looks like someone dropped some stuff on the ground? there's also a table with a computer showing an input field, instructing you to type a combination of 5 letters and/or numbers, in order to print out a ticket for a train...

you look around the whole area, from left to right.

the first thing you see is a single picture... from what you can tell, you're quite sure it is a Honda, and it's a hatchback... hint: it's two letters, in caps

hint: you examine the picture again, and turns out, there's something written behind it: 1991-1995. maybe you can use this information.

next to it, you see a piece of paper; on it, a character you haven't seen before?? it looks suspiciously like an english letter, though you're pretty sure its not that one, because it looks a little different...
this is what you see: щ hint: it's in lowercase

then, not far from it, there's a little note. it contains 3 words: Pay your Respects. hint: ...the case should be obvious XD

at the rightmost, there is a single number painted on the ground. 7. you wonder why it is there.

lv3+ train with 5 leftover items i dont know what to do with, so i got a weekend junk train going! ends 3 days from now!

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2 hours ago*

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le train is arriving announcement

2 hours ago

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only found 7yr old Batman giveaway ^._.^

1 hour ago

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i dont know how you did that, i tried some QAing and i didnt find any superheroes XD

1 hour ago

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Can’t think of a Honda model that’s only two letters, so I’ll have to skip.

1 hour ago

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maybe i shouldn't make it too hard, i will add a hint...

1 hour ago

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Haha I still have no idea where I’m going wrong. It’s ok they’re probably i games I already have (and I have too many 😅)

53 minutes ago

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bump solved, thank you for the puzzle, the train, and the hints :)

56 minutes ago

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Solved, entered one gib, bump.

41 minutes ago

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30 minutes ago

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Searching the internet I found five possible letter combinations for the car (maybe some websites used the photo to designate the wrong car, or maybe the same car can have different designations in different countries, or maybe I don't know anything about cars and am confused by the reverse search). Regarding the letter щ, I'm not sure if I interpreted the clue correctly.

I'll come back here later to think about it a little more. For now... have a bump! :)

28 minutes ago

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Solved. Thanks for the puzzle.

6 minutes ago

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