consuming for SG support, also the time that SG support looks into these redundant tickets takes away time they could use for other tickets. That clogging of SG support is what bobofatt states in his OP.
Do you really think that SG support won't see the guy that is giving away a free game that just was given away for free on Alienware or anywhere else?
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From the bigger sites? No, I don't think they will miss that. But there are plenty of things that they can and will miss. The fact that there are people who every day who are found to have broken rules in the past with never being caught shows that.
In your example, the people creating tickets would have to be leaving messages for users threatening them of sanctions and actions against them. That would be pretending to be the police or a medic, etc. Nobody here that I'm aware of is threatening users with suspensions or bans, they're simply filing tickets to report violations of rules in the way that the website tells them to. Bobo's post is just simply saying submit a ticket about the Free Game not about every copy of the Free Game being Given away.
Simply filing a ticket to say "2500 keys of X Game were given away on RandomWebsiteHere" is a lot different than searching for the GA's of free game, filing a ticket for each user and sending them to support. The problem isn't users reporting violations or things that support should know about, in fact they encourage you to submit tickets for games that have been bundled or highly discounted since it's often missed the last I knew, but the problem is how the users are reporting the violations.
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I have seen enough people saying to other members you can do this or that otherwise you gonna get this or that, when each member here with a few mouse clicks can know what the SG rules are and what the SG FAQ is. I personally have trust in what SG support does and I personally would never point or borderline call out another member on SG rules as they should and could know what they are. Some SG members don't have that trust in SG support and are waiting or actively searching the threads so they can report other members to SG support. I have seen members here belittling and pointing out other members like if they had moderating powers but when those same members are on the proverbial 30 yards line themselves then they forget the rules they pointed out...
TL DR: It's your prerogative to make tickets to SG support as it mine prerogative to trust SG support to do their job without me flooding them with lot's and lot's of copy/paste or redundant tickets.
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No, it's more like that in real life when your not a policeman, a fireman or a medic you don't play as one or impersonate them as in my country it's a felony to do so.
In my country it's illegal to not step in if you can help without putting yourself at risk. You can't claim to be a policeman or a doctor or a fireman, but if there is a fire and you can easily put it out, and don't do it, you can get fined for not doing so (same holds true for a crime in progress, or someone having a medical emergency).
Free games, well that's a "crime" where trying to report it gets in the way of the "law" though, so that would be discouraged, due to how easy it is to check what games are currently being given away, but other "crimes" (re-gifting, posting ref links, that sort of stuff) are a lot harder for the mods to catch, unless someone brings it to their attention.
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If you would do that in my country then you would be held accountable and liable for your actions if something went wrong or someone got hurt. Also the solicitors of said victim would have a field day with you.
I think you might underestimate SG support as I recently reported someone that didn't activate his giveaway from me in the SG rules allotted time and my answer from SG support was: " he's already suspended for non activation of your win."
Clearly SG support is everywhere even without input of backseat moderators and people that report other members for any reason.
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I understand your point, but I would like to direct you to this thread by Khalaq and let you read his own words, this part really sticks out to me:
This site is mostly run by its users, and that is a good thing. It gives SG flexibility and allows for the pursuit of both generosity and fairness However, if we as individuals do not take it upon ourselves to keep things in order and point out abuse when it arises, then it is unfair for us to complain about "how bad it is." We are the ones who choose to either let the mess pile up or clean it.
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We have to rely on tickets submitted by the community in order to maintain certain rules. Especially things like users not activating gifts. There is no automated system for this, and obviously we can't just manually check all users one at a time, so the community has to make us aware of the individuals violating this rule.
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Whatever happened to the old "report giveaway" button? Wouldn't that fix your issue?
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If a game is being given for free and hasn't been removed by staff yet, just send in an "Other" ticket making us aware of the free promotion, if you really feel inclined. Even if you don't send that ticket, more than likely the next staff member online will see the promotion and disable the game and begin deleting the giveaways.
Having several users send individual User Reports for everyone gifting those games just needlessly clogs the support queue.
If you've already submitted such tickets, feel free to close them, thank you :)
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