1) u dont need evidence to prove to steamgifts staff members that you send gift to someone. it does matter if the gift receiver never checks their email. i suggest u add them in person and give key. sometimes mails do get lost.
2) its not against rules to send an email to the winner stating that person won a game. To solve the problem i suggest you add them on steam and give the gift.
3) its not against the rules to only use steam chat to send the steam key. staff wont ask.
4) no evidence needed to prove to send gift to someone unless they didnt mark it received. screenshot of the chat is not enough need to screen shot their library. only when they mark it not received.
Emails are fine to give out keys just remind them to click received.
but i would suggest you adding them to give them the keys.
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Edit: CEO beat me to it.
Regarding evidence, therefore questions 1 and 4, I am not admin so couldn't say for certain. Best thing is to cover yourself as much as possible. Saving things in 'sent emails', taking screenshots, noting dates when things were sent etc.
Regarding 2 and 3, these are not against the rules and are actually sensible. Generally if I have something like a bundle key that I'm not too worried about, I'll email it. If it's a more valuable key I'll deliver it via SteamChat to ensure it gets delivered and activated as per the rules.
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If I was doubting the winner is going to activate it I'll add him, hit him in chat and give they key whit a warning. In 5 minutes I'm going to drop this key, so you'd better activated it by then. Or something like that.
Also doing the stuff by chat is better as you can see who you are dealing with.
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Okay if you doubt a winner is going to activate for some reason, and you threaten to give the key away on the forums if he doesn't in 15 minutes. How do you then prove that you gave the key to him, before giving it away on the forums, so you get your gift marked as received by the Steamgifts staff?
And like I said, what if he doesn't activate, how do you prove to the Steamgifts staff, that you gave the key to him?
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Screenshots of sent e-mails, pending friend requests, (if it's a Steam gift) pending gifts. If the winner activated it, just making a ticket will be enough.
Edit: Or as Peroxide said, screenshots of trade and gift history will be better.
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If they mark it as not received, then you will have to show some sort of evidence.
If it's a key then all you can provide is a screenshot. If it's sent as a gift or traded, then Steam history available for both of those options. (Trades or gifts.)
EDIT: A direct link to the sent gifts isn't working, follow the link I provided, click "Pending Gifts" in the top right and then "View gift history".
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My best advice, is try not to send unless you know they are there.
I always add the person and wait for them to accept. Then I initiate a conversation with "Hey, what's up?" or something that requires them to reply before giving them the key. After I send the key, I state "After you've activated it, if you could mark it as received on SteamGifts, I would appreciate it!" and that way I know for a fact they not only received the key, but know to mark it as received.
I haven't had any issues by doing this, although I do not have that many giveaway either.
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I would follow this exact procedure too. And in case of doubt and if you want to be overzealous take screenshots of the convo and keep them.
Also @OP giveaways involving emailed keys are not usually rerolled. Unless there's strong evidence that the key isn't used.
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What if you email the person first with "Please respond to this email, you are a winner of a giveaway". And do not give the key out in the first email. As I suggested in #2 in the start of the thread. Won't they re-roll it, if you do not give the key out at all, unless the person responds to your email or chat request?
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I'm not online all the time, so unless the person is online the hours I play, I won't be able to contact them. Hopefully I will be able to contact most people thru Steam chat, since that seems like the best way to go, but some people I won't be able to. That's why I was trying to work out a good email solution, that protects me from having unreceived gifts in my account when I actually sent them.
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You making your life to complicated. When someone wins one of your giveaways either use the email provided to sent them the key or click to their SG profile, then click where it says Steam Profile. It will sent you to his Steam profile where you can add him and sent him the key through there. I think adding the winner on Steam to sent him the key is the most common way, and no its not against the rules.
Now, for the part of the proofs that you gave the game, i m pretty convinced that SG staff isnt obsessed with conspiracy and shit, so by being honest and showing them your inventory or a part of your key they would be fine.(I dont think is needed though)
You have one week to complete the action of sending the key and the winner mark it as received. After that week,if the winner hasnt marked as received even though you sent him the key,or any other problem with the giveaway contact support telling them your problem and they ll know what to do and guide you through, they 're good peoplez.
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I actually advise people not to e-mail keys, at least in public giveaways. I suggest e-mailing them informing them they've won and to contact you through Steam. For re-rolls, we ask for screenshots of contact attempts. You have to give them a week to claim it. We don't normally re-roll giveaways where keys have been sent unless the creator has a backup key to give in case it's been used. In worst-case scenarios, we can delete the giveaway, or possibly change the feedback manually if you can prove the gift was sent, etc.. I think that covers most of your concerns.
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Some people here, may of saw my comments on the other thread. While the comments in that thread did not accomplish much, they did however address a serious issue that I think many new users wonder about. What happens when the gift giver can't communicate with the gift receiver, and an item is not marked as received. In my very first week on this site, I kept sending mail to someone who I wasn't sure could even communicate with me, trying to tell them to check their spam email box for the Steam key that I sent them for the game they won. And trying to make sure that they received the game. They finally responded that they didn't receive the key, so I sent it again, this time being careful to leave the words "gift", "prize", and "won", out of the email so it wouldn't go into the spam email box. The item was marked as received. After this incident though, I was left feeling scared about what would happen, if something really went wrong, and I couldn't communicate with the person. I been thinking about this for three weeks and I still have questions about it as a new user, and I'm sure other new users are wondering the same thing. Based on the other thread that I responded to, other people are having similiar problems, or similiar concerns.
So here are my questions:
1st question) What evidence would you need to prove to SteamGifts staff members that you sent a gift to someone, if you use email to send the Steam key? And does it matter if the gift receiver never checks their email? Or does it matter if the email got lost (i.e. sent to spam email)? Or does it matter if the gift receiver's email is invalid?
2nd question) Is it against the rules to send an email to the winner stating that the person won a game, and asking them to please respond so you know their email works, and stating that after they respond you will send the Steam key? This would solve the potential problems of a never checked email, lost email, or an invalid email. You could then safely request a re-roll for a new winner if the current winner never responds, and you will be certain that the Steam key is safe and has not been used.
3rd question) Is it against the rules to only use Steam chat to send the Steam key? Would the staff at SteamGifts ask, why didn't you send it by email? Or even demand you send it by email?
4th question) What evidence would you need to prove to SteamGifts staff members that you sent a gift to someone, if you use Steam chat to send the Steam key or transfer the item from your inventory? Would a screenshot of the chat showing the key being given or item being transferred to the gift receiver, be enough?
I would prefer not to have to use Steam chat to give away all my gifts, since that would involve a lot of hours of chasing down the people. I would prefer to send an email to verify that the person's email works, then send the key, and then have the person click receive.
I would like this thread to be a good spot, where all the new users can get a good answer to these questions.
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